View Full Version : Trigger Scenery

Jun 25, 2005, 08:38 AM
In many levels I play there's a trigger scenery where it doesn't require a trigger crate. You just run over a certain block and the scenery is triggered. When I try to copy this, however, it doesn't work. Most levels just have two "trigger scenery" events with the same ID and some "DON'T USE" events around those. How can you have scenery triggered without a trigger crate?

Jun 25, 2005, 08:46 AM
With this in your JCS.246=Trigger Zone |+|Trigger |Trigger|Zone|TriggerID:5|onoff:1|switch:1
And if you want to know how to use it, click (http://www.jazz2online.com/jcsref).

Jun 25, 2005, 08:50 AM
These triggers have been activated by Trigger Zone events, which are only available if you have version 1.23 or higher. The 1.23 patch can be found on Jazz2Online somewhere, though I have no idea where.


Cooba was faster than me. >O

JelZe GoldRabbit
Jun 25, 2005, 02:26 PM
These triggers have been activated by Trigger Zone events, which are only available if you have version 1.23 or higher. The 1.23 patch can be found on Jazz2Online somewhere, though I have no idea where.


Cooba was faster than me. >O

The magic of the Search button:

Jazz 2 v. 1.23 patch (http://www.jazz2online.com/J2Ov2/downloads/info.php?levelID=572)

While i'm at it, you need an edited JCS.ini file to unlock it. Allow me:

Ninja Dodo's JCS.ini (http://www.jazz2online.com/J2Ov2/downloads/info.php?levelID=105) Note: this .ini will also add some tilesets to the list, without the actual tilesets.

Some only give half the help: I go all the way ;P

- JelZe GoldRabbit =:3

Violet CLM
Jun 25, 2005, 05:26 PM
JelZe: But there's not too much point in linking to the patch if trigger zones already work for Wraith.

Jun 25, 2005, 06:21 PM
I'd like to note that in multiplayer games, trigger crates affect everyone in the server while trigger zones only affect the local players.

Jun 25, 2005, 06:54 PM
I'd like to note that in multiplayer games, trigger crates affect everyone in the server while trigger zones only affect the local players.
An exception is if the player joins the server after the trigger has been activated. When a player is joining, they recieve the server's trigger settings (like, if he activated only trigger 1, only trigger 1 will be automatically activated for joining players).

Jun 25, 2005, 07:04 PM
In response to radium, thats why many levels using trigger systems force you to go through a tube in the beginning of the level to reset the server triggers (Levels like Jailbreak and Assault require this - you don't want the players to receive the hosts (who is on blue) triggers when they are red)

There are also delays in the sucker tubes in those cases, because you can't hit trigger zones right after you join - you need a bit of a delay ( 5 seconds, maybe more) to stop flashing, and then you would be able to hit them. This isnt required in cases when for instance you die in the level, since the only time you cant hit trigger zones when youre flashing is right after you join.

Jun 26, 2005, 03:44 PM
There are also delays in the sucker tubes in those cases, because you can't hit trigger zones right after you join - you need a bit of a delay ( 5 seconds, maybe more) to stop flashing, and then you would be able to hit them.


The problem you are thinking of is the fact that when you join, all triggers are in fact set to 0. After a fraction of a second (depending on latency), your triggers will then be set to whatever the server has. You can actually take advantage of this in some circumstances, and it is rarely a problem because it is so easy to avoid/take advantage of.

Delays are useless.

Jun 27, 2005, 10:45 AM
Yay! It works now!

Thx guys.