View Full Version : 'Play JJ2 With Your Real Name' Week

Jelly Jam
Jan 22, 2015, 03:29 AM
Me and Invisible had this idea to orginise a 'Play JJ2 With Your Real Name' week (well it was originaly supposed to be a day, but i figured it wouldn't be that fun anyway).
The week will be officaly started from Monday, 26th of Januray (according to the Gregorian calendar) to 1st of February, 2015
The week will be changed to some other close date next year, and so on.
What you have to do is basicly replace your JJ2 nickname with your real name before entering a server.

Jan 22, 2015, 11:20 AM
How will I use my real name while the name I always use in JJ2 is my real name? :confused: :confused:
I voted yes.

My real name:SAMI
My JJ2 name:SAMI

Jan 22, 2015, 12:40 PM
It's redundant if you already play JJ2 with your real name. Not everyone has a screen name. The point of nicknames is to preserve anonymity if they wish. It feels a bit awkward when strangers on the internet call me by my real name.

Jan 22, 2015, 11:19 PM
It's redundant if you already play JJ2 with your real name. Not everyone has a screen name. The point of nicknames is to preserve anonymity if they wish. It feels a bit awkward when strangers on the internet call me by my real name.

At least your name is not Mario.

Jelly Jam
Jan 23, 2015, 02:23 AM
If you already play JJ2 with your real name then just leave it like that.
And if i get enough 'noes', i guess that this won't happen.
Also, what's wrong with playing JJ2 with our real names? This gives us a chance to know eachother better. If you are embaressed with your name, then i'll tell you that my real name is Nicola.
No, i'm not a girl

Jan 23, 2015, 03:34 AM
Also, what's wrong with playing JJ2 with our real names? This gives us a chance to know eachother better.
I won't use my real name where not necessary because of my belief that doing so creates a risk of having your soul stolen or your body revived after death and used as free manpower by a big corporation with questionable morals. I don't criticize the initiative though.

Jan 23, 2015, 03:47 AM
Well, I'll be joining this (y)

Jan 23, 2015, 06:46 AM
Well, I'll be joining this (y)

Yay, grumps is in! ┗(^0^)┓Wait, isn't your real name Stijn?

I won't use my real name where not necessary because of my belief that doing so creates a risk of having your soul stolen or your body revived after death and used as free manpower by a big corporation with questionable morals. I don't criticize the initiative though.

Is it a joke I don't get or something? Uh, am I missing something here? Is it an alusion to something?

If you already play JJ2 with your real name then just leave it like that.
And if i get enough 'noes', i guess that this won't happen.
Also, what's wrong with playing JJ2 with our real names? This gives us a chance to know eachother better. If you are embaressed with your name, then i'll tell you that my real name is Nicola.
No, i'm not a girl

*reads that your name is Nicola* Are you a gi... *reads "No, I'm not a girl* oh.


Oh come on people, this should be fun! Don't be embarassed because of your names (or in Ementaler's case, getting your soul stolen), it's just a silly thing so we can find out each other's name. We're not part of the Illuminati or something... or are we?
loominaughty cunfirmed

Jan 23, 2015, 07:57 AM
What the F**k is illumitnatew? And what do you meant by you are a part of it?

Zah dud4h
Jan 23, 2015, 09:14 AM
it's just a silly thing so we can find out each other's name.

Whats the point of finding eachother's name?
it wouldn't help you with anything if know my name,you already know how to call me.
also didn't you throught that people would actually like to be called by their nicknames,rather then their own names (for example:treylina),
didn't you throught that people even put their own name as their own email password (rare cases,but i still know people) just because people don't know their own name
now you know what this silly thing can mean to a person?
you will just try to argue with me just because i think your point is wrong?

Jan 23, 2015, 11:11 AM
I've been playing with my real name before it was cool 8-)

Jan 23, 2015, 01:32 PM
Whats the point of finding eachother's name?
it wouldn't help you with anything if know my name,you already know how to call me.
also didn't you throught that people would actually like to be called by their nicknames,rather then their own names (for example:treylina),
didn't you throught that people even put their own name as their own email password (rare cases,but i still know people) just because people don't know their own name
now you know what this silly thing can mean to a person?
you will just try to argue with me just because i think your point is wrong?

Wha... Dude, if you want to be completely anonymous go and live in a cave. Putting your email password your own name is the worst idea I've ever heard, since your real friends could easily find it out. I like being called by my username too, but this is ridiculous! Like you play a week with your real name ON A GAME NO ONE CARES ABOUT with A SMALL COMUNITY and someone steals your identity, starts doing cybercrimes using your name and you go to jail for life because someone else made you look like the real guilty person. Oh come on, you act just like a parent who doesn't let their kids make a Club Penguin account! Be damn serious.

