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Aug 16, 2001, 10:29 AM
Hiya all, I'm back (again)

*everyone groans*

My new story. . .

I'm not taking any joiners this time, I think. I'll pull a Kovu http://jazz2.nagcentral.com/forum/images/smiles/icon_razz.gif and use the characters from Conquerer. Unless, of course, I really need someone new. . . Then I'll ask you to join.

Aug 16, 2001, 10:44 AM

Coppertop smiled slightly with grim anticipation as the assassin made his quite obvious way towards her employer. He was quite shoddy, in fact- how did one mistake a Kronan who was dressed in black and had a knife in his hand as anything but a very poorly trained assassin? It was beyond her. Unobtrusively drawing her blaster, she waited for him to make his move.

He aimed the knife carefully at her employer's back, and she silently moved through the shadows and raised her weapon. He let fly, then gaped in amazement as a laser knocked the dagger to the ground, melting it. A second well-aimed bolt followed the first, and the assassin gasped as it hit, killing him a second later.

Despite her dangerous work, or maybe because of, Coppertop was and always had been considered as simply an asset. She was tall, dark haired and greeneyed, with a strange accent and a cold manner. She was a bit of a lone wolf, and an excellent pilot. She could of qualified for hundreds of well-paying jobs, but her life was and always would be a mercenary's. She was famous, as many good mercenaries are, but preferred to be in the background. Her slogan was an echo of her life, being 'give no mercy.' Her name had been spread further by her part in defeating the self-styled Emperor Kroys, but she seemed not to even remember that painful time. She aknowledged her companions who had helped her destroy the Kroyan Empire as friends, but no more than that.

Carrotus had been repaired after the devastation and havoc Kroys had wreaked on it, but she'd not been there since Kroys. It brought back too many painful memories.

Memories. . . There were always the memories. And the friendships.

More were to be made.

Aug 16, 2001, 05:30 PM
A classic sequel opening... and usually sequels are great.

No, I'm not going to throw anything at you... like that last misunderstood comment =<.

Kovu aka Alec
Aug 16, 2001, 05:38 PM
I've been PULLED! Woot!

Nothing can go wrong today! http://jazz2.nagcentral.com/forum/images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

Brilliant, a masterpiece sequel in the make

(and I know all about sequels since I'm up to, what, five now?)

Aug 17, 2001, 08:41 AM
YaY! Spiffy, CT, really. http://jazz2.nagcentral.com/forum/images/smiles/icon_smile.gif*beams*


Aug 17, 2001, 08:32 PM
lol, Kovey. . . and thanks, y'all.

Just to let you know, I'm not having chappies in this one. Too strenuous http://jazz2.nagcentral.com/forum/images/smiles/icon_wink.gif

Jassiv Zirconii Sevren, Jass for short, watched the huge glacier birds soaring. Many were headed for the town of Icei, others for Fort Icicle. Iceshadow, his own companion, would come shortly.

The never-ending wind swept the swirling snow about him. The blue rabbit felt the cold seeping through his body. A shard of numbing pain shot up his arm.

The scar was almost healed now. An icy blue against his dark coat, the color of his eyes, the swath of lighter fur was his memorial of his time spent in the shipmines. As a slave.

He'd gotten it protecting that squirrel, the one with the crossbow and the glasses. He'd barely felt it at the time, but now he could never forget it in the cold. Never.

Well, Iceshadow was to take him to the shuttles, where his Starblown would be. Her repairs had cost him a pretty penny, but now he'd do it himself.

Firen. The name echoed in his mind, resounding in his dreams. The place of his captivity, to be sure, but now the place of freedom.

A harsh cry above woke him. The giant glacier falcon settled to the snow delicately, presenting his back to the rabbit. Jass grabbed the harness and leapt up.

Flying always helped. It took his mind off of the memories that solitude encouraged. Iceshadow understood as much as a bird can, but he couldn't help. Firen would.

"Where to? Tisss a fine day to live."

"Of course, Iceshadow. It's always a good day when it's cold. The Shuttle pound, please."

"I knew that. You do not alwayss like the cold, Jass. I know to test your mood." The falcon turned his great head away and focussed his amber eyes on the sky.

"Hold on." The great creature flung himself to the sky, wings snapping out. Then they were gliding across the desolate snow-blown wastes.

A short eternity later Iceshadow landed. Backwinging powerfully, he scattered the snow and litter that dotted the compound. Jass dropped to the ground and watched Iceshadow fly.

"Jass, you here for the Starblown? She's over here." The tall violet rabbit grinned.

"Thanks, Slade. Next time I see you will be on Firen." Jass headed for the elegant vessel. The Guardian IV was black, with deep purple accents. Jass keyed in the starting sequence and lifted off.

Claw slipped through the shadows on Tubelectric. Shadows were rare, seeing as the planet was quite lit up. So he made use of them whenever he could.

He was heading for the Vortex Crawler. His next destination was Shilarloh, to pick up some cargo for Medivo. Simple enough, and it paid well.

He had no fear of the Shilans. But hopefully he'd not have to fight the Medivans.

Kovu hissed as the left engine failed. Sure he'd taken damage in the meteor field, and maybe the Moonrise had clipped a couple mines when he'd been escaping those turtles, but surely it couldn't have been enough to. . . the damage indicator showed otherwise. Not again! was all he could think as he fell smoothly towards Varzal XI.

"Oh great. I'm going to land in the shipyard. Hope I don't take out any ships as I hit."

The small Moonrise seared through the atmosphere, and shot towards the compound. He skimmed over a big black Darkspray -and what was Coppertop doing here, anyway?- and plowed through the fence. The Moonrise skidded and spun, glancing off a tree and coming to rest in a large bush.

"Darn. I hope I didn't hurt the Assassin."

Kovu clambered out the damaged ship and headed for the building in the compound. While he was here, he might as well register. . .

More tomorrow, I hope, I hope!

Kovu aka Alec
Aug 17, 2001, 09:17 PM

Grath AR
Aug 18, 2001, 05:34 AM
am I in?

Aug 18, 2001, 02:30 PM
How strange... I am lead to believe that you have taken matters into your own hands, gotten future's of our characters... and put them in your story... but that's just me, and I don't mind it if it's not or if it is.

Violet CLM
Aug 18, 2001, 02:55 PM
The plot emerges..... YaY.

Aug 18, 2001, 06:32 PM
Rux0r, CT http://jazz2.nagcentral.com/forum/images/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Thickening. *evil music*



Aug 18, 2001, 07:09 PM
Sure thing, Grath. I think you're all in.

The Webmaster's engines failed first. The laser system and hyperdrive went next, and the shields last. The Webmaster was basically just a floating peice of metal.

Wild Angel muttered a few choice words under her breath. Now how was she going to get out of this one? Those Tubelectran fighters would catch up to her shortly, and then she'd be just a floating piece of molten metal.

"What would be really cool right now is for a nice, big, well armed ship to come soaring out of hyperspace right at this moment," she commented aloud.

A moment later, a small Guardian IV in black and violet came soaring out of hyperspace. The laser cannons were armed, and the Guardian IV moved agilely around the small bits of space debris.

"This is the Starblown, unknown. Come in." A tall, young dark blue rabbit appeared on her visuals. His ice blue eyes seemed to look through her.

"This is the Webmaster, Starblown. You are a miracle."

"I see. I'm Jassiv Sevren. Hold on, Webmaster."

"I'm Wild Angel. Call me Wild. There's a bunch of turtles behind me. . . think y'can handle them, Jassiv?"


The Starblown went into action, firing upon the approaching Tubelectrans. The startled turtles turned tail and fled.

"Where ya headed, Jassiv?"

"Call me Jass. I'm going to Firen, wanna come too?"

Her answer was to simply use the faltering tractor beam to catch the tow chain Jass threw her, and to hang on for the ride.

Again, more when there's more!

Kovu aka Alec
Aug 18, 2001, 09:04 PM
Niftish, Copper, niftish.

Aug 18, 2001, 09:50 PM
Wild Angel seems to have some luck with her

Hope you contiue soon even though you just did!

Aug 21, 2001, 05:29 PM

"How come this always happens to me?" Kovu wondered as he surveyed the battered Moonrise. The Varzalians hadn't been too happy about the damage to the fence, but at least it could be repaired. He wasn't that sure about the Moonrise.

"Looks like you could use some help," that familiar accented voice that he knew oh so well said.

"Yeah. Care to help me, Copper?" he asked without turning around.

"Love to. My contract here's done as of tomorrow, anyway."

"Great. I WAS headed for Medivo and then Carrotus, but I got bushed instead."

"I can accompany you as far as Medivo. Then I'm off to Tubelectric and then it's to Vanargala."

"Cool. Vanargala?" Kovu glanced at her, curious.

"It's kinda like Lohar, except that it's civilized."

"Unlike Lohar," he said dryly, remembering his time on the wild, untamed planet.

"You got it."

The tall dark rabbit moved like a wraith through the shadowed alleys of Carrotus. His gleaming sword at his side, he was never to be caught by surprise.

He scaled a large brick wall and dropped soundlessly to the ground on the other side, warily watching the shadows.

A second form exited the darkness, moving agilely through the shrubs of the well-kept landscaping. The huge brick mansion that loomed over the pair kept silent watch.

The new rabbit was smallish, with grey fur and braided black hair. Her large aqua eyes darted about nervously, and she jumped at the slightest sound.

The black rabbit strode towards her, carefully keeping under cover. He slid his sword into its sheath and halted a few feet away from the newcomer. A shaft of moonlight briefly played over her face, enhancing her features before disappearing behind the never-ending clouds. She held an ebony staff, set with a shard of some green stone. A hooded black robe covered the leaping blue electricity that covered her body.

The black one motioned her to move further into the shadows.

"Well?" He spoke in low tones that could easily have been mistaken for the wind.

"She made it. She's lucky, though." The female spoke in the same tone.

"What happened?"

"It seems she was on the battlements. Some wacko pushed her off the wall."

"How'd she survive?"

"Phoebe saw her and managed to catch her. Broke her wrist and one of Blacksheep's ribs. It could have been a lot worse."

"How is she now?"

"She's recuperating. They're questioning her about her attacker. Seems she caught a glimpse of his face as she fell."

"And of. . .?" The dark rabbit let the sentence trail off.

"You mean. . .?"


"Bad. Very bad. Don't know if he'll survive. They barely got him out before the ship became one big fireball."

"He lives?"

"Yes. Not by much, though. They figure it's sabotage."

"Ah." The dark rabbit glanced up at the moon. The stars were beginning to fade, and the horizon was getting lighter.

"I must go."

"See you around."

The black rabbit vanished into the waning night. The grey female hesitated before scaling the wall and heading for the Carrotus Palace.

And so ended the meeting between Shinyso and Ducky Greyrabbit.

Why is Shinyso and Ducky meeting in the dead of night? Who nearly died in the sabotage attempt? Who pushed Blacksheep off the wall? I have to think about this. . .

Kovu aka Alec
Aug 21, 2001, 05:52 PM
FoPPy, Copps, and spiffy, too.

Aug 21, 2001, 06:37 PM
Copps? Who's that? CERTAINLY not ME, I'M Coppertop. More tomorrow, when I figure out who got sabotaged.

Aug 21, 2001, 07:03 PM
Yes?! WHO?! We must know! Write more! (What is it with you and C's anyway? not that I'm complaining, some may think it's stylish)

Aug 22, 2001, 06:00 AM
CT!!!!234 Brilliant :P That was like fabulous.

And no one dareth to hurt my Sheepie. Meanies be whoever they are.

You left me hanging. Hurry and continue. http://jazz2.nagcentral.com/forum/images/smiles/icon_smile.gif


Aug 22, 2001, 07:00 PM
I figured out who got ouched. But I'm not going to tell you yet! Hahahah!

Right. More. I knew that.


Alpha gasped and her body stiffened involountarily. Something's happened! Where is he?

Frantically she whirled away from the startled Kilans, and pelted off at a dead run for the Silken Swift, named after the original. Automatically she went through the lift off procedure, not even checking the engines. Her mind was a seething mess of thoughts, fears and worry. She barely heard the affirmative for her take off. Blindly she set the coordinates for Kron and threw the hyperdrive lever forward.

Something happened to Omega. Something terrible. And I swear I will find him. . .

Phoebe shuddered slightly as the medics set her wrist bones. It didn't hurt, for they had numbed the area, but the feeling that it should hurt persisted. Unfortunately there was no way to numb the inside of Blacksheep's rib.

Finished, the medic stepped back. Smiling and thanking them, the pretty blue squirrel made her way from the room and towards Blacksheep's ward. But once in the hall she brushed a strand of long lavender hair out of her eyes and dropped the false smile.

When she reached Blacksheep's ward she hesitated in the door. Blacksheep dreamily looked at her savior from a cot on the far wall.

With her gold rimmed glasses and fantastic costume, Phoebe didn't look like a heroine, much less a seasoned battler. She was young with light blue fur, a full and bushy tail and long lavender hair. She was shy and looked younger than she actually was, but enemies beware of that loaded crossbow that was slung carelessly on her back.

"They say you saved me," the white rabbit said distantly. Her ear twitched slightly. "I could have died."

"I'd do it for anyone. Who pushed you?" Blacksheep frowned.

"They keep asking me that. I can't quite get the face. I got the impression of a dog, with spines on his back, and eyes. . . definately eyes. They were white. They said it was a Folarian."

Phoebe almost exploded with disbelief.

"A Folarian? How could they make that bad of a mistake? You just described a Kronan to the nines!"

"Did I? I must have, I guess. I've never seen a Kronan before. It was grinning at me."

"It would be. How soon will you be out of here?"

But the sedatives had done their job. Blacksheep was already asleep.

Aug 23, 2001, 09:44 AM
Nifty, CT!









You'll never guess how long it took me to write all those 'more's.


I am the Stalker in the night

Aug 23, 2001, 01:45 PM
Oh, spiffffffy. REALLY. Continue, PLEASE, CT. http://jazz2.nagcentral.com/forum/images/smiles/icon_smile.gif


Aug 23, 2001, 02:11 PM
Sis, if you've got nothing better to do with your time you'd better go lie


*heh* If you insist, Ducky!

"I think that's done." Copper stood and flashed a quick grin Kovu's way. He glanced down at the thrusters and nodded.

"Yep. You're sure you're not coming to Carrotus?" For once Copper looked indecicive.

"I. . . don't know. I might, I guess. Did you hear about Blacksheep and. . ." she turned away slightly.

"No," Kovu said, intrigued.

"Blacksheep got pushed from the Carrotus Palace's battlements, by a Kronan. Shinyso contacted me. And then there's the matter of the sabatoge."

"Is Blackie okay?"

"Snapped rib. Nothing major. Phoebe saved her, got her wrist broken."

"Oh." Kovu was about to start work on the main fuel line when he stopped.

"Sabatoge, you said?"

"Yeah. Someone wired a bomb."

"On who?"

"Oh, right. I keep forgetting. Last Thursday Kaz's ship exploded in the Carrotan atmosphere. He survived amazingly, but I guess he's too stubborn to die. Anyway, the authorities searched the wreckage and found the remains of a bomb. That's what did it."

"Oh." Kovu pondered that as he worked. Finally Copper broke the silence.

"I'm coming with you."

Once on Firen, Wild Angel was able to get a good look at her rescuer. He was tall and muscular, with vibrant blue fur and icy eyes. A swath of pale fur decorated his arm. Angel had seen scars before, and recognized one when she saw it. Jass was, as far as she could tell, his true name and not an alias.

They were in the middle of fixing up the Webmaster when Shinyso's news came. She straightened and pushed the stunning news along to Jass.

His reaction was spectacular. He gasped and stood so straight that he nearly hit his head.

"What-" The sentence was cut off. Wild Angel quickly probed his mind for reasons. His mind closed on hers, cold and ruthless as he sought to expell her from his thoughts. Just as she was cast out, she caught the half-shielded memory of-

Now! The battlefury runs through his veins as he hears the whispered orders among the guards. Now is the time of their weakness, when they pay less attention. He straightens and shakes the chains loose with a mindprobe at the lock. It is a risk he has to take. The others see his movement, feel the locks on their chains come undone, and see his signal. Then the battle begins.

There is no mercy, no feeling. It is automatic as the entire compound erupts with fury; fighting is all he knows. The slaves are slowly overcoming the guards, slowly winning.

A black rabbit he does not remember seeing before is beside him, expertly fighting the slavers. A large black cat joins, and then a blue squirrel is beside him, loosing quarrels from her crossbow. A guard shoots his blaster at her. She does not see it -he pushes her out of the way- a blazing pain is in his arm. A grey rabbit ahead, wielding a sword that catches the light is the leader suddenly, not him, and he gladly follows-

Wild Angel wrenched herself free of the memory. Of course. He had been at the Battle of Firen, had saved Phoebe. His reaction was simply stunned recognition.

She looked at his eyes, and saw not rage but confusion. She'd brought the memory to the surface again.

"You- I saw you. There. And the squirrel and the white rabbit."

"Yes. . ."

There was no more to say.

Aug 23, 2001, 02:18 PM
Oh wow, I don't know how you do it, CT...

Is NightShade your sister?

I didn't see anyone else...heck, I thought she was you. ;P


Aug 23, 2001, 02:20 PM
I thought Nightshade was a Harry Potter beast thingie.

*everybody stares at GenEX*

Oh, wait, that's a Leithafold...

Aug 23, 2001, 02:21 PM
Me? No way. Yeah, she's my sister. And an annoyance, of course http://jazz2.nagcentral.com/forum/images/smiles/icon_wink.gif just joking, don't kill me, Shade!

I g u e s s t h e r e ' l l b e m o r e t o m o r r o w , h u h ?

Aug 23, 2001, 06:23 PM
Nightshade, please edit your post... don't edit the many mores, just press enter to get rid of the scroll bar, thanks.

YaY, Spectacular chapters CT... (Someone set us up the bomb =>). Woo! I'd say I expected one by midnight, but I know I won't even be awake by then...

Aug 24, 2001, 01:48 PM
lol, neither will I http://jazz2.nagcentral.com/forum/images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

Yes, pleez get rid of the scroll bar, Shade. So very annoying.

Say, Kaz, I forgot you're in this part.

Kaz glowered at the flustered medics who swarmed the emergency ward. The big red bird was beginning to wonder if he'd ever get out of there, or if he'd have to live the rest of his life in the hospital.

"Come on, guys, just let me out of here and I promise I'll take it easy and be really, really careful-" The medics ignored him as he pled. Grumpily the bird glanced out the window at the helipad.

The air seemed to fold aside for a few seconds, revealing a much more lush, forested world. A black rabbit in a diamond headdress stood there the next moment, and she met Kaz's interested gaze. Then she jumped off and headed for the door.

"Cool. I got company, methinks."

A few minutes later the door swung open, and the black rabbit strode in. She perched on the end of his bed and watched him. The medics seemed to have vanished.

"Hey, Wildie," Kaz said happily. Wild Angel grinned.

"Looks like you got beat up," she observed. He grimaced.

"Someone tried to, anyway. Nice entrance."

"Thanks. How's Blackie?"

"What about her?"

"You mean you don't know? She got pushed off the Palace battlements." Kaz growled.

"They never tell me anything here. Is she alright?"

"I dunno. I was asking you."

"So you were. Wanta help me up?" Angel grabbed his offered wing and heaved the big bird to his feet.

"The medics are gonna have a fit if they see you in the hall."

"Yesh, I know dat," said a dizzy Kaz. The wave of nausia passed and they headed for Blacksheep's ward.

"Where you off to next?" demanded Kaz. Wild Angel shrugged.

"Gotta go get Shinyso. Then I'll get Grath and. . . I think, Claw. We need the gang again."


"I'll explain as we go. Come on."

Kovu aka Alec
Aug 24, 2001, 02:17 PM
W O O O O O O O o O O O T T T N N E E E E E E E E E S S S S S S S S S

Aug 24, 2001, 02:34 PM
Excellent way of not using said (nooo, I'm sounding like my english teacher!)

Leetness... (I wonder if it's illegal to shoot medics?)

Aug 27, 2001, 04:59 PM

Quite spectacular, Kove.

Don't pull that blaster yet, Kaz!

Shinyso glanced at the moon. Another night, another meeting. This time he had big news.

Ducky and Grath were both waiting for him when he arrived. The rooftop was deserted except for the trio.

"Well?" Grath said. The golden eagle on his staff snatched at the white moonlight and jealously hoarded it.

"Wait for a moment." He searched for Wild Angel, and found her distinctive aura. He pictured the rooftop and sent it to her.

A moment later a glimpse of the medical wards in the Palace flashed, and then the tall black rabbit was there, with Kaz. The bird grinned happily at Grath.

"Where's the others?" Ducky asked. Angel glanced at her.

"Phoebe should be here any moment. I think she's got Blacksheep." Shinyso nodded. Then he looked meaningfully at Ducky. She took the cue.

"Grath, can you get us all to the Assassin?"

"Have I been there before?" Grath said cheerfully. "Then I can get us there."

"Good. Wait for Phoebe and Blacksheep, though."

"And me," said a new voice. A large shadowy form entered the patch of moonlight. Ducky managed to look disapproving, happy and relieved at the same time. Just then, Phoebe bounded over the edge of the guardrail, Blacksheep behind her. When she saw the newcomer, she stopped dead.

"Velveetza Rai!"

Aug 27, 2001, 06:34 PM
Niftular, CT.

Getting better all the time!

Aug 28, 2001, 03:29 PM

Aug 28, 2001, 05:43 PM
Well, very, what the said, how COOL CT..



Aug 29, 2001, 05:53 AM
Oh, I'm sorry I haven't replied, Coppertop, this is really cool http://jazz2.nagcentral.com/forum/images/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Please continue

Aug 29, 2001, 11:18 AM
That's ok, Phoebe, you're still in it.

"Velveetza?" Grath asked.

"Zanzibar's sister," Phoebe told him. Shinyso watched the white cat warily as she glanced at him.

"What are you doing here?" Ducky asked. Velveetza smiled shyly.

"Zanzibar asked me to watch out for you."

"Where's he?" Velveetza shrugged.

"On Medivo, I suspect. He's the wanderer in the family."

"So, you want t'come along," Grath said cheerily. The cat nodded. Her golden eyes flicked to his staff. Ducky waved hers dramatically.

"Come along, o puss, and join our jolly band. Uh, where's whatsisface, Rroyvan?"

"He's somewhere. I'm not sure."

"Cool," Kaz remareked to no one in particular. Wild Angel gave him one of her sidelong glanced as Grath formed the warp. Finally it hung in the air, a foot off the ground. It glowed faintly, and Grath stepped back dramatically. Ducky grinned and hopped through, holding her staff like a javelin. Phoebe, still supporting Blacksheep, followed. Kaz took to the air and soared through, while Angel took a running start. She nearly missed the warp, but managed to hit it.

Finally they were all through. The warp vanished, and Shinyso took to the shadows.

Copper met Grath's eyes. She wore a disapproving look and Grath smiled embarrassedly. Kovu hovered in the background, wearing a half-grin.

"And what, may I ask, convinced you to appear here of all places," she demanded. Grath shrugged.

"Um. . . Ducky asked me to," he said quickly. Ducky shot him a black look. Copper sighed in resignation.

"Oh well, you're here now. . . .Oh, and Grath? It's your turn at the nav."

Nervously, Tralion Koa stood in Manif Alley. The not so good Firenzev fearfully waited for his cousin, who, he knew, would not hesitate to kill him. It was good that he'd captured the dark one's companion, but he had to use the weapon wisely. He was not wise. He knew this.

And so did another, a black shadow in a blacker night, the only one Tralion feared more than his master. And the dark one knew this. . .

Aug 30, 2001, 03:00 PM
What? Nobody replied? I've half a mind to not continue! Um, not that I've half a mind or anything, but. . . oh, never mind.

Aug 30, 2001, 05:05 PM
hmm, actually, I think I did reply, it just didn't get posted.

Kovu aka Alec
Aug 30, 2001, 05:51 PM
Sorry Copper! Been busy and all, but really very spiffy...WHAT WILL HAPPEN NEXT????!?!?!

Aug 31, 2001, 01:40 PM
I noticed, Kovey, there's been no updates on Apokallyipsis http://jazz2.nagcentral.com/forum/images/smiles/icon_mad.gif

Okay, I give. Here's the next little bit.

The hooded One stood silently on the corner, watching the passerbys. Although the streetlight illuminated him, he seemed to be surrounded with an aura of darkness, and pedestrians didn't seem to notice him.

Unseeable, unkillable. Truly were They the Deathless Ones.

The Deathless One made a sign, sketching something in the air. A moment later the brightly lit street faded away and he stood in the dark of Manif Alley.

The fearful one was there. He had told Them that he was waiting for his cousin. This Deathless One would watch him.


A shadow among the Medivans, Zanzibar Sia slipped agiley through the throng. He knew where Tralion was.

A dark passage gaped between two shabby shops. Ironically, one had been Wild Angel's before she'd become friends with Coppertop.

Forget trivialities. Concentrate only on the mission ahead! The Firenzev was well trained. And ready.

Then Tralion, his traitorous cousin, stood facing him.

"Cousin. Well met."

"Spare me the empty pleasantries. Where is Sharrakamov?" Tralion nervously edged back.

"T-take it easy, Sia. I don't know who you're t-talking about."

"Figure it out, Tralion. Sharrakamov, you remember, don't you? My companion." Tralion gulped. He'd already blown it; maybe he could fix his case. . .

"Sharrakamov. . . Sharrakamov. . ." The traitorous Firenzev knew that They'd gotten the wrong person. He shrugged helplessly.

"I know no 'Sharrakamov'."

"But. . . you have a prisoner."

"I? No. But I know One who might have-"

Twin red laser beams shot from the shadows and struck Tralion in the chest. The Firenzev gasped, fumbling for a device on his belt- and vanished. Cursing, Zanzibar whirled. A brilliant flash showed that his cousin's assailant had disappeared.

He had learned something, at least. For Sharrakamov was not his companion who was missing.

Rroyvan was.

Kovu aka Alec
Sep 2, 2001, 07:43 AM
yea, but don't worry, I won't let Apokallyipsis die without being finished.

Goodness, Copper, goodness on a plate of Sa--

nevermind...(inside joke)

but anyway, spiffy, indeed.

Kovu aka Alec
Sep 2, 2001, 07:44 AM
Wooo! In the name of SPAIN I claim the second page!

Sep 2, 2001, 08:26 AM
ACk! For now Kovu you have the majority of pages... but that will change... it will change...

Great chap CT.

Sep 2, 2001, 10:51 AM


Nicefulness. http://jazz2.nagcentral.com/forum/images/smiles/icon_smile.gif


Sep 4, 2001, 12:36 PM
Kovey! NotagainNotagainNotagainNotagainnotagainnotagainNo tagain

NotagainNotagainNotagainNotagainnotagainnotagainNo tagainNotagain


NotagainNotagainNotagainNotagainnotagainnotagainNo tagainNotagain



rrr. Give it to me, or I'll not continue!

Kovu aka Alec
Sep 4, 2001, 12:38 PM
But...but...FINE, have it you're way, here! *chucks the page*

Sep 4, 2001, 02:59 PM

(Flies up and grabs the page)


Sep 6, 2001, 06:02 PM

Kove gave it to ME! Iz MINE!


About that next part.

"Hey, where's Wild Angel?" Phoebe looked around. Sure enough, the pretty black rabbit was gone. Ducky shrugged.

"She comes and goes as she pleases. She's probably back to wherever she came from."

Coppertop had vanished sometime back. Kovu had wandered off, presumeably to get the Moonrise, and now Wild Angel was gone.

"Velvet or whatever her name is didn't come, either," Grath observed.

"Velveetza," Phoebe corrected.

"Yah, whatever. She's gone, anyway."

But no one was really worried.

Velveetza had gone with Angel when she'd learned that the rabbit was headed for Firen.

"Neither of my brothers are there," the sleek white cat confided in Wild Angel. She tossed a lock of long black hair over her shoulder. Her golden eyes flashed.

"So you'll be alone?"

"Yes. I hope to find a family we know. Zanzibar told you of Vorsyelvo?"

"Uh huh."

"Her family. They're reclusive, so I don't know if I'll find them." Wild Angel nodded.

"I guess we have to part here," she said as she glanced around the landing strip. A small solar-powered one man vessel wheeled out and took off. Velveetza nodded. Wild Angel formed the warp carefully, and Velveetza stepped through and vanished.

Wild Angel looked around again. A small dervish of sand whirled skittishly over the deserted strip, and the twin suns shone powerfully. Fjan was more brilliant than Oquis on this part of Firen's orbit, but that did not dim Oquis's heat.

A tall, lean blue rabbit strode out of the blinding sands, looking quite out of place. He looked pleased to see her.

"Wild Angel. Your friend, I trust, is okay?"

"He'll live. Kaz's head is harder than most stones."

"Ah. Well, the Webmaster's hyperdrive was totalled, but they fixed her up fine. She'll fly, yes, and even live to fight."

Wild Angel grinned happily. Then a question occurred to her.

"If you were a slave here, why did you come back? I think the place of your heart was Keenrei."

Jassiv's expression closed. He was suddenly the ruthless, cold personality Angel had sensed in her brief search of his memory.

"Because here I could be free of physical pain. On Keenrei I could not forget my injuries."

Wild Angel looked at him strangely.

"But here you have a constant reminder of your mental pain."

"My mind is fine, Wild Angel. Firen has the proper climate for my wound to heal completely in."

"But not your mind," she murmured. Jass turned away, an elegant, cold, detatched personality. The Keenrein looked, once more, oddly out of place in this world of desert and rainforest. Even his manner spoke more of his homeworld than here.

But Wild Angel let the subject drop.

Sep 6, 2001, 06:04 PM
Woo! I'm the first to like it and say so. . . never mind.

Here's more for you people. Short. Next part'll be better.

Keenrei. The name spoke of the desolate stretches of icy plains and infinately overcast skies that characterized the planet, the keening wind and blowing snow that never ended.

The forlorn sobbing of the Fluters, shapeless beings, the Followers of the Wind, carried across the glaciers. The familiar ache rose in the listener's throat; a desperate longing that always invaded those that heard the Fluter's song. It was beautiful, glorious, but desperate and forlorn at the same time.

Tears stung at his eyes as he listened. Fine, whirling snow swirled slowly about him. The snowy mountains in the distance were clear, but the wind and sobbing strains strangely obscured his vision. Longing, and something else, clawed up his throat from his chest.

By the fur, it was beautiful. . .

Jass jerked awake. The feelings and images of the dream oddly stayed with him. What was it Angel had said? Something about Keenrei being the place of his heart.

He would let his arm heal first. Then he would go.

He had to.

Sep 8, 2001, 08:14 PM
Lalala, testing to see if the posting system on minimums working...

Sep 10, 2001, 03:32 PM
What, no comments? Oh well.

"Copper? Where ya been?" Kovu wandered in as she observed the cargo bay of the Assassin.

"Browbeating that dumb Varzalian. My contract ended two hours ago, but he didn't want to let me leave."

"So, where to?"

"Medivo, then Carrotus. If my friends are being stalked, I'm going to help them. And you'll notice, it's the people who helped kill Kroys."

"True. Even I got attacked."

"Kovu, you get attacked every time you take the controls these days. But I'd think they'd have more reason to attack you than anyone else. You really were the one who defeated Kroys."

"Aah, it could have been anyone."

"However you want it, Kovu. But I think our jackpot will be on Medivo."

Claw hissed in frustration and fury as threescore of the sneering, filthy turtles and lizards surrounded him. Their leader, a swaggering schwartzenguard, lay at his feet.

"You will die for thisss, creaturre," growled an angry lizard. Claw unsheathed the claws on his left hand.

"It was your leader's stupidity," he snarled. "He shouldn't have challenged me if he feared death!"

He raised his right hand. Blood glittered darkly on his claws in the dim lighting. The dull turtles watched him without moving.

Claw glanced over the smaller turtles' heads at the Vortex Crawler. All he had to do was get by the guarding turtles and into the cockpit. Right. That was ALL?

He drew his Protec blaster and raised it. Suddenly terrified, the turtles and lizards scattered.

"Hmm. Think they recognized you?"

"Lay off, Copper," he said wearily. Then he suddenly looked surprised.

"Coppertop? What are you doing here?"

"Looking for you. My contacts said you were here, and I figured you were in trouble, of course."

"I'm honored. However, my trouble always comes with you, I've noticed. . .what's the trouble NOW?"

"Kronans attacking my friends. And some unknown force behind them."

"Like the unknown forces that circulate in the rumors?"

"Such as. . .?"

"'Deathless Ones'. Mean anything to you? Me niether." He looked darkly at the still retreating Shellions.

"A name? Nothing else?"

"No one knows anything else. Not even I."

"Well. . . I brought the Assassin-"

"-which means the rest of your crazy gang-"

"-so you can dock the Vortex Crawler next to the Moonrise-"

"-I doubt you've got that much space-"

"-and come along with us on this-"

"-next insane adventure-"

"-search for these killers. Are you going to quit cutting me off, or are you coming?"

