View Full Version : Explanation for downtime

Jul 31, 2008, 04:39 PM
We've recently been moved to a new host in the United Kingdom. This host has made several changes to the server infrastructure that have caused and continue to be causing huge security issues. Our entire site's security was exposed to the public, causing bystanders and script kiddies to be able to hack our site, in theory.

To secure the site and all of your private information, we have had no other option than to shut down our entire site until our host fixed the issues. For Jazz2Online, the issue still isn't fixed.

After our site is back up there are several changes at the host that may then cause our Jazz2Online to only partly work.

I strongly apologize for the inconvenience.

Bobby aka Dizzy
Jul 31, 2008, 08:20 PM
I have temporarily hacked a solution together that should resolve the most egregious problems. It is not a solution that should work indefinitely. Admins please see my notes in admin forum.

Jul 31, 2008, 09:36 PM
Oh well its could the forums is up again:-) I think it's the most important part of jazz2online. ouch for Jdc.

Aug 19, 2008, 11:45 AM
bump!!hahaA little boy asked his mother:"Why are you crying?" "Because I am a woman."She told him. "I don't understand"he said. His mum just hugged him and said:"And you never will." Later the little boy asked his father:"Why does mother seem to cry for no reason?" "All woman cry for no reason."Was all his dad could say. The little boy grow up and became a man, still wondering why women cry. Finally he put in a call to God, when God got on the phone, he asked,"God, why do women cry so easily?" God said:"When I made the women, she had to be special. I made her shoulders strong enough to carry the weight of the world; yet, gentle enough to give comfort. I gave her inner strength to endure childbirth, and the rejections many times comes from her children. I gave her hardness that allows her to keep going when everyone else gives up, and take care of her family through sickness and fatigue without complains. "I gave her the sensitivity to love her children under any and all circumstances, even her children has hurt her very badly. "I gave her strength to carry her husband through his faults and fashioned her from his rib to protect his heart." "I gave her the wisdom to know that a good husband never hurts his wife, but sometimes tests her strength and resolve to stand beside him unfalteringly." "And finally, I gave her a tear to shed. That is her exclusively to use whenever it is needed." "You see the beauty of a women is not the clothes she wears, the figure she carries, or the way she combs her hair." "The beauty of a women must be seen in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where the love resides."-------------------------Supply Cheap spam messages (http://spamcop.net/) to our loyal customers. Buy spam messages (http://spamcop.net/) now, we have available stock of spam messages (http://spamcop.net/)on most of the servers. We can provide really cheap spam messages (http://spamcop.net/). Enjoy a new spam messages (http://spamcop.net/) life, We are a world class spam messages store online !

Aug 19, 2008, 01:08 PM
I'm not deleting that one because it is a pretty awesome reply!

Aug 19, 2008, 01:12 PM
In a completely off topic bump post, whereas this forum doesn't need threads to be bumped, sort of way. It also features 'hahaA' although neither this thread nor that post are funny/meant to be funny.

Apart from that it's awesome!

Long live J2O!