View Full Version : A musical story.

Violet CLM
Mar 26, 2001, 08:23 PM
OK, this is my first story in the War Tavern so don't pelt me with rotten tomatos. Here we go:

A musical story: Chapter 1:

Alas! The rabbits are all fallen

though I think that they are just stallen'

to rise again and reclaim their world

which they had until that army Devan unfurled.

The reptilian soldiers took away

the houses of rabbits from the WT to Bombay

and when they were done the houses were burned

until the turtles were knocked out when their backs were turned.

Jazz led a front to take the guns

from the unconscious turtles who had been having fun

and then lead the rabbits to the home

of Devan, who they would blast to kingdom kome.

The rabbit fighters went for the gate

where they were told by a lizard they must wait

until the Geeky Guy had some time

to spare, in his house sublime.

They blasted a way in with the LFGs

that the turtles had had till they fell to their knees

They found Devan in sweet repose

which turtles like, as everyone knows.

He laughed and pressed a button on the wall

which caused a metal cage to fall

around the rabbits! Who were annoyed

that Devan regarded them as little more then toys.

The LFGs were taken away

from the rabbits who had thought to win that day

against the evil reptilian front

who had killed many rabbits in one hunt.

The rabbit army was led to

a dungeon! Which was filled with goo

and slime and icky stuff and mold

or at least, that's what I've been told.

They all were put in seperate cells

including Jazz, who wasn't feeling well

how could he have let them all be taken

and he had thought money he'd be raking

in! From merchandising rights

which he got after all of his fight

with Devan, the geeky turtle guy

and other enemies, by the by.

But instead they had all been taken

and meanwhile Devan was making

an audience with the head killer

who worked for the IRS, as a biller.

to be continued...


Read my "A musical story" in the War Tavern!


Tell me how to make the Jazz Boss that

was used in SXR for my "Easter Eggs"

level in my Carrotus episode. I cannot

finish the episode without the level!


Violet CLM
Mar 27, 2001, 12:30 PM
Jazz looked around his dirty cell

he still was not really feeling well

he saw some water in a cup

and decided on it to sup.

Alas! The WT has fallen

and other rabbits are all callen'

to anyone alive in the mess

of what had been a tavern, and the best.

Hooray! A living foot pokes out

and all the rabbits raise a shout

for it is red and furry and snazzy

could it be? Yes! It is Spazzy!

And Lori is following close behind

out of the ruins with one thought in her mind,

to overthrow the tyrant Devan Shell

and make Carrotus once again well

to be continued...

OK, sorry to make this continuation so short but I want

a few joiners to crawl out of the WT and follow along. All I

need to know is name, pronounciation and weapon. Oh,

and species if you like.

Mar 27, 2001, 01:07 PM
Clap clap claphttp://jazz2.nagcentral.com/forum/images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif!

Mar 27, 2001, 01:17 PM
Ummm... Interesting. Very creative.

Name: BBoy (Bee-Boy)

I'm a blue rabbit w/ a white electrical sword

I wear a brown trench coat.

I have black dogtag with my name on it.

I've got one floppy ear.

(I'm a male)

Violet CLM
Mar 28, 2001, 01:43 PM
Lori picks up her gun and shakes it at

Spaz, who is munching on a hat

which as she says is not a toy

for she recognizes it as belonging to BBoy.

And there! Yes there! Is his black dog-tag

and a floppy ear beginning to wag

and out steps BBoy! With cheers galore

for the suvivors now number one more.

And they leave the ruins and hear the news

that Jazz's fighters Devan made to lose

and now they are all under lock and key

and need recueing! BBoy: "Who, me?"

So BBoy sets out with the jackrabbit siblings

and Spaz, at the time is doing some nibbling

on a bird that flew too close to him today

and is NOT Kazooie, by the way.

Meanwhile Jazz is quite forlorn

knowing he'll be dead before the next morn

and his ego is going from medium to little

then he notices the key on the guard's middle!

So Jazz thinks up a clever trap

then on the jail bars he doth rap

and cries "I'm sick! Oh help me, please!"

and to help his lies he adds a sneeze.

So the guard come in and sets the key down near

and examines Jazz from toe to ear

and says "You liar! You're not sick!"

but Jazz is out already, what a trick.

He locks the guard in Jazz's own small jail

and frees the other prisoners without paying bail

and they all march back to confront D Shell

and then, yes then, their spirits fell.

to be continued...


Read my "A musical story" in the War Tavern!