"I haven't much of a choice, have I?"

"Well, are you?"

Claw went.

Sep 10, 2001, 03:37 PM
Heheh, it's always fun when people do that.

No comment means it's the same thing as last.

Sep 10, 2001, 03:59 PM
Thankee. New character coming soon. . .

Phoebe met Coppertop and Claw at the airlock of the Assassin, her wrist still in a cast. Claw cast a half-disapproving look at it, which was covered with Kaz, Grath and KRSplat's signatures. She looked quite flustered.

"Finally you're back. These ruffians have been dancing attendance around me ever since we got here."

Kaz appeared beside her, one wing in a cast that was covered with Grath, KRSplat and Blackie's signatures. He cackled wickedly.

"Ha ha ha! You should've seen Grath's face when I- oh, you're back with whatisface. How'd the rescue go?" The bird ignored the furious look that Claw shot him.

"Rescue? Wha- oh, you mean checking out Wildie's shop. She's not there. . . not that I expected her to be."

"Waaaiit a minute," Grath said, coming out beside Phoebe. "Wasn't Angel's shop on Tubelectric?"

"It was but she moved it. What an informant! If she'd remained there we'd have an ally and a half."

"Half?" Grath glanced mischieviously over at her. She growled at him. Shinyso tactfully interceded.

"Just because she no longer works her shop doesn't mean she hasn't got excellent contacts. She may be gathering information even now to help us."

Shinyso was not far off. Angel had left during the night, and Jass woke to a note tacked to the Starblown's door and a missing Webmaster. The note read: "[/i]Jassiv, Sorry about the desertion but I am needed back on Medivo. Don't worry, I'll be okay. Remember, if you're ever in trouble I'll help you at the most unexpected times. Sincerely, Wild Angel.[/i]"

Jass sighed in resignation. He'd hoped that she'd stick around for a while, but obviously that was not to be. When he'd started out for Firen he'd intended to rough it on his own. . .so why did he wish Wild Angel was with him?

Wild Angel landed on Medivo with full intentions to fix up her shop and become effectively invisible to her enemies. . . which meant keeping out of whatever quest Coppertop and her friends were on now. She could have teleported, but flying gave her solitude and time to think.

Jass could take care of himself, but she still harbored a shred of guilt about leaving him like that. Well, she'd keep in touch if she could. He was a nice character.

She also felt slightly guilty about avoiding Copper. She'd helped start the trouble with Kroys, and this definately seemed related. Leaving her friends just didn't feel right. Maybe she could just give them info.

If her enemies came to Medivo? Then what?

Well, she could leave if it came to that. But that would be admitting defeat. And she'd be signing her death warrant if she ever came back; they'd seize her shop and ship. So she'd be a wanderer like Copper except without a ship or money.

Which left one option.

Go with Copper.

Sep 10, 2001, 04:11 PM
On 6:59pm 9-10-2001, Coppertop wrote:

Thankee. New character coming soon. . .

Phoebe met Coppertop and Claw at the airlock of the Assassin, her wrist still in a cast. Claw cast a half-disapproving look at it, which was covered with Kaz, Grath and KRSplat's signatures. She looked quite flustered.

I don't really have a life...

Sep 12, 2001, 11:30 AM


Go CT. http://jazz2.nagcentral.com/forum/images/smiles/icon_smile.gif


Sep 12, 2001, 01:47 PM
Very sad and disheartening news coming. . .

Our beloved Conquests will not be posted in by CopperTop until next Tuesday. . .http://jazz2.nagcentral.com/forum/images/smiles/icon_mad.gif

She's been grounded.

Sep 12, 2001, 05:37 PM
TEll her that we're all waiting here with <S>snipers and rotten tomatoes</S> anticipation for her next chapter.

Sep 13, 2001, 09:00 AM
CT!!!!! *sob*tears*




Kovu aka Alec
Sep 13, 2001, 11:51 AM
Copper! We nnnnnnnnnnneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeedddddddddddddd more chappies!

Sep 14, 2001, 12:40 AM
You need more chappies too, Kovu. When ya gonna update?

Spiffin story wot! Sorry I just saw this topic. Very cool, very cool.

Sep 14, 2001, 12:43 AM
Hey Coppertop, can I use you in my story? I'll need a profile if you accept. http://jazz2.nagcentral.com/forum/images/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Sep 20, 2001, 06:33 PM
Isn't she supposed to be back yet?

Sep 24, 2001, 04:01 PM
I'm back, I'm back. *everyone hides the tomatoes*

Thanks, defalcon. . .not every day one is asked to join a story http://jazz2.nagcentral.com/forum/images/smiles/icon_wink.gif I'll PM my prof.


Just joking. Here goes.

The green-eyed rabbit was what caught the bartender's attention first. Not the rabbit, but her eyes. They seemed to dominate her, command attention immediately. Later he could not even remember her fur color.

She sat alone, sipping meditatively at her drink, completely absorbed in what she was doing. She didn't even notice when she finished her drink or when the bartender came over to see if she wanted anything. He peered over her shoulder at the vidscreen before her.

The vidscreen was about two inches thick, with a square screen and several buttons on the base. A holo was speaking in low tones on it. The bartender moved away. The green-eyed rabbit glanced up and flipped off the vidscreen.

She sat in the shadows, watching the customers pass with something very like dejection. She sighed and looked down at the vidscreen she still held. Once more she played the holo.

A muscular, handsome purple Firenzev appeared. He sneered at her from the screen.

"Saturn, you're dead if you ever return. You're an orphan, y'know that? They've killed your family because you wouldn't surrender. We'll stalk you to the ends of the galaxies. Good luck. . ." The sound died out with laughter.

Saturn turned it off again, shoulders slumping. Of course they'd follow her. Who was she fooling? Her family dead. She couldn't believe it. Maybe she should just turn herself in and get it over with.


"No," she breathed. "I won't give in."

Squaring her shoulders, she stood. Paying the bartender, she fled out the door.

Wandering the dark streets, the pretty auburn colored rabbit pondered her choices. Finally she made up her mind.

"Right. Take the shuttle to Carrotus, find a good, protective job. Make enough to buy a ship, turn mercenary. Or bounty hunter. They can't find me in space."

Saturn headed for her apartment. Looking around, she saw nothing she really wanted to take with her besides her money, a change of clothes and Z'daarin.

Shedding her jade green skirt, she changed into her street clothes - deep blue pants, white long-sleeved shirt with blue anchor insignia. She braided her long straight black hair with blue ribbons and fastened it with white barretts and elastics. Scooping her credits into her pocket, she turned for the final touch.

A sleek, blue and white blaster hung on the wall. A blue anchor on a white shield adorned the handle, and she reverantly lifted it off its hooks. Z'daarin never failed to awe her.

A tingle ran up her arm as she touched it, and she quickly strapped the blaster on. It had been known to take control at the most desperate times, and if she wasn't desperate now she'd never be. She headed for the door and headed for the shuttle compound without a backwards glance.

Oh, and the reason I was so late is I went bushbashing for a week, chasing after moose and caribou and getting alternately soaked and frozen in the meantime http://jazz2.nagcentral.com/forum/images/smiles/icon_razz.gif Bet you're all jealous, right?

Sep 25, 2001, 06:31 PM
Well I am. It sounds fun.

Ah nice chapter. I like that..Saturn person ;P


Sep 26, 2001, 02:30 PM
Thankee. *bows*

Fun? No way. If you want to pay the awful prices you can fly up here next year and go instead of me http://jazz2.nagcentral.com/forum/images/smiles/icon_razz.gif

Sep 26, 2001, 03:00 PM

*eats up story*


Sep 26, 2001, 05:07 PM
Spiffomatic tale CT.

Dec 8, 2001, 01:39 PM
Long time no see, ppl. Sorry for the year or so of no updates but I couldn't get onto J2O and then I couldn't log in. BUT now I'm back and I've got tons to post so don't go to sleep on me ...

When Alpha reached Carrotus, she was just in time to have to wait for a large, slow frieghter to pass. Cursing, she wrenched her ship around the frieghter and dove towards the planet below.
When she found Omega's ship she knew ...
Omega was unconscious, lying in the Jendara's medivac. It was in freefall, and she couldn't stop in time. She slid to a stop beside the medivac.
He looked peaceful, despite the awful wounds crisscrossing his body. Alpha winced when she saw a jagged white scar, newly healed, running across his face. The medivac had hastened the healing, but the new skin was still tender and delicate. She abruptly reached and flipped the switch that restored gravity. Slowly she landed on the ground. Then she punched the deactivate button.
The medivac's steady hum died down, and the sleep inducer turned off. Alpha touched Omega's shoulder, and he stirred.
"Alpha?" His voice was so soft she barely heard it.
"'Here am I.' What happened?"
"Blasted ... enemies. They ... got me good. But ... I sent Them ... to the ... hottest ... reaches ... of Hellantra. And They won't ... be coming back."
"Good. Who were they?"
" ... Beren ... Deathless Ones ... attacked ... "
"Beren? Deathless Ones? Who?"
"On the street. They surrounded me ... my opal ... " Automatically Alpha glanced over to where Omega's sword lay, as if discarded on the floor. The opal was slightly blackened, and the blade dark with smoke.
"What of it?"
"Kroys' ... magic fused in ... fired bolts ... "
"Your opal used the magic that passed through it when Kroys died to save you from the mysterious Deathless Ones."
"Yes ... it's still ... charged. It will ... protect me ... when I need it."
"I see. Sleep now. You need it." Omega stubbornly struggled up into a sitting position.
"No. Tell ... Copper. They want ... her. Us. They'll use ... her ... us ... to take ... over. Tell her!"
"I will. I promise! Omega, can I use your ship?"
Omega was standing now, breathing heavily.
"I'll help you. Beren ... won't get me ... again."
"Good. Shall I put the freefall on?"
"Yesss ... "
Alpha almost pulled the switch. But Omega swayed dangerously beside her, and she turned to help him. But before she could reach him, he collapsed.

The coldly elegant blue rabbit moved easily through the crowd as he made his way to the shipyards. His cargo was live - a replacement captian for the Yeshi Suun. His small ship could easily make the transfer. The problem was that he didn't have coordinates.
The Firenzev captain wasn't a rabbit, but one of the native felines, and very female. Her delicate, small-boned frame was as tough as a leather strap, and her shifting grey-blue eyes missed nothing.
"We have an idea where the Suun is, but we cannot be sure. We do not even know if she is at the bottom," she informed him. Jassiv thought she'd said her name was Tsai. Her grey fur had a strange sheen to it, almost oily. She had a low, husky voice. He wondered how she'd ever been promoted to captain.
"Tsai, we need to hurry. If this ship is damaged it might not have much time."
"Yes. What is your ship's name, Jassiv?"
"The Starblown."
"Very well. I will see if you may make contact with the Suun."
She murmered something into the comm, and then nodded slightly.
"You may. Let us go, Jassiv."
Jass decided that he didn't really like this calm, cold, calculating captain. She was too distant, too impersonal.
"What were you captain of?" he said it before he could stop himself. She didn't look at him.
"I commanded the battleship Kiyan Saranai. My skimmer was the Tsaira."
She moved up the ramp, still not looking at him.
"So if you have your own ship, why are you commanding this one?"
"The Yeshi Suun's last message was informing us that she had lost her captain. I will help them."
"Oh. Well, buckle up."

When they found the Yeshi Suun, she was half sunk. Her stern stuck up at a crazy angle, but she was still floating.
He landed on her tilting deck, and lowered the ramp. Tsai strode off, looking taller than she actually was.
"Who is in command here?" she demanded. One of the haggard Firenzev stepped forward.
"I am. You are Captain Tsai Rtyra?"
"Yes. Are the hydraulic pumps working?"
"They should be. We have been waiting for them to recharge."
"Get them going. We are going to turn this ship right side up if it kills us all."
The Yeshi Suun was not like most ships. She was more of a battleship.
She was much like a sideways pyramid in shape, tapering to a point at her bow and rising to the main cabin, which overlooked the sides which had a low guardrail. Large supports that doubled as pumps curved over below the rail, and portholes beside these marked cabins.
She was sideways in the water. How they were going to right her he had no idea. Tsai glanced back at him and nodded.
"You may leave if you wish."
A few minutes later the Starblown rose and vanished into the clouds.

Dec 8, 2001, 02:15 PM
Welcome back, CT :)

Great chapter.


Dec 8, 2001, 09:36 PM
Glad to see you back.

Dec 10, 2001, 02:46 PM
What is this, I can only post once a day?
Oh well, here's your next part.

Captain Tsai Rtyra stood on the deck of her new battlecruiser. She missed the Kiyan Saranai, but the Yeshi Suun was almost as good. Not enough weaponry, and she could use some speed.
She glanced at the clouds, measuring the strength of the distant storm. If they sped up they could outrun it ...
Admirable as Pilot Sevren had been, she didn't like his attitude. Pilots made it their buisness to be friendly ... a captain's job was to be aloof and commanding. It was evident he didn't like her. Well, he'd better get used to it.
"Captain Rtyra? Second mate Fayxe reporting."
"Just 'Captain', Fayxe. Report."
"Aye, Captain. The hydraulic pumps are not in top shape, but they are doing the job. We should be on our way in half an hour at the present rate."
"Speed them up. We need to be gone from this place in twenty minutes at the most."
"Aye, Captain. May I have your reasons?" Tsai frowned. Fayxe ought to have known of the storm. The Kiyan had been staffed with crew whom were the caliber of the ship. These almost were incompetant.
"Have you not noticed the storm gathering in the distance, Fayxe? We must outrun it."
"Pardon, Captain. I have been supervising the pumping, not the weather," Fayxe said stiffly. "I will order the pumping at half again the present speed."
"Do so. Dismissed." The second mate left, leaving Tsai to her thoughts and musings.
She knew of her cousin Tralion's betrayal, and of her "cousin" Zanzibar's meeting. On Firen, everyone was "cousin" to someone who was "cousin" to someone else who was "cousin" to someone else who was the "cousin" of one of her friends who was the "cousin" of her half-brother and on it went. She kept informed. She had known when Zanzibar participated in Kroys' defeat, and when he had begun his wanderings. She had been young then ...
She had often dreamed of following him in his adventures, even when he had fought the Fader Sharrakamov and survived. Always awed and slightly love-struck ...
But now she was the successful captain of both battleship and battlecruiser. Maybe when the Kiyan Saranai went in for the year-long repairs that happened every five years she would join Zanzibar. Maybe.

Zanzibar growled as he observed the cloud patterns over the Sareyaer Desert. His scars should convince Sharrakamov to speak, but the landing might be tricky ...
Faders were reclusive, fearfilling phantoms that loomed up out of the darkest nightmare to slay. None knew quite what they were besides hooded, cloaked figures that materialized and vanished with the windtossed leaves.
And they always left something behind.
Sometimes it was precious jewels or coins. But other times it was bare bones or polished pieces of weaponry. It was said that they possessed intelligence beyond imagination, or that they were savage barbaric creatures. If one could be defeated or amused you might live to see the sunrise ... which was their only limitation. They were creatures of the night, and when the dawn rose they vanished, leaving behind only a pile of leaves.

Zanzibar arrived at dusk, as the sun was sinking behind the jagged ranges of peaks. He made his empty-handed way to a distant hill that was scarred and seared. He could wait.
The first warning always came with a prickle of fear on a cold breath of wind, as it did now. Crisped, singed leaves swirled on a wind of terror that penetrated the warmest fur-
"So you come again." The voice was no louder than the wind, and like the rustle of the leaves. Zanzibar turned.
A cloaked, cowled figure stood silently behind him. He was taller than most creatures, but this creature towered over even him.
"I came. I need help."
"Who are you?" It was not a question. It was a demand.
"I am the one they call Sia, which means 'Brother of Shadows' - but I am more the servant. I am the one they call Zanzibar, which means 'Founder of Nightrivers' - but I am more the seeker. I am the one - "
"Stop. I know the names. Proof." Zanzibar sighed with relief. He had this part. With a claw he traced the thin white scar that adorned his chest, and another, wider greyed mark on his left shoulder that made one think of a burn. The figure watched him before speaking.
"You seek the One."
"Yes." Sharrakamov meant 'Solitary'. It was apt.
The figure shimmered and the leaves swirled. The black cloak vanished amongst the leaves, and when the debris settled a figure clothed in a cloak of smoke grey. This Fader did not speak.
"Sharrakamov. Ten years ago you swore your allegiance to me - now I need you. Will you come?"
Sharrakamov nodded, once.
"Away from here?"
"You will return. I promise you that."
A nod. Yes.
"We will face great trouble. I may die. You are certain?"
A nod. Yes.
"Others cannot know of you."
Hesitation. Questions; others?
"Friends. You owe me, I owe them. But you will not owe them."
A nod. Yes.
"I will see you later. I may need you in my fight against - against the Deathless Ones."
Anger, anger that sent the leaves fluttering and flaming.
"You know of Them?"
A nod. Yes.
"What of them?"
Knowledge. Personally knowing of Them.
"Are - They like you?"
A nod. Yes. Anger.
"Later. I will go now."
The flaming leaves fluttered and swirled around the figure, forming a flaming whirlwind. Zanzibar lingered, watching. As the leaves settled, empty air met his eyes. Sharrakamov was gone.

Saturn of the green eyes had given up her surname. She was just Saturn now, and she had earned enough to buy the Saret. Now she was setting out for the far reaches and dangerous jobs of the Idelo System. Her former boss had been sorry to let her go, but her resolve and attitude had toughened, and she was physically the best she'd ever been. And as time progressed differently in the Shentere, it had actually taken only two weeks. And now - she was ready.
The Saret was a battered, oddly streamlined Besrixiil XIV that resembled both Guardians and Protectors with a touch of Darkspray in there somewhere; bits of all the best. She ran like the wind, had a Darkspray's stunning maneuverability and was well armed. Thr Besrixiil ran on a fusion drive like Darksprays, but could be powered with solar. In all, it was a very efficient setup.
And it was all hers!

Saturn growled and slammed her hand on the armrest of her chair. "What?!"
"Repeating message. The Idelo System is in quarantine; you may not pass."
"By all the ill-begotten systems, why?"
She knew the answer, of course. An epidemic was loose, and the officials feared that it would spread. Hissing, she turned the Saret and moved away from the system's border, back into the Scorpti system. So much for that. Maybe Xdetra?

Wild Angel woke to the sound of the Webmaster's warnings. She wondered distantly why her neck had a crick in it before realizing that she was still in the pilot's chair.
"Wha'?" She sat upright and peered at the readouts, still in a state of half-asleep confusion. Slowly she realized what they meant.
Dreamily she looked at the visuals. What she saw there snapped her to abrupt wakefulness like a pitcher of cold water poured down the back of her neck.
A giant, stationary ship that would have dwarfed the Conquerer turned slowly on a rotating axis. It was the color of wet steel, and the legend on the side proclaimed it to be Yelantra Sentry. The bow was long and slender, sleekly gleaming. About one hundred and fifty feet back it flared out into a ever growing triangle. On the bottom of the hull, another, shorter protrusion that joined to the original seemed to be a gunning station. The entire thing was made of the wet, lusterless steel, except for the command centers, which were opaque black glass. And - the Webmaster was slowly drawing closer ...
That was some tractor beam, but Angel's ship had reserves of power that most could only dream of. Giving it the throttle, she built up speed and suddenly wrenched aside - and was soaring free, back the way she had come. At a safe distance she turned and watched the Sentry, shaken. It was as mysterious and impenetrable as the Deathless Ones ...
Which gave her an idea.

Dec 10, 2001, 04:27 PM
Mental cliffhanger!!! What's the idea?!

Dec 31, 2001, 12:18 PM
Frankly, Kaz, I'm still working on that.

Say, does anyone know why, when Shade posts once, she can't post again, and neither can I? Is most frustrating.

Jass scowled at Captain Tsai Rtyra's back. Why had she requested him of all people?
She was on the bobbing dock, supervising the Suun's unloading. Finally she turned to him.
"The Kiyan Saranai is ready. Shall we go?" He nodded, displeasure clouding his ice blue eyes. She smiled mischieviously, which only made him scowl harder. Her grin widened as she saw how disgruntled he was, and he glowered at her.
"Come on," he said irritably, and still smiling, she followed him to the Starblown.

Claw was once more installed "indefinitely" in the gunner's seat, with Coppertop comfortably grown into the pilot's chair. Resignedly he prepared himself for the next crazy adventure. Not that he didn't enjoy the company, but last time he'd almost gotten killed and he didn't relish it.
They were headed for Vanargala, as Copper insisted that they find Nightshade. After all, she'd participated in Kroys's downfall, hadn't she? And so here they were, orbiting one of Vanargala's three moons and waiting for permission to land.
Vanargala may have been a rainforest planet, but its moons were balls of ice. They were hovering above Drant at the moment.
Finally the word came, and the Assassin landed delicately on the ice-patched pad. Copper lowered the boarding ramp and released the airlock, and Claw narrowed his eyes as a blast of freezing air hit him full in the face. Turning a disgusted look on Copper, he rose and gingerly left the Assassin. Coppertop grinned at his discomfort, and trotted over to the top of the ramp, only to be knocked down it by a shivering Kaz. Muttering dire curses and promising only the most exquisitely painful future for Copper. Shinyso shrugged and started down the ramp, and a frozen Blacksheep followed him. She slipped on the by-now icy ramp and fell, sliding into Shinyso and knocking him over. The pair landed on the ground, Blacksheep hysterically laughing and Shinyso distastefully brushing snow off his fur. Phoebe appeared at the top of the ramp, looking annoyed.
"Blackie, you shouldn't be up and about. Where's your common sense?"
"Oh, it's all right, Phoebe," Kaz said cheerfully, packing a large snowball as he spoke. He took careful aim at Shinyso's back. Winding up to throw, he paused. "And besides, Wildie fixed her up when we got to the Assassin." He finished his throw, and got Coppertop in the face as Shinyso, with a wicked half-grin, moved aside. Copper shook her head violently and wiped the snow off, and Kaz tried to hide, but it was too late. She grabbed some snow, made a hasty ball and threw it with deadly accuracy at the guilty bird. It got him right on the beak, and he began throwing snowballs with no discrimination whatsoever. One hit a startled Kovu, another got Claw on the arm, and he finally managed to get Shinyso right between the shoulder blades, knocking him over again. The rest went flying off to land on the Assassin, other ships, and the passerbys. Copper shook her head pityingly as she watched the bird attempt to escape the wrath of Shinyso, Kovu and Claw.
"He's recessing," she said to no-one in particular. Ducky, beside her, nodded in agreement.
"His childhood is back again," she agreed. "Say, how are we to find Nightshade? There's three more balls of rock out there to search-" she stopped abruptly as Kaz raced over to hide behind her. Moving aside, she put him once more in Kovu's line of fire. His snowball hit Kaz square on the top of his head, laying him out. Dazedly Kaz watched the snowflakes fall, mumbling something about "yes, Mother" and cookies. Coppertop watched all this, hands on hips, with a third-laughing, third-annoyed and third-incredulous expression as Kovu pounced. Shinyso and Claw had given up the chase, although Claw had only turned and leveled his blaster and Shinyso had advanced a couple paces with his sword drawn. Kaz huddled in the snowbank, pleading for mercy, and Kovu helped him up.
"What a dirtball this place is," he observed.
"Yeah, it needs a good cleaning," Blacksheep added.
"I'm cold," Kaz chipped in, then subsided when everyone's dryest looks were heaped on him.
"Did he get enough sleep last night?" Ducky asked privately to Copper. She shrugged.
"I'm hoping that's the reason, and it's not a side-effect from that crash he was in," she said resignedly. Claw, Protec back in the holster, appeared at her side.
"Well, shall we start searching?"

Alpha had finally got a fix on the Assassin. It hadn't been easy, but the Jendara's sensors were quite good and Drant was not that far away.
Omega had remained in a drug-induced sleep. At first he had fought the drugs, but once sleep overtook him he had not wakened.
Alpha was slowly getting the hang of the controls, no easy task when she kept wanting to check on Omega. She'd put him back in the medivac, but healing was slow. So was liftoff. But once in space, any pilot could be graceful without meaning to. Sure, and any pilot can get blown up when fiddling with the controls without meaning to ...

They were on Drant.
How incredibly ... annoying. Selantrio was typical; he hated cold. Very few of his kind could endure it, and those who could were spies. And Selantrio was not a spy.
One was not on Drant; he was on Firen. Reliable sources said that he would probably head for Medivo next, but probablies were not enough for Beren Deathwreaker.
Only complete control was enough for Beren Deathwreaker.
Selantrio, like every other of his kind, served Beren to his utmost limit. And beyond. Beren's word was law for every one of his people.
Selantrio was a Commander, and in charge of security, spies and any information that came in otherwise. And he reported directly to Beren. Few saw Beren once in their lifetimes; Selantrio supposed he would be considered the luckiest one they had ever seen. He had thought so, too, once; the luster had worn off somewhere in the first two weeks. He was still in absolute awe of his lord; he could not help that and wouldn't if he could. But daily regimes with no action wore on one's patience. And even Beren was beginning to show restlessness after the very unexpected defeat of the agents he had sent out to destroy the rabbit Omega. Selantrio had been most shocked when he learned of the agents' deaths.
Selantrio was a Deathless One.
He, like the other Deathless Ones, called himself by a different name, of course. By Beren Deathwreaker's order, no outsider could know of their special name, the one Beren himself had chosen.
It was Salenrytii, and meant the chosen. The chosen ones, chosen by Beren Deathwreaker. Any dare oppose him and the death will rate high.
One had dared oppose him.
Kroys had failed, and thus Beren's plan to rule through him had too. Now was the time for more direct tactics, now the time to strike at the galaxy and to take over quietly while they were still recovering from the blows Kroys had dealt them.
And one still evaded Beren's search.
One and many more. Blast, blast those allies and those incredible abilities. And those unknown connections.
And Omega. Selantrio's work had been most difficult when he had searched out the rabbit's whereabouts, and he had gone to great lengths to hide the agents. And all for nothing? ...
But Beren Deathwreaker did not accept failure as an excuse for nothing. Selantrio, although he had failed, could not again. He must search harder, seek those who were more dangerous.
One was far more dangerous than Omega. Far more. One who had destroyed Beren's best weapon, the human wizard Kroys.
One? No, two, three and more. But one in particular and two in general. And they threatened the undeafeatable Beren Deathwreaker.
No one could threaten Beren Deathwreaker and live. And Beren Deathwreaker had sworn to kill them.
Selantrio suspected that they had sworn to kill his lord, too.
Perhaps they had.
Selantrio turned as a Kronan, named after the 'lord' Kroys early in his reign, entered. Dog-like creatures with blunt spikes along their spines and staring, pupiless white eyes, Selantrio was always repulsed when such even looked at him. He suspected that they weren't natural.
"My lord see you. Now," the Kronan gargled. Its' voice was a mix of a hiss and a growl. It scraped on Selantrio's already raw nerves, sending shocks up his spine.
"Now," it repeated. Selantrio gave it a frosty look which it ignored.
"I heard you. Begone, foul beast. You offend my sight."
The Kronan grinned. Multitudes of yellowed fangs were bared in that grin, and Selantrio was struck by how ugly the Kronan race was once more.
"I go. But return at milord's call." The primitive, broken speech carried plenty of emphasis on "milord".
"Dismissed," Selantrio said stiffly. The Kronan grinned again at Selantrio's discomfiture, and left. And Selantrio went with all haste to Beren's centre.

Okay, more to post later, maybe tomorrow if Shade doesn't get there ahead of me. Sorry if it seems like I've dropped out, but one post per email, per day is pretty annoying. :mad:

Jan 6, 2002, 04:38 PM
You said to post it in your topic, so here goes. It'll also keep it from being buried alive.

defalcon phoenix
Age 17
Male Jackrabbit

Sky blue fur with snow white undercoat (chest fur). Emerald green eyes.

Golden fur with a snowy white undercoat (chest fur). Deep blue eyes.

Black singlet, purple long sleeved flight jacket, long grey-black pants, brown boots, thin belt with black leather pouches, black leather knuckle-gloves (fingers stick out), red headband. His prefered outfit.

Matrix/Angel style outfit. Dark grey shirt, black leather jacket/trenchcoat, long black pants+black boots, black leather knuckle gloves (fingers stick out).

Hair: Usually has short fur. On occasion, his hair is cut so that it has a large spikey tufft hanging out front, or his may have long hair tied back in a tail. Depends how you want him to look in your story, really.

-Special sling. This weapon appears as a polished leather sling, but instead of rocks it throws high-charged green energy bolts.
-Powerful set of twin blasters, grey in colour. They have many settings, including counterbeam, wide spread and explosive. They're usually too heavy for most to carry.
-Twin swords with golden blades. Only defalcon can wield them. Their handels, with a leather grip encrusted with precious gems, will sear the hands of anyone else who wields them. They enhance his power and are unbreakable. He keeps them on long scabbards on his back.

Other Equipment:
-Special stylish, sleek device that looks like a rounded, compact MP3 player. It has a holo-emmitter and acts as a mini-computer and communicator. Kept in a pouch on his belt.

Flying: Whilst flying takes small amounts of energy, it is not draining unless he is completely exhausted.

Transformations: See below.

*Ki-blasts: defalcon is able to shoot numerous Ki-Beams of various forms and various power. He can do one handed and two handed energy beams and bolts.

*Hook-shot: A bluish/gold (depends on form) beam that revolves in a small circle shoots out of his palm. It has some homing capabilities, cuts through most armor and looks like the blade gun from the OEM of JJ2.

*Homing Scatter: The hands are so the bottom of the palms touch. The rest of the hand is curved outward, like there's a ball there. From the place where his palms meet, many rapid beams shoot out and home in on a target.

*Burning Attack: After some quick hand movements, defalcon holds out his hands side by side and fires a very bright beam. Or, the palms are held out with fingers facing the sky, and hands slightly curving in towards each other. Whilst extremely damaging, he uses it for distractions to follow up with more devastating attacks. Ripped of Trunks on DBZ.

*Big Bang: Okay, a blatent ripoff of one of Vegeta's attacks, but hey - it's cool. defalcon holds out a hand, palm facing the target. The thumb is folder over onto the palm and a ball of energy shoots from his hand.

*Masenko-ha: Ever watched Gohan's special attack? defalcon can do this too, and he packs a punch. Usually done in the air (jumping, hovering etc) there are 3 variations of it:
- His hands are raised above his head, one behind the other, and are then brought down to perform a two-handed blast of energy.
- Both hands held apart above head, where ball of energy forms. It can then be pegged with one hand like a tennis ball.
- One hand held with palm facing sky, other hand holding wrist. Beam is formed on upraised palm.

*Special Beam: A two-handed beam of energy. His hands are brought together and are linked by the thumbs. They are brought in front of him and a massive Ki-blast is expelled from them. His most powerful beam, can be draining depending on how tired he is.

*NOTE: If in his normal form, the ki blasts are blue. If in his transformed state then they are golden-yelow.

Normal form: In this form, defalcon is powerful and has his regular blue+white fur.
Transformed state: defalcon's power increases by many times. His blue fur becomes a bright gold and his power is increased by an unmeasurable amount. All of his traits, strenght, speed etc, are enhanced. This form is akin to what a Super Saiyan is in Dragonball Z.

-Ace pilot, equipped with the knowhow to operate most forms of transport, fighting vehicles etc.
-Dead shot with a gun.
-Grade A swordsman, one of the best alive.
-Expert fighter and warrior.
-Able to jump extremely high, run faster than other rabbits, move extremely quickly, is extremely strong and tough. This results because of his genetic additions (see history).

defalcon has no knowledge of where he came from until age 17. He is one of the prototypes in a genetic experiment. His creator's goal was to clone the ultimate beiong from the DNA of a supposed god. defalcon was one of the final tests in the lead up to this. As a result of genetic manipulation, he has many extra abilities. His DNA is not wholey rabbit, but has material from several other sources.
Whilst usually rational, defalcon can be hotheaded at times. He often sits and talks with friends, enjoying a carrot ale or two.
He has travelled through time so much that he is rarely surprised by anyone or anything. In battle, he either is conservative and careful of his moves, or is fired up and beserk.

Jan 6, 2002, 06:57 PM
*doubtful* Thanks, defalcon, I'll see what I can do, but I don't know where you'll fit in.

:cool: I figured out what Wild Angel's idea was. Just to tease you, I'm not posting it right away.

Enjoy, all you non-repliers! (Hey, we War Tavern writers are really getting discouraged here!)

Rrr. My part is too big! Part now, part later, I guess ...

