View Full Version : Hey coders!

Nov 14, 2011, 02:17 PM
From what I saw while being active in this game, I can be sure that there are a lot of great coders. Most of you use different language as a main language, but most of you know the other coding languages. I was thinking for a while, why are you all making such as programs for JJ2, editing it's bugs etc. And then I came to the answer. It's probably because you like this game, and because you wanna get your coding skills better. It's nice, to be honest.

As far as I know, there are some known programmers: Grytolle, Shelly, Violet, DJazzy, blur, NerD, Sfaizst, zapS, GLaDOS, wKtK and some more what I forgot... Not sure about their activity in JJ2, but this is not about JJ2.

I was thinking for a while about new games. And then I came up with an idea. A great idea. It's realistic. Why don't you guys make a group, online group, and try to make a game. Most of people who make tilesets here are good with drawing, for example Sir Ementaler, Violet (yes, again), Obi1mcd, Gus, Disguise etc. You just need to get an idea, what game could you try to make, it's possibilities, gameplay, graphics, 2D/3D... You just need a good organization, and will. Not going to say free time, because you all code in free time and you probably have it.
- Organizer can be someone who is respectable person, has a good knowledge of leading something, experienced, in one or another way etc. I'm not going to suggest me, because I don't see me in this.
- You all have some projects going on atm. You can finish them, or leave them, or progressing them at the same time as this project, and after finishing them, you can be 100% in this project. The only thing is that you WANT to make something.

This will be similar like LMAT, but first I need your confirmation on do you want to be in this project. Second, if you get in this project, you must be loyal! Don't leave it after some time. Third, when you confirm, and if you confirm, we, everyone, can start making a plan of a new game, telling some wishes, tips, etc.

If you don't want to be in this project, it's okay. I just thought that this could be more useful than making other projects what probably wouldn't be published and be popular. We all can make a great marketing in our countries about this game, and it can be more popular than JJ2 (NOT SAYING THAT JJ2 SHOULD DIE OR ANYTHING SIMILAR. I LUV JJ2).

So, we start from nothing. Waiting for your confirmation, here.

- Coders - will code the game
- Painters - will draw
- Organizer - will be a captain
- Anyone experienced in playing games - thinks of gameplay, it's mode, it's structure...
- Supervisors - will make this game popular

NOTE: Anyone can be in this project. It's public for now, until an organizer comes and possibly changes it.

*if you dislike this idea, tell what should be changed, and why is it bad*
*you/we all can gain some money, but tbh it's not about money, it's about fun*

Violet CLM
Nov 14, 2011, 03:47 PM
<a href="http://www.jazz2online.com/jcf/forumdisplay.php?f=8">I think this is the forum you're looking for?</a> And it's not as if <a href="http://www.jazz2online.com/skitch/">we haven't tried before.</a>

(Although, I gotta say, kid, you've got moxie. Most team threads at least have the poster proposing themselves as a team leader... you go a step farther than that by not proposing your involvement at all.)

Nov 14, 2011, 05:52 PM
I'll be able to playtest. I pick up games purrdy quickly.

Nov 14, 2011, 08:17 PM
I am actually curious as to whether any other JJ2ers have done any game development. There are tons of people in this community that good at level design, graphic design, or music. There don't seem to be many interested in doing it for a job.

Crazy Rabbit
Nov 14, 2011, 08:24 PM
I can help only by saying - Good luck ;)

Nov 14, 2011, 08:56 PM
If some project kicks up, I'm happy to help with atleast the gameplay / level desing parts, and maybe some code too.

Nov 14, 2011, 11:09 PM
I am actually curious as to whether any other JJ2ers have done any game development. There are tons of people in this community that good at level design, graphic design, or music. There don't seem to be many interested in doing it for a job.

If it's something web-based, just ask me ;)
See these games/engines/experiments I have made:


Minecraft 2D

JJ2 clones
http://djazz.mine.nu/apps/WebJJ2/ (Latest)
http://jazzjackrabbit.net/DJ/WebJJ2/ (Old version)
http://jazzjackrabbit.net/DJ/oldWebJJ2/ (Ancient)
http://jazzjackrabbit.net/DJ/LvlView/ (Experiment)

JCS clones
http://djazz.mine.nu/files/WebJCS+Node.zip (Latest)
http://jazzjackrabbit.net/DJ/newWebJCS/ (Old version)
http://jazzjackrabbit.net/DJ/WebJCS/ (Ancient)

http://djazz.mine.nu/apps/MinecraftSkin/ (First contact with 3D)

Nov 15, 2011, 01:11 AM
I'd be very happy indeed to help compose some of the soundtrack, however good/bad it may turn out. Music is actually my main interest. Aside from running rabbits with guns.

Nov 15, 2011, 04:18 AM
I can help with the ideas, if you need some.

Nov 15, 2011, 05:01 AM
I might be interested in helping. I'm moderately interested in game design, and I've been focusing on trying to create a game lately. However, is the idea all that practical? Group projects are fun and all, but if anyone wants to do it seriously, you'd not a lot of dedication, along with somebody to actually be in charge. Collaborative efforts tend to dwindle down and die after a while. Look at the current LMAT slowing down already.

Nov 15, 2011, 06:09 AM
I'd definitely be able to dedicate myself since this would involve my main interest. LMAT is definitely more of a fun thing for me, but I'd take this kind of project somewhat more seriously.

In another circumstance I'd also possibly suggest for me to be the organizer but the musicians just don't do that.

Nov 15, 2011, 09:16 AM
I've dabbled a little bit in creating games, but nothing beyond a couple simple things in gamemaker or flash. Mostly, I get really excited about an idea, go to work for a while, then realize just how much work creating a worthwhile game is.

I'm interested in the project, and it looks like there are several other very talented people who might contribute, but I'm still a bit skeptical about if this will get organized enough to produce anything.

Nov 15, 2011, 09:35 AM
@Unkown Rabbit, I'm not looking for that forum. I know that Possum is an abandoned project, but from what I saw it looks like JJ2 just with different textures. Maybe I'm wrong. This project should be more serious and should have loyal people in it.

@DJazzy, it's not decided will it be a web browser game, or not. I see that you're experienced with that, and you wanna help. It's nice to hear.

@Obi1mcd & Sean, completely agreed. But then, on the other hand, Sean and me said that this should be more serious project than LMAT. Also, Sean, that's the main reason why I didn't want me to be a leader of this group. I'm not experienced, and a normal guy shouldn't be an organizer. I suggest DJazzy/UR if they're in. They will do the most of job (mainly coding).

Violet CLM
Nov 15, 2011, 09:50 AM
Even without disputing whether Possum was intended to have more differences from JJ2 than textures, that forum hasn't been called Possum Forest for many years. The title is "Further Game Development." Other games have also hung out there, from Mechaius to M.I.A. to Openjazz, not all of them even strictly fangames. This is a topic about game development; it is exactly the forum you are looking for.