Eat Tweety!

Is there any fool who would challenge me to a motorized sqirrel race?

Mar 28, 2001, 04:23 PM
Lol, thats funny http://jazz2.nagcentral.com/forum/images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif


Mar 28, 2001, 04:57 PM
That's so cute http://jazz2.nagcentral.com/forum/images/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Accepting joiners? Heh, I wonder wot ever you'd ryme some of our names with http://jazz2.nagcentral.com/forum/images/smiles/icon_wink.gif


Violet CLM
Mar 28, 2001, 05:07 PM

And then in the ruins the spectators did see

a little bunny by the name of Me

whose sole purpose in life was to kill Devan

and then, after that, go to heaven. http://jazz2.nagcentral.com/forum/images/smiles/icon_smile.gif


Into the castle, looking like Yertle,

crept big boy BBoy, disguised as a turtle!

He then saw Devan who said "Don't be coy,

I know that under that disguise you're BBoy."


The second rescue party arrived in much haste

they had decided to destroy the whole place

then they heard "Ha! You'd be lucky

to even get inside, and me? I am Ducky!"


And even as Devan did sleep

in came a spy! Who was called Blacksheep

who had worked for the hares for years and years

hearing Devan's stories and being bored to tears.

Note. None of these will be in the story itself.

Violet CLM
Mar 29, 2001, 01:59 PM
It is too nice to write today

you may beg and plead but still no way

I'm going outside to play while it is light

and maybe I'll write some more when it is night.

Tanpopo Kiku
Mar 29, 2001, 04:37 PM
Hey, pretty good! http://jazz2.nagcentral.com/forum/images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif http://jazz2.nagcentral.com/forum/images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

Violet CLM
Mar 29, 2001, 05:48 PM
For there in front of them was the IRS guy

who made many widows and other people cry

who had killed more people then Jazz does in a day

and is a really big time villain, OK?

Jazz walked up to the IRS guy and said

"Kindly move out of our way if you don't want to be dead

because I have this large army and we are coming through

and if you don't move we shall blow up you."

But the head killer laughed and drew a huge rifle

which even the dumbest rabbit could see was no trifle

and blew off the heads of two nearby bunnies

which none of Jazz's army thought was at all funny.

And the guy laughed some more and blew a hare apart

and then he said "Gunnery, it is an art"

And then what a BANG that gun of his created

and when the smoke cleared, Jazz had evaporated!

(Yes I know that EPIC's aren't supposed to die

and that is not what happened so please do not cry

he reappears later with only singed fur

not only that, he settles the IRS cur!)

At the wall of the castle BBoy was pondering a way

to get inside the place and then save the day

and he began to think that Devan was the luckiest

and to get inside they'd have to cause a ruckus.

And then he had it! His electrical thing!

he had used it to get out when he was in sing sing

and now it would surely destroy the huge door

for Spaz/Lori's guns had done nothing more

then dent it! And dent it and dent it again

and Lori's blaster charges were now down to ten

so he called the siblings away and he sliced at the door

and the force of that slice was remembered evermore.

For the door split asunder! With a shattering sound

that could even be heard in the burnt rabbit town

and the party walked into the castle of Shell

who had once built a time machine and been defeated in h.ell.

Mar 29, 2001, 06:32 PM
Coooooooooooooool http://jazz2.nagcentral.com/forum/images/smiles/icon_wink.gif

Violet CLM
Mar 30, 2001, 06:13 PM
So BBoy went down a long corridor in there

only occasionally breathing in air

for a quite noisy sound could make them all be doomed

and then the three of them heard a big drum being boomed.

(Oh who am I kidding? This topic is going

I can tell that fact from the ill wind that's blowing

oh I'll keep going for BBoy but if a writer's block falls on my head

then I do warn you all, this topic will be dead.

I'm imitating a really great author called Kaven

who keeps updating his stories "Nevermore, quoth the raven"

And now I shall return to you to the musical story

starring Jazz, Spaz, BBoy and Lori.)

BBoy was worried, "Staying together would be the best"

he said that as Spaz was seperated from the rest

because he turned down a corridor and saw the IRS guy

who was telling the rabbits he'd destroy them, a monstorous lie.

Spaz got out his gun and aimed at the baddie

while the IRS guy blew up another rabbit laddie

and then Jazz appeared by Spaz with a grin on his face

"This guy's trying to exterminate our entire race".