The star-strewn wastes of deep space hold unfathomable mysteries, and few have ever been penetrated. No mortal knows where the end of space is, and many a creature has felt imestimably (sp?) small against the sheer vastness of the universe. Perhaps there is no end to space; but logic says there must be. Logic has said many things are not possible that have been conquered; likewise, things logic has said must be possible have been attempted at, and failed at. Irrationality rules in space; anything can be attempted that logic says cannot be. Likewise did Coppertop, KRSplat, Ducky, Kaz, Grath, Shinyso, Blacksheep, Claw, Alpha and Omega, Phoebe, Zanzibar, Wild Angel, Emerald Dragon, Kovu and Nightshade attempt to bring down the Empire of Kroys. Where logic said they would, ultimately, fail, they won and brought freedom back to her native lands. There was no reason why they should have won, but they did and their names will be known for generations to come as the instrument of Kroys the Evil's downfall. It took commendable courage to face such a mighty enemy, and his leigons of allies.
But even the greatest mortal has uncovered few of the secrets that the universe holds. Why do only certain types of stars support the right sort of planets for habitation? Why are there more species of creation than there are habitable planets? Why does hyperspace, illogically, take an hour where normal space would take a week? These and more cannot be answered immediately. And these and a million make creation look very small.
Nightdweller was a ship the size of the Yelantra Sentry, and the latter's sister ship. She was a maximum security ship, and was mainly run by robots, cyborgs and the occasional trusted Deathless One. She was a slaveship, holding pathetic, half-dead creatures; the remnants of an amazingly advanced civilization that had flourished on the fifth planet in that system, the planet that Nightdweller orbited. She was called Raxizil, and the remaining Raxans would have been scoffed at by their forefathers. The ancient Raxans were warriors born, but they had slowly, inexplicably begun to decline until they were a simple matter to conquer. So Beren Deathwreaker had pounced on the lush, verdant world of Raxizil, and enslaved the Raxans three years ago.
They were not alone in this outrage. Countless, isolated worlds had fallen prey to Beren Deathwreaker; when he struck they fell. It was as simple as that. Those that dared oppose him were cut down, and cruelty was lavishly applied to the innocents.
It was Emerald Dragon's luck to have been on Raxizil when Beren had struck. She had been on the run ever since, hiding in the ripe, beautiful forests in the far reaches of the world. Raxizil was not completely subdued; bands of such rebels hid in the impenetrable forests and wildernesses and practiced hit and fade maneuvers. And Emerald Dragon had joined them.
The band; the Saravzan.
The members; rebels who had always bucked the system, fighting to uphold the ancient laws of the warrior.
The uniform; polished chain mail, and black. Simple white shirt, black pants, black jacket, black knee-high boots, black cloaks. Buckles. Wrist spikes if you liked, or maybe steel inlaid bootsoles.
The weapons; sabers. Two to a member, and keep them in good condition or you're dead. Perhaps a bootknife or two if you really felt nervous. Blasters? Why bother? They were slow; you couldn't use them in close quarters; and while they were neater, sabers, the Sarav felt, were more efficient. If you needed a blaster you were incompetent.
The location; urban. The Sarav had never believed in "hiding in the wild". You could do so much more damage from the cities. Or so they said.
And the goal; to free Raxizil, or so they said. Emerald Dragon suspected that they enjoyed having the Deathless Ones to fight. Life would be boring otherwise.
The Sarav were mixed races. The leader was a wildcat with slitted green eyes and permanently flattened ears. His name was Scimitar. There were the occasional squirrels, and once in a while a wolf would show up. The majority were rabbits. The Sarav's pride was the lone Fader who was their true leader; even Scimitar listened when Venomarin had something to say, which she rarely did.
And Emerald Dragon was one of them.

Okay, so it's not too exciting, but it's just part of a whole. Reply! Or else I won't continue:mad:

Jan 6, 2002, 09:02 PM
Yay! More! More I say! Good stuff! You'd better continue. Since Kovu won't write anymore Surreal, this is all we have left!

What's this about 1 post per day?

Violet CLM
Jan 6, 2002, 11:02 PM
I used to read this, but at some point there was a very long gap between parts, and I forgot what/who everything/one was/is, and so reading it isn't quite as fun as before. (Yes, I feel guilty!)

Jan 7, 2002, 02:40 PM
What? Unknown Rabbit has replied to my story? My life's quest has been fulfilled! *expires*
Okay, not really, but I really didn't expect to see you here ... welcome to the world of Conquests, Unknown ...

Kove's not continueing? I draw your attention to this post from him, my dear JCFers ...

Originally posted by Kovu aka Alec
yea, but don't worry, I won't let Apokallyipsis die without being finished.

Goodness, Copper, goodness on a plate of Sa--

nevermind...(inside joke)

but anyway, spiffy, indeed.

Okay, got that over with. Now for the STORY!!

Scimitar glared at the young squirrel. The fierce wildcat knew that the only way to keep the band together was to keep absolute authority, and this rebellious squirrel had been raising dissent. Venomarin stood silently behind him, her white robe shining silver in the moonlight that slanted through the jagged edges of the broken window. It glinted off Scimitar's steel armor and caressed his namesake scimitar with gentle light. The silver edges on the black weapon flared as he shifted it.
The Sarav were divided for the first time. The squirrel's followers, mostly other disgruntled squirrels, were beside him. The other Sarav ranged silently behind Scimitar and Venomarin, faces shadowed and weapons drawn. Venomarin was murderous: the empathy waves rippling out from her almost overwhelmed the closest Sarav.
"Well, if you don't want to be part of Saravzan, then the matter's settled," Scimitar said softly. "Is it not?"
"How so?" countered the impetuous squirrel. His name, if Emerald recalled correctly, was Razect. Scimitar's eyes narrowed with caged fury.
"If you aren't for us you're against us," he snapped. "You don't want to be Sarav, leave. If you don't do it willingly, I will have Venom escort you." Venomarin shifted her position. No one doubted that he would carry out that threat, but there wouldn't be much left of the rebels if Venom had her way.
The squirrel looked nervously at Venom before glancing back at Scimitar.
"I didn't say I'd leave," he countered. "I'm just sick of your bossing and ordering us around. How'd you get to be leader anyway?"
"The Sarav chose me after Fastan died. Off subject anyhow. If you don't like my leading, start your own band. Then you would have absolute authority ... unlike now."
"I didn't say I was going to leave-"
"Then why are we having this discussion? If there's no separation there's no problem. Is there?"
At that Razect lost it. His fury and frustration tumbled out, and the Saravzan band savagely moved closer. Only Venomarin remained. The Fader shimmered slightly as the Sarav stepped forward, and moonlight flashed on blades.
"Of course there is! I'm sick of having all these nighttime excursions, creeping out of our holes and fleeing when the day comes! The Nightdweller doesn't consider us dangerous; how can they when they never see us? You're always telling us that we've got to free Raxizil, and then you ignore us when we want action. What kind of a leader are you?"
Scimitar reigned silently as Razect attempted to tear him down, build him back up and tear him down again. Eyes half closed, he looked half-asleep. He flicked his cloak unobtrusively towards Venomarin, and she understood.
Unseen to the freedom fighters and the rebels, Venom shimmered again. Nobody noticed as she vanished, leaving only a patch of light in her wake. And only Scimitar reacted when she materialized behind the ranting squirrel.
"You're quite finished now?" he said sharply, cutting Razect short. The squirrel glared back into the wildcat's baleful green gaze.
"-Are no longer Sarav. I said before, I believe, that if you didn't leave willingly Venomarin would do it?"
On cue the rebels drew back. One gasped, and Razect whirled. Venomarin towered silently over him, her cowled head bent. Although the moonlight shone directly inside her hood, the darkness radiated from where her face might be. Emerald, released from her trance, freed her sword hopefully. Scimitar glanced sideways at her and shook his head slightly. Venom swayed, and a wind rose from nowhere. Leaves that had littered the floor for years stirred, fluttering in the keening wind. Cold dark fear seeped towards them indiscriminately, as if in tendrils of black shadow. Razect was drawing his saber, but the leaves swirled about him and obstructed any veiw of him. One of the rebels collapsed, and a gentle Sarav tried to comfort her.
The leaves flashed fire, reflecting not only the moonlight but the raging glory of the sun, and the fury of Venom that any should defy Scimitar. All Sarav knew that she was devoted to him - something to do with a life-debt turned to a friendship. She would protect him and any loyal to him to the end, and nobody wanted to test her. As the leaves rose, the wind intensified and so did the light. Weapons blazed with it, and many Sarav shielded their eyes.
Abruptly the wind died and the crisped, singed leaves settled once more. Venomarin stood, silent in her smoke-white cloak, resplendant in moonlight.
Razect was gone.

Right. If Fquist can help me, I'll be able to post more, defalcon ... that means more story:p
All for now, enjoy!

Jan 8, 2002, 05:40 PM
Woohoo! 'Nother chappie! Yay!
I should add a 'I love Conquests' thing to my sig!

Jan 8, 2002, 07:22 PM
:lol: You did, too! At last, my TRUE fan *glares at all the nonrepliers*
Just for you, I'll post my part. Maybe it'll induce all those people out there who AREN'T REPLYING to reply ...

It was amazing, Kovu mused, how one could be so cheerful and still be ready to fight at a moment's notice. Nightshade was laughing loudly with Ducky. It was also amazing, he thought, that Coppertop trusted her. He wouldn't ... but after all, he'd only seen her once before.
The young, pretty black rabbit had startlingly deep blue eyes. It was strange how all the beautiful, young females that he met were mercenaries, and Nightshade was no exception. She couldn't be more than twenty, and had a strange way of dressing. He had skeptically noted her silky black dress, but not so skeptically noted her hundreds of knives, and her sword. Small pouches carrying unknown substances hung at her dark grey belt, a belt that matched her eartips, paws and tail. She strode freely over the snowy ground, Ducky explaining her staff's properties and Nightshade pretending to listen. Grath was nodding as Ducky talked to a deaf audience, and Kaz made a smart remark every third line or so. This earned him many annoyed looks from Ducky, and eventually Coppertop rescued Nightshade. Claw, as always on such adventures, was silently watching the friends. Copper took Nightshade aside, and the mercenary joined them. His fur was dusted by a light sprinkle of snow, and his red eyes were trained on Nightshade's face. It was clear that he didn't trust her, even if she had saved Copper's life, and, probably, his.
"Well, what did you want from me?" demanded Nightshade. Claw glared at her, but Copper merely looked exasperated.
"Have you not heard a word that I've said? You're in mortal danger. The Deathless Ones have probably already targeted us, but Claw says that he hasn't seen many that like cold. So we might be safe - for now. Since you helped kill Kroys, we've tried to return the favor and save you from certain doom. Get my drift?"
"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Look, I been on my own for most of my life, 'kay? I think I can take care of myself. I don't have any ties with you, and no loyalties. I only came with you 'cause you made me, see."
"No ties - so why did you kill Kroys?" Copper shot back.
"'Cause I don't like seein' the bad guys win, see. If I thought he was right, I'da left you to the wolves, so to speak. But I didn't, an' here we are - " she spread her arms and shrugged. Claw might have rolled his eyes, but it was hard to tell. He looked exasperated and annoyed, anyhow, as he shook his head and half-turned away.
Ducky, who had heard the last part, marched up, brandishing her staff fiercely. Kovu, who had tailed her with Shinyso, gave the latter a wry half-grin.
"Fine, so get yourself killed. We only came half-way across the galaxy to see if you were okay and save your life. We only wanted to help you, and keep you from the tender mercies of the Deathless Ones. And you turn us down. So fine, we don't care anymore. We'll try to save the galaxy on our own, and when we fail because we needed more help, we can blame it all on you. That's if we, and you, are still around. Go your own way, I don't care. This wasn't my idea. But I saw the sense in it; if we don't do something the galaxy will be worse off than if Kroys lived. But if you, like a multitude of others, decide to turn a blind eye to our efforts, you might as well be saying that you hope the Deathless Ones win. But the thing about 'bad guys' is that they don't care where your loyalties lie. You're a rabbit; they kill you. Simple as that. In the long run, with the right help, we'll win. But while we might be making you lose a bit of money, you'll gain it all back. What good are credits, after all, to a dead mercenary? Answer that, if you can," she finished triumphantly. Nightshade looked stunned, and Copper nearly cheered. Claw grinned at the thief's discomfiture, and Kovu and Grath traded knowing looks.
"Who - we - I - what?" she spluttered.
"Just what I said," Ducky said promptly. Nightshade looked ashamed.
"Well ... I guess I could. I did've a prospective, um, victim in mind, but I guess he c'n wait." She turned to Ducky. "Congratulations on convincing this thief, Greyrabbit. Not many can do that, y'know."
"So you'll come?" Kovu pounced. Nightshade grinned dryly.
"I guess so, huh? Score one for Greyrabbit."
Ducky grinned self-consciously. The snow attempted to block the sunlight, but it didn't matter. The Assassin lay waiting, and Nightshade was with them. Only - what, five more friends to find? Alpha and Omega, Wild Angel, Zanzibar and Emerald Dragon. That wasn't much.
Claw looked almost cheerful as he trotted over to where Shinyso stood. He held a whispered conference with him, before heading for the Assassin-
"Oy! Coppertop and crew!"
A familiar chestnut Darkspray was settled on the snowoy ground a short distance away. A suited figure was striding towards them, removing her helmet as she did so to reveal bloodred fur with matching eyes. A smile lit that face, and she supported another suited figure, this one limping.
"Alpha," Copper said warmly, no doubt remembering how instrumental she and her brother had been. She strode forward, paw outstretched. Alpha shook it, still smiling.
"I've been scouring the galaxy for you, mercenary. Drant, though!"
"What happened to Omega?" Coppertop queried, indicating the other. Alpha's face fell.
"He ... was attacked. I haven't gotten much more out of him, but-"
Omega cut her short by carefully removing his helmet. He looked up slowly, and his eyes fastened onto Copper's bemused face.
"So they haven't gotten you yet, you old gunslinger. I might have known that Beren wouldn't find you that easily. But he'll be looking," he said. Coppertop stared at him, trying to organize her thoughts. Foremost was this is who we've been looking for! Omega has the information that we need!
"Beren? So that's who's been trying to kill us off? What happened to you?"
"Long story. Y'll take us, too?"
"Of course," she said distractedly. "Grath, uh ... Shinyso, take the Jendara to Carrotus, will you?"
"Aye aye, cap'n," Grath said, saluting. Shinyso rolled his eyes resignedly. As he followed Grath onto the ship, he could be heard muttering, " ... Can't imagine what's gotten into her ... "

The Saret was in trouble. The vessel's engines were failing fast, and her air supply was short. Saturn, her dark hair cut short and her green eyes frantic, attempted to shut down the engines to conserve power, but her craft was no longer responding. Hissing with helpless frustration, she slammed her fist onto the control board.
"Blast! If I lose my ship, these guys'll have a lot to answer for!" A rocking explosion made the Saret shudder. Gasping now for breath that would not come, Saturn raced down the corridor for the escape pod. It was large enough for one to pace, and she did so energetically while waiting for the small turbine engines to kick in. A roar filled her ears, and rosy light washed over her from the porthole as the Saret was consumed. Saturn was thrown free, and in a moment was tumbling through star-studded space. The explosion that followed them was quite spectacular, but Saturn didn't see it. For when the pod had thrust forward, she had fallen and hit her head violently against the wall, rendering her unconscious ...

Well, more later (of course:roll: ) so bye for now.

Jan 8, 2002, 08:33 PM
Yay! More! More!

Curse the unbelievers! Conquests shall dominate all! Muhahaha!
Er, new chappie soon or I'll go insane. :)

Oh and by the way, I CLAIM 3RD PAGE!

Jan 13, 2002, 01:33 PM
*Hits defalcon* Iz MINE!
Anyway, nice sig, defalcon. Nightshade should be over the moon in delight any minute now.

Right, the part, the part. I was getting to that ...

Jassiv watched Firen recede, its' beautiful colors falling behind the Starblown. Goodbye, Firen, he thought, before heaving a sigh. It was a beautiful world, but he doubted that he'd be seeing it again. He would be busy searching for Wild Angel, and then he was going home to Keenrei. Then ... who knew? Maybe he'd see Carrotus, or Hellantra (he discarded that idea quickly), or Medivo. And he wanted to meet Coppertop again, and her friends. He'd heard that Tubelectric was nice, and Vanargala. It all depended ...

The Starblown vanished into the star-studded sky, taking with it a shred of Tsai's dreams. She watched until it dwindled to nothing, before turning back.
The Yeshi Suun was back under an able captain's command, but not, thankfully, hers. The Kiyan Saranai would hold her heart forever.
The velvet sky positively glowed with the coming of dawn, turning a faint aqua at the horizon. Tsai Rtyra, Captain of the Kiyan Saranai, prepared herself for a new day ...

Wild Angel, circling the Yelantra Sentry, eyed the impenetrable fortress. If she could somehow contrive to get them to open their bay doors unwittingly, she could slip out and tag the spot for future teleporting. Carefully staying out of reach of the immensely powerful tractor beam, Angel powered up her lasers. Picking a likely spot, she darted in close and fired, her lasers splatting on the mothership's shields. Instantly the Sentry retaliated, her shields dropping perilously low. As she evaded, she realized that she was too close and the beam had her.
The Yelantra Sentry was looming closer, and she panicked briefly as the seamless wet grey steel filled her vision. Fumbling to prepare a teleporting spell, she watched in shock as the wall parted, revealing an immaculate hangar filled with strange craft. Changing the spell, she prepared to tag the spot.
As her magic touched the sleek floor, something happened. It was like stroking something slimy, wet and entirely repulsive. It surged up around her, attempting to snare her, and she jerked away.
Just as she finished, two strange creatures entered the hangar. They were dog-like, with blunt spikes running the length of their spines, and with staring white eyes. She knew they were Kronans.
They were on the floor one minute. The next they were gone, and cold steel was at Wild Angel's throat.
"Move and die," rasped the one with the sword, his voice gargling and gutteral. The other one, holding a vibropike, grinned nastily.
"They said They wanted her alive, Koppa. They said nothing about being intact." He moved his vibropike towards her, switching it on so that the pike head vibrated intensely. She shrank back from it, her mind whirling as she tried to concoct a spell that would let her get out of this.
"Put it down, Ralvo. She has to be able to talk." Ralvo lowered his pike.
"She doesn't need her limbs to do that."
"You just want to see blood. Wait until They're done with her."
"Why? They just want to question her about that Copper rabbit, and then They'll kill her. I haven't killed in months."
"Kill, maybe. Torture? They might get angry. I wouldn't chance it, Ralvo." Koppa sounded nervous.
"Come on, just a ear or two? You could have a bit of fun, too."
"Well ... just one. She has to be able to hear, y'know?"
"I know." Ralvo moved his vibropike towards her again -

Thought I'd leave you hanging for now ... :D /:p /:lol:

(They don't have the right smiley, so I have to compromise)

Jan 13, 2002, 07:29 PM
I get it... run foo!

Cliff Hanger! NOT AGAIN!

Jan 13, 2002, 07:45 PM
Argh! Left hanging! Nooooooo!

Good chapter. Getting more mysterious and all.

Like my sig? Thanks. :)

Jan 29, 2002, 12:24 PM
:D I know. Sorry guys, but exam week an' all ... even for me:rolleyes: Oh well.
Anyway, I'm here now, and here's the part, for what it's worth ... no cliffhangers here, Kaz

Something snapped. Angel hissed the words, and the Kronans vanished with short-lived yelps. Then her second spell teleported her and the Webmaster away to open space. Closing her eyes, Angel used a seeking spell, searching for Copper, and then teleported to Drant, although she knew that she was over-using her magic. No ships pursued her, although from what she had seen from the craft in the mothership, they didn't have hyperdrives. Which, indirectly, meant that whoever flew those ships had magic, too.
As she materialized on Drant, cold, watery light filtered in her cockpit. The boarding ramp lowered, and she stumbled out to see an empty shipyard. Concentrating, she found Copper again and teleported.

Copper jumped as Wild Angel appeared in front of her, trembling and wild-eyed. Shinyso leapt forward to catch the black rabbit as she swayed dangerously, and Copper moved up to support her.
"Copper -"
"Angel, what happened? Are you all right?"
"I - no - They're after you!" Angel was almost incoherant.
"Who are after me? What happened?"
"I don't know - Kronans - questioning - I don't know!" The last was half wail, half sob, and Copper looked up, concerned.
"Something's going on here, but I don't know what. It looks almost mental. Can anybody help me here?"
Wild Angel, sobbing hysterically, was struggling against Copper and Shinyso as they supported her.
"Let me go! I don't know, I don't know! Leave me alone!"
Ducky came forward, her expression sad.
"I'll do what I can. It might not be enough." She touched Angel's forehead, and the rabbit suddenly slumped as sleep overcame her.
"Thank you. Now, let's move."

Unknown to her friends, Wild Angel's struggle didn't end there. They moved with her as she dreamt, and soon she found herself in that same dreamland as where she had met Kroys those few times. But this time, there was no one to help her.
Two black-cloaked figures stood before her, one half-hidden. The other looked directly at her.
"Where is Coppertop?"
"I don't know!" As she said it, illusionary pain racked her body.
"We know you know. Tell Us. Where is Coppertop?"
"No! I don't know!"
"Tell Us!" The hidden one made a movement with his hands, and the pain she had felt before seemed like nothing now.
- how can They do this - Kroys couldn't -
"We have changed the fabric of Here. You must obey!"
"No, no! I can't!" It hurt so bad ...
- help, somebody, anybody - I can't hold out much longer -
"We can help you. We'll take the pain away, if you'll just tell Us what we want to know." The Deathless One's voice was soothing now, and Angel was close to the point of breaking.
- tell Them -
- tell Us - there is no other way -
"Where is she?" Obediently Angel opened her mouth to say "Drant".
- hold on, Angel - don't tell Them - I'm coming - Claw's voice echoed distantly in her mind. Somehow Angel managed to say, "I don't know" instead of giving in.
The second Deathless One stirred, sensing something. Claw materialized in front of Angel, and hissing with rage, launched himself at the spellworker. Startled, the pair vanished, and with Them went the pain.
"Are you all right?" Claw asked as he helped her up.
"I will be. Thank you.
"Can you destroy this Place?"
"No. It's too unatural."
"Can you stand now?"
"Yes. They'll be back, you know."
"I know. I've alerted Ducky and Shinyso; they've been Here before. We'll watch out with you."
"Thank you."
"You're welcome. Come on." And the dreamland faded as Claw led her away to consciousness.

Jan 29, 2002, 06:56 PM

That's a good piece of story you got there...

Jan 30, 2002, 11:58 PM
Wow. Real nice Coppertop, you seriously gotta write more. :)

Feb 1, 2002, 07:42 AM
Oooh CT! I'm sorry I haven't replied in so long! These updates have been <i>great</i> though.
Thank yooou!!!!


Feb 1, 2002, 02:49 PM
I absolutely have to, defalcon?:p

Okay, I will desist. Here ya go.

"I really don't know what happened next, except that I somehow magically spaced the Kronans and teleported into space. Then I teleported to Drant, and then to here." Wild Angel sighed.
"So why do these Deathless Ones keep at you? How?" Copper asked.
"I think it was when I tagged Their mothership. I told you about that Presence? I think It marked my mind, tagging me, if you will."
"Can you remove it?"
"Not very easily, and not if I'm not the spellcaster. They would have to do it, or at least some outside force."
"So there's no way to get rid of it. Can you shield yourself?"
"Yes, and that's what I'm doing right now. It should hold Them off for a short time, at least." She rubbed her eyes wearily. "I hope we can find Emerald and Zanzibar quickly. They might have something."
"There's rumors that many Carrotans were trapped on Raxizil when Beren moved in. Emerald Dragon might have joined the freedom fighters there," Claw said.
"Raxizil? That place in the middle of nowhere, with all the trees?" Grath looked up quickly.
"That's it. Why?"
"I think I been there before. I could take us."
"No, I think we're relying entirely too much on magic," Copper declared. "If I used the hyperdrive, we could be there in two hours."
"Two hours?" Kaz moaned. "That long?"
"Hey, I've had two day-long flights before," Kovu chimed in. "Two hours isn't that long."
"True. Okay, let's load up and get ready to go."

Selantrio hissed with fury. The Deathless One in the holo before him remained impassive.
"Just missed them? How?"
"They were taking off as I landed, Commander. They engaged their hyperdrive shortly after exiting the gravitational pull of the moon. We do not know where their destination lies."
"Is the spellcaster with them?"
"I believe so, Commander."
"Then we have an unexpected advantage. The Salenrytii of the Yelantra Sentry have marked her mind when she so impetuously entered that ship. Unfortunately she managed to tag the ship before we could stop her. Prevent her from using that tag, scout."
"Of course, Commander."
"Follow the traces she has left. Track her to the nether reigions of Hellantra if you must. But find her!"
"Yes, Commander." The holo flickered and vanished, leaving Selantrio alone with his thoughts.
"Mechanis," he said suddenly to the holo. The image of another Deathless One flickered into being.
"Mechanis, have your workers captured one of those hyperdrive-fitted vessels yet?"
"No, Commander. We are working on it."
"Tell me when you have. See if you can replicate it. Hyperdrives would be most useful."
"Of course, Commander. We'll get right on it."
"See that you do." Once more the holo vanished.
"Milord will see you now," the repulsive voice of a Kronan said behind him. Selantrio turned to face the hideous creature.
"Very well. You are dismissed," he said frostily. The Kronan eyed him for a moment, before hefting its' vibrospear and wandering away. Selantrio headed for the command center, where Beren was sure to be, with not a little trepedation (sp?).

The Commander's voice was not a surprise to Beren. He remained where he was.
"Enter." His voice, no more than a slight whisper, echoed loudly in the absolute silence of the center. Selantrio entered and stood silently, his black robe moving slightly from time to time.
"You have done what is required of you as yet, Commander," Beren said. Selantrio remained stationary. "But I want the spellweaver alive."
Selantrio stirred.
"We will not let her escape, Beren."
"I know." Something subtle in Beren's voice told Selantrio that his leader wasn't finished yet.
"Bring the mercenary to me." Beren's voice strengthened as he spoke. "I will ... deal ... with her. Do not kill any if you can. Once they have been ... taken care of ... they will prove to be useful allies."
"Of course ... but they are stronger than we expected. The spellcaster arrived in time to warn them, and they have escaped from Drant. Unfortunately they did not use her abilities, but their hyperdrive, so we cannot find her yet ... but the mind traces the spellcaster left ... we will find them."
"Good." Beren's cloak fluttered in some unseen wind. Although they, unlike the Faders, remained in the material world, they retained the ability to move to other planes. Beren was the most skilled at both, and although he never aknowledged the distant blood-relation with the treacherous Faders, it was there.
"Do not fail me as Kroys did, Selantrio. He promised too much in too little time. Do not be impatient, for that leads to recklessness. Take your time. Coppertop will play herself into your hands."

Unfortunately, Coppertop seemed quite adept at not playing into Their hands. Somehow the spellcaster had shielded herself, and the Deathless Ones could not find her. Beren did not respond when Selantrio relayed this news to him, and the Commander couldn't feel his leader's cold anger, carefully kept in check. And this lack of outburst unsettled him even more ...

Hmph, you've already caught up with me ... now I'm working on the next part. D'you know how far ahead of you I was when I couldn't post? ...

Feb 1, 2002, 04:19 PM
hooray for seives!

Feb 6, 2002, 06:28 PM
Seives? What's seives got to do with it?:confused:

[persuading tone]
Okay, here's the deal. defalcon doesn't give me my page (yes I'm still mad about that) and I don't post. On the other hand, if defalcon gives me the page, I shall post more of my story. Does that make sense? Good. Thank you very much.
[/persuading tone]

K, defalcon, there it is. Comply or not comply?

Yes, I know I'm mean. Do I look like I care?

Okay, so maybe I do. Hand it over!

Feb 7, 2002, 12:03 AM
To comply or not to comply...

New chappie, hand it over! :)

Feb 7, 2002, 09:01 AM
*prods defalc* You giv'er the page ;P

Feb 7, 2002, 10:25 PM
Ehm, I'm a little confused as to what this page is, but erm...remind me and I'll give it. ;)

Feb 12, 2002, 02:49 PM
So very funny, defalcon. This is page three, remember? (Actually, Conquerer got to six pages before it ended.)

I take it by your silence that you agree...
Therefore, I, Coppertop, do claim this 3rd page with all due pomp and gratefullness (cough, choke, splutter) from the gracious defalcon! Ha HA! I rule ALL!

Right, well. Now for the story ... short, I agree, but the original was too long to post all in one piece:lol:

Copper looked down, her face reflecting worry. The blip on the scanners was still quite small, but somehow she knew that it was going to get bigger before they reached it. A lot bigger.
"Copper, got a read on it," KRSplat offered. "Do tell," the pilot said sarcastically.
"All right. Nightdweller, unknown class of self-sufficient interstellar ship/base. Most probably used as a HQ of some sorts. Lifeforms detected; mostly rabbits, felines and squirrels, the occasional Kronan. Some unindentified species, probably the Deathless Ones. No breaches of the hull detected; craft has been sensed within. Hull made of an unknown material. It looks magical, Copper," he added. "Uh ... All known lifeforms on board are unhealthy, excepting the Kronans. That's all."
"Sounds like a prison vessel," Claw growled. Copper nodded her agreement. "How far away is it?"
"Uh ... twenty leagues away. The planet's closer. We can avoid it by coming in the night side, then skirting underneath the clouds. They're pretty low, though, so you're going to have to pilot well ..."
"Thanks for the vote of confidence, KRSplat. Nice to know that someone thinks I can do it," Copper retorted. Maneuvering the Darkspray fighter lightly around the small pieces of space debris, she pushed the throttle to full and sat back.

Feb 12, 2002, 05:10 PM
I think you're stalling.

Feb 13, 2002, 02:19 AM
Aw come on Coppertop, we want a new chapter, not a new paragraph. ;)

3rd page is mine! Ahahahahah!

<img src="http://www.69megs.com/pages/defalcon/trippy.gif"><img src="http://www.69megs.com/pages/defalcon/trippy.gif"><img src="http://www.69megs.com/pages/defalcon/trippy.gif">

Mar 22, 2002, 02:31 PM
wOOt! Yes! I'm so happee ... *gurgles and dies*

See, this page wouldn't load for me, so I had a lot of trouble posting. Kovey, y'don't have to post those parts for me now! That is, if the problem doesn't come back ...:eek:

The part. Right. The part ...