Since you attempt to volunteer me to lead your project, I will say that after MLLE, my plan is to retool its rendering code into a .j2l-running game engine, with basic code for objects, mask detection, and so forth. That basic engine will be able to branch off in different directions (different games), and MLLE can be expanded as needed to support new versions of the .j2l format required for those different directions (e.g. alternate numbers or orders of layers, level scripts, and so forth). Most ambitiously, I want to implement a game with externally stored objects and characters, so instead of just downloading additional levels, for instance, you can also download additional characters and use them to play through existing levels. But MLLE isn't done yet, so that's a while down the line. If someone wants to help with that somehow (e.g. writing a better program than Jazz Sprite Dynamite), I might be open to that, but otherwise, unless one of you has a really really great idea, I'm almost certainly not going to jump ship and be the main coder for some other game design entirely.

Nov 15, 2011, 11:16 AM
I'm going to wait until you find a programmer and decide things such as genre and theme before I make up my mind about it. Generally, I like the idea of doing something I like, cooperating with people I like and getting money after I finish. Things I can do are pixel art, beta testing (I'm one of the best SP players around which might come in useful), level design and design of some other game-related stuff. Note that I'm fully useless in creation of 3D games though. Also, if you don't find a serious programmer who's willing to help, I'm really awesome at GML, but then again, it's just GML.

Nov 15, 2011, 11:36 AM
I'm going to wait until you find a programmer and decide things such as genre and theme before I make up my mind about it.

Yeah, what kind of a game you want? I can make up stories and give ideas for any type of a game, but we should first have an idea of what are we going to do. I'd like to work on a RPG or a 2D strategy or something, but if you have thought of something else, please say it.

Nov 15, 2011, 04:48 PM
Yeah, what kind of a game you want? I can make up stories and give ideas for any type of a game, but we should first have an idea of what are we going to do. I'd like to work on a RPG or a 2D strategy or something, but if you have thought of something else, please say it.

Storytelling is MY job, no arguments.

Nov 15, 2011, 08:49 PM
Well, programming isn't my strong point. I only know a little bit of Java, but not enough to make a game with. A couple of people have mentioned Game Maker, but has anyone here tried Construct?

Nov 16, 2011, 05:55 PM
Hey. Hey guys. Guys. I'm going to sound like a crazed fanboy here and three-quarters of this post will indeed be a fanboy speaking and forcing the rational part to agree, but the rational part agrees. So yeah.

Long story short, we should do a Homestuck game.

I know, I know, we're not all into it, but there's a few good reasons for us to make a fan game.

- It'll be easy to convert the story into a video game format without it losing too much of its charm
- There's already a fantastic plot line in place for us (this point will be up for debate)
- A lot of the flash assets can be easily converted into a playable game rather than keeping it as an animation
- All the stupid commands can be listed as an 'objective' and for kicks, there's a key you have to press to wave off an idiotic command
- Sudden shift in character focus is more hilarious in a video game

I could go on for a while, but clearly this is an idea. Naturally Hussie would have to approve of such a thing. Also naturally most of you would object.

But there's an idea.

Violet CLM
Nov 16, 2011, 06:10 PM
<a href="http://www.mspaforums.com/forumdisplay.php?97-Fan-Projects">You might have better luck here.</a> Or maybe specifically <a href="http://sburbandevelopment.forumotion.com/f6-applications">here</a>, I dunno. I just think if you want to make a fangame of a specific work, you'll have more luck going to the community of that work, rather than some other one entirely.

Nov 16, 2011, 06:18 PM
I've already thought about those forums, but I'd rather not, really.

Nov 16, 2011, 09:31 PM
It sounds like a nice idea, and hundreds of people have had the same nice idea. Plus, Homestuck is absolutely massive. I think a more unique game would be better.

Nov 17, 2011, 04:44 AM

It'll be much more fun to think of a cool RPG plot, or a setting for a 2D strategy!

Nov 17, 2011, 05:34 AM
Well, we need to discuss whether or not people want to actually get into this thing before anyone can start work on a script.

For the record, if this kicks off, count me in.

Nov 17, 2011, 01:47 PM
I decided to make a list of people who posted in this thread and how could they help in this project. Stuff I consider useful in creation of the game is in bold.
JaRU - dunno.
UR - is not willing to help.
Sean - music, beta testing, ideas, storytelling.
Obi - art perhaps?
CR - is wishing us good luck.
Jake - coding perhaps?, gameplay design, level design.
DJazzy - web stuff.
Lith - ideas, storytelling.
Trog - dunno.
SE - art, coding (<- if you can call GM "coding"), beta testing, gameplay design, level design.

Ideas, storytelling and gameplay design aren't in bold because imo anyone could help with that. Beta testing and level design aren't in bold because in this community most of people can help with that as well. Note that I don't mean to insult people who offered help in this matter. Web stuff isn't in bold because at the moment we don't know if we need that.

That doesn't look good if you want to know. The basic team would have at most 4 people. Additionally I suppose Jake wouldn't be interested in using GML nor writing the main code, so it'd be basically my game with Obi's art and Sean's music. That doesn't sound very exciting. Also work wouldn't progress much faster than if I was just making the game myself.

Nov 17, 2011, 02:01 PM
Good luck making something effective with GML :p
Seriously, the main game engine should be written with C++ or some similar language.

Nov 17, 2011, 02:27 PM
Well, if you want to know, GML is quite powerful in its latest version. Nonetheless I agree a serious language should be used. Serious programmers don't seem to be interested though.

Nov 17, 2011, 06:10 PM
Obi has remarked himself that he doesn't have much experience with things unrelated to pixel art. Depending on what kind of game this might end up becoming an important detail.

Just thought I should put that out there.

EDIT: Also, just to note, I'm a little sick of RPGs. I'd rather not have this turn into an RPG.

Nov 17, 2011, 08:56 PM
Good luck making something effective with GML :p
Seriously, the main game engine should be written with C++ or some similar language.

Ever played Spelunky?
Anyways, yeah, I could do art, if the others are serious about trying to do this. Like Sean said, though, if the art style strays out of pixel-art-territory, then I'll be pretty useless.
On the subject of what language to use, I'm not quite sure. The main question is whether any of us have the time/skill/dedication to make a game engine in C++ or something from scratch. I've been experimenting with Scirra's Construct lately, and it seems like a good, free alternative to Game Maker, for those that don't want to buy the pro version.

Nov 18, 2011, 02:54 AM
Ideas, storytelling and gameplay design aren't in bold because imo anyone could help with that.

You would be surprised how many people can't even think of a simple story, or plan level design. Also, story is quite important, you can't have a good game without a story.

I can make up more complex stories. I might also work on art, but nothing too advanced.

Nov 18, 2011, 05:46 AM
You would be surprised how many people can't even think of a simple story, or plan level design. Also, story is quite important, you can't have a good game without a story.

I can make up more complex stories. I might also work on art, but nothing too advanced.

What did I say about stories and my job? :p I put together a half-assed story for my SP pack that's mostly intended as humorous, but I can put together a fantastic story if I need to.