Jelly Jam
Jan 23, 2015, 01:58 PM
When I said name, i didn't mean Name and Surname, just the name. They can't hack your email or W/E with just the name, example: there are many Bobs in the world. Nobody will use your name for anything lol. We're all friends in this community! I wouldn't think of something like this in Minecwaft!
Dude, this festival is like wearing a costume for haloween, or putting on a mask for a carneval, just chill.

Zah dud4h
Jan 23, 2015, 02:03 PM
Wha... Dude, if you want to be completely anonymous go and live in a cave.

i didn't said i want to be completely anonymous

Putting your email password your own name is the worst idea I've ever heard, since your real friends could easily find it out

what if you have 2 emails,which one of them is unknown for your real friends

I like being called by my username too, but this is ridiculous! Like you play a week with your real name ON A GAME NO ONE CARES ABOUT with A SMALL COMUNITY

still don't see the point of actually play with my own name,now tell me,how does this help this "small community"?

and someone steals your identity, starts doing cybercrimes using your name and you go to jail for life because someone else made you look like the real guilty person

did i said something about identity theft? cybercrimes and the other nonsense things you said? no,i said that people like to be called by their nicknames rather then their own names

Oh come on, you act just like a parent who doesn't let their kids make a Club Penguin account! Be damn serious.

and you act like a kid trying to be cool in front of the monitor,how much i need to be serious to actually tell you that you must have a reason why should i put my name instead of my nickname

When I said name, i didn't mean Name and Surname, just the name. They can't hack your email or W/E with just the name, example: there are many Bobs in the world. Nobody will use your name for anything lol. We're all friends in this community! I wouldn't think of something like this in Minecwaft!
Dude, this festival is like wearing a costume for haloween, or putting on a mask for a carneval, just chill.

i didn't said hack,i said as a password,also i don't even know the half of the community and it looks like i'm friends with everyone,hoorah,no.
there are still some people who actually can mess with your account pretty hard (which is what happened to artegor)
i'm gonna to stop here since this is getting off-topic pretty fast and my reply is getting longer

Jan 23, 2015, 04:30 PM
I can think of more interesting things to debate.

If you don't mind people knowing your first name, fair enough. If you do, fair enough. There's not much more to it. I think it's an interesting way to shake things up (though obviously it doesn't change much for me personally) and given the diversity of the online JJ2 scene it's an opportunity to learn about other languages as well :P

But in this day and age I can understand if people want to share as little personal information online as possible, or prefer to be called by their self-chosen nickname. To each their own!

Love & Thunder
Jan 23, 2015, 04:39 PM
What the F**k is illumitnatew? And what do you meant by you are a part of it?The Illuminati was a secret society from the 1700s. All historical accounts say it stopped being a thing some time before the 1800s, but conspiracy theorists are stuck on the idea that they're still around now and are secretly controlling the world.
More recently, with the dawn of the internet, it's become a joke among internet-users.

Jelly Jam
Jan 24, 2015, 01:53 AM
Alright, so far i've got 50% no and 50% yes on both the JCF And JJnet.
When the deadline comes (26th) i will merge the votes and see.
For those who votes 'yes', note that 50% yes is not enough :(

Jan 24, 2015, 02:01 AM
I haven't played JJ2 for about 2 weeks, with a lot more weeks of absence to come, but even so I would not play under my real name. You know me as Borgia, and Borgia I will forever be.

Jan 24, 2015, 02:15 AM
The Illuminati was a secret society from the 1700s. All historical accounts say it stopped being a thing some time before the 1800s, but conspiracy theorists are stuck on the idea that they're still around now and are secretly controlling the world.
More recently, with the dawn of the internet, it's become a joke among internet-users.

A bad joke, for some reason I keep using. Like everytime a younger relative visits me, it says stuff such as "Omg u know 'bout teh Loominaughty? Iz secret evil society! No, iz real trust me!"

Zah, your logic kills me. Literally, you can't play a single week using your real name just for fun? Where's your spirit, I mean come on! It's not like your name is Mary Poop! It's like not wearing ugly sweaters on Christmas!

Alright, so far i've got 50% no and 50% yes on both the JCF And JJnet.
When the deadline comes (26th) i will merge the votes and see.
For those who votes 'yes', note that 50% yes is not enough :(

Jelly, I was really enthusiast about this "Play with your real name" week, but if people are just too secretive to do that, it's their choice.

