View Full Version : Jety reports supposed spamming

Apr 5, 2018, 12:42 AM
Jety had right to report me but i didnt spam in PN Arena 2 just I took TR words from translator to talk with TÜRK 1 LOL e.g geri döndüm and what's the problem LOL?
Keep far away from her. Link to report https://www.pukenukem.com/report/

Apr 5, 2018, 01:04 AM
I said sorry to her

Jelly Jam
Apr 5, 2018, 02:28 AM
Not trying to be a mod or anything but why the heck do you people keep posting these in the wrong forum?

Besides, you're not even banned yet. Shaker will have to sort that out. This has nothing to do with the people on this site.

EDIT: Oh, I just checked, you are banned. Well, reporting Jety for an obviously stupid reason won't get you any far either. But like always, you'll probably say how you "need to control yourself" and will ask everyone for another chance at the end. You're not getting one from me this time.

And by the way I see it, you stopped their game and left the server.

Apr 5, 2018, 02:52 AM
Please take this up with ShakerNL. Jazz2Online has nothing to do with the Puke Nuk3m servers and complaints about them should be directed at the server administrator(s).