The rivalry begins.

Nov 18, 2011, 07:33 AM
This doesn't seem like going anywhere. Stop posting how good are you at having ideas and start posting ideas. Original, detailed gameplay descriptions that everyone here will like, so we can make a decision what are we making, if anything.

Nov 18, 2011, 07:59 AM
We haven't yet decided what we're making it with.
But for suggestions on gameplay, I'd recommend a sidescrolling adventure game. I don't know about details, but I like the approach taken in Cave Story, now that I've played it, and we could possibly do something similar. Not outright copying the formula, but taking some inspiration from it at the very least.

Nov 18, 2011, 08:08 AM
We haven't yet decided what we're making it with.
It's not a hard decision considering that I'm the only person here who is actually interested in writing the main code and the only thing I'm experienced enough at is GML. Or am I wrong?

Nov 18, 2011, 08:13 AM
Well, that's what I'm trying to decide. I'm semi-comfortable with Construct, but it may be better for each of us to focus on only one aspect of the game. Multiple people coding could easily become an issue if different strategies are used.

Nov 18, 2011, 08:19 AM
*takes a look at GML*
It seems to look like Javascript. How about taking up Unity3D, SE?

Nov 18, 2011, 08:51 AM
This Unity thing looks so awesome that I have no idea why have I never heard about it. At the moment I'm more interested in learning C++, but someday I'll probably take a look at it.

Well Obi, it's not as much about different strategies as it is about GM not being Construct. We can't use both, therefore yes, only one of us can program. I use GM for approximately 5 years, so I think I'll do fine if you leave it to me. Also, I have nearly no personal life, which is quite useful.

Nov 18, 2011, 08:57 AM
Well, if you're willing to focus on the engine, that's fine. I'm happy to do some art, but it might be better if someone else is also interested. Keep in mind that while I'm happy to contribute, I have a few other projects to work on, including another game. So yeah, I can do it, but real life may take some of my time instead sometimes.
Anyways, anyone else have suggestions for gameplay then?

Nov 18, 2011, 03:02 PM
I'm not sure how a side scrolling game would be conducive to a good story. Side scrolling games almost always end up with a) a fantasy story, b) a silly story, c) a never ending story, and so on and so forth. Maybe something more like a top-down perspective on the character?

Also, anyone have experience in Java? It seems like something that can be used to create a decent game.

Violet CLM
Nov 18, 2011, 03:05 PM
Do you have some examples of games that do have good stories, and then concrete reasons of why those stories could not have been conveyed from a side-scrolling perspective?

Nov 18, 2011, 03:33 PM
A side scroller tends to make the situation just seem much less real because it always involves a floating platform of sorts. A lot of good stories relying on suspension of disbelief don't factor in something as ridiculously unreal as a floating platform. There may be ways to explain this off, but it typically involves a fantasy method.

Nov 18, 2011, 08:30 PM
I don't think a sidescrolling game would put any real limit on the story. And for things like floating platforms, that all depends on the level designer/artist.

Nov 19, 2011, 02:13 PM
I'll make it clear. If in the next 3 days there is still not even a single post here containing an idea on what should I program, I'm out. It's not about the genre or perspective, I want some general idea. The Cave Story suggestion got close, but "taking some inspiration from it" doesn't tell me what should I do.

Nov 19, 2011, 04:37 PM
I suggested the top-down perspective. I'm thinking of making this a horror-mystery thing, with (naturally) a little action mixed in.

Nov 19, 2011, 08:12 PM
I apologize that we're not getting anywhere, SE, but it's probably better if we think things through properly. Also, I really really don't want to do a top-down game, purely because I haven't had any practice at all doing that kind of graphics.
Anyway, doesn't anybody else have any suggestions?

Nov 19, 2011, 10:37 PM
I'm able to make some types of programming in Visual Basic, or, soon C++ or C#; also I could contribute music, sound and writing.

Nov 19, 2011, 11:13 PM
Ideally we would be able to make a 3D game, but nobody in this thread has any practice in it (that I know of). If a perspective is needed to be chosen quickly, I guess the best option would still be a 2D sidescroller, however much I might dislike it. Some time ago I suggested to Obi1mcd that he make a game with a teleportation gimmick. How about that?

Nov 20, 2011, 01:32 AM
A side-scrolling platformer is something we've all had experience with, therefore I recommend it as the genre as well.

I will be thankful if you all choose some gameplay-related keywords:
unarmed combat; melee weapons; ranged weapons; stealth; psychokinetic powers; time control; gravity control; light or shadow control; magic; shapeshifting; summoning; gods' influence; jumping onto enemies' heads; alchemy; teleportation; vehicles; other (specify).

KRSplat, thanks for your offer. Music and sound will for sure come in useful. I'm not sure about programming though. Do you have any experience in game making and are willing to replace me as the main programmer? Because it's not like I'm very interested in programming it anyway and I realize GM is not the best tool to make a game, I just decided to since there was no one else who could do that.

Nov 20, 2011, 07:19 AM
I have no experience in game design and do not expect to create codes for this project without studying beforehand, so I don't believe I'm capable of being the main programmer. I wanted to qualify my offer, but beside a total lack of experience the factors in question are how much of the skills required I have already and how much relevant information I can access. In other words, I know that taking part of an introductory Visual Basic course doesn't qualify me to lead a project. But I'm not coming to say: I don't know how to fully make these components, so it's difficult for me, instead: I'll see what I can do, and hope to provide more than expected.

Nov 20, 2011, 12:41 PM
So, if we're doing a 2D side-scrolling shooter, we need a story. Space theme or something?

Nov 20, 2011, 04:17 PM
Oh, can you stop with your space thing :p I get it you love the Imperial Army and the cake generators and whatnot (oh God I'm giving you story ideas aren't I) but I'm looking for more of a serious story here. Plenty of serious stories set in space have been done, but something set on Earth looks more serious in a 2D platformer/shooter.

On gameplay, I'd suggest mostly platformer with a slight puzzle element, enemies you have to avoid completely (going for suspense), plot focus, and a boss battle involving puzzle-running away. Unarmed combat for sure if it ever comes to it (with the option of picking up fallen weapons [limited ammo]), and hopefully some cool teleportation combat effects, if we pick up the teleportation idea. Continuing with the teleportation theme, because that's my favorite idea, the player would only be able to teleport from areas not affected by (insert random criteria here), and can only teleport into areas not affected by (insert second random criteria here).

On story, I've already suggested a teleportation gimmick. If I go down this road, I'll suggest that he is the only one like that, he just turned 21 (or some arbitrary adult age) and his mother, on her death bed, revealed to him the reason behind so and so. Cue revenge spree? Also I'd like to know how willing are the people involved to make this bloody and/or swearing and/or stuff like that. Also, happy/bummer ending? I suggest a bittersweet ending. I'll open up a Google Doc for the story, anyone looking to be given permission for stuff in there, just send me a PM with your Google account.