I haven't played JJ2 for about 2 weeks, with a lot more weeks of absence to come, but even so I would not play under my real name. You know me as Borgia, and Borgia I will forever be.

Wait, isn't Borgia a real name? Oh you guys, your name cannot be "spookier" than mine.

Jan 24, 2015, 02:20 AM
"Borgia" is a real name, but not a first name. It's a family name, one that has gone quite extinct in the course of history.


Jan 24, 2015, 02:22 AM
"Borgia" is a real name, but not a first name. It's a family name, one that has gone quite extinct in the course of history.


Oh, so it's not your real name. Disappointing. The only person I saw playing using his real name is Nick. I like Nick.

Jan 24, 2015, 02:25 AM
If I really had 'Borgia' in my name, I would not be very popular in Italy.... xD

Also, Assassin's Creed fans, especially Camp Ezio, would want to lynch me on the spot.

I am not ashamed of my real name, I just don't see the point of using said name in a game, especially when I don't have to.

Jan 24, 2015, 02:36 AM
If I really had 'Borgia' in my name, I would not be very popular in Italy.... xD

Also, Assassin's Creed fans, especially Camp Ezio, would want to lynch me on the spot.

I am not ashamed of my real name, I just don't see the point of using said name in a game, especially when I don't have to.

It's just for a week! It could be really something, my oppinion.

Zah dud4h
Jan 24, 2015, 03:07 AM
Zah, your logic kills me. Literally, you can't play a single week using your real name just for fun? Where's your spirit, I mean come on! It's not like your name is Mary Poop! It's like not wearing ugly sweaters on Christmas!

you just answered the question by yourself

but if people are just too secretive to do that, it's their choice.

i simply don't find the word fun on this,you are just changing your nickname,whats fun?

Jan 24, 2015, 03:21 AM
Oh, so it's not your real name. Disappointing. The only person I saw playing using his real name is Nick. I like Nick.

What about me?

Jelly, I was really enthusiast about this "Play with your real name" week, but if people are just too secretive to do that, it's their choice.

Oh and btw, this thread actually makes no sense at all. And @Primpy, you can't argue pointlessly with someone against their will. There is obviously a more good reason behind using fake names. Using real name in online is way too dangerous choice. How can you say everyone in this community is our friends?

MY ADVICE: Never trust anyone. Not even your best friends.
The reason I'm saying this is because I've been betrayed by my friends many times. And not in virtual world, but real world. You don't know how it feels like then.

Jan 24, 2015, 03:47 AM
you just answered the question by yourself


i simply don't find the word fun on this,you are just changing your nickname,whats fun?

Finding out each other's names.

What about me?

Sami is an actual name?

Oh and btw, this thread actually makes no sense at all. And @Primpy, you can't argue pointlessly with someone against their will. There is obviously a more good reason behind using fake names. Using real name in online is way too dangerous choice. How can you say everyone in this community is our friends?

MY ADVICE: Never trust anyone. Not even your best friends.
The reason I'm saying this is because I've been betrayed by my friends many times. And not in virtual world, but real world. You don't know how it feels like then.

Guess you're right, but it could be something fun at least in my oppinion, and because of the people who just don't like the idea this is not gonna happen.

Jan 24, 2015, 04:00 AM
Not necessary to happen after all. What if someone tells you that no video games for next week and all voted yes and you are saying its not right. And some other guy trying so hard to make you accept the thing you don't want?

Jan 24, 2015, 04:04 AM
Not necessary to happen after all. What if someone tells you that no video games for next week and all voted yes and you are saying its not right. And some other guy trying so hard to make you accept the thing you don't want?

Sure, it's a new experience even if I like it or not.

Jan 24, 2015, 04:11 AM
Sami is an actual name?


You watch football [aka soccer]? Did you watch FIFA World Cup 2014? This name is a very common name, as well as Sam, Sammy, Samir. How come you say its an actual name or not?

Jan 24, 2015, 04:12 AM

Good to know.

Jan 24, 2015, 04:20 AM
So you talk too much about how important it is to use the real name and trying to make other agree with this thing. But you never told us about your real name (-_-)

Edit: Nevermind. I got your name. But post it here so that everyone can see it.

Zah dud4h
Jan 24, 2015, 04:22 AM
Finding out each other's names.
again,how does this help you at all?

Jan 24, 2015, 04:25 AM
again,how does this help you at all?

Why does it have to have a purpose for you? Do you know what "fun" is? Or even "curiosity"? Do you have a purpose for losing time on PC or posting on JCF? Similar to an example I gave earlier, Christmas or any other holiday doesn't have a purpose either.

Jan 24, 2015, 04:29 AM
again,how does this help you at all?