The huge, white moon loomed above Raxizil, making the Nightdwelller a small black shape against its' light. The Saravzan were silently moving through the shifting shadows, making their way unerringly towards where the next ship would land to gather its' prisoners. Scimitar intended to disable the ship or destroy it, and to free whatever prisoners were already on it. Venomarin was back at HQ, in case they needed reinforcements. She wasn't happy about it, and made sure everybody knew it, too. Emerald Dragon was beginning to wonder if they'd ever win the war.
Scimitar glanced back at them, his sword glinting.
"You know what to do?" he asked. The Sarav nodded. "You are aware of what the Deathless Ones will do to you if you are caught?" More nods. "You are aware of what Venomarin will do if you fail?" Nods, a lot more, this time. Scimitar grinned cryptically. "Do not fail me. Do not fail the prisoners. Most of all, do not fail Raxizil." He turned away, ready to kill, and the Sarav looked nervously at each other. Emerald was wondering by now if life couldn't have been a lot simpler if she'd stayed on Carrotus, set up a little china shop, gotten married, and eventually die in bed, instead of this. Many of her fellow rebels seemed to be having similar thoughts.
The prison freighter was waiting on the landing pad, the myriad guards arguing loudly about the loading process.
"I loaded yesterday, can't I have a day off? He hasn't done it yet."
"You blind, deaf, mute idiot! It's the other way round! Seems t'me you've been doing a lot more sitting on your duff than helping out!"
"Sitting on my - ! Why you ... you ... you'll pay for that!"
"Yeah? I'd like to see you try. Go on, try it!"
"Just see if I don't! When I get my hands on you, I'll ... "
"You'll what? Fall over? I'd like to see it!"
"Why you! I'm gonna - "
"Just what is going on here?" The authoritave voice of their superior rang out over the compound. Scimitar looked dryly at Emerald, who shook her head and shrugged. The arguing turtles cringed and tried to look innocent.
"Who, sir? Not us, sir!"
"Good. You, Datra, and you, Sigol, start loading those prisoners in. The rest of you, start rounding up the rest. Got it?"
"Yeah, yeah, we got it ... sir," muttered the guard. The commander started to say something, then thought better of it and nodded curtly instead. Turning on his heel, he stalked away.
As soon as he was out of sight, the two guards began grumbling again.
"Why do you always get your way? He never listens to me!"
"Look who's talking! Say, Sigol, maybe that Gondo was talking to him again ... he always gets his way."
"Yeah ... he's really getting into Callon's inner circle, isn't he?"
"Mmm hmm. Here, why don't you take these guys, and I'll take these."
"Okay. Say, Datra? What are we goin' to do about Gondo?"
"Waddaya mean, goin' to do?"
"Well ... say he just happened to have an unfortunate accident, or something."
"Or something!" Datra's grin was visible even from where Emerald was.
"Yeah, like he just happened to get in the way when we were target practicing ... " Emerald caught Scimitar's slight movement, and inched forward. One of the other Sarav slipped into the milling prisoners to take out the far guard.
"Naw ... something more subtle than that. More like he's caught by enemy fire or left behind when we leave."
By now Emerald was just behind Datra, and caught sight of her fellow Sarav, Ferran, about to be herded up by Sigol. Inching her dagger out of its' scabbard, she waited briefly until Ferran was just in front of Sigol before pushing it home. At the same time Sigol suddenly collapsed, Ferran dancing back skillfully. Waiting until she was sure that Datra was dead, she turned and signalled the rest of the Sarav. At Scimitar's questioning look, she lifted a hand, and he nodded and slunk away towards where the remaining captives were. A moment later, one startled yelp, and he was back.
"Quickly. There are more on the way."
He signalled several Sarav to follow him, Ferran and Emerald among them. Slipping into the buildings, they followed him swiftly to where a second compound was.
"Swiftly. Ferran and I will stand guard. Get these into the buildings ... you know what I mean."
With brusque, curt nods, the Sarav split up and began working their way through the group of prisoners.
Emerald had a pleasant surprise. This bunch were the members of another urban gang ... in the wrong place at the wrong time, she guessed. Their weapons had been consficated, but many of them had managed to hide their bootknives and daggers from the careless guards. They moved quickly and calmly when Emerald indentified herself, moving smoothly towards the city and scattering expertly. Very shortly their number was a quarter of what it had been.
Emerald heard a cry from where Scimitar was standing guard. Dropping the rope she'd been holding, she leapt to her feet, to see Scimitar standing over a dead guard, scarlet stained sword drawn, a bloody slash on his leg showing that the guard had gotten some of his own back. At the same time, Ferran let out a wild warcry, and the rest of the turtles were on them.
It wasn't all turtles. Emerald cut down one, slashed at a lizard. It ducked, its' lithe body slinking with impossible speed around her blade, face filled with condencending scorn. At the last moment, she jerked up when it went down, and caught it in the throat. It fell, its' place being taken by a sneering Kronan.
This was what Emerald loved, the rush of adrenalin as she cut and sliced at her opponent. This was why she had chosen to be a warrior, why she hadn't stayed on Carrotus. This was why she was Sarav.
She twisted her saber at the Kronan, who caught it on his vibroblade. He began applying his strength, and Emerald strained to keep her blade up. The two weapons sang discordantly against each other as their wielders matched strengths, then Emerald cut down and skipped aside. The Kronan, with an outraged expression, found himself spitted on her saber. She jerked it out and turned to catch a downsweeping blade.
Then Ferran was beside her. They fought like demons, but sheer numbers gave the enemy an edge. Emerald wondered detatchedly if the prisoners had escaped.
"We must withdraw! They have escaped; our job here is done!" Scimitar called, appearing beside her. His scimitar was dripping and his face was bloody, though if the blood was his or some vanquished foe she could not tell.
Nodding to show that she had heard, Emerald slung a dagger over Scimitar's shoulder to take out a guard who was sneaking up behind the wildcat. Scimitar's sword sliced low, killing another super-agile lizard that Emerald hadn't seen with a blow that it hadn't seen, and he turned to start covering her retreat.

Mar 22, 2002, 03:04 PM
AGH! COPPER! That's simply solved by using a download program to download the source code of the thread, displaying it as a local file, and then using it!

And I thought I asked... Well written chapter anyways =P

Mar 22, 2002, 05:34 PM
Woo! COPPERTOP POSTED! :D:D:D Yaaaaaaaaaahhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mar 23, 2002, 07:45 AM
I CLAIM THE 100th post!!!

Been a while, but the story is still excellent.

May 31, 2002, 01:52 PM
You're so kind, Kaz.
I'm on the school computer:D, so I can't post my part right now. The last time I tried (the end of the battle w/Emerald) it wouldn't do it ... I was so mad:mad:
But there'll be more, I promise!

May 31, 2002, 03:17 PM
Coppertop! Yer back! :)

Jun 2, 2002, 05:15 PM

Kovu aka Alec
Jun 3, 2002, 04:12 AM
Yayness to backness! :)
More story I say!

Jun 17, 2002, 09:20 AM
:( I am so sorry, guys, but this story's going to have to wait. I hate myself for this *kicks self*
See, Shade explained this very point form in Slate, but that doesn't explain it all ... The main thing is this:
My family and I are moving down to Ontario so that my dad can learn to be a teacher (don't ask me why), and we're going to be moving very very slowly. At least two months before we're there, and then there's the problem of finding a place to live, etc., etc.
Also, we are selling our computers, so unless I miraculously am given a laptop I will not be able to access Internet ... that means no more JCF, no more Jazz *cries*
I will miss you guys so much while I'm gone. Mom figures on two years, but I think that's a major exaggeration:rolleyes: You know how moms are.
Don't anyone leave during my temporary displacement, I WILL be back.
I promise ....:(

Kovu aka Alec
Jun 17, 2002, 01:13 PM
Noo! *cries* Coppie, don't leave!

Jun 17, 2002, 04:30 PM
*cries* Coppiiieeee!!! :(

Jun 18, 2002, 10:38 AM
I'll be here when you get back at least... and we'll still be waiting for the story... AND HAUNT J00!!!!!

Aug 14, 2002, 10:33 AM
Hi guys! I'm back for half an hour, and I'm using my aunt's laptop ;)
I'm in Nova Scotia now, a long way from the Yukon! We've been travelling for about 9-10 hours a day in a crammed supercab pickup, with our cat and two rats in there with us. On the back is a huge box Dad built, and we're pulling a trailer with the dog in that. Very cramped, we're sleeping in tents at night. I share a tent with Shade, my brother gets a tent all to himself. Not fair, but what can you do? The cat sleeps in our tent too, making it three, but my bro shares his tent with two rats, so I guess that makes it even.
I feel like I've been everywhere ... d'you really want to hear about my travels, or am I boring you yet? The only provinces I haven't seen yet are P. E. I., Northwest Territory and Nunavut. Verrry interesting especially the Vancouver Aquarium and West Edmonton Mall. Niagara Falls was cool too- literally! Those have been the main points of our trip, the other provinces etc. were just flybys.
However, it hasn't ALL been good. A month before we left, my grandfather died while mowing the lawn, and in the spring my cousin died of unknown causes. One of my extremely distant relations (he was Grandpa's sister's grandson) suicided while we were in Ontario, and my uncle seemed to have a heart attack which turned out to be severe something or other. Not good.

I missed you all very much while we were travelling and will some more while we find a place to live, etc. I had hoped to have an update on Conquests for you, but I packed the disk it was on *kicks self again* very annoying.
Keep this story alive! I WILL be back, don't give up hope! Meanwhile, have fun.

Aug 14, 2002, 03:48 PM
Tell us more about either! Your writing is great and the war tavern has been sort of empty (I blame Kovu XD). ><... shame about all teh deaths. Hope you reach your destination soon and find a computer.

Aug 15, 2002, 12:29 AM
We're here waiting. :)

Kaz: Yesh! It's Kovu! ;)

Nov 13, 2002, 01:37 PM
Hi y'all, Coppertop, Nightshade (now Yazz) and me, a new friend, are back. This means that Conquests will be continued, sadly, Shade will not be writing Slate anymore.:(
Expect to see more of them and especially me in the future.

What is this?!? I said to keep this topic ALIVE!!!!!!:mad:
Oh well, I'm back with my awesome grammar. Hope to enrage you in the future.


4I Falcon
Nov 13, 2002, 03:25 PM
ARK! Efil topic reviver spam guy!

*...takes a sec to actually read the above post*


Nov 15, 2002, 10:06 AM
I know it says Nightshade but it's really me, Coppertop. If you don't believe me, well, maybe more of my story will prove it? Unless you don't want me to.
The reason I'm Shade right now is because "Coppertop" doesn't work. It will log me in (This goes for Zazz too) but it will not recognize that I actually AM logged in, if you get the gist. I can't log out or post or anything, so I'm open to suggestions.
The story.

It was too late. There were too many; Emerald was forced to back towards Scimitar. Soon they were back-to-back, fighting desperately as the guards swarmed in.
Yet another lizard faced Emerald. She wondered what kind they were. This one was slipping around her blade, easily avoiding her thrusts. He was big and black, his yellow eyes glittering as he evaded another slash, his feral grin vicious and utterly merciless.
Emerald was tiring. She should have known that there would be more guards than those four. They must have been bait, they and the prisoners, to catch a bigger fish. And like fools, the Sarav had bitten. Hard.
She swiped at the lizard's belly, and he darted away. She used the slight time she was given to slide her dagger out of its' sheath. The lizard bounded back in, sliding under the blade and coming in close, where her long saber was useless. He grinned at her, triumph lighting his face.
"Sso sswift," he jeered. "Sso fasst. You are hardesst yet to kill."
"You haven't won yet," Emerald gasped, sweat running into her eyes. The lizard hissed.
"Sso confident. I will triumph, rebel sscum. Wait, ssee." He ducked lithely as she reversed her grip and brought the pommel of her saber into action. A quick twist and her saber skidded away.
"Sso foolissh. I never losse a fight, sstupid rabbit. I am alwayss victoriouss."
"Oh yeah?" Emerald growled, and slammed her spiked wristlet into his face. The lizard recoiled sharply, but there was blood on her wristlet. But even now he was not within range of her knife yet.
So she threw her dagger. It drove through the lizard's eye, and he fell to the ground with a stunned look of realization on his face.
Emerald grabbed her last two daggers, as her sword was out of reach, and slashed at her new opponent, a hulking turtle. She caught him a lucky one in the midriff, and he jumped back and went looking for an easier opponent.
Now she was faced by a new sort of foe. A sneering female lynx faced her, whip at the ready, dagger in hand. Emerald knew better than to throw her dagger - she only had two. So she went for the whip, feeling it coil around her ankle and stretch taut. Holding her leg firm, she reached down and slashed the whip in two.
She had forgotten the dagger. A slice of icy fire in her shoulder made her gasp and straighten. The lynx wore a look of bitter anger, and then Emerald saw - her saber.
Leaping forward, Emerald dodged the dagger and dove for her sword. Grabbing the hilt in both hands, she ducked a swipe and backpedalled to Scimitar.
She felt better with the familiar hilt of her sword in her hands, as she knocked the dagger out of the lynx's hands and slew the wielder.
Now a big black shadow loomed over her. She turned to deal with this new foe, to see another, larger male lynx carrying a black sword. He looked from Emerald's desperate face to the slain female, and his look now had some element of caged fury. The black sword came to his hand faster than she could follow it, and she felt Scimitar behind her.
A mercenary pair. Things just got a lot worse.
The black sword came in at her, and she knocked it out of trajectory with her dagger. The lynx had good armor. No hope of a thrown steel ending, then.
Blow after blow smashed at her defenses, and Emerald desperately parried each of them. Finally, she was driven to her knees, the lynx looming over her, his sword coming down at her. She lifted her saber to block the blow -
And her saber snapped.
She could not believe it at first, but there it was; the broken blade lying on the floor like a pooled streak of silver, and the jagged end of it in her hand. She looked up at him, looming over her, sneer once more in place, and knew, without a doubt, that she was going to die ...

Shall I leave you hanging, or shall I continue on? I wonder:D

Nov 15, 2002, 10:08 AM
I decided to continue.

Crystal clear and right there in front of her, Death beckoned to Emerald Dragon. Knowing that she was about to die, she forced herself to think clearly and look up at her enemy.
The male lynx with the black sword prepared to finish her off, and Emerald knew that he was about to administer his kind of veangance for his slain companion.
He didn't have time.
As that terrible look crossed the lynx's face and Emerald prepared herself to die, the lynx hesitated. Then he fell bonelessly, landing in a crumpled heap.
Scimitar bent over him, extracting his blood-smeared scimitar from the lynx's body. Looking up at Emerald, who stared at him with shock, he rasped, "you had better find a new saber, Dragon."
"How did you get behind him? I thought you were behind me!"
"I was ... until Ferran took over. I knew you would get into trouble, Dragon."
"You're not so great yourself, boss," she retorted, prising the black sword out of the lynx's deathgrip. It was superbly balanced, but Emerald was wary even so.
"We cannot win this fight, and we cannot lose it. We cannot press forward or retreat. We are, in effect, dead."
"Not yet, boss. We've still got our trump to play, remember."
"Yesss ... refresh me. I am still prepared -" he turned and slew another ill-fated turtle "- to fight, not to think."
"Venomarin and her half of the Sarav are waiting to help out, remember?"
"Aye ... cover me."
"Sure, boss," Emerald said dutifully, and took up her stand beside Scimitar, who closed his eyes. Emerald saw a slight shimmering around him, and the leaves that littered the compoud stirred slightly. Then Scimitar opened his eyes.
"Venom is coming. She said that she had assumed that we needed help ... and set up an ambush. They will be here," and he paused to listen to the wild yells and warcries that now issued from the Sarav, "shortly."
No sooner said than done, for Venomarin materialized just as Scimitar finished. With a short nod of her cowled head, she began to work.
Chilling death-winds, icy cold, did their work in installing a sense of dread and defeat. Growing darkness and gathering clouds spelled doom, and half-heard unintelligible whispers gabbled on tendrils of silent, creeping shadow. Emerald shook of the chills and prepared to fight ... yet another lizard.
"You know, Scimitar, I have a feeling that these guys are extremely intelligent, and they're very well trained ..." she began, to see her third lizard, a big grey thing, slink between two combatants and slide towards her.
"... and they always come after me," she finished. Her stolen black sword glimmered in the light as she drew it.
Scimitar hefted his namesake thoughtfully, then hissed as a randomly (or not so randomly) shot laser scored his swordarm. Blood caught at the light, but Scimitar dove into the fray without a backwards glance, heading for the sniper ... leaving Emerald alone.
The lizard stalked across the compound towards her, and she remembered another battle in a different compound, a battle under twin suns, with her allies and the freed slaves fighting Kroys' guards - she was jerked back with the realization that the lizard held a dart in his hand, just before he closed on her.
She slashed at him, and he skipped aside easily. This one was bigger than the second, but unlike that one, this one was strangely devoid of expression.
"Sso bold. No fear?" he hissed. Emerald laughed breathlessly.
"No fear? Oh yeah, I'm just trembling. WHY do I always get you guys, huh?"
"Sso confident ... unfortunately."
"Yeah, well, I asked you a question. What are you?"
"I am an infiltrator, trained to kill ... and you are my target!"
"Oh? So what's your problem, buddy?"
"Sso intelligent? ... not enough sso. You are a danger," it added, ducking a quick swipe.
"So? You are, too."
He hissed angrily. Emerald forced herself to swing again.
"Sss ... Deathwreaker commandss me. Jusst asss you crusshed Kroyss, sso he will crussh you!"
"Through you," she said contemptuously, although she would have rathered save her breath.
"Through me, and my fellow infiltratorss ... you are dangerouss to him. You, and no other!"
"I'm honored," she said sardonically. The lizard slipped through her defenses, to be repelled by her dagger.
"Sso foolish ..."
"Yeah, your buddy said that too. If you'll stand still a moment, I'll show you how he died!"
To which the lizard only hissed at, and moved in. Emerald slashed again, her sword flashing dizzyingly, and the lizard dodged it and ducked in. Emerald barely had time to realize that he was prepared to stick her with the dart before he collapsed liquidly, a boneless heap.
Venomarin had simply touched his shoulder, the barest brush with her skeleton hand. It was enough. Emerald stared uncomprehendingly at the broken body, before lifting her eyes to Venom's featureless hood.
"T-thank you," she said, and the Fader merely nodded, before turning away.
Now I know what Death looks like. If Death had a form, it was a Fader.
Then she realized there were no more guards.
Ferran appeared at her side, sabers sheathed.
"Sheathe your sword," she said. Emerald looked down at the black weapon, before shaking her head and throwing the black sword away. Ferran lifted her eyebrows, but said nothing but, "hold still. This may hurt."

After Emerald's wounded shoulder was tended to, she counted the Sarav remaining. Thirty out of the original hundred and twenty were dead, several of them good friends. Scimitar had sustained several cuts and slices, each of them serious, none of them life-threatening. They all hurt.
"We have succeeded ... I did not expect an ambush. But we have hurt the Deathless Ones, hurt them worse than they hurt us," he said, wincing. "Ferran, tell them what you saw." The Sarav stood.
Ferran was a vixen, a grey fox. She bore two curved swords, and fought like a demon with them. The only thing she wore that could not be used as a weapon was her silver cross, on a steel chain around her neck. It was the only remnant of her old life.
"I had made my way to the end of the guard wave," she said, her cold, expressionless voice even. "There was a Deathless One there. It saw me, and began to work its magics to slay me.
"I called for Venomarin - she was angry. She came to me, and the Deathless One saw her. It tried to kill her and failed, succeeding only in angering her further. She materialized in front of it, and touched its shoulder. The leaves whirled around her, enveloping the Deathless One also, and began to flame ... when they subsided, only Venomarin stood there. She had slain the Deathless One, but when I tried to thank her she turned on me. Her anguish and fury was audible ... you heard it when the - the voices - strengthened ... Scimitar interceded, and Venomarin turned on the remaining guards, slaying at merely a look. That was when they fled."
Scimitar stood. "So you have it. Venomarin has verified this ... and now we know that the Deathless Ones are desperate.
"And they can be killed."

Nov 15, 2002, 10:14 AM
Zanzibar glanced down yet again at the small white talisman on his chest. It was a rune, in the language of the Faders. Sharrakamov had given it to him to call the Fader when needed ... and it would come in handy.
Briefly he envied Sharrakamov's ability to vanish and materialize at will. It would be very useful at the moment, considering the predicament he was in. Or, to be precise, the prison he was in.
He was, at that moment, confined inside four featureless, slick, lusterless steel walls on the Yelantra Sentry. His future, at the moment, was a bleak one.
Foolish, foolish, foolish! Curse this reckless curiousity, curse this inability to keep to my own business! Curse these Deathless Ones and their reasons for keeping me here! Aah, Coppertop, Wild Angel, Claw, I need you! Ducky, Kovu - all my companions - hear me! I cannot exist many more hours between these four walls without going insane!
Zanzibar mentally cursed and berated himself and the Deathless Ones as he paced the short eight steps it took to cross his cell. His hand found the rune and he looked down again, wondering ...
- But what would one Fader do against a ship swarming with Deathless Ones? Even Sharrakamov's fury and hate couldn't sustain him for long. No.
But by all the Faders on Firen and by all the denizens of the deep, there had to be a way! And he would find it.
An inexplicable heaviness entered his limbs, making him drowsy. Wearily the cat found the cot in the corner and collapsed upon it as the rune worked its magic on him. Sleep came, half welcomed as fatigue forced him to stay down.
Zanzibar slept, his hand still on the rune ...

... Another also slept, one whose dreams were not easy. Wild Angel was once more being tormented in that Place by the Deathless Ones.
It was better. Ducky was with her, and because the Deathless Ones were numerous, Shinyso was on the way. For some reason, the Deathless Ones feared him as much as Kroys had. Perhaps it was that golden jewel, once tarnished and sooty, that he now possessed - that jewel that had almost brought Kroys' downfall on its' own, the jewel with the name Belaine etched faintly on it, now set in a plain steel band, that he always had with him as a reminder, he said, of how someone so good and honest had been corrupted by power. "It keeps me humble," he'd said on more than one occasion.
Or perhaps it was simply that quiet aura that always surrounded him - that aura of danger, and controlled power; not magic, but more physical.
Whatever it was, the Deathless Ones walked softly around him. No less deadly, but more softly.
Angel had built up a kind of mental fortress to which she retreated when they pressed her too badly. It worked - when someone else was there as well. Sometimes it was Shinyso, sometimes Ducky, and on rare occasion, Claw graced her with his presence.
There was another presence there today (or tonight); one that Angel had not felt before. It was in the flickering in the mist shrouded trees, in the soft, almost unheard footsteps through the for, in the white curtains that swirled and fluttered in the silent, unseen passage of somebody. It was in the restlessness of Wild Angel, and in the unease in the Deathless Ones without.
It was there.
Materializing of misty moonlight, a translucent figure wavered into existance. It flickered uncertainly as it told its' message.
"Foolish, foolish, foolish! Curse this reckless curiousity, curse this inability to keep to my own business! Curse these Deathless Ones and their reasons for keeping me here! Aah, Coppertop, Wild Angel, Claw, I need you! Ducky, Kovu - all my companions - hear me! I cannot exist many more hours between these four walls without going insane! Help me!" It wavered again, vanished. Angel wished fervently that Shinyso was there.
"Yes, Angel?"
"Trouble, sorceress?" Shinyso asked, raising an eyebrow questioningly.
"Not trouble yet. But something has just happened ..." and she told him of the apparation that had appeared. He listened calmly.
"It may be that this was a warning - or a plea for help. Either way, I think -" he was cut off as the figure reappeared, its' haunted eyes now solid and fixed on Angel desperately, one hand on something hanging from an invisible thread around its' neck, the other hand reaching out to steady it, reassuringly real.
"Zanzibar! What happened - ?" Shinyso stared at the cat. Zanzibar laughed bitterly.
"My cursed curiousity could not keep away. I got too close. Angel! Help me. I'm trapped; there's no way out. Even Sharrakamov could not help me now. It's infested - swarming with Deathless Ones. They haven't touched me; They don't dare, now that They've seen the Talisman. But that doesn't keep me from needing food and water. I'm going insane, I swear. If I don't get out of here soon, I may die, and not from starvation, either. They're going to break me, I know it. And the worst thing about it is I can't do anything about it.
"They want us - I don't know why, but I think They're afraid of us. They're coming after you next, if they haven't already - and this time They're determined not to fail. Deathwreaker - Beren - he controls the Kronans. He controlled Kroys before you slew him. He fears you and your unpredictability, and he fears your abilities and determination. Kroys was a nice prelude to what he's planning. You're a threat to him and his Empire, and he wants you out of the picture ASAP.
Warn Copper. Warn Emerald Dragon, and the rest of their friends. Warn Claw if you haven't already. Tell the assassin - Nightshade. Anybody who participated. They want you - all of you - dead. Dead rabbits, after all, tell no tales.
"Don't say you haven't been warned. Get me out of here! They can just forget me and let me rot, and They'll do it, too. Help me, please. I have allies, powerful allies, but they can't help me here. Not even Sharrakamov.
"Beware; this place is worse than Kroys' prison ships, than his shipmines. There you did something. Don't get caught, whatever you do - it may just be the last thing you do. They have no mercy - It has no mercy! There's no peace of mind until I leave, I know that. It's got me, and It wants to keep me. I hate this - I almost wish I was back in the prison ships, it's that bad.
"I've got to go - They know I'm here, and They don't like it. Just help me, and warn the others. Soon." He vanished, leaving Angel muddled and shocked.
"Back to reality, Shinyso, wake me up. Somebody! I need to talk about this!"
The dream state receded, and Angel awoke, trembling, with more questions from that meeting than answers.

4I Falcon
Nov 17, 2002, 03:17 PM
If I could write with the skill and detail of some authors -- *stares in awe at Shade's and Coppertop's work of art* -- I'd be the happiest persona live.

Haven't I mentioned this already!


Nov 19, 2002, 09:52 AM
One reply. Hmm, I guess this topic kinda fell out of favor a while back. 41 Falcon, you're going to have to tell Kovu and Ducky and defalcon and all the other guys that this story is now officially revived. In the meantime, I shall tell more of it because somebody actually replied.

"So, Zanzibar appeared, told you about something that was filled with Deathless Ones, told you to warn me, added in something about Them wanting to kill us, and then begged you for help. Okay, any ideas?"
"First," said Claw dryly, "we'd better know what this 'It' is."
"It ... It? ... It! I wonder ... "
"Well spit it out, girl," said Blacksheep. "What is it?"
"Well," said Angel, "y'know that Presence I felt on the Sentry? He's probably there ... yes ... that's it!" She leapt up and danced crazily around, grabbing - of all people to grab - Claw and hugging him fiercely. Looking surprised and not a little bit alarmed, Claw struggled to pull himself free. Copper was just about having a coniption (sp?) fit, she was laughing so hard, and even Omega was having a hard time not smiling. Shinyso looked tolerantly aloof, but Blacksheep joined Angel in dancing until she fell down, gasping. Finally, she said, "okay, now, mind telling us what your incredible powers of deduction deducted?"
"And," said Claw, not at all amused, "mind letting me go now? And not repeating that performance?"
"Oh, sorry, Claw," said Angel, releasing him. "Right. Yah, I know where Zanzibar is! The Yelantra Sentry prison cells - he's being starved in one of them."
"Okay," said Copper, who had recovered from her laughing fit, "then what's this Sharrakamov?"
"I can only assume it's that powerful ally he was talking about. And I'm guessing that he - or it - gave him the rune thingy."
"Right, that makes sense," said Grath, nodding. "And you said that you tagged the place?"
"Yes, I - waitaminute. I am NOT going back there! Never! I can't face that again - they'll get me!"
"We're gonna be with you the entire time. Now, next time you go back into that Place, I want you to tag that cat. The thingy in the ship will never know what hit it. Then we're gonna find that ship, and you're going to make an illusion of a fleet attacking it. Then we're going to get in there while the Deathless Ones guys are busy, and we're going to take Zanzibar out."
"I have a better idea," said Angel. "Why don't I just open a warp to where Zanzibar is, he steps through to here, and poof! the warp vanishes? That'd be so much easier."
"Yeah," said Grath, "I guess it would."
"Can you do that?" asked Alpha.
"Maybe," said Angel. "If Ducky helps me."
"How?" asked that member suspiciously.
"Well, I need a bit of your energy. Just to find where Zanzibar is, mind you, and then you can break the link and I'll make the warp."
"Oh. Okay. How much?"
"Energy? Just a little."
"Right. Let's do it."

Zanzibar was asleep, dreaming tortured dreams. Something was laughing at him, and pain burned his mind like burning irons, and nothing was there when he looked.
A dark, robed figure rose before him, became Sharrakamov, mutated into Beren, and then writhed and melted away into the cowled form of Death, bearing its scythe menacingly. Zanzibar yelled and ducked as it sliced at him, and then Death melted away too and with it went the dream.
He awoke staring at a shimmering warp, hanging just in front of him. He stared at it, and the oval cleared. He saw Wild Angel and Ducky standing just beyond, looking tolerantly impatient.
"C'mon, Zanzibar," said Wildie. "We got someplace to go and someone to see, y'know."

Selantrio watched carefully, looking like Death warmed over and in a bad mood. Mechanis and his subordinates were not his concern at that point ... the scouts were.
"Surely you can give me better news to tell Lord Deathwreaker," he said, his robes rustling. The Deathless One before him shook his head slightly.
"No. They have dropped out completely ... and even our DreamScouts cannot reach the sorceress There. It is simply impossible."
"Keep searching!" Selantrio snapped, his manner haughty and cold. "We cannot afford to lose them. Our reputation is at stake."
"Of course, Commander. There is no place in the galaxy that they can hide for long." He turned, triggered the permanent portal that lay behind, and stepped through. The thick swirling colors eddied and flowed behind him, leaving Selantrio alone.
"Commander." The hooded profile of a Deathless One appeared, translucent before him. "We have news from the Nightdweller."
"Transmit message to datapad. I will respond shortly."
"Transmitting ... transmitted. Out." the image winked out.
The message on his datapad was short and frantic, sent by a terrified Kronan with, for once, good grammar.
"Commander of Nightdweller, Yelantra Sentry has emergency! Repeat, Yelantra Sentry has emergency!"
"Proceed, soldier."
"The prisoner has escaped by unknown agency, leaving no trace!"
"Perhaps, soldier, you had better explain what prisoner."
"Uh, big black feline with taste for blood, white chest fur and whiskers, scar on one shoulder. Odd eyes, change color always. Wears white talisman around neck on invisible thread. He had blaster and dagger when we caught him. Goes by name of Zanzibar Sia, participant in downfall Lord Emperor Kroys. Native Firenzev, fierce, nasty. Escaped, I tell you! No trace!"
"You daft, idiotic fool," Selantrio said calmly. The Kronan quailed. "Lord Deathwreaker will not relish this news. Find the cat or else.

Nov 19, 2002, 09:53 PM
OMG it''s Coppertop! :D:D:D
Welcome back! Brilliant stuff! :)

4I Falcon
Nov 20, 2002, 03:48 AM
Originally posted by Nightshade
One reply. Hmm, I guess this topic kinda fell out of favor a while back. 41 Falcon, you're going to have to tell Kovu and Ducky and defalcon and all the other guys that this story is now officially revived. In the meantime, I shall tell more of it because somebody actually replied.

FARG! It's 4I Falcon, Copper! As in four-eye!

In other news, did i mention that this is a godly story? Are you writing this all on the spot, or do you have it already somewhere? 'Cuz either way... uh, yeah. In-foogin'-credible story.

And I think Def already figured out that the story's back, copper. I'll tell the others tho.

How's the moving process going?

Nov 20, 2002, 10:51 AM
Sorry, didn't notice that ...
HAH! You missed your chance! I claim fourth page in the name of Conquests!
Here's some more, I hope it'll keep you happy.

Saturn sat, medatatively sipping her carrot juice. Her life, which had slowly begun disintigrating and had eroded faster when her ship was attacked, was now completely destroyed and had been ever since she woke up in the escape pod, surrounded by her beloved ship's debris.
Now what?
Return to Carrotus? Never. She'd been fleeing from there. She couldn't, wouldn't, return there unless she was on a mission.
The dim bar around her was filled with galactic aliens of all sorts, all yelling and laughing and shouting rude things at the bartender. The majority were rabbits, and most were telling tales. What was it called? Oh yes, the War Tavern.
It was odd, she mused, that one could find a portal to the War Tavern in almost any world. No one was really sure anymore what planet it was on. Traditionalists argued that it remained on Carrotus, but Saturn had lived there and had never heard of any War Tavern, although she was sure there was a portal there, too. A few oddballs said that the War Tavern was situated in the mechanical heart of Tubelectric, but Saturn dismissed that with a laugh because she'd been to the heart of Tubelectric, and there was no Tavern there. A couple thought that the War Tavern was just an illusion, a hologram. Well, Saturn thought, the carrot juice she was sipping was a very good imitation, then.
Majority of the Tavern customers didn't care where the Tavern was. They all agreed that it was the best place in the galaxy for drinks, atmosphere, and tall tales of the veterans' adventures.
Saturn sat in a corner, half shadowed, enjoying the ambience. The soft chatting filled the Tavern, becoming a general murmur of indistinguishable words. Customers with haunted, shadowed eyes and dangerous auras warned off others, hunched over a drink or a map, muttering quietly. The lights flickered slightly, casting dingy shadows on the walls, playing over the purple-furred features of the young, bored looking bartender. Saturn sat back and watched as a silent, dangerous-looking black rabbit with a saber entered the Tavern, his sharp gaze missing nothing, even seeing her in the shadows.
This ought to be interesting ...

Kovu, Ducky, clean out your mailboxes!

Nov 20, 2002, 10:52 AM
AND some more.