On people, can I have an easy method of contact with people working in the same areas as I am? KRSplat and Lithium, for example, and anyone else possibly coming in.

SE is fast becoming the project organizer

Nov 20, 2011, 08:39 PM
On gameplay, I'd suggest mostly platformer with a slight puzzle element, enemies you have to avoid completely (going for suspense), plot focus, and a boss battle involving puzzle-running away. Unarmed combat for sure if it ever comes to it (with the option of picking up fallen weapons [limited ammo]), and hopefully some cool teleportation combat effects, if we pick up the teleportation idea. Continuing with the teleportation theme, because that's my favorite idea, the player would only be able to teleport from areas not affected by (insert random criteria here), and can only teleport into areas not affected by (insert second random criteria here).
That sounds alright. There'd have to be limitations as to teleporting into solid objects (obviously), but for the puzzle element, we could have 'one-way' teleportation zones that you can teleport out of but not into, and vice-versa.

Also I'd like to know how willing are the people involved to make this bloody and/or swearing and/or stuff like that.

I'd rather not.

Also, happy/bummer ending? I suggest a bittersweet ending.

Well, we could always have multiple endings based on performance.

I'll open up a Google Doc for the story, anyone looking to be given permission for stuff in there, just send me a PM with your Google account.

You already have mine, I think, so that should be fine.

Nov 20, 2011, 08:55 PM
Also I'd like to know how willing are the people involved to make this bloody and/or swearing and/or stuff like that.

I'd rather not.

Just to be clear with others, I didn't really mean to sound like I want something like that included, I'm mostly just asking about people's limits. Things like this can help a lot with script writing.

Well, we could always have multiple endings based on performance.

Decent multiple endings can be tough to write in, especially when you factor in the 'performance' issue. I'm not sure how the character's 'performance' in the story would affect the ending, just the ease with which it is executed.

Another gameplay idea: Small RPG element where you get to improve some of his abilities, similar to the Batman: Arkham Asylum.

Nov 20, 2011, 10:37 PM
I didn't really mean to add cake generators and stuff, I indeed had a more serious story in mind.

I was thinking about a space trooper squad fighting something and someone (we'll work that out) and each squad member has special abilities and can solve certain puzzles. Would that work?

Nov 20, 2011, 11:27 PM
It could work, and it would definitely be more fun if it could include a cooperative mode with separate players working with separate powers. But I'm still not sure what kind of specifics would be in mind. For example, what would kind of twists could we introduce into the story? What is the reason the squad is going out against said enemy? Personally I'd like to see more ideas put into the idea before I'll give it full support, because this might degenerate into a typical space marine game. The Dead Space series was fantastic because the protagonist was not a space marine, rather an innocent bystander thrust into an unfortunate situation. It's more of an engaging story when the main character is forced to do something they don't like.

Nov 21, 2011, 03:39 AM
Quick question for SE:
What would you say your limits in Game Maker would be? Obviously 3d graphics aren't an option, but how about things like multiplayer?

Nov 21, 2011, 03:51 AM
From what I got from a simple Google search, is seems multiplayer in Game Maker is pretty possible.

Side note once again, I'll be able to make some anti-aliased background for the game if the need arises.

Nov 21, 2011, 08:08 AM
I have never tested GM multiplayer. I am able to implement it but it probably isn't very efficient (however, according to documentation, should avoid packet loss). Things I can't make are some fancy visual effects, such as blur or distortions. Also liquids, that is, their physics. And Worms-alike destructive scenery, probably. Atm I don't remember anything else.

Unless someone is up for drawing the whole levels, I suppose we'll stick to tiles, so I'd like to hear your opinions on player mask size and tile size. For comparison, in JJ2 it's respectively 24x24 and 32x32 (duh). We could consider tile sizes of 24x24 up to 64x64 and mask sizes of 24x24 and higher. Big tiles reduce level designing freedom but improve efficiency and, usually, quality. A big mask means big sprites, so it improves quality, but sprites take a lot more time and effort to make. Also, the bigger the mask is, the less you can see beside it.

Oh, and compare Sean's idea to Jumper (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jumper_(film)#Plot), although maybe it's just me who sees a lot of similarities.

Nov 21, 2011, 08:34 AM
You're not the only one who sees the similarities. I took Jumper as the main inspiration for the teleportation stuff, but I came up with a plot independently, and it turned out to be similar, apparently. I might have to rethink this.

Nov 21, 2011, 08:55 AM
One last question: Does anybody have experience with animating sprites? That's one of the things I tend to struggle with. I can do tiles, but I haven't had much practice with sprites.

Nov 21, 2011, 09:03 AM
JaRU should be happy with his handiwork. He started a thread with nothing but an idea and ( :p ) no talents, but now this is moving somewhere.

Nov 21, 2011, 09:33 AM
I'll make it clear. If in the next 3 days there is still not even a single post here containing an idea on what should I program, I'm out.

We don't have any deadline for now.

I am sorry, I was not here for a few days, but I am back! I read all of your posts, and seems like none is experienced in game-making. I'm sorry because UR is off, he was a main key in my idea (was basing literally on him and DJazzy). I'm sure he is willing to help if we need help sometimes.

Okay, let's get back to the game style now. I suggest some game like Chicken Invaders (http://www.interactionstudios.com/chickeninvaders4.php). The game would be based on X stages, and every stage could have Y levels. After finishing a single stage, you go to another one. Yet, I haven't think of any basic idea. It could be a space theme, where you're alone and kill the enemies, just like CI. But, if you don't have anything against this, we could make a game based on spaceship what teleports to the next level/stage at the end of level/stage. This is to involve both, Liths and Seans ideas into the game.

Main character: Spaceship
- You have to finish all the levels to do something*. You must get keys by killing the enemies to finish the stage. I suggest 20 keys in every stage. If there are 10 stages, then 10 keys are needed for the 1st one. 11 for next, 12 for next etc.
- You start with a single gun. You can get up to 3 different guns. I'd like to see at least 5 different guns in 3 categories. Each category is stronger than the other one. You can have only one gun from each category. For example, in Counter Strike, you have a gun, a pistol, a knife and bombs. You get guns by killing enemies. They will drop random guns (NOT ALL OF THEM), just like in CI. I suggest Red, Green and a Blue category. Red makes most damage and it's the fastest. Green is stronger than the Blue, but Red is stronger than Green.
- We need to get a story. I suggest something like this: A spaceship went on a trip, but suddenly he crashed in a group of comets. All of the people who were in it survived in a capsule and they landed on some planet. They don't have any food and water, and they need to be rescued. You're the one who is gonna rescue them. We need more details, that's why there are Lithium and Sean. Everyone else can implement ideas if they're good enough for a serious game. Please be realistic. I don't need any cake or anything similar.
Enemies: Will try to stop you finishing the game. Whenever you kill the enemy you'll get points. When you reach X points, you'll be awarded with one life.
Genre: Let's call it 2D Floating action adventure. I suggest a browser game, because we have a coder who can help us with that type of games. We will probably use Java then, and we already have experienced coders for Java.
Music: We already have some musicians in JJ2: FawFuL, Dr. Eggman, Gus?, etc. They probably can make/borrow us their songs. The main menu song will be a default one. I suggest getting at least 5 different songs for levels what will repeat in every level. For example, level 1 - music 1, level 2 - music 2.... level 6 - music 1, level 7 - music 2... Depends on how many levels.
Coders: Djazzy, Sean**, Obi1mcd**, Sir Ementaler**, Troglobite**
Artists: Sean, Obi1mcd, Gus?, Sir Ementaler, me.