I'm a little bit homophobic (Gay = disgusting!).

Jan 24, 2015, 04:31 AM

How's this even related? I wanted to say "Gay is not okay", but I kept it like that.

Jan 24, 2015, 04:32 AM
You said its not ok, but you also said that you are Homo.

Jan 24, 2015, 04:35 AM
You said its not ok, but you also said that you are Homo.

No, I said I am homophobic.

Zah dud4h
Jan 24, 2015, 04:36 AM
Why does it have to have a purpose for you? Do you know what "fun" is? Or even "curiosity"? Do you have a purpose for losing time on PC or posting on JCF? Similar to an example I gave earlier, Christmas or any other holiday doesn't have a purpose either.

Define fun
i aleardy know that curiosity can be dangerous,some things are just better to don't know about them

Jan 24, 2015, 04:38 AM
Okay, maybe you aren't gay after all. Didn't meant to hurt you though. Sorry if I hurt ya.

Jan 24, 2015, 04:39 AM
Define fun
i aleardy know that curiosity can be dangerous,some things are just better to don't know about them


We're getting really off-topic, and I don't want Grumps to get angry again on me.

Okay, maybe you aren't gay after all. Didn't meant to hurt you though. Sorry if I hut ya.

Why would I be hurted anyway? :P

Jan 24, 2015, 04:45 AM
Its technically not off topic, cause its about using real names and we are talking about it. Simple.

Being said that, if its so hard to make this work. Why not be it like this; only those who voted yes will use real names. And wont be able to use fake names. And those who voted no need not do anything.

Zah dud4h
Jan 24, 2015, 04:47 AM
"someone or something that is amusing or enjoyable : an enjoyable experience or person"
again,i don't find this fun like:its amusing that i'm showing my name to random people?

Jan 24, 2015, 04:48 AM
"someone or something that is amusing or enjoyable : an enjoyable experience or person"
again,i don't find this fun like:its amusing that i'm showing my name to random people?


Jan 24, 2015, 05:06 AM
"someone or something that is amusing or enjoyable : an enjoyable experience or person"
again,i don't find this fun like:its amusing that i'm showing my name to random people?

Yes, that's pretty much it. We're not random people, as I said once this is a small community with very few people. Most of us know each other from the forums or from the actual game. If you find yourself surrounded by strangers here, your bad. I see the people from here as friends, not people who want to get your email password -.- Jeez, we're born with a name, not with a nickname.

Jelly Jam
Jan 24, 2015, 05:09 AM
For the 1000000000000000th time, there's nothing wrong with it
This is like wearing a mask on haloween. It will be really akward if people wore a mask when it wasn't a holiday at all. Don't you realise that?
Anyway, this is just a small festival, i don't wanna try turning this into a tradition :p. So do what you want.
Also imagine: there could be lots of Ahmeds in the same server, and we wouldn't be even able to tell them apart! They can fake eachother for a while, etc.
There. That's the first fun part.
Also if you show people your name, nobody will leave you a scar on your body. People will still know you as (insert a radnom nickname here (e.g killer)).
So Borgia, people will still know you as Borgia.
People, if you're shy to show your name: Don't be!
EDIT: in this festival, it will be like vice versa. It will be akward if you used a nick like Killer or w/e.
Also, if you don't want to show your name, but also stay anonomis (OR HOW THE FUCK DO YOU SPELL IT), for some of you it's too late, since you have pictures on jazz2online

Jan 24, 2015, 05:21 AM
For the 1000000000000000th time, there's nothing wrong with it
This is like wearing a mask on haloween. It will be really akward if people wore a mask when it wasn't a holiday at all. Don't you realise that?
Anyway, this is just a small festival, i don't wanna try turning this into a tradition :p. So do what you want.
Also imagine: there could be lots of Ahmeds in the same server, and we wouldn't be even able to tell them apart! They can fake eachother for a while, etc.
There. That's the first fun part.
Also if you show people your name, nobody will leave you a scar on your body. People will still know you as (insert a radnom nickname here (e.g killer)).
So Borgia, people will still know you as Borgia.
People, if you're shy to show your name: Don't be!
EDIT: in this festival, it will be like vice versa. It will be akward if you used a nick like Killer or w/e.
Also, if you don't want to show your name, but also stay anonomis (OR HOW THE FUCK DO YOU SPELL IT), for some of you it's too late, since you have pictures on jazz2online

This is exactly what I mean! I like Ahmeds.