Zazz Darkfist, young bounty hunter and totally bored bartender, watched with increasing interest as the black rabbit seated himself at a shadowed table and began sharpening his sword. He'd been here for a month, and was growing increasingly dissatisfied. Zazz had originally taken the job because:
1) The veterans' tales were extremely interesting, and
2) He was flat out of money. The interestingness of the tales had declined as they repeated the same storyline over and over. The money was welcome, but that was about it.
So he perked up when the black warrior entered because the rabbit might have a new tale to tell. When it became obvious that the only way to find out was to ask, he did so.
"Got any stories to tell, warrior?" he asked lazily. The dark rabbit glanced at him.
"You want a tale? Aye, I have tales."
"Tell them, then," he encouraged.
"You want a bit of adventure, I think, not my tales," said the warrior, and he sheathed his sword and got up, coming to the counter. Leaning on it and watching the customers, he added, "not that I blame you."
"Oh, thanks ... I think. Say, I'm Zazz Darkfist."
"Darkfist?" the stranger looked up sharply. "Of the Darkfist warriors?"
"Yup, last of 'em."
"I see. I'm Shinyso - and that's my companion." He gestured towards a tall, slender grey rabbit who stood in the shadows. The female looked at him questioningly, and he jerked his head. She slid through the shadows towards him, frowning slightly.
"Shinyso, are you sure this is wise? I could understand it if it was just us, but with him here - ?" Her voice had a musical accent to it that Zazz couldn't place. "And he has the look of a bounty hunter."
Shinyso shrugged.
"It's not like you're not fast enough on your feet to avoid him if he does try," he pointed out, "and I don't think he will, not here."
"You could be right," she admitted. "Very well, then, though it may spell the death of me yet."
"It hasn't yet."
"True. Very well, say on."
"Yah. So, Darkfist, seen anything - heard anything - odd lately?"
"Naw, just the usual."
"Nothing about the ... Deathless Ones?"
"Now that you mention it, a couple. Why?" Zazz looked up sharply.
"Didn't you tell him?"
"Tell me what?"
"Shinyso, you are so absentminded. All right, lad, although I suppose you're not, believe it or not, I am the famed and dreaded Coppertop the Mercenary." She grimaced heroically. Zazz smothered a laugh, turned it into a cough. Then what she just said hit him like an iron log between the eyes.
"Coppertop the Mercenary? THE Coppertop the Mercenary? For real?"
"See, Copper, that's why I didn't tell him. You'll get nothing else out of him for the rest of his days."
"You won't what? Yes I heard tales about mysterious Deathless Ones. They're like those tales about vampires that we were told when we were young."
"Which turned out to be true," Copper said dryly, obviously remembering a run-in with one of those fictional vampires that had nearly ended with her death.
"You mean there are vampires?"
"Yes, they're very real. Back to work. What about them?"
"Well, that they come up on moonless nights to trap unwary rabbits. And anyone they bite turns into one of them. And they're supposed to have these freaky red eyes and fangs -"
"Whoa, whoa. I meant the Deathless Ones, you dork! Not the vampires."
"Riiight. Sorry. Okay, let's see ... they're supposed to be able to kill at a look or a touch ... nothing can get close enough to kill one, hence the name, and people and arrows melt alike when in their general vincinity ... they can vanish and teleport, their ships have no hyperdrives and are transported by magic ... they have wondrous motherships that appear from nowhere and take up empty space ... Kronans are at their beck and call ...they're trying to mop up after Kroys by taking the galaxy over again, not that we need that ... they've got some leader they call 'Lord Deathwreaker' and someone else called Beren ... they take prisoners, nasty business that. Pity they can't be killed."
"Well that's a help. Some of that we already knew, and you should too. 'Lord Deathwreaker' and Beren are the same Deathless One, their leader. They use magic, but can shift between ... realities, hence the vanishing. They are distantly related to the Firenzev Faders, though I don't know if that name is useful to you," and Coppertop watched him closely. Zazz noticed that Shinyso had retired to a dark corner and was concentrating hard. And a large and ugly looking lynx mercenary was watching him viciously ...
Zazz stood, ready to draw if the lynx caused trouble, but a drunken Medivan staggered into his way. The lynx stood still, and Zazz relaxed slightly.
He shouldn't have. Shinyso nodded, opened his eyes and stood, making his way back to Copper and Zazz - to find his path blocked by the sneering mercenary or assassin. Looking down his nose at the lynx, Shinyso surreptiously loosened his saber. He was at a serious disadvantage there, seeing as the lynx was at least a foot taller than he, so one might say he looked more up his nose than down it.
The lynx sneered even more, if possible, and looked down at the tall and slender, though muscular warrior standing impatiently before it.
"Not so brave, are you? Not now, when you're alone, eh?"
"You have obviously mistaken me for someone else, cat," Shinyso responded frostily. "Move aside before I damage you permanently."
"Not so fast. I require vengeance for my slain companions, who you slew."
"I have never met another of your kind, cat, and, if they are all as lacking in manners as you, I have no wish to," came the prompt retort. "Get out of the way."
"Vengeance," insisted the lynx. Shinyso drew his saber.
Zazz found his hand at his blaster handle, but Copper waved him away. She seemed rather amused by this all. "Relax. I daresay, if Shinyso cannot protect himself he is on his deathbed." Reluctantly Zazz lowered his gun.
"You'll get no satisfaction for your ruined sense of justice from me, cat," Shinyso was saying, his blade glittering in the dim light. The lynx snarled.
"Yes! Your name was on their dying breath, for I have heard it."
"And? Tell me, what was it that they said?"
"'The bearer of the emerald sword shall strike us down, bondbrother, but one sword cannot stand against three - you shall perservere against the Emerald Dragon!'"
"I told you you had the wrong person. My name is Shinyso, known as the Ninja - you shall regret forcing this encounter."
"Shinyso, Emerald Dragon, it does not matter!" roared the lynx, who jerked his battleaxe up. "You shall die this day!"
"I think not. In fact, I rather think it is the other way round ..." Shinyso leapt in, his sword touching the lynx's ribs and drawing a red line before snapping out to catch the battleaxe. The enraged lynx leapt forward, battering the rabbit's defences, but Shinyso beat him back. Quicker than his opponent, he circled warily.
The customers had quickly cleared the tables from around the combatants, and were standing back, betting on the outcome. The lynx drew a disc from his belt, one that had serrated edges. Zazz recognized it. It was a common mercenary tool. The lynx threw it, spinning it towards Shinyso, who casually ducked and tossed his own dagger. The spinning disc hissed overhead and shattered one of the windows, but Shinyso's buried itself up to the hilt in the lynx's shoulder.
"You do know that you'll be charged for that window," he said calmly. The lynx hissed at him, and he shrugged and ran it through.
"Foolish, you know, to leave yourself wide open like that - but I'm guessing that you won't make that mistake again," he said to the dying lynx. Despite his flippancy, a shadow of - sorrow? - passed over his face quickly as the light died from those savage green eyes. Copper sent him a meaningful look, and he wiped his bloody sword off and sheathed it.
"Wow," said Zazz. "Do you always fight like that?"
"No, he's usually better," Copper said dryly. "You all right, Shinyso? Did he get you?"
"No, didn't touch me. Aah, I hate taking lives like that. If he'd just listened, hadn't forced it like that - "
"He would have killed you sometime or another. That kind of demented killer cannot be stopped by words. And if you had not killed him, he would have killed someone else."
A young, golden-furred female spoke without looking up from one of the corner tables. She raised her shadowed green eyes, a shade lighter than Copper's, and looked right at them. Copper raised a brow questioningly. The rabbit stood and strode over to them.
"I am known as Saturn. My service is bought - or was, before the Deathess Ones' ships destroyed mine. I have information that you may need, that Darkfist could not tell you."
"For a price, of course," said Copper sardonically.
"Not that great of one, mercenary. My only request is that you include me in your search for freedom - I too have a score to settle with the Deathless One Beren Deathwreaker."
"The big kahoona himself, eh," said Zazz cheerfully. "Well, count me in. I was a very prosperous bounty hunter until these Deathly guys entered the picture. Hey Copper, got a ship?"

(Ninja would kill me if he was here ...)

Nov 20, 2002, 11:25 AM
W00t, CT. That was SPIFFY.


Nov 20, 2002, 07:47 PM
Toppings aren't good enough if there isn't any cheese. Did you know I only come here nowadays if Kovu, CT, or Nightshade posts? O.o

Nov 21, 2002, 08:20 AM
I am CT, Kaz. I can't be Coppertop right now (it doesn't recognize that I've logged in) so I'm Nightshade for a little while. Maybe forever. Oh well ... and Shade won't be updating Slate anymore, she thinks it was, ah, "childish" and "stupid" I think she said? Maybe she meant she's older and wiser now, I don't know ...

More updates, I'll be killing off a few ppl soon. *sniffs* Very sad, I love you all, but ...

"Okay, Greeneyes, what have you got?" Copper glanced at Claw, who like always preferred the shadows.
"Mmm ... 'kay. Lord Beren Deathwreaker, Deathless One leader, Conquerer of a Million Worlds, Lord of a Thousand Suns, Unchallenged of a Hundred Kings, Monarch of Two Hundred Emperors, Sovreign of Two Galaxies, Mage of the Second Order of Sorcery, Master of the First, Traveller of the Triplanes, and Ruler of the Lesser Beings is his full title, though most people just call him Lord Beren Deathwreaker, or 'milord'. I do not know how much of his title is true, or simply boasting, but it is impressive enough, and long enough, to cow anyone into submission."
"'Mage of the Second Order of Sorcery, Master of the First', you said," Coppertop mused.
"Yes. That is supposed to be very very good. Kroys was Mage of the Third Order."
"Wild Angel's better. She's Sorceress of the Second, Adept of the First. That's two entire ranks above Beren," Claw muttered. Saturn looked up sharply.
"You have a mage here? That would be very helpful. She could neutralize Beren while we take him out."
"She beat Kroys how many times?" said Ducky proudly from the airlock. Saturn merely spared her a passing glance, but Zazz stared with astonishment.
Oh, he'd heard of her, and her odd appearance, but hearing and seeing are two different things. He found himself almost hypnotized by the way the blue bolts of electricity leapt their random way over Ducky's body, accenting her aqua eyes. Her features were plain and she wasn't glamorous (nobody there was except for Saturn, who would have been if she hadn't cut her hair), but the sheer, exotic difference masked that from uncaring eyes. She grinned jauntily at him, and flopped down into a chair carelessly.
"I thought you were at the nav while I was talking to Greeneyes here, Ducky," Copper accused. Ducky flashed a smile.
"I was, until I got sore. Kaz and Grath started fighting over it, so I told Kovu he could have a turn. The Terrible Two are sulking right now, and making life miserable, too."
"Thanks. See if Angel needs any help ... seeing as Shinyso's piloting and you were playing navigator."
"Playing? Fine, seeya later." She got to her feet with a grimace and trotted down the very short corridor to Wild Angel's bunk. Zazz wondered if all of Coppertop's friends were as strange ... Claw and Shinyso certainly were oddballs, not to mention Copper herself. Saturn, if not a friend, then an aquaintance, was very different from his perceptions of normality. And she'd said they even had a mage with them ...
What next? he wondered. And how had he gotten himself into this?
"... well, that's about it, Greeneyes. Claw, can you go get Shade? Darkfist's of the same breed as she is ... sort of." She grinned at him.
"Bounty hunter?" Zazz asked alertly.
"No, assassin. Same sort of thing, killing people. Or catching them."
"If you say so," he said dubiously.
"Yes I do," said Copper. "Thanks, Claw." Claw slid back in and glanced at Zazz.
"She'll be here shortly. She is ... was ... cutting her dagger out of the target when I saw her."
"She's that good?" asked Zazz, astonished. Cutting it out instead of pulling it ... it would have to be very deep for that.
"She's that good," Copper said proudly. She glanced up as the doorway hissed open. "Thanks, Shade. Zazz, this is Nightshade ... Shade, Zazz Darkfist. C'mon, Greeneyes, Claw." She rose and left, Claw mumbling something about females and Saturn trailing behind. Zazz grinned at her before turning his attention to Nightshade.
His first impression of her was black. Her deep blue eyes watched him warily, as he watched her, and her grey paws were never far from her daggers. Her jet fur repelled the light without a betraying gleam, and even as he looked at her she sank half into the shadows. He noted with some skepticism her green satin shirt and black tights, before seeing (with that feeling vanishing) her small pouches of poison at her belt. Definitely an assassin. Finally she spoke.
"Killer to killer, what is thy name? Meet thou here in hatred, or in peace?" Zazz blinked as she intoned the ancient greeting between assassins, mercenaries and bounty hunters.
"Killer to killer, I am the Darkfist. I meet thee in peace. Call me Zazz if thou will. What is thy name? Meet thou here in hatred, or peace?" The response leapt from his tongue.
"Killer to killer, I am the Assassin. I meet thee in truce. Call me Nightshade if thou will. Greetings, brethren."
"Greetings to thee also, brethren. Thy trade?"
"I am the assassin, shadow among shadows. What is thy trade?"
"I am the bounty hunter, feared by the hunted. Well met."
"Well met." There was a long pause. Then he said awkwardly, "uh, have a seat."
"Thanks." She sank down onto the chair and mock-wiped her brow. "Whew. I hate formalities. Call me Shade."
"Thanks yourself. I'm Zazz ... and it was your idea."
"Yeah, well, you looked so ... cold. I thought I'd better break the ice."
"It helped." Another awkward silence. Then he burst out, "isn't anybody normal in this place?" Nightshade laughed darkly.
"Better get used to it. You've yet to meet the wisecracking Kaz, the sarcastic Grath, the infernally friendly Kovu, the heroine Phoebe, and the irrepressible Blacksheep. If I'm not mistaken, the only normal guy around here is poor old KRSplat. He has to put up with us all ... and we've yet to find him. He's a pretty good spy - he doesn't stick in anybody's mind. Speaking of which," and she looked alarmed, "I'd better remind Copper. I'd hate to see him killed." She got up. "Care to come along?"

Hi Duckster, where's Kovey?:D

Nov 21, 2002, 08:25 AM
There is no reason for life, or at least none that mortals can find. Precious life can last an eon or a second, hardly of any importance in the scheme of things. Life can be given or taken in an instant, and is a thing to be treasured above all. And yet who truly has the authority to give it or take it, who truly has the right? When it is threatened, the liver will fight with strength dredged up from the sheer will to live, will fight tenaciously and fiercely, and will even take another's life to keep their own. But few think of these things in the heat of battle, where life is as common as the weapons that take it, and where there is no mercy. There it is kill or be killed.
But life has meaning for the holder. When it loses this meaning and becomes worthless, then it follows that the killer's life is forfiet. And yet even the merciless killer will fight ferociously for his life, refusing to let go to his awareness and abilities to be engulfed by the emptiness of Death. Life is a thing prized above all, or should be.
Life exists for its' own sake. Life makes changes, change makes life. Life holds so many things dependant on its' very existance, things that would be as empty and meaningless without life in the same way that dark has no meaning without light to compare it to. If life did not exist, Death wouldn't either, and nor would any emotion or change. Only one who has met the blank, hungry eyes of Death itself without flinching, trading stare for stare and accepting his fate, and yet surviving, can truly appreciate the great privelege of life.
KRSplat had met those empty eyes. He had defied both Death and Life, and so had kept his life when it no longer mattered. He was one of the few who would not kill if he could help it in a galaxy full of murderous assassins. Now he roved in a tiny one-man ship, the Eyes of Death. Few understood the name, but he didn't care. It meant something to him.
The Eyes of Death was a ship that had just enough room for him, a few simple controls, the engines and the life-support system. It had no weapons, and was the true black of space, with deep blue stripes along the wings. It was shaped in a crescent, like a large ring on which the band didn't quite meet in the back, but instead the two halves had been tapered into points. It had a solar-powered hyperdrive, and was quite a nice piece of work in KRSplat's opinion.
The Eyes of Death was just now powering up to enter hyperspace again. She needed some repairs from a run-in with a couple of pirates, but KRSplat had used the old trick of no shields, then flipping them on suddenly. Strangely, the ship had also let out a burst of brilliant white light that had dazzled the pirates and had given him time to enter hyperspace. He intended to check out what had made it do that, and to enhance it if he could. Tubelectric was the logical choice.
Unknown to KRSplat, Tubelectric had undergone a cloaking operation, making it virtually invisible to any questing eyes. Standard scanners could not pick it up.
Luckily, the Eyes of Death did not have a standard scanner.

"It's no good, Copper," said Grath, shaking his head. "I haven't a clue where he is."
"It might be no good anyhow, Grath," said Claw grimly. "They could have already gotten him."
"No!" Copper hissed. "No! Don't you dare give up! He's a friend, Claw - and I wouldn't leave you to the cares of the Deathless Ones, and you can't tell me you would leave me either. Friends help each other. Keep searching - he may be somewere you haven't been before. Wildie might find him, she knows who he is. He could be anywhere."
"Or not," Claw said gloomily. Copper looked slightly pale - but that could be a trick of the light. Claw watched her with something like confusion. He still didn't know why he remained with the odd mercenary, except to say that he was drawn to her for some reason, like a moth to a light. She had nearly gotten him killed several times, but still he remained. He'd been almost killed so many times he couldn't count them, true, and those details that should have been blurred by the countless seasons, the millions of years that he had been in existance, were still there as if it had just happened. But still -
I may have been 'killed' many times before, but I have never come so close to actual death than with Kroys, he thought caustically. He didn't know what kept reviving him; indeed, those times where he had actually seen the Gates of the Timeless Realms were not exactly few, but just as he always laid a hand on them something always yanked him back. A sense of unfulfilled duty, perhaps, though he could be blasted it he remembered what it was, oh yes. Death was no stranger to him. He had brought more creatures to that One and to the Gates than any other combined, he was sure. He'd met it more times than he might of liked, but he did not fear Death. Disliked, but not feared. Claw never feared. But somehow Coppertop was closer to the edge between Life and Death than any he'd ever seen before, barring himself and Shinyso. For all her youthful looks, he knew that she'd met Death at least three times. She had that look about her.
Why don't I just leave? he asked himself again.
Because, the Answer said, you and she have kindred souls. She is a friend; you cannot abandon her. You know that.
I know it, but I don't have to like it, he growled silently. Copper looked exhausted. While he had been thinking, Wildie had entered and was searching for KRSplat now.
The Assassin was actually situated underwater. Seeing as there was no other 'safe' place to land, they were now on the bottom of the ocean. The life-support system was drawing their oxygen from the water, and several curious fish were now dinner. If one had that kind of sense of humor, their situation was actually quite funny. Well, in a couple hours they could go to find both KRSplat and Emerald Dragon.
Claw was not certain what to think about the newcomers, Zazz Darkfist and Saturn. Zazz swore that he was just staying around for a short time, until they reached wherever they were going. Saturn - he did not like Saturn. She could be either cold or overemotional, with no medium. She was too uncontrolled for his liking, any magic-user could sense those feelings halfway across the galaxy. Blast, he could even feel it now! She was feeling slighted and was disappointed in Copper, but was feeling slightly fascinated by both him and Shinyso. He snorted. He'd disabuse her of the notion as soon as she met him.
He cautiously liked Zazz, because the young bounty hunter was honest and trustworthy. He was also very controlled and lethal, a combination that Claw admired in one so young. Darkfist had told Copper that he was only 16, or Claw would have been tempted to think that he was a bit older. Zazz kept his distance, refraining from becoming friends with anybody, reinforcing his claim of 'just passing through' - except for Coppertop's cousin (he'd never expected that) Nightshade. Darkfist seemed to like Shade unlike anybody else - like kindred souls, the Answer corrected.
Claw didn't know where the Answer came from, but it was always there. He didn't particularly care, either. Mostly he ignored it.
"Copper!" Angel's voice cut through his thoughts. "Copper, I've found him."
"Where is he? Can you reach him?"
"He's on Tubelectric, enhancing some shielding thing on his new ship. I might be able to reach him, but I don't know."
"Try. I think it's worth it."
"'Kay. Hang on." She closed her eyes and settled into a light trance again.
"Tubelectric has recently undergone a cloaking operation that leaves it invisible to searching eyes," Claw informed Coppertop disinterestedly. "Unless you have excellent scanners, you will not find it."
"I'll find it. I have ways," Copper said coolly. She turned as Angel tugged at her shirt. "What?"
"He's not in danger at the moment. He says that he's already eluded the Deathless Ones several times. He thinks he can wait until we find Emerald Dragon."
"Good. Emerald's in more danger anyhow."
"I agree."
"Right. The logical place to look is the city, so I think that we'd better start searching ..."

Nov 21, 2002, 08:34 AM
Emerald Dragon stared up at the sky, waiting for the dusk to pass and turn into true night. It had been nearly a week since the ill-fated rescue mission, and although her shoulder throbbed painfully she wanted action. Ferran told her over and over that even though it was not infected, she had to stay out of the fight for a couple of weeks more. Emerald said that infections could go to the hottest, furthest, deepest reaches of Hellantra for all she cared and she was going to fight, and nobody was going to stop her. Ferran had replied by throwing up her hands and growling at her, at which Scimitar had told them both to settle down.
So here she was on sentry duty. Scimitar's wounds had been mysteriously healed - or maybe not so mysteriously, for Emerald had seen Venomarin hovering over him in the night while he slept.
Things had been quiet for the past hour; not unusual for this part of the city. She didn't expect any trouble.
She certainly didn't expect the cold metal pressed to her throat a moment later ...

Sharrakamov had not been idle. He was a powerful Fader, and had quickly reached the renegade Fader Venomarin. She had informed him of Beren's true character.
Xastavoqua. His Fader name. It could mean a number of things; "traitor", "sly/slippery/cunning one", "one whose soul is dead". They all fit his personality. Treacherous, evil, cunning and ruthless - one to whom killing was a game, people the playing pieces, chaos the only rule and life the cards. All this and more Venomarin had learned from the mind of the Deathless One she had killed.
Venomarin. "Restless one", "wanderer", "renegade", "one who keeps their own council", these meanings fit the wearer as aptly as Beren's did. She had long since departed from Firen, leaving the Faders to their own devices. She only thought she had shunned the way of the Fader, the shroud of silence and mystery that every Fader wrapped themselves in - for the way of the Fader was the Fader, the very essence. Sharrakamov knew this as few did, for he too had "shunned" the Faders' lifestyle - to find it was their life.
Sharrakamov. "Silent one", "solitary", "secretive", "one who lives in solitude" - that was him. He preferred not to waste words, knowing that as much if not more could be said in significant silences than in crude, unfeeling words. Life was better off when one did not say rash things, for then, in his mind, the words lost their meaning. Few Faders felt this way, but both Sharrakamov and Venomarin were exceptions.
Sharrakamov had known when Zanzibar had been captured by his enemy. He had felt the indecision and uncertainty of the black cat through the Talisman that he had given to the Firenzev, and had known when Zanzibar had been rescued. He was not needed.

Emerald gasped with shock and surprise, and her hand flew to her saber at her side. "What -"
"Emerald Dragon!" The razor-like iron dropped down, and she could barely make out the form of Claw. Startled, she stepped back.
"Claw? What are you doing here?"
"Looking for you, Dragon. I could be asking the same thing of you."
"Aye, you could. I'm guessing that you want me to go with you - I'm sorry, but count me out of this fight."
"Oh? Why's that?" asked Copper's familiar voice close by. She slid into Emerald's line of sight, sword in hand.
"I'm part of a gang now, Copper. My loyalty is to them. Don't worry about me, because I'm safe enough. And I'm still fighting Beren."
"I see. Could the Saravzan help us out?"
"Maybe. I'd have to go ask."
"Mm. I'm sure Scimitar would agree ... we've a common cause, and 'my enemy's enemy is my friend,' or so runs the truism."
"Yeah. Uh, how did you know Scimitar was my boss?"
"Connections. Let's go ..."

KRSplat surveyed the damage done to the Eyes of Death. It wasn't very much, but enough to worry about. Hopefully he could get going once this meeting with Angel was done. Seriously, he didn't think he'd have to listen very long before he got the gist of it. "You're in danger ... the Deathless Ones are after you ... come on, join with us again, we'll keep you safe ... They'll see you killed if you don't ..."
Well, he had stared Death down before and he could do it again. He had no intentions of going along with Copper and her wacked out friends again, and he had only done so before because he'd had nothing else to do. Now, though ...
Now I've got a job in the Ra system, guarding Isis Station while they get her up and going. And nobody's going to make me break that contract.
Not even Coppertop.

Nov 21, 2002, 08:36 AM
No more after this today, you've almost caught up with me! And here I was, thinking I was so far ahead ...

Wild Angel was worried. The Deathless Ones had not pursued her further, although they haunted her waking hours and night dreams until she thought she'd go mad. She had taken her leave of Coppertop's friends when they had landed on Raxizil, passing her absence off as rest, saying that she was still tired from transporting Copper and Shinyso to the War Tavern and then bringing four back.
As soon as she reached the cabin she shared with Ducky and Blacksheep, she formed a warp. Stepping through and collapsing it behind her, she glanced around at her surroundings.
She was on the sun-warmed deck of a battleship that was just pulling in to dock. Several feline sailors looked at her curiously, and she merely shrugged their wondering glances away. Jassiv was what mattered now.
She had preformed the search spell earlier, looking for the place Jass had been last. This was the result, but somehow she knew that he had already gone.
A small, grey-furred female in uniform stalked towards her, keen eyes determined. Angel groaned inwardly. The captain looked angry ...
Well, I can't blame her. I'd be a bit annoyed too if some strange rabbit popped into existance on my ship in the middle of a delicate operation. Oh well.
"I am Captain Tsai Rtyra. Welcome to the ship I am presently commanding, the Yeshi Suun. Now suppose you tell me who you are, and what you think you are doing interrupting my sailors in the midst of a docking operation?"
"I'm Wild Angel, a friend of Jassiv Sevren. I'm sorry if I caused any trouble, but I'm trying to track Jass down. Do you know him?"
"A friend? You are the 'Wild Angel' that Sevren was thinking of the entire time he conveyed me here?"
"Maybe. How do you know what he was thinking?"
"I am a limited telepath. Sevren was here, yes. He departed a day ago, to places unknown, on his starship."
"Thank you. Uh, a limited telepath?"
"In the fact that I limit myself, yes. If you will excuse me, I must oversee the unloading of the Suun." She stalked away, calling out orders in her native tongue.
Wild Angel sighed and closed her eyes, summoning her dwindling energy. One more time, she sent out the search spell, and found Jassiv in his ship circling Carrotus. Concentrating, she teleported herself to his ship

Jassiv Zirconii Sevren was in a most unfortunate position at the time. He was frantically trying to evade several blasts from a circling pirate, and was scrambling to get his low shields evened out over the Starblown when Wild Angel materialized behind him. Silently she worked her magic, creating a sorcerous shield around the small ship. Then she reached and blasted the ship from space.

Jass stared in surprise as the attacking ship suddenly flared like a small star going nova, before imploding and collapsing in on itself, sending white-glowing shards of hull flying. Not one hit his ship, which was a small miracle in itself. Shocked and unable to respond, Jass sat unmoving, staring at the spot where the pirate had been, desperately trying to figure out what had happened and failing miserably.
"Haha! You should have seen your face when I did that," a familiar voice chortled. "It was so funny!"
"Wild Angel, if you do that again I'll - I'll -"
I don't know but I'll think of something! You nearly scared me into hyperspace!"
"Oh, I know, but it was still funny. Your face was hilarious."
"I'm sure," Jassiv growled and began moving the Starblown away from the wreckage of the unfortunate pirates. The blue rabbit, still in a state of battle-calm and surprise, suddenly realized what Angel's appearance meant.
"Angel! What are you doing here? I thought you were on Medivo!"
"I was, but because of the Deathless Ones I left. My ... friends ... needed help, and so did I. Now you needed help, so I came."
"Just as blasted well," Jassiv muttered, before setting to work recharging shields and weapons. Angel relaxed her own shields, and sighed.
"Now, what are you doing, where are you going, and why are you going there? I need to do something."
"Oh. Well, I'm right now trying to get enough power to the hyperdrive to enter hyperspace, I'm headed for Tubelectric, and I'm going there for lack of anything better to do."
"I've got a better idea. Head for Colonia, stay there until my friends arrive, and then take us to Keenrei. But be careful going into Keenrei," Angel cautioned, "Beren's taken it over."
"He has?" Jass demanded, looking stricken, and a look of sorrow passed over Wildie's face.
"I'm sorry, Jass, I really am," she whispered, and he looked at her, unable to comprehend it.
"What happened?" he asked hoarsely, and she told him.
"It was a dawn attack, which was marginally stupid and marginally clever," she said. "Stupid because of your people's abilities, and clever because of their obvious unawareness. He stormed the cities, put them under seige if he had to, and sent out scouts to take over the caravans. The mountain people and their birds escaped, and harry him, but God help any who get caught by him. He tortures, you know, for information, even the birds." Jassiv thought of Iceshadow, and of his friends Slade and Yastam, who followed the caravans on their trade routes. Dead, fled or captured by now, all of them. Wild Angel continued. "Then he set out patrols and a mothership, the Soldier of Fortune, and left. Believe me, there is no way to infiltrate that ship. It itself is ... alive, and the only way to kill ... It is to ... kill that ... awareness." A look of horror brushed over her face, and he looked at her sharply.
"How do you know?"
"I've had ... encounters with It. There are two more, the Yelantra Sentry and the Nightdweller, one of which opresses Raxizil and the other heads to Firen."
"Do they know?"
"Raxilians, yes. Firenzev, no."
"Tell them! I have no friends there, but I know the world and I love it. Let Firen at least escape Beren's clutch, unlike my own home. They have seen too much slavery."
"I -" she faltered, unused to seeing him like this. He pressed his advantage.
"Now! Tell them! Go!"
"But I do not know where to go!"
"Jassiv, I -" she stopped, looked about, and then vanished. Reassured, Jassiv slumped into his seat, mind whirling. Iceshadow, Slade, Yastam; Beren, Kroys; Tsai, Copper, Wild Angel. He tried to remember Coppertop, and his memory of the rebellion flared back.
- A blazing pain is in his arm. A grey rabbit ahead, wielding a sword that catches the light is the leader suddenly, not him, and he gladly follows -
Sighing, he banished the memory, and began to slowly put in the coordinates to Colonia.

Seeya tomorrow!

4I Falcon
Nov 21, 2002, 01:51 PM
Rar. I don't claim pages that often, so I'll give that one to ya. Consider yourself lucky, Copper...

stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid!

now that that's out of my system... did I mention RUX STORY?!

Nov 25, 2002, 11:42 AM
:o Have you read Conquerer? If you have then you'll know what's going on.
Nightshade tells me that she will not be coming back under this name *cries* but if you see anyone named Yazz don't be surprised. I will be using this username exclusively, so don't be surprised at that either. I will also be making this announcement on Slate and in J2 talk. Now for Conquests.

Scimitar was making plans, talking to both Ferran and Venomarin in low tones, when Emerald wearily knocked on the door. Scimitar glanced up, a slight frown on his fierce face. Ferran stood, hand on saber, and looked nervous.
"Dragon, the watch isn't over yet -"
"No," said Scimitar softly, stilling Ferran. "What is it, Dragon?" Emerald sighed and moved aside.
"Someone to see you, Boss. She's pretty insistant."
"I always was," the grey rabbit behind Emerald drawled. "Of course, that was years ago - but they say that old habits die hard." She moved into the room, green eyes appraising every detail of Scimitar, noting the new scars, the weary look. "You look like you've got nothing left to give, Scimitar."
"I feel that way, Coppertop," the wildcat said, rising slowly. "Beren has a way of installing exhaustion, but it fuels my determination."
"It always did, catseyes. It always did. Even when you were a small-time rebel."
"Yes ... but you did not come to talk. Well, maybe you did, but there is another motive ..."
"Isn't there always?"
"Not always, although I suppose those days are gone."
"They are now, and have been since the time of Kroys."
"Yess ... I had heard about that. Now you fight Beren."
Emerald slid out the door, heading back for her post. Ferran had vanished, and Venom simply was no longer there. She had a feeling that this meeting was going to take a long time.
Copper saw her go, and glanced at her briefly. Then she turned back to Scimitar.
"Now I fight Beren, for I am against him and his ilk. You?"
"I fight Beren."
"Ah. A common cause. Or something more personal? I wonder."
"Both and neither, friend. I have seen too many lives wasted to allow Beren more. Aah, I miss the days before Devan, the days before Kroys! The days when peace was heard."
"Aye. Those days were good, catseyes, but they are gone. I need help, for no single one can take Beren on and hope to live."
"Not only times have changed, it seems," Scimitar said dryly, and he moved towards the window. "When we were younger I would never have caught you asking for help."
"We are no longer that young, Scimitar. The worlds turn and times change whether we like it or not. No dreams or wishes can change the fact that Beren holds sway, and that none recognize that he is taking over, or the fact that I stand against him and all he stands for. I need your help."
"That desperate, Copper?"
"That desperate, Scimitar."
"Then I shall help you as much as I can. What do you need?"
"Information. Is there a way to destroy the motherships?"
"Ah, the Jakka-class starships. Yes, but it is difficult. Venomarin has sensed a weakness, but only one. The starships are alive, you know, sentient and totally evil. They are magically protected."
"How do I take it out?"
"Magically protected and guided missiles will help, for the Jakkas are kept alive by another being. This being, the Guide, is kept in the very tip of the starship. Thus the tip is very well shielded, and that part of the starship extremely sensitive, rendering it vulnerable if a better mage than Beren can ward the missiles against the magical shields. If you take out the Guide, then you have slain the Jakka."
"Wild Angel called the starship "It", and mentioned that it had marked her out so that the Deathless Ones could seek her."
"Wild Angel? I should have known that you would find that one! Yes, it is sensitive to magic, being created by such. Beren fears Wild Angel, Venomarin has said, and she would know, for she too is better than Beren, who derives his power from the fear and death and life-power of his slaves and oppressed."
"Like Kroys."
"Yes. But you know better than I, of Kroys' atrocities."
"I have questioned Omega, who was a spy working against Kroys and was recently one of Beren's targets."
"And he survived? I laud his resilience."
"Yes, but Omega has surprised us in the past. He says that Kroys recieved a good amount of his knowledge from Beren, and that Beren was pulling both Devan and Kroys' strings."
"Ah, the master puppeteer indeed. Yes, I can believe that. I would not put anything past that one."
"Nor should you, catseyes. Nor should you."