Sean, you happy now? :-) I was not here last few days, and I'm back with an idea!

* depends on the story.
** not sure are they familiar with Java.

//I hope you understand this crapnglish//

Nov 21, 2011, 09:42 AM
Okay, let's get back to the game style now. I suggest some game like Chicken Invaders (http://www.interactionstudios.com/chickeninvaders4.php). The game would be based on X stages, and every stage could have Y levels. After finishing a single stage, you go to another one. Yet, I haven't think of any basic idea. It could be a space theme, where you're alone and kill the enemies, just like CI. But, if you don't have anything against this, we could make a game based on spaceship what teleports to the next level/stage at the end of level/stage.

Allow me to be brutally honest and hopefully you don't need to make me sound like a dick about it. It sounds stupid and cliche. :7

Music: We already have some musicians in JJ2: FawFuL, Dr. Eggman, Gus?, etc. They probably can make/borrow us their songs. The main menu song will be a default one. I suggest getting at least 5 different songs for levels what will repeat in every level. For example, level 1 - music 1, level 2 - music 2.... level 6 - music 1, level 7 - music 2... Depends on how many levels.

However this game turns out, I'd really rather prefer we compose original music for this rather than get something off the downloads or from the internet.

Coders: Djazzy, Sean**, Obi1mcd**, Sir Ementaler**, Troglobite**

I can't code to save my life. D:

Sean, you happy now? :-) I was not here last few days, and I'm back with an idea!

Definitely happy you came back, you're basically the reason I stuck behind this idea. Sort of. (The thought of composing original music for this gets to me) You're probably still best qualified as an organizer even if you don't know much some of the things going on here.

Nov 21, 2011, 09:45 AM
I think you should check the previous space theme idea. Got the access to the doc?

Nov 21, 2011, 09:47 AM
I believe you mixed me and Sean ;P
I am familiar with the C-style syntax, so picking up Java shouldn't be hard.

Nov 21, 2011, 09:49 AM
I actually haven't received a single PM about the doc, sadly.

Nov 21, 2011, 10:02 AM
I'm fairly interested in game design, but I'm not particularly experienced with it, and between finals coming up soon, and a heavy schedule next semester, I don't want to commit myself to putting time that I may not have into this. So unfortunately, you can count me out for this game.

Nov 21, 2011, 10:49 AM
Wanna bet that if you make a decision to use Java it'll die before it has its physics engine ready?

Nov 21, 2011, 11:50 AM
I believe none of us can actually program an engine, correct? How about using a pre-made one?

Nov 21, 2011, 12:44 PM
Oh, also I forgot to mention I feel insulted by this sentence:
I read all of your posts, and seems like none is experienced in game-making.
If 5 years of creating games is no experience for you, you're searching on a wrong forum. And you don't pay enough. Yes, I use tools which are generally considered lame. Go to the LMAT thread and see what I do with MS Paint. Why wouldn't I be able to create something awesome with GM? I wish I had anything to show you, but I have no recent games which are even close to fully functional, while the old ones are mostly in Polish and lack documentation. And well, are nowhere close to my current skills.

Nov 21, 2011, 03:25 PM
I believe none of us can actually program an engine, correct? How about using a pre-made one?

I'm not sure I support the idea of using a pre-made engine. Namely, there are specifics of this game that will need to be programmed in, and I was more thinking some engine which switches between sprites automatically in a way that looks more fluid, instead of run-stop-run-stop. I have no experience in coding so you may regard this post as full of crap.

Nov 21, 2011, 08:15 PM
Look, there's no need to code an engine from scratch if SE is comfortable with Game Maker. It might not be as efficient as making it in C++, but it should suit our purposes just fine. And like he said, if we try making something from scratch, things will slow down very quickly.

Nov 22, 2011, 01:34 PM
I actually haven't received a single PM about the doc, sadly.

Make it public so everyone can share opinions.

Oh, also I forgot to mention I feel insulted by this sentence:

I'm sorry, didn't want to insult you. Didn't know your story what you posted in that post. I'm glad to see that. Btw, why do you think we're gonna stuck if we choose Java?

Also, I'm not sure if we should make an engine because, as someone said already, none of us can actually program an engine.

I vote for a web-browser game.

Nov 22, 2011, 02:26 PM
Make it public so everyone can share opinions.

I'd rather not, because the script will become private anyway once we get this stuff moving. Making it public will just open it up to every person on the forum who sees this. I need to store your accounts in the sharing settings anyway so when you access the document I know who's there.

I vote for a web-browser game.

I most definitely vote not for a web browser game. I know you're trying to think of including DJazz, but truth be told I don't think he's as interested in this as the other posters. Besides, he's really the only one here who has experience with web-based stuff. Everyone else has been going on about Game Maker and Construct. Or other stuff.

Nov 22, 2011, 08:30 PM
Btw, why do you think we're gonna stuck if we choose Java?

The main issue with Java is that we'd spend more time getting all the technical behind-the-scenes stuff going instead of actually getting a game made. That's be one way of losing interest quickly. If we use something like Game Maker, it does the more technical stuff for us.

Nov 23, 2011, 06:44 PM
Okay guys, in the absence of any real progress, I've typed up a proper idea to elaborate on the teleportation theme that I brought up. There's a link to it in the Doc that I set up (which gives you all the more reason to give me a PM for your Google account :D), so please do check the document. I've also decided to talk to Lithium and help him type up a separate prototype-script for his space theme.

Nov 25, 2011, 10:11 AM
Well, Just be sure to keep as much as possible "resource"-based... If the project fails you have some great stuff to give away or give other people a change to continue it (like M.I.A. I hate it when content that people worked hard on get lost)

Also, people can continue to fight about what engine/language it use, but that shouldn't really matter. First concentrate on a working prototype, to see if the game is any fun at all (GM is fine for that). If the project is fun at that point, more serious programmers will think about joining the project. A custom engine can enable you to do cool stuff, but take a lot of time, and if it's not sure if the project is going anywhere.. why waste your time ?

Nov 25, 2011, 10:27 AM
Well, Just be sure to keep as much as possible "resource"-based... If the project fails you have some great stuff to give away or give other people a change to continue it (like M.I.A. I hate it when content that people worked hard on get lost)

Also, people can continue to fight about what engine/language it use, but that shouldn't really matter. First concentrate on a working prototype, to see if the game is any fun at all (GM is fine for that). If the project is fun at that point, more serious programmers will think about joining the project. A custom engine can enable you to do cool stuff, but take a lot of time, and if it's not sure if the project is going anywhere.. why waste your time ?

