View Full Version : Third rating tier: up/downvotes?

Violet CLM
Aug 21, 2015, 11:24 AM
Reviews are very, very hard to come by. On the theory that <em>some</em> feedback is better than none, is it perhaps time to allow simple single-click upvoting/downvoting of uploads? With even less weight than quick reviews for calculating the overall score, of course. The rating count could be reintroduced to the downloads index to make this more meaningful.

Aug 21, 2015, 02:34 PM

Aug 21, 2015, 03:23 PM
I'm all for this. Even the most basic of feedback such as "I enjoyed this upload" can still be meaningful, and although I'd love to write full reviews, I rarely the get the time and the inspiration/motivation to do so.

Aug 22, 2015, 12:21 AM
Are we, as humanity, at the point in ages where typing out "I liked this" is too much effort?

Violet CLM
Aug 22, 2015, 12:56 AM
Well, there've been exactly three reviews in August so far, so yes, apparently so. (And also no, of course not, J2O isn't humanity and if more people had been writing reviews already then more people would be inspired to do so themselves, but we have an existing culture of inactivity to overcome here.) However, the only one that gave a rating was "I love it!" That's basically equivalent to "I liked this." That same review also worried it might be deleted for being too short.

A month ago you removed a 1.2 rating for a tileset with no example level because you worried the rater hadn't downloaded the tilesets... which were fully visible in J2O's tileset preview mode. No, not the masks, but did they really matter for those particular tilesets?

I understand the point you're making that the same goal can be achieved using the existing code. That's true. But some shift in expectations/requirements has to happen for it to work. I personally think the simplest way of conveying that shift would be giant up and down arrow buttons or some similar visual elements, but I could certainly be wrong.

Aug 22, 2015, 01:33 AM
I think I might have pressed an up or down arrow once on some site. Wasn't particularly interesting and probably won't do it again.

Aug 22, 2015, 01:50 AM
Are we, as humanity, at the point in ages where typing out "I liked this" is too much effort?

Given that even IETF mailing lists are full of "+1" replies these days, apparently so.

(animemusicvideos has an interesting way to encourage more reviews: after downloading something like 10 videos, you must review some of them before you can download any more. I'm not sure if it actually results in more reviews or just less downloads)

I personally think the simplest way of conveying that shift would be giant up and down arrow buttons or some similar visual elements, but I could certainly be wrong.
Facebook like buttons? :O

Aug 22, 2015, 02:09 AM
Sounds like a great idea :)

Aug 22, 2015, 08:25 AM
The problem with the number rating system is that it's arbitary and complex. What means 7 as "good" to someone, may be perceived as bad by another. Some think there's no such thing as perfection, so they rate anything "good enough" a 9 or a 10.

If you're wondering, I think there is such a thing as perfection but it's very hard to achieve. 7 means decent to me.

Lets not forget the stupid (bite me) highly rated reviews that are there for the newbie author to feel good, but waste everyone elses time who are looking for actual quality uploads. Your first uploads are likely going to suck - and that's fine, no need for butt patting.

So I support the idea. Maybe even a "Kind of like this" button too, for those uploads that are just truly run of the mill, or just have good ideas and not so good execution, which still makes them worth checking out, just not something to immerse yourself into.

Violet CLM
Aug 22, 2015, 09:53 AM
So I support the idea. Maybe even a "Kind of like this" button too, for those uploads that are just truly run of the mill, or just have good ideas and not so good execution, which still makes them worth checking out, just not something to immerse yourself into.
So ★, ★★, and ★★★?

Aug 23, 2015, 03:49 AM
So ★, ★★, and ★★★?

If you want, though numbers of anything can be interpret other ways to some people.

Aug 23, 2015, 05:05 AM
So ★, ★★, and ★★★?
Ah, we're "downgrading" to J2C. Nice!

Seriously though, I believe it's a very good idea having this one-click rating system. It's simplicity may encourage more biased clicks yet it also encourages members to actually call out their opinions quickly without worrying about their review (or even quick review) being productive or not.

I don't really mind the latest reviewing trend with fewer, less informative, but more overrated reviews. For example my latest download has 1 quick review handing out a 10. I believe it's far from perfect and not worth that number, yet the wording was informative enough to make me feel satisfied, giving me the motivation to keep going and improve.

Love & Thunder
Aug 23, 2015, 07:03 AM
This would be good.

And the award for best post of 2015 goes to...

Dec 8, 2017, 04:20 PM

Dec 10, 2017, 06:53 AM
I think the times ask for it, even though lot of veterans here probably won't like the idea.

Dec 10, 2017, 10:22 AM
I like it but it's not that easy to implement right now so it'll come at a later date