Scimitar turned away from the window. "Dragon will not go with you, mercenary. She's mine now."
Copper watched him silently, and he looked away. Finally she said, "She was never mine, Scimitar. I never claimed her as anything but a friend."
"Aye, she would never stand for that. An independant soul, has our Dragon."
"Like you?"
"I am loyal, yes, to those I call friend."
"Would you call me that?"
"I already have, Scimitar. I already have. I called you friend the day you saved my life."
"Yes ... I had forgotten. Those wild, reckless, joyful days."
"I have not, catseyes. They will return."
"For the younger generation, yes. For me, they will stay dead, and I will watch the young inexperienced rookies fling themselves wholesale into danger, and remember the days that I did that."
"Oh, Scimitar. Surely not?"
"I am no longer young, Coppertop. I am a veteran, and I mourn many many comrades and friends. One day I will mourn you, or you will mourn over me. This is a dangerous life, Copper, and it is a world for the young. There is no place for me in it."
"So you will kill yourself battling against Beren?" Copper demanded, angry suddenly at the way he spoke. Scimitar smiled sadly.
"I grieve for many deaths, my friend, but I admire those who have died for their fearlessness."
"Which you do not possess? Scimitar, you are the most fearless warrior I know."
"My greatest fear, my friend, is that I will die alone, having wrought nothing with either my life or my death. Promise me that I will not die alone, and I will once more be the fearless warrior you knew in my - your - youth."
"Oh, Scimitar," Copper said, and could think of nothing else to say. Scimitar looked down at her, and there was immeasurable sorrow in his feral green eyes. Finally she said, "I will do my best, Scimitar. You will not die alone if I have anything to say about it."
"I thank you," he said quietly, and she turned away, unable to meet his eyes. Looking at her strong, proud face, at her shadowed green eyes, unreadable to any other, he saw that she too grieved for a hundred thousand deaths, for countless lives taken for foolish reasons.
"And yet we slay for a living," he said gently, and she looked up at him with distant eyes.
"No," she corrected, "we slay so that others may live, and not experience the grief that I have seen. We slay so that the world may be free of those craven souls who kill for no reason. We slay so that the next innocent life may, at least for a little while, not know the fear of death."
"Just so. And so we fight Beren?"
"So we fight Beren."
"Then let us fight like warriors, and die fearlessly, knowing that we die so that another may live."
"Come, my friend. Let us go, so that we may fight."
He opened the door, and they left the room for Scimitar, who already knew his doom, so that he might tell his people that they fought alongside Coppertop.

Bah, too much dialogue ...

Nov 26, 2002, 09:42 AM
No replies ... I will have to wait then.

Nov 28, 2002, 07:43 AM
Alright, so blackmail won't work. I suppose I will continue anyway, just so if anybody DOES reply they can't complain.

Scimitar was making plans, talking to both Ferran and Venomarin in low tones, when Emerald wearily knocked on the door. Scimitar glanced up, a slight frown on his fierce face. Ferran stood, hand on saber, and looked nervous.
"Dragon, the watch isn't over yet -"
"No," said Scimitar softly, stilling Ferran. "What is it, Dragon?" Emerald sighed and moved aside.
"Someone to see you, Boss. She's pretty insistant."
"I always was," the grey rabbit behind Emerald drawled. "Of course, that was years ago - but they say that old habits die hard." She moved into the room, green eyes appraising every detail of Scimitar, noting the new scars, the weary look. "You look like you've got nothing left to give, Scimitar."
"I feel that way, Coppertop," the wildcat said, rising slowly. "Beren has a way of installing exhaustion, but it fuels my determination."
"It always did, catseyes. It always did. Even when you were a small-time rebel."
"Yes ... but you did not come to talk. Well, maybe you did, but there is another motive ..."
"Isn't there always?"
"Not always, although I suppose those days are gone."
"They are now, and have been since the time of Kroys."
"Yess ... I had heard about that. Now you fight Beren."
Emerald slid out the door, heading back for her post. Ferran had vanished, and Venom simply was no longer there. She had a feeling that this meeting was going to take a long time.
Copper saw her go, and glanced at her briefly. Then she turned back to Scimitar.
"Now I fight Beren, for I am against him and his ilk. You?"
"I fight Beren."
"Ah. A common cause. Or something more personal? I wonder."
"Both and neither, friend. I have seen too many lives wasted to allow Beren more. Aah, I miss the days before Devan, the days before Kroys! The days when peace was heard."
"Aye. Those days were good, catseyes, but they are gone. I need help, for no single one can take Beren on and hope to live."
"Not only times have changed, it seems," Scimitar said dryly, and he moved towards the window. "When we were younger I would never have caught you asking for help."
"We are no longer that young, Scimitar. The worlds turn and times change whether we like it or not. No dreams or wishes can change the fact that Beren holds sway, and that none recognize that he is taking over, or the fact that I stand against him and all he stands for. I need your help."
"That desperate, Copper?"
"That desperate, Scimitar."
"Then I shall help you as much as I can. What do you need?"
"Information. Is there a way to destroy the motherships?"
"Ah, the Jakka-class starships. Yes, but it is difficult. Venomarin has sensed a weakness, but only one. The starships are alive, you know, sentient and totally evil. They are magically protected."
"How do I take it out?"
"Magically protected and guided missiles will help, for the Jakkas are kept alive by another being. This being, the Guide, is kept in the very tip of the starship. Thus the tip is very well shielded, and that part of the starship extremely sensitive, rendering it vulnerable if a better mage than Beren can ward the missiles against the magical shields. If you take out the Guide, then you have slain the Jakka."
"Wild Angel called the starship "It", and mentioned that it had marked her out so that the Deathless Ones could seek her."
"Wild Angel? I should have known that you would find that one! Yes, it is sensitive to magic, being created by such. Beren fears Wild Angel, Venomarin has said, and she would know, for she too is better than Beren, who derives his power from the fear and death and life-power of his slaves and oppressed."
"Like Kroys."
"Yes. But you know better than I, of Kroys' atrocities."
"I have questioned Omega, who was a spy working against Kroys and was recently one of Beren's targets."
"And he survived? I laud his resilience."
"Yes, but Omega has surprised us in the past. He says that Kroys recieved a good amount of his knowledge from Beren, and that Beren was pulling both Devan and Kroys' strings."
"Ah, the master puppeteer indeed. Yes, I can believe that. I would not put anything past that one."
"Nor should you, catseyes. Nor should you."

Scimitar turned away from the window. "Dragon will not go with you, mercenary. She's mine now."
Copper watched him silently, and he looked away. Finally she said, "She was never mine, Scimitar. I never claimed her as anything but a friend."
"Aye, she would never stand for that. An independant soul, has our Dragon."
"Like you?"
"I am loyal, yes, to those I call friend."
"Would you call me that?"
"I already have, Scimitar. I already have. I called you friend the day you saved my life."
"Yes ... I had forgotten. Those wild, reckless, joyful days."
"I have not, catseyes. They will return."
"For the younger generation, yes. For me, they will stay dead, and I will watch the young inexperienced rookies fling themselves wholesale into danger, and remember the days that I did that."
"Oh, Scimitar. Surely not?"
"I am no longer young, Coppertop. I am a veteran, and I mourn many many comrades and friends. One day I will mourn you, or you will mourn over me. This is a dangerous life, Copper, and it is a world for the young. There is no place for me in it."
"So you will kill yourself battling against Beren?" Copper demanded, angry suddenly at the way he spoke. Scimitar smiled sadly.
"I grieve for many deaths, my friend, but I admire those who have died for their fearlessness."
"Which you do not possess? Scimitar, you are the most fearless warrior I know."
"My greatest fear, my friend, is that I will die alone, having wrought nothing with either my life or my death. Promise me that I will not die alone, and I will once more be the fearless warrior you knew in my - your - youth."
"Oh, Scimitar," Copper said, and could think of nothing else to say. Scimitar looked down at her, and there was immeasurable sorrow in his feral green eyes. Finally she said, "I will do my best, Scimitar. You will not die alone if I have anything to say about it."
"I thank you," he said quietly, and she turned away, unable to meet his eyes. Looking at her strong, proud face, at her shadowed green eyes, unreadable to any other, he saw that she too grieved for a hundred thousand deaths, for countless lives taken for foolish reasons.
"And yet we slay for a living," he said gently, and she looked up at him with distant eyes.
"No," she corrected, "we slay so that others may live, and not experience the grief that I have seen. We slay so that the world may be free of those craven souls who kill for no reason. We slay so that the next innocent life may, at least for a little while, not know the fear of death."
"Just so. And so we fight Beren?"
"So we fight Beren."
"Then let us fight like warriors, and die fearlessly, knowing that we die so that another may live."
"Come, my friend. Let us go, so that we may fight."
He opened the door, and they left the room for Scimitar, who already knew his doom, so that he might tell his people that they fought alongside Coppertop.

Can anybody tell me where Kovu went? I haven't seen him around ...

Nov 29, 2002, 06:42 AM
I feel so lonely ...
I am going to get this over with. Maybe when I'm done Conquests I'll write a human story:p
Now KRSplat really leaves me.

KRSplat scowled at the Eyes of Death. The elegant ship was still a mystery to him, although he had built it. And it refused to divulge its secrets to him. He could not figure out how that flash of light had originated, although it happened every time he suddenly slammed shields up.
"Blast it! I didn't ask for this, whoever's listening, so it's not my fault!" He aimed a kick in the general vicinity of his ship.
"Of course it's not," a cool, quiet voice said behind him. Sighing, KRSplat supposed he should turn around to see who it was, but he didn't want to. "Of course, it might help if I knew what wasn't your fault."
"Yeah, yeah, whatever," KRSplat said wearily. "Say, I could use some help here ..."
"We all could, mate," the voice said calmly, "but I'd say that you could use more than the usual dose." Something about that voice ...
"Well, if you say so. In my opinion, I've just got a very stubborn ship and a very incomprehensive shield."
"Yeah, that seems about right. She's elegant, though, I have to give you that." He knew that voice!
"Thanks for the compliment, mate. But - don't they always say, 'beauty is as beauty does'?"
"Mm, I guess so, but she's obviously worth something to you, or you wouldn't be kicking and cursing over it the way you are." He just about had it ...
"Well, she's saved my life several times, Shinyso, so I guess she's worth something."
Shinyso laughed quietly as KRSplat finally turned around to see him leaning against both the wall and his unsheathed saber.
"Aye, life is always the most precious jewel, bought at the dearest costs. What's her name, mate?"
"The Eyes of Death," was the proud reply.
"Met those too many times, eh," came the cool reply. "Maybe that's why you're counting yourself out of this one, I'm thinking."
"You could be right," KRSplat admitted. "But really, Shinyso, I see no need. I really wasn't much help last time, just stood around and fought a few battles and got a few interesting scars to tell tales about. I think, after this job, I'll go back to what I was doing before I stood in the woods and watched a young, battle-hardened mercenary come out of the bush, leading a scarred grey warhorse and talking tough."
"What was that?"
"Doing whatever I wanted to, of course! I'll wander the width and breadth of Carrotus, sit in the War Tavern, hook up with a bunch of old friends. Tell Coppertop that while part of me longs for just another battle, the rest of me has no regrets about living a little longer. Tell her that, eh?"
"I will, KRSplat." There was audible surprise, pleasure and determination (and admiration?) in the controlled voice. The Ninja straightened, sheathing his sword, and offered KRSplat his hand. Startled, KRSplat took it, and the two shook hands in a final handclasp. Then Shinyso said, "Good luck, KRSplat. You deserve it. You may be sure I'll relay your message to Copper and the gang."
"Thank you, Shinyso. By Jazz's carrots, I'll miss you guys! Tell Copper she deserves better than that life, and whatsisname ... Nightshade, she can do better than that. Uh, don't tell Claw I said I'll miss him."
"You'd be surprised. I think he likes the rest of us now ... a little."
"You're right, I would be. Tell Grath and Kaz I want them in the War Tavern one of these days, and then we'll really debate!"
"I will. Goodbye, friend."
"Goodbye, Shinyso. Try not to get killed."
"Ha! Be sure of that. Maybe I'll see you round one of these days, mate."
"Yeah, that'd be great."
"Farewell." Shinyso faded out of sight, vanishing slowly into the brick wall behind him.
With a lingering look and a sad sigh, KRSplat picked up his tools to fix the Eyes of Death, to fly to the stars and beyond, and to leave behind his past for a while.
He looked forward to it.

Nov 30, 2002, 04:44 AM
I'm sorreeeey Copper, my download limit got all used up and I couldn't get on the net!

Tis great, tho. :D

Nov 30, 2002, 08:39 AM
:eek: There is life out there! Thank you defalcon! I am SAVED!!
DiY download limit.:mad:

Coppertop arrived back at the Assassin with three Saravzan. Scimitar was beside her, and the two fighters spoke in low voices. The grey vixen Ferran was making sure they weren't being tailed with Emerald Dragon, although Copper doubted the need for that. Shellions and Kronans couldn't track if their lives depended on it. Which it probably did.
The Assassin had been moved to a partially intact hangar on the outskirts of the city at Wild Angel's urging. Her excuse had been that she was getting tired of teleporting everybody to and from the ship. Copper had laughed at her and then complied.
"I'd have thought that your ship would have been vaped long ago," Scimitar said. "You always were hard on your vehicles. What happened to that monster of a warhorse you owned not long ago?"
"Ironheart? When Kroys mounted that attack on my town he got loose, and attacked a group of Shellions. He decimated them before a blade found his heart, I hear."
"He deserved better."
"Aye, he served me well, but his days were numbered anyway. I was using him less and less, and he needed action. He couldn't have died any other way that would have pleased him better, I think."
"Most fighters want to die in battle."
"Yes. Back to your original comment - as long as I'm around, the Assassin will be around. I may be demanding of my other vehicles, but the Assassin ... I take care of the Assassin."
"You must do," Emerald commented. "Especially if you had it in the days before Devan."
Coppertop gave her friend a crooked grin. "Aye, I had it before Devan. Not long before, though."
"You're older than Prince Jazz?" Ferran demanded.
"Actually, no," Copper retorted. "I'm a year younger than him, but I've led a harder life."
"I'm sure," Ferran muttered, but Copper ignored that. Touching her sword, she covered the dark green jewel with her hand. A glimmer of white fire showed between Coppertop's fingers, and when she took her hand away and drew Shale the blade glowed with that same white fire. It drove back the shadows, but cast darker ones in the mercenary's unreadable dark green eyes and in Scimitar's lighter feral ones. Ferran scowled, but the light obviously served some other purpose, for the Assassin's boarding ramp extended. Coppertop tossed a grin over her shoulder at Scimitar and doused the light before leading them into the ship.

The Lessaria 309 glided through space, a bronze-furred rabbit at the controls. Shonar was a fighter pilot, selling his skills to the highest bidder. His heavily modified Protector had once been part of the elite fleet that Kroys had commanded. At his command, they had pursued the Assassin 216 through an asteroid field, and only Shonar had returned. Abandoned by Kroys, he had once more struck out on his own and had assisted Coppertop in sneaking aboard Kroys' private flagship, the Hypernaught (which had resulted in his former employer's death.).
Four hours ago, he had recieved a coded, encrypted message from the mercenary, asking him to meet her on Colonia. He knew Coppertop well - he had given her her current name (unintentionally) - and had fought beside her many times. She trusted him as much as one mercenary trusted another - she knew that he could turn against her if it was to his profit, but she also knew him well enough to know that he had never been able to resist intrigue. He had a vague idea what this was about, but his suspicions would not be mentioned. This was strictly business. If she paid him enough, he would help her. If she didn't, he was gone.
The Lessaria shot through space, a sleek silver splinter of death. In two hours Shonar would arrive at Colonia, and perhaps at his next job ...

Yikes, you've nearly caught up to me ... I shall have to take enough time off to write lots of good parts:D

4I Falcon
Dec 1, 2002, 05:23 PM
i still can't believe the quality of this story.

Conqueror, eh? *flips through the dusty pages of the War Tavern Chronicles*

Dec 4, 2002, 11:25 AM
Believe it, buddy.:lol:

Just for you, because you replied.

Jassiv sat, slumped in the Starblown's pilot seat, numb with shock. His vessel sat in the smoldering ruins of the shuttle pound on Keenrei. The Soldier of Fortune orbited above the planet, and the Venomstrike, Beren's personal flagship, hung in space quite a distance away.
He sighed and exited his ship, harboring no hope that he would find anyone alive. Climbing over the alternately freezing and smoking rubble, he watched for any sign of life.
Through a shroud of smoke, a dark shape was blurred by the rapidly dissipating heat. Scrambling across the rubble, Jassiv finally made out the shape - it was Slade's personal covered, armored skimmer. The roof was half crushed, one engine torn off, but Jassiv knew with a surge of relief that Slade would have sheltered in the transport. Still, it could be a trap. And it was Beren's style to do just that ...
Drawing his blaster, Jazziv moved cautiously and quietly towards Slade's skimmer. Peering in through the fire-darkened glass, he saw nothing -
A crunch behind him made him freeze, then he drew himself upright very slowly. Of course, the activated vibroblade that shivered dangerously at the base of his neck might have had something to do with that.
"Turn around slowly," Slade's familiar voice, hard and brittle as glass and as cold as ice, filled Jassiv's elated ears. Still, he obeyed.
Slade immediately released him, joy and surprise passing over his face as swiftly as the fleeting song of the Fluters.
"Jass ... why'd you return? Keenrei is destroyed. Icei is nothing but ruins and memory, and Fort Icicle is much the same. Very little remains for you here."
"I came back for you guys. Where's Iceshadow and Yastam? How'd you get away? Beren's still up there ..."
"I know. Deathless Ones have been haunting the ruins, but I've managed to avoid them."
"Where's Yastam and Iceshadow?"
"I don't really know," Slade said, avoiding his eyes. The violet rabbit looked haunted, his eyes shadowed by the emotional and physical scars he had sustained. He would never be the same again. "Yastam left with the trader's train the week before the attack, and I really haven't seen Iceshadow since you left. He keeps to himself mostly."
"He always did. Do you think Yastam made it?"
"I cannot tell. There's a chance, but not much of one ... Beren is very thorough."
"I can check," Jass offered. "The Starblown is in good shape."
"Would you?" his friend brightened perceptibly.
"Sure," he promised. "I'll even take you with me."
"Thank you," Slade said emphatically.

They traced the trader's route, though Jassiv knew that the route took many days to complete on foot. The Starblown's life scanners were running at full power, and after a few hours of slow flying they found the survivors of the traders.
Jassiv had never been so happy to see anyone as he was to see Yastam and his wife, Tarrol. The pair were accompanied by five other traders, and had been living in snow-huts they had made, camoflaging them from Beren's soldiers (who evidentally had not thought of life-scanners). They were in good cheer at Jassiv's arrival, but declined his offer of a lift.
"Nah," Yastam said. He was hardly older than Jass, but had been doing the trade route for several years. "We'll press on to Ireina, see what we can do there. Who knows, maybe they're still standing. We can offer a hand. Thanks for the help, the supplies you gave us'll take us there. Go find out if Iceshadow's still alive. He may be hiding out in the mountains."
"Thanks, Yastam. Take care."

Maybe I'll *coughs* dedicate another part to the next person who replies.

Dec 5, 2002, 12:56 AM
It's awesome! :D Keep it coming!

Dec 5, 2002, 10:17 AM
I will.
Okay, you earned it, this next part's yours.

I'm getting an entirely new fan club, am I, to replace the old? Defalcon, you're the only one of the *coughs* old guys! What happened to Kovu? Anyone? Ducky checked in, but I haven't seen him.

This part's sad:(

Iceshadow was not in the mountains. Nor was he at Icei. It was only as Jassiv was heading for Fort Icicle that his life scanner flickered, indicating that he'd passed a living being. Jass doubled back and began a detailed search.
He had left Slade with Yastam, at the mechanic's request. Therefore he was alone when he found the glacier falcon.
It was clear from the churned snow and frozen blood that Iceshadow had fought for his life, but there were no bodies. Iceshadow was nowhere in sight, but Jass knew that looks could be decieving. Iceshadow was perfectly colored to blend in with the snow.
When he found the falcon, it was when he literally tripped over him. The bird was still breathing, but that was about it. The few weapons he carried with him were gone, including a snow-gem dagger that Jass had given him. As he turned the falcon over, inspecting his wounds, the fierce golden eyes flickered open.
"Jasss ... " his name was barely a whisper. Jass nearly wept to see his friend so diminished, his fighting spirit nearly broken. However, crying would be incredibly stupid in these frozen wastes. He leaned closer to his friend.
"It's me, Ice. I'm back. I'm okay."
"Jasssiv, I ... I can't ... "
"It'll be okay, Ice. Don't try to talk, I'll get you to Ireina, they might have life-support and medics - "
"No ... too late ... the ssewers are ... are the only way ... into the Fort ... "
"No, not the Fort, I'm taking you to Ireina."
"I won't lasst ... lasst that long. You've got to go to ... the Fort."
"Don't say that. I'm not going to the Fort."
"You musst!" Iceshadow roused enough to say. "No choice. Only way ... off planet. They've ... covered all the other wayss ... off."
"All right, I hear you. Now come on, we've got to go to where you can be taken care of."
"Not enough ... time ... left. For both ... of ... us ... "
Jassiv leaned in even closer. His friend was fading fast.
"What do you mean?"
" ... wanderer ..."
But Iceshadow did not respond. He never would again.
With the tears freezing in his eyes, Jassiv left his friend there on the ice plains, a shroud of smoke smudging the sky beyond. Keenrei had been destroyed.

Dec 5, 2002, 01:30 PM
Ducky's got no time to reply in her hasty moderations from the school computers anymore.

*wistful look* You, CT, are an amazing writer. Do continue.



Dec 7, 2002, 08:35 AM

Well, look who decided to say hi ... :p
You may have to wait for some more. I must write like a mad thing. Sowwy:D

4I Falcon
Dec 8, 2002, 05:37 PM
Originally posted by Nightshade
Believe it, buddy.:lol:

Just for you, because you replied.

I feel specical. Verra specical.

Thankee, CT!

I'm so slow, tralalala... *becomes enthralled with the door*

Dec 11, 2002, 06:41 AM
You're welcome.

Sickness in my house ... my brother and sister were sick all day yesterday, I had a bad cold, my eye was nearly swelled shut because of something. Seems my aunt, uncle, granddad, and two cousins were sick too, I think that's where we got it from. But we're all better now.:)

I am barely keeping ahead of you. You're so lucky:D

Shonar shook his head at Copper's idea. "You're crazy," he said admiringly. "I might be able to do it, but I'd need to know where it is, how much time we've got, what we're dealing with and what I get out of it."
"I know," she agreed. "Wild Angel can tell you what we're dealing with, and I can find out the rest. As for what you get out of it ... will that suffice?" She tossed him a small pouch. One glance inside at the value of the credits made him nod reluctantly.
"It'll do. Give me a call when you figure out the rest. Location, time, your estimation of security ... the works. You know how to contact me."
"I do. Thanks."
"No problem. Now, let's hear what I'm dealing with."
Wild Angel briefed him quickly on the Jakkas. When she finished Shonar shook his head slowly.
"I dunno. My skills don't really apply here if all is as you say. And if these things are alive, not mechanical-" he left it hanging.
"Actually," said Wild Angel, "one of my contacts found something out. If we can take out the Guardian thing in the nose of the ship, it will revert to a mere mechanical thing again. It's like a living skin over the mechanical structure. Quite interesting. But we can take it out."
"Can we." Coppertop seemed amused. "Well. Let's see ... Grath and Kovu could go in the Moonrise while we go either in Shonar's ship or mine. Wild Angel could go in Claw's Vortex Crawler, if he agrees. Any mage worth their salt can make illusions. A suitable one couldn't be too hard. One shot to the bow, take it out. Have an imaginary fleet attacking it; no one would notice a single ship slipping in. Grath and Angel can teleport."
"You've got this all figured out, haven't you," Shonar said grudgingly. "You usually do. Well, if it works, we'll do it. If it works."
Coppertop said with certainty, "It'll work. It has to."

Sorry about the short parts and all. I'm trying, honestly!

Dec 12, 2002, 07:48 PM
-v-... chapters... took... so... long... to catch up to... AGH!

Sorry I haven't replied lately, I wish I could have more to give you a little more support but wishes are for children ;>.

=\ I can't believe you're associating me with Grath, oh well, your story, not mine, and it still pleases me with a weaving of vocabulary and poetry.

Dec 13, 2002, 09:11 AM
Sorry. Actually, I shouldn't be telling you this, but Grath isn't going to be around much longer. Writer's privelege and all that.
Y'want a list of them who gets killed?
(EDIT: At the request of Kaz, this list has been removed. If you want to view it, just ask:P)

4I Falcon:
In other news, did i mention that this is a godly story? Are you writing this all on the spot, or do you have it already somewhere? 'Cuz either way... uh, yeah. In-foogin'-credible story.

I used to make it up while I posted, but it took too long. Now I write the parts on Word Pad before I post them, gives me a head start on you guys. But you caught up to me and it'll take me some typing before I get ahead of you again.

Some story soon. Sorry:(

Dec 13, 2002, 04:08 PM
Could you take that list down not to spoil it for the others O.o?

Do I get to kill Grath ^v^?

4I Falcon
Dec 14, 2002, 05:38 PM

Well, I surpose the good side to not being in a story is that you don't die in the story...

...waitasec... >_> *nervous*


Dec 17, 2002, 07:28 AM
I can take it down if you want.

Dec 17, 2002, 07:33 AM
}>Sorry, you can't kill him ... He'd haunt you (and me) for the rest of our cyberlives
Sorry it's so long in coming, I haven't been able to get on computer much. Don't leave!

4I Falcon
Dec 17, 2002, 06:45 PM
*doesn't leave*

...doo de dum...

*spies a refrigerator in the far corner*

hmm... }>

Dec 17, 2002, 07:32 PM
Waiting, I sort of got back on to the JCF for this O.o.

Dec 18, 2002, 11:03 AM
Finally, the long-awaited part. My fingers are sore, hope you enjoy.

Wild Angel may have quit her information business, but she still had the best contacts of anyone Copper knew. Calling around on a very, very secure line, she finally found out where Beren was, from a young rabbit named Jassiv. When Coppertop heard, she could barely believe it.
"Keenrei? What in the name of Jazz is he doing over there? I mean, Keenrei is back of beyond. There's nothing out there!"
"I dunno. Jass says he's there. He's there."
"So how are we going to work this?"
"Well, Fort Icicle is as good as we're going to get. Shonar can slip in there. We can't. It's too heavily guarded. But Jass knows a way in, says his friend told him. We land in the mountains, he's got a skimmer and will come to get us. There's a way in through the sewers. Give Shonar the co-ordinates, get there on time, and then it's all up to Shonar, me and Grath. One thing for sure, we'd better not miss. We only get one shot."

There you go.

Dec 18, 2002, 11:04 AM
:lol: you thought that was all, didn't you? :lol:

Keenrei was indeed back of beyond. It took them almost five hours to get there, even with the Assassin's speed. Copper's excellent (probably illegal) scanners picked up two Jakka-class starships, the largest one orbiting the blue and white globe that was Keenrei, the smaller one a distance out.
There was a small corridor that the larger ship, Soldier of Fortune, with all its' power and scanners, could not detect. This corridor was only a couple hundred meters wide, and a single mistake on Coppertop's part could result in their deaths. This was added to the minor difficulty of not being able to tell where the corridor's edges actually lay.
They were flying blind, operating on Shonar's calculations. Shonar had gotten there a few hours earlier, owing to his ship's smaller mass, excellent programming, good hyperdrive and a bit of waiting on Copper's part before laying her course. He sent them encrypted information that the Deathless Ones hopefully could not translate from his place in Fort Icicle.
Jassiv too had been in communication with them, with barely enough time to give them the landing coordinates before he had to break the connection.
Copper'd been on harder missions before, but at that moment she could not think of any. Added to that was the fact that this mission was self-appointed, and it was unlikely that she would profit from this.
Maybe KRSplat was the wiser one.
"Don't think like that," Shinyso admonished her. She remembered that he was a telepath, and grimaced at him. He flashed a grin at her before turning to check on Angel. This close to the Deathless Ones, her shielding might not hold. Detection at this time would be fatal, and so Angel was concentrating solely on enforcing those shields.
Coppertop and Shonar's plan was going to be difficult to execute. It was likely they would be detected, but hopefully it would be too late. Grath, Kovu and Wild Angel were going through the sewers with them, for when they entered the planet's atmosphere their communications with Shonar would be cut off. Once through, Shonar would explain how they were going to get past Soldier of Fortune. The three pilots had to be there for that. Also, they had decided against the illusion end of it - Deathless Ones could break such things. Instead, both the Sarav and Shonar (and hopefully Jassiv) would help. Shonar had created a devious scanner program that, when the Jakka ships attempted to identify the ship which carried this program, would send back multiple signals, effectively doubling or tripling the amount of ships registered on the enemy's scanners. Kovu and Angel had to take this program to their ships, and then send it to the Sarav. And the Sarav were already there, just beyond the edge of the system, waiting for the order to attack.
This should be simple, if all went as planned.
Unfortunately, even the best plans occasionally fail ...

No kidding, that really is all this time.

Dec 18, 2002, 02:32 PM
Evil, almost believed that was the whole thing... and then got even more depressed when it was -v-.

Dec 18, 2002, 05:21 PM
Great chapter/part thingie. :)

Kaz, don't you use ICQ anymore? ;P

4I Falcon
Dec 18, 2002, 05:47 PM
Your imagination is amazing. I seem to have a tendency to always make my character the centre of attention, and CT has the ability to... um... not. ^^


Dec 19, 2002, 09:32 AM
:lol: I did too, but then I figured out that ppl like it better when I don't. BTW, have you read Conquerer yet? Then you might know what I'm talking about.
More tomorrow. Sorry guys, but I posted all that I had written:(

Dec 19, 2002, 10:03 AM
I use ICQ... just not often enough.

Yeah, I like it when people actually use your character in the story .:roll:
Uhm... contiue ^^.

;v; I don't get to kill Grath...

4I Falcon
Dec 19, 2002, 12:39 PM
I still have to go find Conqueror first. Then I'll read it. Then Conquests. Considering I have no idea what's going on anymore, I'll just... er... hm.


Dec 19, 2002, 02:07 PM
A bit lonely here without kove or duckah... -v-...

I claim the fifth page.

Dec 22, 2002, 09:15 AM
:mad: you always get them ...
Sorry about the wait. I wasn't allowed on Internet.
Falcon, try the search option. I'd get the link for you, but I don't know how:( I'm sorry. Last I heard, they screwed up and it's listed as being started by Kiku. Weird.

Coppertop leaned back in her seat with a sigh of relief. They had barely made it through the corridor, and now the Assassin sat on the icy surface of Keenrei, fully shielded and cloaked. Vortex Crawler and Moonblaze sat, ready for battle, just beyond her ship, barely visible through the blowing snow. As she watched the veiwports, Jassiv's ship [/i]Starblown[/i] set down a short distance off. The informant would lead them through the sewers (which, he assured her were no longer in use). He admitted that they could be in danger - rumors said that Beren's pet Kronans patrolled any way in or out - but assured them that he knew a "safe" way in. Copper didn't ask any questions; at least they were better prepared now than they had been in the assault on Kroys. And they had the element of surprise.
Zanzibar was hiding something. Everything he did hinted at another motive. She had expected him to jump at any chance to hurt the killer of his love, Vorsyelvo, but instead he was being oddly cautious, almost timid. She would have to find out why - maybe Phoebe could unravel the mystery for her. The pair were close friends.
Jassiv was waiting. The blue rabbit sparked something in Copper's memory, but she couldn't place him, or his accent. He was probably both a native Keenrein and a wanderer - none of which mattered right then. What did matter was the fact that Wild Angel trusted him, and he was willing to help them.
"Come on," he said, and they followed him to where two flat-bottomed cargo skimmers lay, half-buried in snow. He started them up and the rose off the ground, shedding snow and ice. Copper was glad she had brought her cloak; the wind was something else, penetrating to the bone. She'd never noticed how warm Carrotus was, or any other world for that matter.
With her piloting one ship and Jassiv the other, they shot over the frozen ground. She could not begin to imagine their destination.
After what seemed like an eternity, a dark shape appeared on the icefield before them like an inkblot on a sheet of white paper. As they drew nearer, penetrating the concealing veils of snow, it resolved into a delapidated building, crumbling and eroded by years of exposure to the punishing winds, frosts and icestorms of this hostile climate. This, Copper deduced, was the entrance into the sewers.
The skimmers shuddered to a halt, spilling passengers and snow. Of all her team, Kaz seemed the least affected by the cold and Zanzibar the most. She supposed it was because of Firen's hot temperatures.
There were no guards here. Jassiv explained that although the soldiers were prepared for the cold, reptiles like lizards and turtles were still affected, and Kronans were too stupid to stand guard in this place, haunted as it was by the eerie song of the Fluters. The concealing snow lent an aura of mystery, and it would be easy for a dimwitted, half awake guard to think he saw something and set off a false alarm. False alarms took time, resources and a great deal of patience to deal with, all of which were in short supply.
"Getting in is the easy part. Getting out isn't. Getting through is the difficult part," Jassiv said.
"Trust me."

