View Full Version : Nu story...

Apr 3, 2001, 03:40 PM
I'm making a new story, one that is likely to be finished since the story line is laid out =D.

Tell me if you want to join and I'll see what I can do.

Apr 3, 2001, 05:17 PM
Can I?

Kovu aka Alec
Apr 3, 2001, 05:41 PM
Sign me up, Kaz ole boy.

Apr 3, 2001, 06:35 PM
K, I'll just look you guys up in the profiles thread...

DON'T MOVE THIS TO MISC! There's a good reason why it should stay here...


"iCeD causes lag when he's offline!" -Kaz

"I believe in karma what you give is what you get returned,

I believe you can't appreciate real love until you get burned,

I believe the grass is no more greener on the other side," -Savage Garden

Apr 4, 2001, 12:17 PM
Uhhh. Okay then.

Can I be in it, a grouchy ol' mod like me, if I don't move it?



Apr 4, 2001, 01:31 PM
I'll be in it if you want me to be. Here's my profile:

Looks: Okay, I'm a male blue rabbit, with one floppy ear, I wear a Brown Trench coat, and have a black dog tag which has my name on it.

Weapon: White electrical sword

Skills: Everything http://jazz2.nagcentral.com/forum/images/smiles/icon_razz.gif I'm a skilled runner, swimmer, climber, fighter, jumper, etc. etc.

Powers: Can make my hands start flaming, and then suddenly shoot out a ball of flame at someone/something. (Basicly a fireball).

Also can do a super stomp with his foot, knocking everyone else off their feet.

Favorite Food: Pizza

Mom and Dad: Dead


Brothers and/or Sisters: none

Magic: none

Other: I'm kind of a wanna-be funny guy. (Bad jokes and stuff) (If you can make me that way in your story. Otherwise, forget it. http://jazz2.nagcentral.com/forum/images/smiles/icon_wink.gif) But I'm serious when needed of coarse.

Ax Man
Apr 4, 2001, 02:11 PM
I'll Join!


Name: Ax Man

Looks: A Dark blue rabbit, with a deep scar under my left eye. If we are getting into esthicits i have deep green eyes. Very strong looking hands and a very deep gash on my shoulder from my battle with Govadon. I also have a chain mail and matching shield bearing a king's symbol (Mine is Aqruin but u can change it) I also wear a blood read cape that I stole from Govadon when I killed him.

Weapon: a magical sword called Govalan. The sword has a beautiflly engraved scabberd, with a picture of a dragon in flight. When Drawn the sword emits a purple light to show it's power. The handle of the sword has a picture of a king with a halo around his head...The following poem is engraved in the handle in ancient ruins:

The sword of power

The sword of strength

The sword to banish evil’s bane.

The one of legend

The one of truth

The king of all that walks

The wand is yours

But is not

Heed it careful

But never enough

The great lord shall return

From his tomb of stone

Once again to try and rule the world

To banish him is your right by birth

Heed it well it is a task of truth

For pure you must be

Or embrace yourself to it’s evil

For the sword heed’s by its emotion

When wielding it be true to your heart

And not your mind. For if so you shall truly die.

Until the day the sword is named

Heed it carefully, because you shall not know your birthright

Use it only for good not for evil,

Shall you become a service of the great lord

In his task to rule the world

Skills: Sword Fighting

Heritage: Comes from a long line of king's which was unoknown to him at birth. THe fight with Govadon and then with the Dark Shadow made him come to this realization to rule the land.

Powers: The Wand (See my story) has left a mark on him. If he thinks hard enough he can heal wounds. This takes extreme concentration and drains his own energy..nearly killing him.

Dark Powers: His sword has a mind of it's own, that convinces the handler to use it for dark purposes. It was made so only I can handle it properly, but even i have a problem with it. If you submit you will do\execute things that can drive a man to insanity. It will act off of the handlers darkest thoughts.

Brothers & Sisters: None...They were wiped out in an attempt by a neighbouring country to inherit the throne. That is why i was taken away from my kingdom.

Parents: Dead...They were wiped out in an attempt by a neighbouring country to inherit the throne. That is why i was taken away from my kingdom.

Foster Parent: Unowkn. He left me when i was old enough to fight, at the Aqruin gates.

Misc: I am usually a very serious man. The sword has left a mark on me. When asked about my kingdom, i alwasy reply "It was the past" I have been known to cast sarcastic jokes though. After battle it is best that i am left alone though. I usually mourn all of the Dead.