Spaz handed Jazz an extra gun that he had

and they pondered what to do while the army was sad

for they were dying by the one from the IRS rifle

which even the dumbest rabbit could see was no trifle.

And they both fired at him at the exact same time

and all that is left of him now is a bit of gun slime

and then the other rabbits cheered while Spaz lead them to

BBoy and Lori, and please don't say 'Who?".

So the four of them had a Hero Reunion

and Jazz found out from the rest just what was doin'

and the whole rabbit army proceeded down a path

which they all knew, yes they knew that Devan hath

a tendancy to walk! Down the path with the air of a king

either that or some other big time royalty thing

and they all lay in wait for him with their guns

behind a statue of Alyeesha von Teesha von Luns.

To be continued... Maybe...


Read my "A musical story" in the War Tavern!

Eat Tweety!

Is there any fool who would challenge me to a motorized squirrel race?

Violet CLM
Mar 31, 2001, 01:01 PM
Two replies, and that is all I ask. http://jazz2.nagcentral.com/forum/images/smiles/icon_mad.gif

(For those of you not aqquainted with Kaven's style that means I'll keep going if I get two replies.)

Mar 31, 2001, 01:47 PM
Me, me! My profile, if you want it, is in the profile thingy that Kiku opened.

May 31, 2001, 01:39 PM

May 31, 2001, 01:40 PM

Violet CLM
May 31, 2001, 02:02 PM
Here is the continuation you never thought that you'd see

a continuation to a musical story

which you all thought was dead from the only one reply

(Which I'm still thinking over, thinking why? Why? WHY?)

The group fell silent as a silent night

and readied their guns, preparing for a fight

against the turtle that they had been anticapating

the shellion guy every rabbit was hating.

But it was not Devan who strode down the hall

just one normal turtle, who appeared to have the gall

to wear a "Rabbits Stink" shirt over his reptilian shell

which got the rabbits' tempers going pell mell.

Crazily, BBoy lunged for the turtle with his sword

and the other armed rabbits followed, because they were bored

of sitting in the hallway behind a statue of concealment.

(You can see that the statue wasn't a source of endearment)

The turtle was shocked, he thought these guys were in jail

he did not know that they had escaped with no bail

and those were his last thoughts before he was blown away

and the rabbits started shouting; "Hooray! Hooray!"

Then Jazz shushed them all, he wanted no search party

to come looking for them (You can see Jazz is a smarty)

so they all were quiet again, and rehid themselves

except BBoy, who was looking at books in bookshelves.

"Yertle the Turtle, written by Dr. Seuss,

a book where the author's imgaination ran loose

for who would think that such a thing could happen

as one turtle going on others, just to see what was hapenin'

in other parts of the world, far away from the place

where Yertle did live, that had a swampy taste."

And as he reinserted the book in the shelf,

a secret passage did open, just big enough for an elf.

So curious, all the rabbits crawled through

and they found on the other side... Can you guess who?

In case you can't, your frustration can stop

for I shall tell you now, it was Coppertop.

Surprised, the rabbit bid them inside

and closed the secret passage, the better to hide

from the evil turtle species, who owned this whole place

but found of Coppertop, not even a trace.

Jazz looked around the home of CT

which was comftorably furnished, as anyone could see

with the normal home furnishings, and stuff like that

but descriptions of houses are kind of old hat.

The first one to speak was Jazz's brother, Spaz;

"Wow, this has better furnishings then my own room has

when we conquer old Devan, can I have this for my room?"

And then outside the hideaway, they heard a gun boom!

They pressed their ears to the wall of the house

making sure, in the process, to be quiet as a mouse

and heard a few turtles arguing over the dead body

of the turtle they'd killed, which no longer looked gaudy.

Aghast, BBoy turned to the Jackrabbit brothers

"We should have made sure he wasn't found by the others!"

and Jazz nodded his head, in silent resignation

knowing he had failed the other rabbits' expactations.

To be continued... http://jazz2.nagcentral.com/forum/images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gifhttp://jazz2.nagcentral.com/forum/images/smiles/icon_smile.gifhttp://jazz2.nagcentral.com/forum/images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gifhttp://jazz2.nagcentral.com/forum/images/smiles/icon_smile.gifhttp://jazz2.nagcentral.com/forum/images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gifhttp://jazz2.nagcentral.com/forum/images/smiles/icon_smile.gifhttp://jazz2.nagcentral.com/forum/images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

Batty Buddy
Jun 1, 2001, 06:46 AM
Que Passa, Me Massa!!!!