The sewers, unlike the frigid, howling surface, were heated. Just aboce freezing, all the same there was a vast difference in temperature that Coppertop noticed immediately. The fact that there was no wind helped immensely. There were guards down here, but they mostly patrolled the service shafts, not the actual sewer tunnels. A fine layer of moss and algae coated the walls and floors, muffling all sound, and the air was stale and fetid. Everybody complained. Nobody did anything else.
Coppertop was not entirely sure about Jassiv. Wild Angel trusted him and she had to rely on that, but the mercenary would much rather have established her own kind of trust first. However, the faith of Wild Angel would have to do.
They followed Jassiv in single file, silent and grim, hoping to survive and praying to avoid any patrols.
They were nearly there when the alarm sounded.

Jassiv looked around, not quite frantic. This could be a false alarm, but he doubted it. It was too timely. He could hear distant shouts as the guards who patrolled this sector came alert. Before those guards could react he turned back to the grey-furred rabbit who strode alongside him, coolly assessing their situation. He admired her calm, especially when compared to his reaction.
Coppertop eyed him doubtfully. He knew what she was thinking - had he led them into a trap? He hoped not. They were almost there - why couldn't the alarm have stayed quiet? But even as he panicked, the icy calm that had settled on him since Iceshadow's death fell again.
"This way," he said. "Hurry! The time for silence is over." Copper nodded calmly and glanced back at a black rabbit near the back of the group. Although she did not speak the rabbit nodded and turned to say somehting to a young purple rabbit beside him, who was armed to the teeth. Jassiv turned his attention back to the tunnel ahead. Dimly he could hear a horde of soldiers thundering towards them, shaking the floor slightly. Clearly they knew nothing of stealth. His team had just enough time -
But what he saw when he rounded the corner stopped him dead, making him slump briefly in defeat before straightening.
The way out was blocked by two reptilian guards. They'd run out of time.

No hope - they were trapped. Jassiv felt the sharp stab of panic overwhelmed by that strange peace.
Two large, hissing lizards, one dark brown, the other a dirty yellow, stood blocking the tunnel. One carried in one hand a linneral, a Keenrein weapon that spat serrated, circular, spinning blades rapidly; the other hand held a translucent, humming reflector shield. Reflector shields sent projectiles back towards their point of origin.
The yellow lizard carried a high-powered blaster with a rapid-fire charge attatched, and another reflector shield. Jammed in his belt was a long knife with a pale blue jewel in the end of the pommel, framed by two silver wings. With a shock of grief-fueled anger that lasted as long as the panic had, Jassiv recognized it as the gift he had given to Iceshadow, long ago, before Kroys.
Turning to Coppertop, who stood poised beside him, torchlight glinting on her naked blade, he smiled sadly. He knew what he had to do.
"The way out is right behind them, mercenary. Up the ladder, then follow the tunnel up. I'll buy you time. You kill those two, and I'll take care of the rest." He gestured towards the two advancing lizards. He would have turned away, but she caught his wrist and held his eyes with her own shadowy ones, reading his intent clearly. She nodded slightly and released him, glancing over at the silent Claw.
Claw's powerful Protec blaster was in his hand with blurring speed and he fired two shots in rapid succession. One hit the yellow lizard's reflector shield, but had barely struck before the second shot hit the first, creating a small soundless explosion. The yellow lizard's shield shattered.
Coppertop was less decorous. Closing in on the darker reptile, she simply sliced his shield in half, and then cold-bloodedly slew them both. Jassiv turned towards the main host, which would by now be pounding towards them.
As he did, he caught Wild Angel looking at him, disbelief and fear in her eyes. He smiled at her, then remembered something. Bending over the dead lizard, he yanked Iceshadow's blade from its' belt and took the dark lizard's linneral. Thus armed, he turned away from Angel's uncomprehending look. He didn't have time to answer questions.
"Go," he told Copper. "Your pilot friend should be waiting for you. Run!" Wild Angel tried again to catch his eyes, but he forced himself to ignore her despairing look. He had a job to do.
The miniature army was almost to the corner, to judge by the sound he was making. He paused and found a small alcove that could shield him from all but the worst attacks. When the last of Copper's friends had passed him and gone up the ladder, he began to fire on the soldiers.
Serrated, spinning blades were spat out by the linneral with a low metallic hum. They cut a swath through the unsuspecting soldiers, causing an abrupt halt while they milled, confused. Then they apparently came to a discision, and once more the enemy advanced.
Then they were upon him, and he discarded the linneral. Drawing Iceshadow's knife, he threw himself into the main body of his enemy without a backwards glance.
The last thing he saw before they surrounded him was Wild Angel's beautiful, haunted, terrified eyes. Then she was gone, and there was nothing but the enemy, their blades, and blood and pain and, oddly, joy ...
And then there was nothing.

That's all I have for now. Sadness:(

Dec 22, 2002, 06:46 PM
And starting off with a new page... unintended betrayal and deaths.

Dec 22, 2002, 09:56 PM
OMG that is awesomeness right there. Keep it coming.

Jan 9, 2003, 10:06 AM
:( You guys must think I've abandoned you. I'm so sorry ... the internet on my computer doesn't work right now, we'll have to sign up with something other than AOL. That may take a while yet. In the meantime, don't lose hope! There will be more - I don't intend to abandon this story!

4I Falcon
Jan 9, 2003, 11:44 AM
Geh. AOL ish 3vil and bad.

Still a rux story tho. Can't wait for more of this crazy insane psycho extra-crunchy literary g00tness.

Jan 11, 2003, 07:19 AM
:) Thanks, 4I Falcon. It may be a while yet. Sorry.

:( More sadness and deaths coming up to some of my favorite characters, but I need to downsize my cast ;P
*evil laugh*
You'll see soon.

Jan 11, 2003, 08:08 AM
Yay, I can type some more, but unfortunately not much as I'm not on my computer. Here goes.

Wild Angel watched, horrified, as Jassiv attacked the soldiers with wild abandon. They parted before him and surrounded him, and he looked up at her with unreadable, shadowy eyes.
Then he was lost from her sight, and she turned and fled up the rusted ladder, tears that would remain unshed blurring her vision.

Coppertop dashed away from Jassiv with the heartrending knowledge that what she was about to do broke her first and primary rule in her personal code. She was abandoning a friend, someone who had helped her. She was leaving him to die alone.
Jassiv had chosen his fate; had offered to sacrifice himself so that they could escape. Still she could not reconcile what she had just done.
Some of her inner turmoil must have showed, for Kovu moved up beside her. His sword, unlike hers, was sheathed, and his booted feet made no sound on the scum-covered ground.
"It bothers you," he stated, "leaving Jassiv back there to die." She nodded shortly. "He knew what he was doing," Kovu went on. "It's not as though you could have saved him. Well, maybe you could've, but not even you can destroy an entire army - even if I haven't seen all you're capable of. He bought us enough time to find this Shonar."

4I Falcon
Jan 12, 2003, 10:22 AM

You are a very talented writer, CT, in case I haven't mentioned that already. I, myself, look up to you in terms of skill.

Good job.

Jan 12, 2003, 05:41 PM
I always get my pages... )=7

You're probably the inverse of the creativeness I had in writing this post... and I only got the little creativity that went into this post from you.

Jan 16, 2003, 06:23 AM
We have a new server, so I am back for good (or at least until this one goes wonky, too).
*cries* I can't believe it! On my last post, I edited it and had so much written ... and then, instead of hitting the "Save Changes", I hit the "Reset Message" button ... *hits head*
I have nothing today, check back later. But I am back!

Jan 16, 2003, 09:59 AM
Wow, this story is awesome!

I read 'Conquerer' and 'Conquests' (Although I'm a quite fast reader that took some time) and I like both storys very much (And yes, I'm a Noob in the JCF, although I play JJ2 since 1998) ...

And I forgot to say, that my native language is Swiss German / German, so my English sometimes has got some mistakes in it, so don't kill me if I write something that sounds a bit strange :rolleyes:

Jan 18, 2003, 05:24 PM
Just thought I might mention, CT, since you've become a bit of a celebrity and all, what with your story coming into an RPG and stuff, that this story- like, everything- it all rux0rs beyond words.

Just so you know cause i don't get much time to post on here anymore.

Jan 21, 2003, 10:25 AM


Being a noob isn't that bad, Eval. Everyone gets to be one sometime. Even me:p

Did y'all see that some efil topic revivificator revivified Conquerer? Is it just me, or does it say that the thread was started by Kiku? Can anyone explain that? Why am I asking so many questions? Where's Kovu?

Oh, I'm so glad you're back, Duckah:p I'm sorry but I haven't got any more right now ... I'm so bad, I should really get to it.

Jan 21, 2003, 10:26 AM
I'm a celebrity? Oh, no, why me? *faints*

Jan 21, 2003, 10:30 AM
I also recognized the wrong thread starter name... That MySQL database seems to be a bit damaged, if you ask me :rolleyes:

and pleeaaase continue your story


Jan 21, 2003, 08:00 PM
If my memory serves me correctly, she was the one who quoted your story and put it on the JCF when the JMMB died... or something... can't remember><.

Jan 22, 2003, 06:10 AM
No, I did that. I had to ask Quisty how, if you remember (if you were there).

I have finally gotten more of the story onto the computer, so here you go. Kaz, no rude comments:p
The first part I have posted before, suffer with me.

Wild Angel watched, horrified, as Jassiv attacked the soldiers with wild abandon. They parted before him and surrounded him, and he looked up at her with unreadable, shadowy eyes.
Then he was lost from her sight, and she turned and fled up the rusted ladder, tears that would remain unshed blurring her vision.

Coppertop dashed away from Jassiv with the heartrending knowledge that what she was about to do broke her first and primary rule in her personal code. She was abandoning a friend, someone who had helped her. She was leaving him to die alone.
Jassiv had chosen his fate; had offered to sacrifice himself so that they could escape. Still she could not reconcile what she had just done.
Some of her inner turmoil must have showed, for Kovu moved up beside her. His sword, unlike hers, was sheathed, and his booted feet made no sound on the scum-covered ground.
"It bothers you," he stated, "leaving Jassiv back there to die." She nodded shortly. "He knew what he was doing," Kovu went on. "It's not as though you could have saved him. Well, maybe you could've, but not even you can destroy an entire army - even if I haven't seen all you're capable of. He bought us enough time to find this Shonar."
"He bought it with his life," Copper said bitterly. "No one should have to pay that."
"He knew what he was doing," Kovu repeated. "He would have done it with or without your cooperation."
Claw moved up silently behind her. Strange, how much she had come to trust him - as much as she had ever trusted anyone. They were as much of a team as two loners could make. They understood each other. Yet underlying that veneer of friendship was the lurking knowledge that, five years ago, they had been bitter enemies, waiting for an excuse to slay the other.
"I take it that Jassiv's choice bothers you," he commented quietly. Two, maybe three years ago, he would have seen that as a weakness to be exploited. Now it was a wound to be healed. Kovu wisely fell behind; they had inexplicably slowed to a walk. She glanced at her fellow pilot.
"He had nothing left to live for," Claw explained offhand. "Iceshadow's death took all of the reasons he had left. There was no reason he couldn't die too. I think he couldn't have died in a way that would have pleased him more."
She scowled, her eyes hardening. "I could have saved him. I could've, blast you!"
"Really." He left it at that, deftly changing the subject. "Can Shonar help us?"
Glad to be steered away from the painful subject of Jassiv, she responded, "I don't know. Shonar may be a pilot and a mercenary, but he's the absolute best at his chosen professions. Plus, he makes a point of studying things like security, weaknesses in vessels, establishments, codes and protective programming and the like. He's a law unto himself, and he'll do what he wants, not what I tell him. If anyone knows how to get into the Venomstrike without getting killed, it's Shonar."
"How well do you know him?" was Claw's next question.
"Well enough to know he's as trustworthy as they get. He won't turn on us or sell us out. Frankly, I was surprised that he served Kroys. He's not that type ... he's very much a loner."
"Like us," he said dryly. Then, quietly, "watch your back. Darkfist as impressed me, but Saturn I am not so sre about. She may decide that a knife in the back would greatly improve your temper, or mine."
"I know what you mean," Copper said. "She's neither hot nor cold nor in the middle. She's all three."
"Yes. Something about her bothers me ... I cannot place it."
"I agree. I - " she stopped, then abruptly called back, "they're still coming! Let's go!" She broke into a run and Claw paced her effortlessly.
The tunnel sloped upwards making progress on the slimy ground difficult. Copper dropped back towards the end of the group, where Grath seemed to be having a bit of trouble. He slipped and she helped him up. The black rabbit supported himself on his staff, and said breathlessly, "don't worry about me - I can warp out if I need to ... "
"I know, but if you do we risk detection. Come on!"
They slipped and stumbled on the slimy, uneven ground, following the main group. Suddenly Grath fell again, this time with a short, ragged gasp of pain. Copper whirled, drawing her sword, but there were no enemies. What had happened was worse.
Grath hd slipped and fallen on both his staff and his leg. His weight and the awkward angle of his fall had snapped them both. He could not walk, and his staff was useless. With it went his warping focus.
Behind them the enraged guards could be heard. They (being used to the moist conditions) were having no trouble on the slick surfaces. Copper glanced ahead to see the last of her friends disappear, leaving her and Grath alone.
Shale might heal him, but not in time, and they could be detected by Beren, who had no idea that they were the intruders. She could not carry him and still stay ahead of the enemy. But even as she sought and answer other than the one presented, Grath made it for her.
"Leave me here," he rasped, voice ragged with supressed pain. "Angel can get Kovu there and mask her powers. You cannot .. jeapordize your life or the mission by trying to save me."
"No," she said flatly. "That's not even an option."
Already they had lost Jassiv. Beren would not claim this as a victory.
"You must," he insisted. We've come too far .. to give up now."
"What have I started?" she whispered. "How many would die for my ideals?"
"Jassiv was ... already dead inside," Grath said. "I'm not afraid ... to die. Death is better than Beren's rule ... any day. Darn it," and he roused enough anger to make her straighten, "you started this, Coppertop, and you're blasted well going to finish it! Get out of here. I can still think clearly enough to manipulate them, make them think that I'm the only intruder."
"They saw Wild Angel -"
"They saw a black rabbit running. I'm a black rabbit. Gotta do it, Copper. Tell Kaz he doesn't owe me any more."
"I will," she said. She rose from where she had been kneeling beside him. The guards had almost gotten to the corner behind them. She had to go now or be seen. She looked down at him, yet another friend she had to leave behind, abandoning him to death. She took the broken staff that he handed to her, and closed her eyes briefly.
"Forgive me," she whispered, and then she fled.

Stop snickering, Kaz, or I'll kill you off:lol:

Jan 22, 2003, 07:44 AM
*Wants moooooooore* ;)

CT is god

... and you can't kill me because I'm not in the story :p ...

Jan 23, 2003, 06:52 AM
lol, I'm not God ... but I suppose if it makes you feel better ...

When she rejoined the group, the bleak look in her shadowy eyes was all they needed to see to know Grath's fate. One door stood between them and Shonar, and Zazz Darkfist's arm-mounted rocket launchers took care of that obstacle.
Then they were free, and the Lessaria lay ahead of them, behind a chainlink fence and gates, locked with an old-fashioned padlock.
Nightshade pushed her way silently to the front of the group and held out her hand imperiously. Copper smirked and handed her a skeleton key. Now the Assassin would earn her keep. She bent over the lock, working silently. Sensibly, she had changed into working garments, changing her silky dress for less feminine clothing. After a moment, she stood back and the gate swung open. Copper grinned at her cousin, and then gestured for the Assassin to take the lead. With grave dignity, Nightshade stepped into the compound, ready to cut and run should any danger present itself. But no enemies fired and no alarms went off, and Nightshade made it to the Lessaria with no trouble.
When they had all made it to the small ship (it was a little squished), Shinyso and Omega offered to stand guard. Copper allowed Shinyso, but told Omega that he could not afford to miss this. Because he was telepathic, Shinyso could still hear theconversation.
Shonar began, sitting in the pilot's seat of his small, modified Protector. In his hand he held a small data chip.
"Right. I can't send the program to the Sarav because the Soldier of Fortune might intercept it. However, I understand that the presence of a certain Fader is distracting Beren and his people enough that a bit of teleporting won't be noticed - as you should know, Faders are one of the only things that can destroy these guys. So while this Fader is covering for you, Wild Angel here can do a bit of long-range teleporting." He paused, and Zazz Darkfist piped up.
"My ship Star Falkon is on Carrotus. I'd have brought it, but they impounded it because of some odd modification. I can help you if you need."
Nightshade added, "Nebular Web is on Drant."
"So's Omega's ship, the Jendara," Alpha added. "If you've got copies of that program ... "
Shonar gave her a quick grin. "Don't need it. Angel here gets you aboard your ships and here, and I can send your vessels the program via a special comm channel. However, during the time it takes to load the program on, install it and get it running, your systems will be very vulnerable to any virus contacted. So I recommend that you shut everything possible down. I'll broadcast the thing on that channel, shortrange, so be ready to recieve it. Got that?"
"Yeah," Copper confirmed. "Right. Here's what we're gonna do - Zazz and Nightshade, you pilot your own ships. Kovu, you're the only one Claw's letting pilot the Vortex Crawler, so Saturn'll take the Moonblaze because her ship was destroyed by Beren. Omega, can you pilot Jassiv's Starblown?" At his not she continued, "good. Kaz, Blackie, I hate to say it but you'll be in charge of the Assassin, and of course Shonar'll have the Lessaria. Phoebe, you can take Wild Angel's Webmaster. So, that cuts our intrusion team down to Claw, Ducky, Wild Angel, Zanzibar, Shinyso and me."
Alpha grinned. "You forgot me and the Jendara."
Copper smacked her head with the heel of her hand. "I knew I'd forgotten someone. Too much to remember. Thanks, Alpha. Angel, can you handle all that?"
"Sure can, but I don't know how."
"Maybe this'll help," the mercenary said, handing the magician the broken halves of Grath's staff. "I don't know - I'm not a magic-user."
"No, that'll be useful," ANgel said, brightening. "So. Who's first?"
"I'll go," Zazz said. "Star Falkon's all prepped and waiting for me to pay the fine."
"Right. Take this," Wild Angel instructed, passing the bounty hunter the bottom half of the staff. Holding the top half, she pulled the location of the ship from Zazz's mind and worked an intricate bit of magic, both pulling the Star Falkon towards her and pushing Zazz into it. The result was a sleek ship with four engines arranged like a plus sign or a cross, with an engine at the end of each arm. It looked fast and deadly.
Repeating the process with each pilot, in short order the Lessaria was a lot emptier, and the air around it full of hovering ships. Bending and picking up the bottom half of the staff (which, incidentally, had not gone with them), Angel banished all the ships to where the Sarav waited. Shonar flashed a tense grin at Copper.
"Progran transfer done. Get up here, will you, and pilot this piece of junk. Angel, you've got about twenty seconds before that Fader hides her presence again. Get us up past the Soldier and we're home free."
"Done," she said, and their surroundings altered as she slammed her shields up, also shielding the staff and Copper's sword. Something about Zanzibar's talisman made her shield that too, and Ducky. Then she abruply sat down and closed her eyes.
Copper started the engines on this unfamiliar craft, and throttled up. Shonar slid a data chip into a slot on the console and pressed a button. The scanners flared to life, showing every Sarav that had come to help. Even now they were recieving the program from Kovu, who had the original data chip. Copper recognized Emerald Dragon's green fighter, the Dragonfire, as well as Scimitar's crescent-shaped ship that bristled with lasers, the Razor's Slash, and Ferran's needle-like Edge of Infinity. Even as she watched the scanners, the ships were duplicated over and over until they reached the size of a small army. Quite a few non-Sarav, members of other gangs, had come along, swelling their numbers. Their swift maneuvering and intricate attacks lent the impression of even more fighters than there really were.
"Right. Kovu, Vortex Crawler has the torps we need. Follow me, line up on the nose of the Venomstrike, fire. Then go after the Soldier. After we're inside, forget us, just don't kill Venom!"
"Got it. Crawler out."

No, I can't kill you off, but I could add you in and THEN kill you off. So there.:p

Jan 23, 2003, 07:03 AM
Coolness :D

you can't add me because I haven't got any profile anywhere on the JCF :p (... maybe I'll add it ... *thinking*)


Jan 23, 2003, 07:08 AM
I don't need a profile, I can just mention your name among the list of the dead ... }> *evil laugh*

"Evaluator, one of Scimitar's most prized Sarav pilots, went up in a glorious fireball of red and black and gold, which would have been beautiful had it not been fueled by a living being ... "

I'm so mean.:lol:

Jan 23, 2003, 07:29 AM
Actually I'm NOT a Sarav...

So I'll have to post my profile, I think:

Name: Evaluator
Age: unknown
Species: None - Normally is invisible, because he dematerializes into program code and spreads through electronic devices
Gender: unknown
Birth date: unknown
Birthplace: unknown
Height: any
Weight: any
Fur: any, depends on mood
Eyes: any, depends on mood
Hair: any
Weapons: can (de-) materialize into/from code, modify programs of electronic devices (ships, weapons, robots, and so on) if the object/person isn't shielded by magic.
Appearance: never the same appearance
Skills: can (de-) materialize or duplicate anywhere if there's any electronic device near which isn't protected by magic
Personality: Calm, doesn't like to kill off people, doesn't make friends easily, distrustful, suspicious
Occupation: none
Ship: none / any (reprogramming the ship)
Likes: music, art and being alone
Dislikes: evil people, too much noise, too many people around
Friends: unknown
Family: unknown
Lives: everywhere, in almost all electronic devices

Actually I don't think that I'll fit into this story... I'm too anormal...


Jan 24, 2003, 09:12 AM
Maybe I'll add you, maybe not.

The Vortex Crawler's aerodynamic, lethal shape catapulted past the Lessaria, a blue and black streak in the viewport. Kovu's attack was so swift and unexpected that the Venomstrike's jamming systems couldn't come into play in time. Twin ice-blue streaks, faster than even the Vortex Crawler, shot towards the bow of the Venomstrike. A ripple, a distortion, occurred, and then the torpedoes were through the shields and speeding to the Venomstrike's doom. The tip of the triangular ship flared brilliantly, too bright to watch, and a shuddering ripple flowed down the lusterless steel of the mothership, like the shiver of some prehistoric animal. Then, on the heels of the ripple, a change coursed down the length of the Venomstrike, transforming the featurlessly broad expanse of steel into a grey, hangar-studded vessel. Many of those hangars were open, gaping like dark mouths, and waves of fighters were heading towards the attacking Sarav. Crawler pulled away, looping around behind the enemy starships and attacking. Lessaria, covered by Kovu's attack, was aple to slip unnoticed in behind the starfighters.
Shinar finished at the console, and told Copper, "for the moment, we don't exist. We are a large piece of debris, got it? Try to simulate a chunk of garbage. Once you set down in the hangar, I'll take it off. I'm not doing any fighting, got that? I'm your only way off this thing if it blows, and I'm not being paid enough anyway. Shinyso," and he turned to adress the fighter, "here's a locator. You need a lift, get to a hangar and push the blue button. If it's urgent, press it twice. If there's no hope or you've already gotten off, hit the red one, and I'll meet you on Keenrei - if you survive. I'll know if you don't. Got all that?"
Shinyso nodded and took the locator. Copper shook her head slightly. Shonar thought of everything - that was his job, after all.
Copper rolled and spiralled, hoping nobody would think to do a visual check. They were closing with the Venomstrike, close enough that she could see the details of the hangars they passed. A peice of debris would do no damage to the hull if impact did occur. Of course, if Copper had her way, no collision would happen.
They flew dangerously close to the open hangars, and security lasers fired shots to vape them. However, they had shields and space junk did not, and so little was accomplished, except that Shonar's programming kicked in. The Lessaria vanished from all scanners for a few minutes - enough time for him to let them off in the hangar and then to take the controls, microjump to a safe distance away, and trigger the Lessaria's true identity. Then he set his ship into orbit around the smallest moon of the seventh planet in that system, awaiting their call in the desolate loneliness of space.

Gah, I wrote an hour worth of stuff, and then I forgot to save it ... *beats head against wall*

Jan 24, 2003, 09:19 AM
Well you'll have to know whether I fit in or not...

And the story is awesome (I think I said this already...)


4I Falcon
Jan 25, 2003, 06:59 PM
Of course, first I blast my mouth off in the WTRPG thread about how no one posts chapters of anything anymore, and then CT comes back with another truly excellent chapter of one of the best stories in the whole flamin' WT...

*dies sporadically*

Jan 27, 2003, 09:47 AM
lol, get used to it.

Copper hit the floor of the dim hangar from a height, managed to absorb most of the force of her fall with a shoulder, and rolled to her feet. Zanzibar and Claw were already up and alert, while Shinyso was climbing to his feet with a wall's aid and Ducky was still sprawled on the floor, slightly dazed. Of Wild Angel there was no sign, at least not until she picked herself off the floor from behind a crate. Their group was complete, and a lot smaller than usual.
Brilliant laser fire and the deadly blossoms of explosions lit the darkness of space, illuminating the shapes of starfighters spinning and weaving graceful, lethal patterns. Copper would have liked to join them in her warship, but she had another job to do. Time was running out; it would only be a matter of time before Beren grew suspicious, or before the Deathless Ones recognized the Assassin - and the fact that she was not piloting it. She and Kaz had two very distinctive flying styles.
The Venomstrike was eerily silent as they walked through the dimly-lit corridors, wary (and careful to walk sofrly, for the metal rang at a careless footstep) and cautious. Closed doors were ranged along the stark hallways, staring in hostile, silent blankness at the intruders. The absolute silence was unnerving and frightening. The entire ship gave an overall impression of lifelessness and sterility. Finding their way through the ship should not be any trouble - at each intersection, simple and obvious signs were posted for the dimwitted Kronans. Nothing moved in the corridors, and the filtered air was somehow dead (heightening the sense of lifelessness), making the ship seem like a long-dead and forgotten leviathan of the past. But lurking in the shadows was the sense of an ancient evil that did not sleep, waiting to strike. The lingering traces were confusing them - Copper shook her head as though trying to clear it; Wild Angel swayed as her diamond pulsed erratically with a sickly light; Ducky's eyes glazed slightly as she looked wildly around; Shinyso put a hand to his head as his telepathic senses picked up a thread of thought - thought like a whisper; if he listened long enough, hard enough, the words would come clear - but they didn't, and wouldn't; thought with a trace of madness running through it.
Claw, however, did not react negatively to the slightly insane evil that permeated the very air - his already bright eyes began to glow a cruel, bloody red, and he looked slightly sinister. Coppertop knew that only Shale's blocking magic kept her from being affected similarly - for one had to have some capability for evil to kill ...

The madness that affected the rest of them struck a chord similar to it in Claw, triggering and bringing to the surface personality traits that had long lain buried, from an era of insanity and blood that Claw might have caused.
He knew that he had been created - had slain his creators, broken free to stalk a dead world populated by a dying people which he had completely destroyed. He had lived for perhaps millions of years, leaving behind a path of bloodstained deeds, lethal encounters and terrified rumors.
There were entire centuries that he could not remember, when he had been gripped by a killing insanity when he had lived only to kill. After each bloodbath he had woken to reality, during which the murderous impulses lay dormant for a longer time.
They were stirring now, even as he strove to exert some sort of control over them. It partially worked - his eyes blazed scarlet and his dark metal claws extended with the urge to kill - and then the evil was gone. The mist receded from his vision and he saw Zanzibar Sia stalking towards Coppertop, who stood stiffly with wild, unseeing eyes. Making a quick pass with his fist, his hand glowed briefly before Copper broke free of whatever spell held her trapped. Her eyes became her own once more, determined and for once unshadowed, a brilliant green. Claw knew that they would not remain so for long.
Shinyso stood behind Claw, eyes filled with regretful knowing. Wild Angel and Ducky were recovering, none of them asked any questions and Zanzibar offered no explanation. But Claw knew, and Shinyso knew, and Zanzibar had to have known. For what they had just encountered was the trace of Beren Deathwreaker.

Selantrio listened frantically as Beren's orders came through - the Yelantra Sentry and the Nightdweller were to join the battle against the Sarav, to aid the Soldier of Fortune and the crippled Venomstrike. The presence of a Fader had been sensed; reinforcements were demanded.
With a feeling of despair, Selantrio gave the order for his fleet to join Beren's.

Razor's Slash and Edge of Infinity were cut off from the rest of the Sarav, swift enemy fihters swirling agiley around them. Lasers stabbed at them, and Scimitar wrenched and rolled Slash, sending it spinning towards the only ship separating him from Ferran. Twin green lasers, lethal and swift, lanced out and exploded through the shields, destroying it. Scimitar spiralled past, looping away and around the Infinity.
The fox and the wildcat were a seamless team, making impossible shots, rarely missing, protecting each other's backs and miraculously not hitting each other. Scimitar had always known that his second-in-command was a competent flyer, but this exceeded all expectations. Every shot they fired hit the target, but the swarming mass that cut them off from their allies did not thin.
Then Ferran made a mistake - her first and last. Turning the Infinity, she whipped it up around, behind Slash, snapping off a shot at a missile that was coming in, at him or her he couldn't tell. The missile exploded prematurely, but Ferran hadn't counted on the second projectile that hurtled towards her, impacting on the Infinity's underside, triggering explosions that rocked the Razor's Slash violently. The Infinity's tail end swung around, colliding with the Slash, sending Scimitar's craft spinning out of control and finishing the destruction of the Infinity and its' pilot. A final explosion filled Scimitar's rear viewport, washing over the scorched Slash. Scimitar staggered to his feet, clawing his way to the controls of his damaged, outnumbered ship. Fighting to bring the Razor's Slash under control, Scimitar saw the enemy fighter ahead of him too late.
As the wildly spinning craft hit the enemy, Scimitar was once more knocked off his feet and thrown to the floor. As a glorious red-gold fireball filled his viewport, he saw Copper's shadowy form in the explosion, haunted, knowing eyes looking through him, outstretched hand reaching to assist him. he reached to take it, but the flames took her before he could, then the light and fire leapt forward to consume him.
So Scimitar died, consumed by the flame that had fueled his life, secure in the knowledge that he was not alone.

Much sadness. I didn't really want to kill Scimitar off, but I needed to clear the way for Emerald Dragon to take over, and for something else that's very important to kill Beren. So I'll have to survive ...

Jan 27, 2003, 09:53 AM
... sad part of the story :( ...

but: */me LIKES* :D


Jan 27, 2003, 09:54 AM
You know, Eval, you could be Shonar's secret weapon that he uses to destroy the Yelantra Sentry and Nightdweller ... seeing as he's a code slicer/programmer and all. I'll have to think about it.

Jan 27, 2003, 10:00 AM
Cool, my char maybe gets into the story :)

Thanx a lot :)


Jan 28, 2003, 10:08 AM
Maybe he does.

Coppertop stiffened as light filled her vision, before the image of Scimitar replaced it. Light flickered across his features and she reached to take his hand. He looked up at her and moved to take it from where he was sprawled on the floor.
Their fingers nearly touched before the fire, voracious and lethally beautiful, washed over him. Before the vision faded, she had a last glimpse of his feral greeen eyes, reflecting the flame, defiant even to death. They were fixed on hers, knowing, forgiving, thankful for her presence, and wide with alarm and determination.
Then the silent firestorm obscured her vision, and the grey walls of the Venomstrike materialized agian, and the sound of her breath (which, she realized, had been the only sound ing hte vision) seemed very loud. She braced herself on the wall, knowing that her companions were wondering, and not caring. An old friend, one of her first, had died, and she blasted well was going to honor his passing.
When the wave of shock and grief had passed, she pushed herself upright. Not offering any explanation, she turned away and began to walk.