I support this entire post.

Nov 25, 2011, 02:28 PM
Okay then, let's use GM, but I have not any experience with that.

Nov 25, 2011, 02:31 PM
I don't really care what we use, as long as we can get the planned storyline/gameplay/graphics.

Nov 25, 2011, 03:09 PM
The thing is, we still haven't decided completely on storyline either. Lithium and I have thrown ideas around but nobody's shown any preference/dislike for any of them.

Nov 25, 2011, 08:30 PM
I'm still thinking about the story, I just haven't come to any conclusions yet.

Nov 28, 2011, 10:41 PM
I agree with atleast making the prototype in GM/some other engine. We need to see how the idea works out, and if our dedication is strong enough to actually realise a project like this. (Even a simple game takes a lot of work to get it polished.)

I've made some games in the past, in GML and in other languages. Unfortunatly I'm very busy with the combination of College and my own projects (AndroidGIP, Serversoftware, etc).
However, in a few months my workload will probably cool down a bit, and if this project is more than just a plan at that time I might be able to contribute some code :)

As for the gametype/story, I think depending on the story and engine we decide to go with we'd better keep it 2d. (3d in GM is hardly supported, with only a few basic functions). Something like a platformer/rpg.

Another thing to consider, is thinking up something that sets this game apart from others, even if the quality is lower than some commercial games. Some gameplay mechanic that wows the users, like the portals in Portal or the gravity in Super Mario Galaxy.

Well, in whatever way this might turn out, Happy coding/drawing/composing/etc. everyone!

P.S: I wish I had a cake generator in my house, cake tastes a lot better than the food in this place XD

Nov 28, 2011, 10:46 PM
I still have to stress. We can't begin to make a prototype if we haven't chosen the basic outline of a story yet. Or gameplay idea.

Dec 1, 2011, 02:10 AM
Herpdy derp. Bump.

Dec 1, 2011, 06:18 AM
Sean & company, my MSN handle is listed by my JCF profile.

Dec 1, 2011, 07:30 AM
I don't use MSN. :D Besides, I've already got you on Skype. My main point is that people just seem to be ignoring the primary issue that is we need to choose a theme. No real programming can get done before a theme is in place.

Dec 1, 2011, 09:38 AM
That's true. Consider the suggestions we have posted.

Violet CLM
Dec 1, 2011, 11:37 AM
What if y'all upgraded the Jazz IOS stick shooter? Give it less blood, more Jazzy enemies, different guns and powerups, new level designs, etc.?

Dec 1, 2011, 05:29 PM
What if y'all upgraded the Jazz IOS stick shooter? Give it less blood, more Jazzy enemies, different guns and powerups, new level designs, etc.?

Personally - though I think I might be speaking for a few others here as well - I'd prefer some new material in this project. We've been working on Jazz in many different ways so long that something new would be a breath of fresh air.

Dec 1, 2011, 08:14 PM
And as far as upgrading it goes, I don't know if there are all that many people here with 3d experience.

Dec 1, 2011, 11:04 PM
Let me teach you all a basic equation:

Game Maker + 3D = headacheBut anyway, on the story:
I think we should choose a genre first, because that already gives a small hint in the direction of what kind of game it'll be.
For example, a race game will have a completely different kind of story than most rpg's.

Dec 2, 2011, 12:30 AM
I think we were mostly agreed that at its most basic level this should be a 2D platformer, simply because that's what Jazz is and that's what we're all doing here.

Dec 2, 2011, 12:53 AM
We've already put out ideas there *hint hint*

Dec 2, 2011, 01:31 AM
Well, the space-squad idea could work, if we be careful to not make the 9001th starwars(c)/space marines(tm) fan-game, like said before.
I don't know if that idea has had any progress yet, or if you're planning to go for another idea by now. Maybe I could get (read-)access that doc you're all talking about ?

About the size of sprites/tiles, I'd say keep it small. It's supposed to be a squad game, so you'll need to see your squad (AI/other players). The size Jazz2 uses might be a good size to start with. And you could always use 3d-functions for drawing the 2d-graphics, those make scaling your viewport easy so the scale could depend on the location in the lvl or the amount of players/action onscreen. (Although GMaker hates 3d)

Dec 2, 2011, 03:33 AM
I'm still open for PMing of Google accounts. Anonymous access is possible, but I'd rather be able to know who's accessing it at that time.

Dec 15, 2011, 12:51 AM
So... anyone else still interested in doing this thing?

Dec 15, 2011, 09:44 AM
Actually, lately I'm writing something looking like another possible idea. It's kinda time-consuming though, so I still didn't get to the some important aspects. But here, see what I've got so far:

The main character has no special abilities. He's a rather usual student, perhaps 23 years old or so. He delivers pizza and lives with parents. In free time he constructs a teleportation device. His project exploded twice already, blowing up the whole room, so no one except him and a group of Star Trek fans from neighbourhood believes it can ever start to work. However, one day, it apparently starts to really work. He manages to successfully teleport his hamster. His hamster is named Bob. It’s his third hamster in fact. The first one died when the device exploded for the first time. The other one burnt to ashes during an attempt to teleport him, a few weeks after the second explosion. They were all named Bob, even though one of them was a female. That was mainly caused by the boy’s laziness and putting little care when it comes to name choice. Later he also noticed it greatly reduces emotional pain after a loss when the new hamster wears the old one’s name. He tried the same experiment on humans, but - for reasons he couldn’t understand - his girlfriend left him immediately after calling her Bob, and he didn’t feel like it reduced his pain at all. That’s when he learnt that things which work with animals don’t always work with humans. Nonetheless, the device worked on his hamster and there was no other way to test its ability to transport humans than to use it oneself. Well, he actually managed to think of another way, which was finding someone naive enough to check out the device in his stead. Obviously, there was no simpler option than using one of those Star Trek fans hanging around. Surprisingly, the device worked really well, teleporting the whole body of a volunteer onto the other side of the town. And furthermore, he was still alive and his mind functioned flawlessly, at least to the extent it did before. The very same day, the fan decided to describe this event on his blog, widely known as spockblog46729D3. He had no idea what consequences will it bring...

The device consists of two separate components: the transmitter and the receiver. The first of them looks like a typical belt and, as such, is wearable, although might feel a bit heavy. It’s teleported along with its user. The receiver is shaped like a bowling ball, but is a bit lighter than one so it can be thrown on long distances. The mechanism can be referred to as the Bowling Ball, abbreviated to BoB. The game-play should mostly concentrate on various uses of the device, the simplest of which would be just throwing the ball onto otherwise unreachable platforms or through thin holes, but also possibly dropping it from above to stun guards or using it to make noise in some place while sneaking elsewhere. Naturally, there have to be more possibilities to keep a player interested. Also there should be sections where a player doesn’t have the Bowling Ball at all.