Zah dud4h
Jan 24, 2015, 05:29 AM
Yes, that's pretty much it. We're not random people, as I said once this is a small community with very few people. Most of us know each other from the forums or from the actual game. If you find yourself surrounded by strangers here, your bad. I see the people from here as friends, not people who want to get your email password -.- Jeez

you are not even reading what people are saying:

MY ADVICE: Never trust anyone. Not even your best friends.
The reason I'm saying this is because I've been betrayed by my friends many times. And not in virtual world, but real world. You don't know how it feels like then.
we're born with a name, not with a nickname
we're born in a location too,but yet,i have to say where i live or not?just because some random guy told me so?that i don't even know him,never meet him or even care about him
For the 1000000000000000th time, there's nothing wrong with it
Also imagine: there could be lots of Ahmeds in the same server, and we wouldn't be even able to tell them apart! They can fake eachother for a while, etc.
There. That's the first fun part.

yes,the only fun part is to see 2 people arguing whos the real one or not,nothing can go wrong,people are aleardy complaining that their nicknames gets faked anyway

Jan 24, 2015, 05:33 AM
you are not even reading what people are saying:

we're born in a location too,but yet,i have to say where i live or not?just because some random guy told me so?that i don't even know him,never meet him or even care about him

You're a lost cause, I give up.

Zah dud4h
Jan 24, 2015, 05:36 AM
You're a lost cause, I give up.

by lost cause,you mean having a different opinion?i should be the one who should have give up

Jan 24, 2015, 05:37 AM
This discussion is going in circles. Please stop it until you have anything constructive to add.

No one's forcing anyone to do anything. Some may have reasons to not want to disclose their real name online. Others may think it's a fun thing to do. Both are valid opinions.

Louis K
Jan 24, 2015, 08:24 AM
On-topic question.

My JJ2 name : Louis K
My real name : 김재호(Korean)

Is Anybody here who know how to type korean in JJ2?
<s>just kiddin XD that is impossible because JJ2 doesn't support asian language. Also, Kim Jae Ho is my real name to english.</s>

Jelly Jam
Jan 24, 2015, 09:30 AM
Also, did I already mention you don't have to join with your full name? The first name would be enough.

Jan 24, 2015, 09:40 AM
On-topic question.

My JJ2 name : Louis K
My real name : 김재호(Korean)

Is Anybody here who know how to type korean in JJ2?
<s>just kiddin XD that is impossible because JJ2 doesn't support asian language. Also, Kim Jae Ho is my real name to english.</s>

Awesome name bro, I always thought that Chineese, Japanese and Korean names are really cool xD

Jan 24, 2015, 12:37 PM
I used to play with my real name during the first few months after I started playing JJ2, this could be fun. I would put on my clantag from 2004 again and hope enough people would recognize it. Also this could bring more activity to JJ2 for a few days, and maybe get some people to play more often afterwards, who knows.

But I can also think of reasons why you shouldn't play with your real name. If you've got friends from JJ2 on Facebook, anyone would be able to find you :D

@Louis K:
I know it used to be possible to communicate in Cyrillic with one of the older versions of JJ2+. Only gibberish was shown in JJ2 itself, but in the chatlogger we could see the real symbols.

Jelly Jam
Jan 24, 2015, 11:36 PM
I used to play with my real name during the first few months after I started playing JJ2, this could be fun. I would put on my clantag from 2004 again and hope enough people would recognize it. Also this could bring more activity to JJ2 for a few days, and maybe get some people to play more often afterwards, who knows.

But I can also think of reasons why you shouldn't play with your real name. If you've got friends from JJ2 on Facebook, anyone would be able to find you :D

@Louis K:
I know it used to be possible to communicate in Cyrillic with one of the older versions of JJ2+. Only gibberish was shown in JJ2 itself, but in the chatlogger we could see the real symbols.
Nice to see that you'll be joining as well! :)
Also that cyrilic thingy, doesn't work anymore? :(
I mean, i know that JJ2 doesn't have cyrilic letters, i'm talking about the chatlogger part xd.

Jan 25, 2015, 04:26 AM
On-topic question.

My real name : 김재호(Korean)

So your name is Kim Jae-ho?

Used google translate :P

Jan 25, 2015, 05:43 AM
So your name is Kim Jae-ho?

Used google translate :P

Yeah, he said that below.

Louis K
Jan 25, 2015, 06:29 AM
So your name is Kim Jae-ho?

Used google translate :P

Yup. that's my real name hehe :roll:

(My small opinion : Actually, I don't care about somebody knows my name.
because you already know my name and my country but you never know my phone number, my families, and other untold personal information before I saying if you are not a hacker.
Also, at least more than 300 people are using the same name as me in Korea. and I'm one of them.<s>nobody can find me hahahaha</s>)