Emerald Dragon saw the Infinity collide with the Razor's Slash, and the subsequent destruction, from the controls of the Dragonfire. All around her the melee froze for a second as every Sarav, whether they had been watching or not, became aware of Scimitar's death in the same split second. Frozen with shock and disbelief, Emerald could only think one thing - What is Venomarin going to do?
Time slowed. Snapping out of her immobility, she realized that with the deaths of Scimitar and Ferran she was left in command. Of course that didn't apply here or now - in the heat of battle, the Sarav thought for themselves and fought for themselves. Venomarin had failed to fulfill her life-debt, by allowing Scimitar to die, and might not be able to handle it. That could be beneficial - but probably not. Then the jolting realization that she was in danger made her move.
Time sped ahead as if catapulted from a slingshot as she rolled the Dragonfire to the left before diving and sliding under the enemy ship that had just fired twin concussion missiles - fast, deadly tracking missiles that would stick to her every move. This was the danger she had sensed - taking advantage of her momentary inactivity, the enemy mercenary (none of Beren's ships had missile launchers) had fired.
The concussions would not be shaken - they stuck like glue. She and the mercenary ship - the Shadow Viper - seemed to be the only ones moving, weaving a deadly pattern of flashing lasers, swift ships and the redly glowing trails of the missiles.
The mercenary had realized, probably through a visual check, that although his scanners showed five of her, there was only one. More than once she just saved herself by decelerating and forcing the missiles overshoot their target. Added to that was the problem of the oppertunistic Shadow Viper's wicked blue lasers that lanced out at her at every chance.
Abruptly she changed tactics; with the deadly missiles only a few meters behind, she flew directly at the Viper, dipping at the last moment to scrape under it. Had she been in the Assassin the move would have gutted the Viper, but as it was the missiles came in directly at him. Forced to act, the mercenary fired and destroyed the missiles rather that be hit. Dragon abruptly accelerated and looped around, spinning to come at him head to head, green lasers already firing.
The pilot of the Shadow Viper slammed all shields forward and pushed his craft to full throttle. Their lasers, green and blue, did no real damage to their shields.
At the last moment the Shadow Viper veered and, instead of colliding, forced Dragon to turn and pursue. Her lasers splashed across the Viper's weakened shields, and she pushed the Dragonfire to full speed, determined to destroy Shadow Viper. She prepared to fire a missile.
Suddenly the mercenary decelerated, causing Emerald to overtake and pass him, before speeding up and firing. Emerald knew that she had made a mistake, and so she slowed and released a flare, which acted like a very weak missile and exploded. As it did, Shadow Viper and its pilot vanished into the safety of hyperspace.
The explosion appeared to wake everyone up; the encounter had lasted less than a minute. A second later, the melee raged again around her.

I'll have to think about it.

Jan 28, 2003, 10:19 AM
still a quite sad part of the story, but its awesome!


Jan 28, 2003, 10:26 AM
Last time I didn't kill anyone, I decided to downsize here. Yes, sadness.

4I Falcon
Jan 28, 2003, 12:34 PM
Yay! Another person I can bother for a cameo! - some guy on #bobandgeorge, I can't remember what name he goes by

Anyway, another verra excellent chapter by CT. Good job seven times. And then twice.

I've been meaning to ask if one of my (hastily created) characters may have a part in the story. I hesitated because I didn't want to possibly risk making the story sound contrived, but, I think it's gotten past all hope of ever becoming contrived. (Go CT! :D)

Name: Crystal Summer
Nickname: Crystal or Cryss
Age: unknown, probably between 17-22
Species: lagomorph
Gender: female (I haven't made a female character in too long)
Appearance: light blue, well groomed fur; bright green, sparkling eyes; long, darker-blue hair; usually wears a black bodysuit, with a crystalline C symbol on the front, and metal shoulder guards; modestly well-built stature; not quite as tall as most rabbits, but she takes pride in the fact that she's the exact same height as the famous Jazz Jackrabbit
Personality: It all depends. When she's around friends, she's one of the most chummy people in the group. And when she's around friends is a lot of the time, as she seems to have an innate capability to make friends and alliances at the drop of a hat.
Excepting when around the enemy, of course, which is where it all changes. While reserved most of the time, she will spare no mercy around the enemy. She will use any kind of weapon with relative ease, but she prefers long-range weapons over melée weapons.
Weaponry: Always carries a short, cyan blaster pistol in a small holster/pocket on her waist. A small sniper scope, which attaches to the pistol, is usually somewhere on hand as well. Other than that, she uses whatever is supplied to her.
Skills: all kinds of fighting and gunplay, especially sniping. While she does not rival Jazz Jackrabbit in speed, she does in endurance, being able to run full bore for almost a day straight. Having also been trained in ship controls, she can master just about any station in any ship in twenty minutes.
Friends: Just about everyone she comes in contact with.
Enemies: Anyone that threatens her or her friends. This includes all lizards, rats, and all turtles but one, Wayreth, who she befriended, and eventually took under her wing, after finding him stranded on a cold planet.
Family: Her father, Nickolai, was killed by a lizard/rat army, when she was about fifteen years old. She now lives with her mother, Alyson, and Wayreth the turtle.
Symbol: Crystalline, blue, sharp-looking letter C

OK, scratch the hastily-made idea, she took half an hour to come up with.

Even a small cameo, one line, would be exceedingly wonderful; but please, CT, only kill Crystal off if you must. I actually have half a mind now to use her in one of my stories.

Jan 28, 2003, 07:59 PM
blast, not even a last thwap on the head for him ><.. oh well.

Juicy, I should be doing my biography project that I haven't worked on and it's due tommorow, but I couldn't resist when I saw this had new posts =7.

So many high profiles with no weaknesses o.o...

Jan 30, 2003, 09:57 AM
:D :D I can't express how happy I am to be myself once more. No more Nightshade for me!
I don't have much to give you now, but hey, it's better than nothing.

Claw knew that Coppertop had experienced something important rather than the aftereffects of Beren's magic, as the others assumed. She looked shaken, and shadows had begun to fall again. Claw had never seen her so rattled, so he surmised that what she had seen was not good.
She led the way with apparent unconcern, face closed and eyes unreadable. Her seldom-used blaster was in her hand, and it clearly wasn't set to stun. Everyone got shot, droids included. Evidently her blaster had a useful ion blast setting, which she used to great effect. No alarms went off, and Beren remained unaware of their presence, or so they hoped.
He wasn't likely to be in the control rooms, assuming that he learned from past mistakes. Kroys hadn't, but from all evidence Beren was more intelligent, and a quick learner to boot. So, seeing as all other paths led to places such as the mess, the armory and the crew's quarters, they followed a sign with an odd black pentagon on it. This seemed to be right, for now and then they picked up Beren's trace, although it never affected them so strongly, which could have been due to Zanzibar's protection.
They had no idea how the space battle was going outside.

Kaz, isn't it better to do it first thing than leave it for last?
Sounds good in theory, but to put it in practice, I know ...

Jan 30, 2003, 11:41 AM
CT is herself again :D
Small but excellent chapter :)


Jan 30, 2003, 01:28 PM
Has anyone seen Kovu for an age?

Forever in your debt, CT. I love it. :)

Jan 31, 2003, 07:36 AM
I haven't seen him, but I know he's been on recently. Maybe he has my problem and couldn't post. Who knows?

Kovu winced involuntarily as the Vortex Crawler shuddered violently from laser impact on the shields. The sleek craft fought towards the looming Soldier of Fortune, two of the remaining four enchanted torpedoes ready. When he was within range, he fired.
Once more the shivery effect took place, but Kovu ignored it. To be distracted now was to die.
Then the swarm of ships protecting the Soldier were around him - assorted and unusual mercenary ships, the remaining Protectors from Kroys' time, vessels bearing the symbols and arms of a dozen conquered worlds. Many of them were clumsy, accidentally hitting those on their own side, missing often and awkwardly maneuvering when they did at all. But those who were proficient made up for the klutzes, being as economical and precise in movement as they were in placing shots. Most had missiles but didn't use them; in such close quarters they were not guaranteed to hit the right target. Flares were used at rare intervals. Many of the mercenary pilots were not of the caliber that the Shadow Viper was, but the few who were became a great danger.
Kovu spun the Vortex Crawler up and to the left, streaking by the slower craft to reach the Star Falkon in time. Firing four, precise shots, he destroyed the Protector that had been doggedly tailing Darkfist's craft, before coming to Kaz and Blacksheep's rescue. They flew the Assassin like maniacs, making unpredictable and crazy manuevers, avoiding collisions by a hair. Coppertop, he thought, would have a fit if she could see what they were doing.
The Vortex Crawler's superior speed served Kovu well. When the sense he had developed over the years for danger warned, he listened. It had preserved his life too many times to ignore it - the unexplainable knowledge that something was not right surfaced now, and he gunned for the outside edge of the fight.
He had just reached it when the Yelantra Sentry appeared out of magically-induced hyperspace, the Nightdweller a second behind.
It took two torpedoes to destroy a Jakka. Kovu had a problem.
He only HAD two torpedoes.

He'd better appear soon though, since he plays a crucial part in this. And Evaluator, I've decided to add you in. I'm not so sure about 4I Falcon, though.

Jan 31, 2003, 07:43 AM
Yeah, thanx! :D
And don't forget that somebody has to shield me from that magic thingy in the Jakka ships...


Jan 31, 2003, 07:53 AM
I've got that all figured out. Don't worry!

Jan 31, 2003, 07:54 AM
Eval claims page six! I'll give it to CT when she replies :D


Jan 31, 2003, 07:55 AM
I replies. Thanx, Eval, Kaz never gives me his pages:D

Jan 31, 2003, 07:57 AM
You know, I truly believe this will be longer than Conquerer. 16 replies on Conquerer's last page, and I have a LOT more to post. Heck, I may actually make seven pages! Look out Kove, here I come!:lol: :roll:

4I Falcon
Jan 31, 2003, 07:25 PM
Originally posted by Coppertop
I'm not so sure about 4I Falcon, though.

Thank you verra much for getting my name right.

And it's OK of you don't get Crystal into the story. I have an insatiable desire to ask to join every not-yet-completed story that I come across, and it's turning into a bad habit.


Feb 1, 2003, 11:41 AM
NOOOOOOOO!!!! ; v; !!

*cuddles his other pages*
THEY BE MINE! Afterall, you have the original >.>

It's hanging there =\... the story. Actions and words spill out, but there is no movement on the actual plot... Why CT?

Feb 4, 2003, 12:28 PM
We're getting there. Patience, Kaz.

Selantrio winced inwardly as he viewed the battle that raged between the Raxilians and Beren's army, the Deathstorm Fleet. The Fleet had the advantage of numbers but the Raxilians all were ace pilots, decimating the Fleet. The Kronans fared worse than the hired mercenaries, their quick reflexes eclipsed by their slow mental processes. Many of them were not good pilots by any standard although the few who were avoided the better Raxilians like the plague. Selantrio knew that Beren's decision to consider Raxizil pacified and to remove the Nightdweller was a mistake - it had released the resistance from the Nightdweller's oppression. How they had known that Beren would be here - over Keenrei - was beyond him.
But even as he watched he saw the black ship Assassin in the midst of the fight, and knew that the Carrotan mercenary was not on Beren's side, unlike the other mercenaries that had been hired to fight. Where that one was, the others of her companions would be - the second mercenary, the telepath, the magic user and the one with the power reservoir, the teleporter, the spy and his sister, the bird, the Assassin ... they all would be there. They had flown right into Beren's grasp, the fools.
He revised that thought an instant later, when he finally got a good look at both the Venomstrike and the Soldier of Fortune. The living skin had been slain, leaving the mechanical, steel skeleton. The life that had been clustered in the bows were gone, dead.
He knew then that they had not overestimated the mercenary as Pirelann,captain of the Nightdweller, had suggested - they had underestimated her. From the scarred appearance of both the Venomstrike and Soldier it had been mere seconds from the time that they had arrived and destroyed the Guardian of Venomstrike to when the main attack had happened and Soldier's Guardian was killed. An efficient, simple and effective plan.
But why go to all the trouble of destroying the Jakka Guardians immediately and then ignoring them to fight the Deathstorm Fleet, as the Assassin was doing? For even now no one fired on either the Venomstrike or Soldier. And there was something wrong with the scanners - there were five times as many ships on the screen as there were in space.
Very clever, of course - it gave them a decided advantage, for the quintuplet signals confused both the automatic and living gunners. He doubted that Coppertop was even in the Assassin - those open hangars were tempting for one who needed to get inside.
Fortunately for the mercenary, Selantrio could not relay his suspicions to Beren Deathwreaker, for Beren had distanced himself from his Deathless Ones, in an attempt to find the Fader called Venomarin.

All that just to say that someone figured out what Copper was up to ...

Feb 4, 2003, 12:30 PM
They were close - very close. Beren's trace was strong, as Claw, Shinyso and Zanzibar confirmed. The silence was punctuated by almost audible mutterings, the result of a dark magic coupled with a twisted mind. Wild Angel could not clean the power; it was even more tainted than Kroys'. He had been there recently.
They pressed on.

The Soldier of Fortune was the focus of the Sarav's attack, and was slowly being torn to pieces. Small explosions like the deadly, beautiful fireflower that grew on Hellantra blossomed along the dully gleaming, scorched metal, as the Sarav who were not engaged in battle fired their missiles at it.
Then the Soldier of Fortune flared into incandescence, sign of a serious detonation. The left wing broke away from the body in majestic slow motion, ragged and torn edges glowing white hot and molten red. Flames licked at the ruptured hull, blossoming out of hangars to consume the escaping air. Then, as light washed over the hull, the Soldier exploded into a billion molten fragmets, a white-hot mist of steel that rapidly cooled.
From his vantage point Shonar was mildly impressed. The remains of the Deathstorm Fleet rallied around the Yelantra Sentry and the smaller Nightdweller, which loomed over the small Raxilian army, dwarfing them like a monolithic citadel dwarfs an ant. Intimidating, yet still vulnerable.
Now Shonar, realizing that if Coppertop died he would not get paid, sprang into action. Typing in a passcode into his main database, he gave it a few commands and sat back, waiting for them to take effect.
A second later, words glowed on the blank screen.
- Well, Shonar, I guess it's time to get to work. -
"You've got that right, Evaluator. By the way, don't manifest anywhere here. We've got a Jakka class starship to ... work on."
- The Jakkas are alive. I will be sensed. -
"Not when Kovu's through with it. Are you up to it?"
- When am I not? -
"You have a point. Can you immobilize it?"
- Perhaps. I can take the shields down and vent atmosphere if the Guardian is ... occupied. Scramble their scanners and passcodes, misfire their guns ... shut doors in their faces ... this might actually be fun. -
"I'd hoped you would say that," Shonar commented. "Go tell Kovu in the Vortex Crawler that he needs to use one torpedo apiece on the Jakkas. And don't play dumb - you knew there were two."
- I did. Why can't you tell him? -
"Because I'm not risking detection, you machine-crazy devil. Tell him that he needs to space them out - it'll give you time to do your work."
- Riiiigght. Got it. Thanks so much for thinking of my welfare, you backstabber. How much do I get paid? -
"You know the answer to that. Don't call me names."
- That's for calling me a devil. I'm outta here. -

Okay, Eval's in. Sorry Kaz, I know you're very good with computers, but I need you in the Assassin with Blackie.

Feb 4, 2003, 12:31 PM
Kovu was weighin the possibility of destroying the Yelantra Sentry with his missiles and having the Nightdweller either back off or die by normal means. The chances weren't good.
"A pretty problem," he said aloud.
The screen went blank.
"What the - didn't Claw fix this thing?"
Glowing words formed on the screen.
- I am not a malfunction, Kovu. Relax. -
- Relax! I am not about to kill you. -
"Oh, man -" he groaned. "What in the name of Jazz is going on? Who the heck are you?"
- My name is Evaluator. Shonar sent me to tell you that you are to fire one torpedo at each Jakka. Space them out, please. -
"Are you one of Shonar's programs?"
- No. What I am is irrelevant. Suffice to say that I will take care of the Yelantra Sentry and the Nightdweller. Rally the Raxilians and tell them to fire at the Sentry when the shields come down. Then you will fire the second torpedo at the Nightdweller. -
"Right. Am I supposed to fire the first at the Sentry before I rally them?"
- Heh. Yes, that would be helpful. -
"Got it. When I'm done, I demand to know what I did to deserve this."
- Gotcha. -
Kovu swivelled the Vorex Crawler towards the Yelantra Sentry and opened his comm channel.
"All Sarav, comm channel 34." Automatically the Sarav would set it to 35, to lose eavesdroppers. Kovu continued. "Break off engagements. Prepare to fire when the Yelantra Sentry's shields come down!"
He fired.

Ha ha, now I have to write more because that is all I have. Wait, why am I laughing?

Feb 4, 2003, 02:02 PM
:lol: ... ... Why are you laughing?

CT... thanks for all the explanations =7.

Feb 4, 2003, 02:48 PM
Nice job Copper, very exciting :)
We wait for more.


Feb 5, 2003, 01:25 AM
Originally posted by Coppertop
He'd better appear soon though, since he plays a crucial part in this. And Evaluator, I've decided to add you in. I'm not so sure about 4I Falcon, though.
Awww Evaluator gets a spot?

Great story btw, I've been busy so I can't really comment but keep it coming.

Feb 5, 2003, 10:17 AM
I'm in... thanx :D :D
I wonder what happens with Beren :rolleyes:


Feb 6, 2003, 11:31 AM
ok everybody lets be jealous of Eval! }>
Yeah Kaz, I'm sorry I made you look like a dork in Conquerer. I'm trying to rectify it, really.
Sorry, defal. You didn't fit. Who knows, maybe next time?

Nice to see you, Sulfur. Enjoy your stay:D

And now, for the Story!

- Well, - Evaluator commented, words surfacing on Shonar's screen, - I think he took it well. If he didn't, he fired anyway because I am now in the database of the Sentry[/i]. I just wrecked the scanners - every ship is now five meters to the left. The gunners ought to have fun with that. -[/i]
"Good. The shields are the priority though, remember?"
- Yep. I was right; this is fun. -
"Uh huh. Get on with it."
- Don't rush me. They've got this thing encrypted but there's holes like a sieve all through it. I mean, an ameteur like you could get through these codes. -
"Thanks so much, o elite one," Shonar said sarcastically. "Get on with it."
- Thank you. My goodness, if you had shields like that you wouldn't need insurance! Too bad you don't have the generators required. So. I'm convincing the generators to shut down. Now I just fuse these wires - got it. Can I start scrambling now? -
"Yeah, go ahead. Just make sure you're out of there before it blows."
- I don't make mistakes, Shonar. You know that. Heh, these doors won't open for anyone now. Not with the passcode I put in. -
"I don't want to know, Evaluator. I don't want to know."
- Alright, don't get huffy. I've already left the ship, you know. Oh, and those engines won't move an inch now. -
"Good. Make it short with the Nightdweller or I'll do it myself."
- Believe me, you wouldn't be able to do half of what I can do. -
"Thanks so much for the vote of confidance. Tell Kovu to hurry up."
- Already done. -

Feb 6, 2003, 11:32 AM
More betrayal coming up, just keep reading. Later.

Feb 6, 2003, 11:40 AM
*Wants more* :D
This story is great :)


Feb 9, 2003, 10:58 AM

Just wanted to make sure this doesn't fall into the list of no return ;p.

4I Falcon
Feb 9, 2003, 06:24 PM
<s>LIKE MY STORIES DID</s> My sentiments exactly.

Feb 10, 2003, 12:13 PM
No, I'm not going to let this story die until it's finished, I promise.

Selantrio watched in amazement and shock as the Soldier of Fortune broke apart and exploded. With one hit, someone had just wiped out a quarter of the Deathstorm's firepower.
Then the rebels broke off their separate engagements, and swivelled to face the Sentry. Selantrio braced himself.
One - just one - torpedo shot towards them. Selantrio almost laughed. One would do nothing more than inconvenience them, unless it was poisoned. (Poisoned warheads, when detonated, play havoc with all electronics.)
It struck, barely rocking the Yelantra Sentry.
In the next moment, the scanners changed. Every ship depicted, phantom or not, moved to the left, although Selantrio could discern no movement outside.
Then the shields came down.
There was a moment of absolute silence before the waiting Raxilians began to fire their missiles. Now the Yelantra Sentry felt it, shuddering repeatedly under the force of being hit by volley after volley. Selantrio grabbed a crew member, a more intelligent lizard.
"Get to the shield generator," he hissed. "Get those shields back up, now!" The lizard saluted and left. He had barely cleared the door before it hissed closed, sealing them in. "Open those doors," he commanded.
"Can't, my lord! Passcode's changed!"
The guns began to fire sporadically, hitting nothing. The screens all went blank, before words appeared, glowing.
- Be afraid. Be very afraid. -
At Selantrio's unspoken command, the remaining Deathless Ones vanished, headed for the Venomstrike. The doors hissed open again, while the words on the screens turned to something more sinister.
- Run. -
On cue, the crew made a mad dash for the door, which closed instantly. With a mental curse, Selantrio too vanished for the Venomstrike, leaving the bridge empty. Outside, escape pods ejected like seeds from a dandelion.
In the abandoned bridge, the screens remained blank and silent, hoarding their secrets jealously. One screen still had words.
- Well, that was fun. I hope he went to the Nightdweller. -

Pirelann, commander of the Nightdweller, watched in satisfaction as the Yelantra Sentry was first abandoned, then destroyed. That left the two smaller Jakkas intact.
The ship called Vortex Crawler fired once more, but Pirelann didn't stick around long enough. She vanished, leaving the rest of the Deathless Ones to their own devices.
Her destination was the Swordblade, Scimitar's flagship, where her fellow Fader Venomarin waited.

There's the betrayal, I sure hope Beren doesn't mind:p

Feb 10, 2003, 12:17 PM
Hey, I'm a fast replier :D

*eats story* *yumyum* *wants more* ;)


Feb 10, 2003, 12:23 PM
You are.

4I Falcon
Feb 10, 2003, 02:37 PM
I'm not.

*looks around* What?

Feb 10, 2003, 03:23 PM

Eval has too much freetime ;p, you were camping here weren't you?!

Feb 11, 2003, 01:38 AM
The plot thickens...:p

I think Evaluator has a tent set up near the toilets..;)

Feb 11, 2003, 03:08 AM
Nope, I'm not camping, I'm just programming :D
I use a self-written autorefresh program for a few sites (the board of my class, because I'm the admin, the jcf and some more) :cool:


Feb 11, 2003, 04:49 AM
Hmm, I might believe that. This is the first time in dayz that I've been on when you haven't! Hah!

Feb 11, 2003, 07:13 AM
My computer wasn't on, so the program wasn't running :D
Now it is :p

Maybe we should get back to topic :rolleyes:


Feb 12, 2003, 11:58 AM
Yeah, yeah, so you say:p

Back on topic. Right.

- Nightdweller has been destroyed, - Evaluator reported unnecessarily. Shonar nodded.
"Good work, Eval. Where'd those Deathless Ones go?"
- Near as I can tell, all but one headed for the Venomstrike. Some of those on the Nightdweller didn't make it off. -
"Where did the one go?"
There was a long silence. Then more words surfaced.
- That's gotta be wrong. - Disbelief colored the words. Shonar blinked.
"Why? Where'd he go?"
- Pirelann, commander of Nightdweller, is a she, Shonar. -
"Alright, where'd she go?"
- This can't be right. -
"What can't be right?"
- According to my calculations and info, she went to the Swordblade. -
"And what is the Swordblade?"
- Codename, Scimitar's Pride. It's the Raxilian flagship. -
"That's gotta be wrong." Either the Raxilians were traitors or Beren had a backstabber in the ranks.
- That's what I said. -

Pirelann's robe was now a charcoal grey. The ersatz Deathless One-turned-Fader appeared to be alone although she spoke with both Venomarin and Sharrakamov.
*You must deal with both Selantrio and Xastaquova*
*I will take them both* Venomarin said.
*Xastaquova is more powerful than you think*
*My life debt demands that I take them*
A strong feeling that Venomarin should wait, from Sharrakamov.
*You overreact* Pirelann said. *He is powerful even in the lands of mortals, and Selantrio is no weakling*
*I will not wait*
Anger from Sharrakamov. Then he spoke.
*You must*
When Sharrakamov spoke, people listened. The Silent One did not waste words.
*I cannot*
*You must. Wait until the mortals confront him* Pirelann urged.
*If you fail to obey we will keep you here until it is time* she threatened.
With extreme reluctance Venomarin acquesied (sp?).
*Very well. I will remain here*
*You have no choice. But leave Xastaquova for the Solitary one*
*No! I will destroy the dark one myself*
*She will have the dark one* Sharrakamov confirmed.
*Then I and Sharrakamov will support you. I will take Selantrio*
*You are not powerful enough* Venomarin protested.
*I am. I can do it*
*Are you certain? He is powerful* she warned.
*I am certain. Long I have waited*
There was Sharrakamov's acknowledgement before he was gone. Venomarin lingered long enough to say, *be ready* before she too left.
Pirelann remained, alone. She was ready.
She knew it.

I can't believe this. I've written it out on paper and I'm already past Beren's defeat ... you poor people, you have to wait ...

Feb 12, 2003, 12:07 PM
This story rocks :cool:

And I'm still replying fast :D


Feb 12, 2003, 12:08 PM

Feb 12, 2003, 05:10 PM
<S>BOT!!! BOT!!

;p, a refresh program? What's it do? Check the contents of the page after you've posted, rechecks them every second (I'm assuming you'd have that much bandwith to waste), and compares them to see if there's any difference o.o?

I saw that CT posted and was tempted to post "NO TIME FOR REVIEW! I BEAT EVAL" but nooooo. Eval uses a stupid program to do his dirty work >.>.

Keep it up CT, waiting for a paticularly large chunk I assume will be another climax or some sort.

4I Falcon
Feb 12, 2003, 07:24 PM
Per usual, an excellent chappie, CT.

Also per usual, I'm too slow to have beaten Eval to the topic. Oh well.

Feb 12, 2003, 08:53 PM
The plot thickens! (I'm gonna say that all the time now :p)

Meh. I'll beat Eval eventually.

Feb 13, 2003, 02:59 AM
Yeah, the plot got bigger again ... so the last downsize is compensated I think

Actually I have got unlimited bandwidth anyway. My program checks for the thread Conquests and plays some "bing" sounds if there is a new post.

But I only reply if I'm at the computer, my program isn't able to reply to threads ;)

And it runs only if I'm not at school or away, because it wouldn't make any sense to run it if I'm not at the computer or at least at home :rolleyes:

But that is off topic, so I have to slap myself with a trout :D

Oh yes, and I always read the new parts of the story before I reply :p


Maybe I should start programming a jazz fangame, that would be more useful than the "Conquests" refreshing program :rolleyes:

4I Falcon
Feb 13, 2003, 04:10 AM
You never know, someone might actually want that...

Feb 13, 2003, 04:24 AM
Only the people that suck up far too much...

however that program would be useful for watching orders, replies, "forum chats", and on so. Put it on Cnet ?

Feb 13, 2003, 07:41 AM
Well, it hasn't got any GUI and is non-configurable (every adress is hard-coded) at this time, it only checks this thread and the board of my class and something at my school... And I'm too lazy to write a GUI for it :rolleyes:


4I Falcon
Feb 13, 2003, 09:27 AM
Obsession rules.
Obsession rules.
Obsession rules.
Obsession rules.
Obsession rules.

Feb 13, 2003, 11:44 AM
Off topic again, but 4I Falcon could be right ...

*Gasps* OMG, I forgot to write it ... *borrows Evaluator's trout* *slaps self*
Sorry, guys. I'm behind on my story ... I mean, I've almost finished in in rough copy, all I need to do is type it out ...

Feb 13, 2003, 11:47 AM
Hey, what are ya doing with my trout :D

Back 2 Topic:
Well, I think we'll have to wait a bit longer for the next chappies then :rolleyes:


Feb 13, 2003, 05:25 PM
I claim the seventh page !!!! MINE )=7!!

4I Falcon
Feb 13, 2003, 05:33 PM
I steal the page, because I'm mean.

No hard feelings, Kaz...?

*is blown up*

Feb 17, 2003, 12:21 PM
:eek: But ... but ... but you ALWAYS get it! *sob*
Oh well. At least I have one.
7 pages, and a sheaf of paper to go ...:O

Kovu snickered as the Nightdweller broke apart before the engines detonated. All three Jakkas were utterly destroyed, leaving no trace behind, unlike the Conquerer which still hung above Firen, a gutted cargass. Word was that the Firenzev were turning it into an observatory.
All that remained was the Venomstrike, scarred and battered and still moving, and the small starfighters that still battled.
Moving? It was supposed to be staying still! If if left now, Copper would be trapped on board with her small team.
- I am here. -
"Can you stop the Venomstrike?"
- Nope. -
"Er, why not?"
- Engines aren't working. Can't shut down what isn't started up. -
"Then how in the name of Jazz is it moving?"
- Magic, - came the prompt reply. - I take it your friends haven't found Beren yet? -
"I guess not. We need to stop that ship!"
- Gotcha. I will be back. -
Evaluator was gone, and Kovu switched to the Sarav comm channel.
"If anyone here knows magic, we need it now ..."

Iceltai was a wolf, white as the ice on Keenrei. His ship, Tarron Kir, curved around to slide in beside the Vortex Crawler.
His icy green eyes bored into Kovu from the visual screen, but the civil tone in which he spoke shattered the image of hostility generated by his cruel features, stark black clothing and gaze.
"Create a barrier, yes, that is basic magic. Easy enough. Create a barrier, wide and thick enough to hold the ship, harder. To hold it for long - well, I do not know. They may punch through it."
"You only need to hold it for a couple of minutes."

Pirelann's attention was caught by a flickering console by the door. As soon as she looked at it, words formed.
- Are you a traitor to Beren's cause? -
"What would that matter?"
- Are you a friend to ... - a pause - us Raxilians? -
- It moves. -
She looked out the viewport.
- The Venomstrike moves. -
She could see the lines of power, like a magnet, drawing the ship along. Even as she watched, a barrier like a net slowed the Jakka but began to weaken.
- You must stop it. -
"I will."
- Good. Goodbye. -
- What? -
"Who are you?"
A pause.
- I am the destroyer of the Yelantra Sentry and Nightdweller. -
"No. What is your name?"
- They call me Evaluator. -
The screen flickered and went blank.
Pirelann turned her attention to the ship. Stretching her power out, she snapped the lines and "nailed" the Venomstrike in place.
When she was certain that it would not move, she withdrew and masked herself. Beren did not yet know that she had even survived.
She vanished.

Selantrio fumed in silence. Despite the combined efforts of the Deathless Ones, one Fader had been able to thwart them all. The Venomstrike remained firmly in place, and they could not magically transport it now.
And Beren was nowhere to be found.

Tha's all for today, my internet time is up *cries*
Seeya all later.

Feb 17, 2003, 12:28 PM
This story is really awesome! :D

I wonder where Beren is right now :rolleyes: He is hiding :p


Feb 17, 2003, 12:36 PM
<S>All your page are belongs to us.</S>

Ooh! CONTINUE!!! NOW ;p.

Feb 18, 2003, 07:58 AM
:p He is waiting

Coppertop hesistated before a large black door. Claw followed her gaze and knew why.
A tall black lizard slunk towards them with liquid grace. Claw knew this type - Omega had posed as one of them, Commander Flairang. The original Flairang had not been much different from this one.
He wore a long, curving saber and his eyes (dark, beady and alert) were fixed on Shinyso.
Shinyso stepped forward, tensed and ready for combat. Tersely he handed Copper the locator before he drew his sword.
The lizard stopped and hissed. His sword remained in the sheath.
"You are they whom have sslain my Katarvin."
"My death lizardss are gone," he continued. "I am the lasst." He drew his blaster and dropped it before he drew his sword. "I would do battle with you."
"We don't need this," Copper hissed. "We haven't got the time!"
"I'll deal with this, mercenary," Shinyso said darkly without looking at her. He handed Kaz his own blaster, before saying, "go. I can take him."
"Right. Let's go, guys. Shinyso can handle this. We've got to find Beren."
Alone, the pair faced each other, ready for any attack. The lizard hissed softly, sword moving in a defensive dance. Shinyso raised his own blade. It caught the light, hoarding it jealously like a dragon hoards gold, glowing like a silver flame. The combatants circled, wary and guarded.
With a clang, the black door closed.

They had found the pentagon. They hadn't found Beren.
Copper studied the ceiling for a moment before glancing sharply at the door.
It was gone.
Torches flared up, ice blue and blood red, before going out. Shale began to glow green and white and gold, throwing flickering shadows across the intricately carved floor.
Out of the darkness, a glowing form launched itself at her, and automatically she side-stepped and slashed. The glow vanished as the creature parted company with its' lower half. In a low voice, she gave her instructions.
"Kaz, you have two blasters. Take out those creatures as they come. Ducky, stick next to Wild Angel. Zanzibar, stay by the ... door. Claw, follow me."
In the darkness, Ducky was clearly visible as she moved. Copper tossed her black cloak over, and the light vanished as Ducky donned it. Shale dimmed at Copper's request and went out.
The darkness lightened, becoming a hazy, dim grey. It was enough to see by.
Enough to see the large dark figure in the middle of the room.
Enough to see that they had found him.
Beren Deathwreaker.

Now I have to type some more.

Feb 18, 2003, 08:08 AM
This thing is c00l :D

Please CONTINUE! ;)


Feb 18, 2003, 08:25 AM
*growls* You never give me enough time! Later.

I missed the bus today, and my mom can't drive yet. Yikes.

Feb 18, 2003, 08:27 AM
Well, I'm just fast ;)


4I Falcon
Feb 18, 2003, 01:01 PM
I'd say more along the lines of an evil stalker of this thread.