Dec 15, 2011, 10:42 AM
It's a good story. Why don't we all together pick a leader, who will lead in this project, make decisions, and who will be a Director of this game?

Dec 15, 2011, 01:42 PM
It's definitely an interesting gameplay concept, but will we be exploring the consequences of this device more or are we delving into the lack of emotional pain he will start to feel? And to explore this concept, are we going to have the game narrated or will there be dialog? Are we going to have a discussion as to what these consequences will be? Government or private company? Stuff like that.

Anyway, added to the doc. It's not like it stopped existing or anything.

No one here seems to be interest in leading the project. Your plan really mostly hinged on Violet helping out. I'd offer myself as a leader, but hell I know anything about project leadership.

Dec 18, 2011, 12:53 AM
I'm a month late aren't I :(

Dec 18, 2011, 01:18 AM
Not really. We haven't started on anything, so as long as you join in now you'll be early, so to speak.

Dec 23, 2011, 06:40 AM
So. Another bump. If necessary I will vote myself as the leader unless someone comes and usurps me. I also call for the creation of some private group where we discuss the actual creation of the game. That is, if anyone is still interested. People seem to just be dying down on this.

I can understand. Everyone in this thread has lots of other things they'd like to do. Like their own games.

Or a single player episode.


Either way, while I'm getting ahead of myself, I support SE's idea as the best so far and I'm going to push that one. Who else is here?

Dec 23, 2011, 09:28 AM
The concept seems fine, as far as I'm concerned, as long as SE is comfortable programming it. I'm still in for when you guys need tiles.
I'm wondering what we're doing for sprites, on the other hand. All my attempts at animation turn out pretty horrible, so I'm not confident I'd be able to provide anything with quality to it. There's always the possibility of finding a base to work from, I suppose. Does anybody here have experience with animating sprites?

Dec 23, 2011, 10:42 AM
If I try hard enough I'll be able to provide sprites. If we're going into hair detail like flowing and stuff I'm less sure. But otherwise I'm fine.

Anti-aliased backgrounds are also my sort of thing.

Dec 23, 2011, 02:12 PM
So. Another bump. If necessary I will vote myself as the leader unless someone comes and usurps me. I also call for the creation of some private group where we discuss the actual creation of the game. That is, if anyone is still interested. People seem to just be dying down on this.

I can understand. Everyone in this thread has lots of other things they'd like to do. Like their own games.

Or a single player episode.


Either way, while I'm getting ahead of myself, I support SE's idea as the best so far and I'm going to push that one. Who else is here?

I'm fine with you being the leader, but then again, I don't think I can provide much if SE has already got the story and gameplay planned.

Also I liked the space marines theme more :(

Dec 23, 2011, 04:42 PM
We haven't exactly written the whole story. If everyone agrees on this theme we can get started on the actual full script. Of course you'll still be able to contribute to the script.

Dec 25, 2011, 12:54 PM
^I agree.

Dec 26, 2011, 03:18 AM
Then does anyone have any suggestion for a game name for SE's idea?

Dec 26, 2011, 10:36 AM
I've been writing some songs that this game could use; that's not a lot of progress now

Dec 27, 2011, 12:19 AM
Great then, if no one voices any objections to the theme then SE's theme is in effect. I'd like to hear some of those songs, KRSplat, and also we should come up with a main theme.

Dec 27, 2011, 12:44 AM
I've started to write notation on Noteflight - Online Music Notation Software.

Dec 27, 2011, 01:33 AM
Okay, do let me know when you're finished. I might also collaborate on the main theme with you.

Dec 27, 2011, 05:21 AM
I've got no problem with SE's theme, the teleportation ball gimmick sounds like it could work well. Is there any particular area we'd want in the game so I could do a few tiles? Also, what size should the tiles be? I'm obviously more accustomed to 32x32, but I could probably do larger.

Dec 27, 2011, 06:40 AM
I think 24x24 would be a good tile size. And also, let's do something like New York for a setting for the main character's house and pizza company. Easy enough to find reference photos.

Dec 27, 2011, 06:45 AM
Why are you guys sticking to tiles? It's not exactly the most flexible solution around. File size isn't much of an issue nowadays, so you could as well go with having your whole level stored as one giant datafile (bitmap, if that's the most convenient).

Of course the editor could still be tile-based to an extent.

Dec 27, 2011, 07:12 AM
We're sticking to tiles mostly because I'm the only one who has volunteered for level art so far, and I suck at other art.

Dec 27, 2011, 07:17 AM
Uh, that sounds kind of weird to me... can you only work in square grids? Even if your own art is tile-based, having the engine allow for pixel-precise positioning allows for more variety and gives greater control over how your game looks.

Dec 27, 2011, 07:27 AM
I could do stuff other than just tiles if I wanted to, I guess. Game Maker can use tilesets, but it can do pixel-precise stuff too. I'm just used to tiles, that's all.

Dec 28, 2011, 02:01 AM
I have begun writing the complete script for the game. Seeing as to the nature of the Google Doc, anyone can add in parts as they please which will be <s>promptly removed and replaced by stuff I like</s> left in if nobody disagrees and probably removed if enough people disagree. Go nuts.

Jan 2, 2012, 12:44 AM
Page claim because I'm bored.

Jan 3, 2012, 05:17 PM
What about graphic Design?

Jan 3, 2012, 07:28 PM
Obi1mcd has already offered to do the tiles for this game, and I'll do anti-aliased background if necessary.

Jan 3, 2012, 08:15 PM
If anyone wants to try some sprites they're welcome.

Jan 4, 2012, 01:51 AM
Actually, I've been designing our character for a while now. I like jackets. I'll probably have one sprite ready by tomorrow.

EDIT: Here's a version with flat colors.
He's clearly terrible with wardrobes. This version is without BoB hooked up on him. I'll be shading and animating this some time. Notes about his outfit: Bright red T-Shirt (I'll be adding a design onto it), Navy Blue hooded jacket, brown cargo pants. I also need to fix his legs.

Jan 4, 2012, 10:19 AM
It could be good if you can change your clothes. For example, get something in game while playing, and you can unlock and buy a new jacket with shield or something similar.

Jan 4, 2012, 06:26 PM
I wouldn't recommend adding an option to change clothes because that would detract from the whole experience. But I'd like to hear what others have to say on the matter.


Some shading added, shirt creased, hair sprayed onto his head. I'm terrible with shading his shirt.

Jan 10, 2012, 08:37 AM
So slight update, I've been forcing myself to create a base for some sprites for another game I'm working on. However, if they turn out alright there's no reason not to use them for this too. The main advantage would be that we could make a bunch of characters with relative ease, and have a sense of consistency with the visuals. Also, if I post here that I'm working on them, it forces me to finish them instead of giving up in disgust and deleting them all. Hopefully.

Also, we have a basic concept down for the teleportation gimmick, but I think we need to really think out how in-depth the gameplay should be so we can start making stuff. Not only can we then get a game engine started, but the gameplay affects how the story is told quite a lot, unless we resort to a large amount of cutscenes.

