View Full Version : How to get your map hosted on public Zeal servers

Sep 14, 2011, 08:39 AM
Zeal Relaxer
What we are hosting on Zeal Relaxer are minigames and tests.
If you are planning on making a map for ZR or already have a good map for it, contact Shaker (shakernl(at)live.nl). He will then be able to tell you if your map is welcome at ZR.

All maps must be fully functional with Suprems test manager (at the moment we are converting old maps).
1.24 and 1.23 are supported.

From the readme for test manager:
To make a level being found by my program as a test, you need to add special events. I call them “level switching areas”.
Level switching area is a “text” event (event no. 207 in JCS) with text ID between 100 and 255.
When a player passes through the text 101, he is in level 1, 102 – level 2, 103 – level 3, etc…
Texts 100 and 255 are special switching areas. Text 100 is an initial area, it should be placed at the beginning of the test, around the start position. Text 255 is a winning area: player who passes it, gets an in-game notification about his
time result, special tag [win] and is able to cycle the level.
Below I show you two images illustrating how to prepare the test in practice:
Additional cautions: As you can count, test can consist of maximum 154 levels. In some cases player can be imperceptible for level switching area. An example of that situation is when player gets to switching area from a sucker tube with a high speed parameter. To solve, significantly reduce the speed parameter of that sucker tube. Another reason of program’s potential oversights can be lags.
For some reasons, I strongly recommend to place additional switching areas around the warp targets of warps that brings you back to the beginning of levels (like I made on the first picture shown above).

Zeal Breakage
This server is meant for jailbreak. The maps should be small,fast and easy to understand. 1.23 must be supported.
If you don't understand how to set up the Jailbreak triggers, cooba can do that for you if you ask nicely.
Levellist admin for ZB: cooba (coobshop[at]gmail.com)

Zeal Alpha
ZA is only meant for CTF maps. Keep in mind that the maps should be small/fast enough to be playable for 2on2. 1.23 must be supported.
Levellist admin for ZA: DanZeal (danzeal[at]jazzjackrabbit.net)

Zeal Fun House
Please read the thread about it here (http://jazzjackrabbit.net/index.php?league=1&season=1&&op=forumz&watte=viewtopic&topic=418).
Level admin: Laro (Laro24[at]hotmail.com)

The amound of levels for ZA and ZB are limited.
Please respect the admins rights to deny your map.

Sep 14, 2011, 09:22 AM
As my level has been added to the ZR list yesterday and the fixed level was added again today, are you going to convert it to support the test manager?

Also, a few areas would need editing for that.

Sep 14, 2011, 10:06 AM
Talk to Shaker about it. But we will probably convert it. Unless you would like to convert it?

Sep 14, 2011, 10:35 AM
I think I'm going to convert it, because some areas need heavy editing, but I'll talk to Shaker first.

Oct 24, 2012, 04:17 AM
New server: Zeal Breakage
Talk to cooba if you got a map for it!