I'm Batty Buddy, Kinda cruddy

Doesn't really care.

Devan is a fuddy duddy,

Never any fair!

Spaz, he is a funny bunny,

Monkeying around,

Jazz, he is a fast at running,

Speedier then sound.

This story makes a fellow poet,

Happy in the brain,

Continue soon, or don't you know it,

I will go insane!!!

(Can I be in? My stats are a lot of places, just look around.)

Jun 1, 2001, 05:53 PM
My is name is Kaz

Which sounds alot like Spaz

I use an ordinary blaster

It's not specialness I'm after.

By the way, I'm a bird

You should believe what you've heard.

Jun 2, 2001, 01:03 PM
lol, Kaz and BBoy

(Sorry, no rhyme here)

Violet CLM
Jun 2, 2001, 01:42 PM
BBoy? :P

Jun 2, 2001, 02:28 PM
Oops. http://jazz2.nagcentral.com/forum/images/smiles/icon_eek.gif I mean, Batty Buddy.

Jun 2, 2001, 05:33 PM
CT you piece of kruddy (now that rhymes! =D)

Violet CLM
Jun 3, 2001, 12:22 AM
*Borrows adminastrator hat* NO PERSONAL ATTACKS! *Gives it back*

Jun 8, 2001, 03:19 PM

Violet CLM
Jun 8, 2001, 10:09 PM
Copper, I offer my sincerest apology

I was thinking of other things (Like topology)

I don't want you to think that this story is forsaken

I even did some practice on a J2S poll (Hint, Hint Wakeman)

But I do not have any plot ideas at this time

So I'm merely expressing my message in rhyme

this way the music is kept only not the story.

(Which I am going to continue, it's not beginning to bore me)

So anyway should I bring this reply to a close?

And sit in this chair 'til an imagination seed grows?

Or should I continue, with this mindless rambling

while I should be getting my sleep, for tomorrow's gambling?

Either way this is fun, to think of and type

I can type quite a lot, when my mind is feeling ripe

which it might be, at the moment, I can not quite tell

tell me, do YOU think this post is going well?

No, do not reply yet, finish this first

as if you don't read it all, I may get mad and burst

and if I bursted, I could not continue my works

that seem somehow to please all you War Tavern <strike>dorks</strike> forks.

I called you forks because you have a few similarities

like having a point, which isn't contrary

contrary to what some people may think

who's mathematical reasoning, just stinks.

Another common factor between a fork and you

is that both of you can get in a stew

sort of like the stuff alike in Jazz 2 and Pong.

(That was in a poll, unfurtunately not a song)

This is getting stupid, but I keep it up anyway

considering it might get interesting, (someday)

but it doesn't seem to so I draw it to a close

now read something else, like a face or your toes.

Goodnight I bid you, and also farewell

until the next part of a Musical Story I tell

by typing words that appear on the screen

and for no continuation, do not think me mean.

Jun 9, 2001, 04:18 PM
lol, Unknown! Dat's very funny.

Violet CLM
Jun 25, 2001, 04:15 PM
On the other side of the wall, the turtles bickered

one saying the dead guy had been getting sicker and sicker

and probably died by a natural cause

and nature wasn't punishable by the turtle laws.

The other one's point was the big bullet hole

as the gun on the body had taken it's toll

so as the first arguer couldn't explain THAT away

he angrily said "Well, I guess I must say...

That your time alive is over! Time you were dead!"

and he pulled out a gun and shot the other in the head

which to the listening rabbits, made no sense

why would between turtles, a battle commence?

Then the still living turtle disposed of the bodies

(I won't tell you how, but he did it quite oddly)

and said in a voice that all the rabbits heard

"You can come out. I'm no turtle but a bird."

Coppertop started, suprise on her face

could Kaz have brought that turtle to disgrace?

Or was it an imposter, trying to lure them out

which would only result in another death filled bout?

But the costume was removed, showing underneath an avian

which Coppertop had not seen since a years ago cave in

high up in the mountains, where they had been exploring

when the rocks fell on Kaz, which was not at all boring.

Kazooie walked in the tunnel, waving his wing

and then they all had a big confrence thing

on the best way to unseat Devan from his tyrannical rule

and then they thought of a plan, which they all thought was cool.

To be continued... (I have got to increase the length, but I'm late for something. http://jazz2.nagcentral.com/forum/images/smiles/icon_smile.gif I'll try again soon)