Jan 10, 2012, 10:22 AM
Thank God, people who know what they're doing.

I've been discussing with a few of you about implementing an upgrade system into BoB, whereby various limitations are resolved. Some suggestions for limitations included the two parts of the device requiring physical connection (i.e. a wire), a 3-or-so second charge-up time required upon pressing the teleport button to actually teleport something, blah blah, you get the idea. At first I was leaning towards these upgrades being acquired in an order determined by the story, but what do you guys think about earning experience points of a kind to unlock the upgrades in any order you wish? Or maybe combining the two, and having certain story-linked upgrades and other free ones.

I'm also wondering what people think about using voice acting. 2D sidescrollers typically cater to text for dialog but maybe we could try something out of the ordinary.

I've also talked with Obi1mcd about including multiple endings, a bad one for when your playstyle was rather aggressive, and a good one for when your playstyle was rather... for lack of a better term, not aggressive.

Would love all your thoughts on these issues, guys.

Jan 10, 2012, 08:05 PM
On the subject of upgrades, how about upgrades that can be fine-tuned afterwards? For example, a weight modifier that lets you choose a scale between a BoB that is lightweight and can be thrown further, but will bounce more and is harder to be precise with, as opposed to a heavy BoB that you can't throw far but won't move much after it lands?

Jan 12, 2012, 09:46 PM
On the subject of upgrades, how about upgrades that can be fine-tuned afterwards? For example, a weight modifier that lets you choose a scale between a BoB that is lightweight and can be thrown further, but will bounce more and is harder to be precise with, as opposed to a heavy BoB that you can't throw far but won't move much after it lands?

That sounds like a good idea, and little details like those encourage the player to develop their own playstyle. Although, it's going to be to create levels which encourage the same. Multiple solutions is something that's tough to pull off effectively.

Jan 12, 2012, 10:06 PM
Well, tweaking smaller things rather than bigger things would just mean slightly different ways of reaching the same general solution, so we'd just have to make sure to have bit of leeway.

Feb 2, 2012, 10:30 PM
Is this game dead? Anyway, if anyone's still interested in doing this thing, I have a friend who is looking to do art in general for a living, and he'll be happy to help draw backgrounds and other things for the game.

Also I'd like to clear one more thing out: will we be selling the game if we finish it, or will we be distributing it for free?

Feb 2, 2012, 10:41 PM
I am still interested, and I definitely want to continue this.
I've been a bit busy, but as soon as we properly sort out what tiles and stuff we need I can get going. If your friend can draw backgrounds, that's great, since the backgrounds are the part that I tend to struggle with.

As for whether we're selling it or not, I think we should decide that at a later point when we have a better idea about whether it's worth selling. If it is, perhaps we will.

Either way, since the topic has been bumped I might as well put forward a couple of suggestions for where to go next.
For example, I can't really do any art until I have a solid idea of what locations are in the game. But we could, for example, begin on the game engine. Sir Ementaler, are you still interested?

Feb 3, 2012, 12:42 AM
I've been thinking about the script and I've narrowed it down to a few things we're definitely doing: New York apartment, motel on a highway, office complex in a city environment. I'll be putting other things here as the script gets further done.

Feb 3, 2012, 02:06 AM
Well, after I finish my entry for the competition I'll start working on them then.

Feb 3, 2012, 02:20 AM
Coincidentally, I've been thinking about this project today's morning. One of my main problems is, I wasn't given any tips on how should the most basic aspects of the game look like. While implementation of semi-realistic Earth physics for a human character shouldn't be hard and I can suppose Obi will be most familiar with tilesets made of a main image and mask, I still need things such as tile size (I recommend 32x32 or 48x48), character mask size (something like 16x64 seeing your sprite? for comparison, in JJ2 it's 24x24) and how many pixels are there per an in-game meter (depending on how tall the character is, probably something around 37?).

Feb 3, 2012, 02:34 AM
Tile size will be 32x32 as 48x48 will give technical problems. The character mask will have to depend on the final sprite, but I'm not sure what that will be yet. I haven't made much progress on my template for the sprites, but I haven't deleted them all yet, so there's that.
Here's an example of what size they'll be if I finish them:
<img src="http://img3.imageshack.us/img3/5540/basepreview.png" />
As for pixels/meter, we obviously need to base them off of whatever sprite we use in the end.

Feb 3, 2012, 08:04 PM
Doesn't look like a very proportionate drawing. Just my opinion, but seeing as to the general tone we're going for I think a more realistic look would be better.

For now we can just use a 16x16 block of black as a placeholder for the sprite, and maybe we can adjust it once we finish the sprites.

Feb 3, 2012, 08:31 PM
Ok, that's fine. The main reason they're out of proportion is that they were for another game with a more cartoony aesthetic.
And by the sprite above, 16x16 would probably fit.

Violet CLM
Feb 3, 2012, 08:43 PM
I think it's important to have at least a standing sprite, just so that proportions match up. If you compare JJ1 sets to JJ2 sets, for instance, the JJ1 sets tend to look smaller, because they were made to match a smaller sprite.

Feb 3, 2012, 08:56 PM
For a standing sprite, we could probably use Sean's sprite above. Even if it gets changed later, it should hopefully still have very similar proportions.

Feb 3, 2012, 10:32 PM
Great then. Let's get to it. I've got lots of time to kill for a couple of days where I can't work on the competition, so I'm going to get on the script.

Feb 5, 2012, 10:23 AM
On the music side of things, I've been fooling around and came up with something that sounds like it could be used for this project. Care to take a look? http://soundcloud.com/srgorter/hey-coders-1

Feb 8, 2012, 05:06 AM
Two things: On the behest of Obi1mcd, I've created a separate document for the amassing of game ideas and other things. Gameplay, sprites, direction, stuff like that should go in there. You've all been sent a PM for the link to the new doc. Stuff.

Second, no one has quite given me an idea of whether or not I should keep working on that music up above, so I just kept working (http://www.soundcloud.com/srgorter/hey-coders-2) and I seriously need to know if this will work in the game as either a) the main theme, or b) main menu music.

Feb 8, 2012, 05:30 AM
It will certainly be used somewhere, I can say that. As for where, I haven't thought about it properly yet.

By the way, I really want to encourage everybody to use that link you've been sent and write out a rough draft of what you want in the game. You don't have to do all aspects, but just do whatever you're interested in. After everybody's done, we can start sorting through the proposed ideas and set out some solid guidelines for where this game is going to go.

Feb 8, 2012, 05:35 PM
At some point we're also going to have to stop discussion taking place on this forum. I've already created a private Google Group, but not everyone's been invited as it's not going to serve as the replacement for JCF just yet. As soon as you think this is not the place for game creation discussion anymore, we should move over to the group.

Feb 9, 2012, 05:54 AM
I am a fan of that song. It reminds me of introductory tunes of some free RPG games I played.