Apr 4, 2001, 02:35 PM
Mine's not on there!http://jazz2.nagcentral.com/forum/images/smiles/icon_smile.gif

My fur is completely white except for glowing white tail, palms, and the insides of my ears. Weapons are, uh, a crook made of White Birch, that has a half moon and some snowflakes carved on it. It's at times it seems possesed. :> Good for catching people, though http://jazz2.nagcentral.com/forum/images/smiles/icon_wink.gif My Jello~Ray Gun(c) (can't forget THAT http://jazz2.nagcentral.com/forum/images/smiles/icon_smile.gif) which shoots burning blue raspberry Jello, and my amulet isn't really a weapon, I guess. It hangs on a silver chain around my neck, and it's a purple stone that when I press turns me into a black sheep. I have a kick thing, but it's sort of weird, so don't use it if you don't care to. I wear a short halter top, tye-dye or blue, and dull orange canvas pants. I have light hair, probably blueish, that I usually have it in a ponytail with a knot twisted into the bottom, or in a black bandana http://jazz2.nagcentral.com/forum/images/smiles/icon_wink.gif My earings (two one one ear, three one the other) are just hoops, except for the extra, which is for picking locks. I'm single, and don't have any family to speak of. I'm slightly reclusive, but if I get a friend, it's my friend for life. I'm shy around people I don't know; don't like it when people have a problem with me doing somthing or going somewhere because I'm a girl.


Apr 5, 2001, 07:13 AM
You will look in the....okay then. So I don't have to type it out here? My profile?

eeevilspace bar!!


So, when can we excpect the first installment?



Apr 8, 2001, 10:29 AM
WHEN is it coming?????????

Ax Man
Apr 8, 2001, 11:41 AM
yes! we want the story.we want the story!

Apr 8, 2001, 01:37 PM
Must find file I put it in...

Apr 8, 2001, 01:39 PM

Some people believe that the faster you go, the more time slows down. Others believe there are space-time contium votexes lying around the universe that can take you to an unknown place. The rest I guess believe there's no such thing as time. But what if there was a way? A way to set back the clock to when reptiles ruled the world? A way to see an old friend, or meet your past self? A way to prevent a global disaster... a way to prevent Naolix?

Apr 12, 2001, 01:07 PM
Yes! Yes, more! Come ON, Kaz, you are going to kill us all.

siiigh. http://jazz2.nagcentral.com/forum/images/smiles/icon_wink.gif


Apr 14, 2001, 10:00 AM
comp problems... augh!

Apr 17, 2001, 10:34 AM
Chapter 1

When did you go?


Two dark figures... anger developing in them as they watched the screen. The screen displayed a holo image of several rabbits and a bird defending Carrotus.


"You fools! You have not won yet," a Tuf Turt screamed at them and fired a beam of acid at Ax Man.

"Jelloriffic!" A white rabbit yelled and counteracted the acid blast with a blazing blue rasberry jello blast. Another grey rabbit pointed at staff with a piece of what looked like sparif at the turtle and turned him into literually toast. Ax Man, greatful for the save, and another blue rabbit with a floppy ear, each slashed the Tuf Turt from different sides knocking him unconcious.

"My turn!" A red bird said air lifting the turtle over a lake and dropping him... in what seemed like a belly flop.

"That was cold Kaz," Ducky, the previous grey rabbit commented.

"He'll be okay with that shell of his," Kaz replied back.

"Great job guys..." Ax man said.

"I'm hungry," Bboy added to the conversation.

"Hmm, I think we should get Chinese" said Kaz,

"AHEM!" Blacksheep ahemed,

"Oh right," Kaz said and crossed out the bubble he said before.

"I think we should get pizza!" Bboy demanded, somewhat.

"You would," Ducky cried. Pizza everyone knew was BBoy's favorite food... it's even in his profile!

"What's wrong with pizza?" Bboy asked back. The group started to move to the Tavern.

"Everything! You're always thinking about it! You're possessed by the pepperoni!" Ducky bursted out.

"I'm going to eat j00!" Bboy said back in a creepy possessed voice.

"HEY! Wait up!" Ducky said catching up to the group.


"HOW CAN THEY BE SO CALM?!" The bigger shadow said. He busted the screen with a psychic power.

"Relax, we'll get them, we always get who we want..." the smaller shadow said in a calming voice, he seemed to be scheming something, evil. He called upon his tatics officer.

"Yes sir?" a fat little toad with a high pitched voice said.

"Tell me the stats of these characters all compared to the turtle," the tatics officer compared each of the rabbits or bird at an average 1/7th of the turtle's power and speed and other stuff.

"THEN HOW ARE THEY GETTING TO BEAT HIM WITH MISSING OVER 28% OF THE POWER NEEDED?!" the bigger shadow even more confused and angry then ever stomped on the floor with his foot.

"...teamwork..." the tatic professor said,

"What?" the smaller shadow asked.

"Teamwork, it's a term they use, it's several people acting as a big team," the tatics professor said.

"Well then now, we'll just have to seperate them to prevent this teamwork..." the bigger shadow said planning something else.

"We can just pick them off one by one," the smaller shadow said.

"Might I remind you that these rabbits and they're technology can reach to the other side of the universe and fast?" The tatics professor said.

"1... 2... 3d..., there's no way!" The bigger shadow said, the 3d world couldn't seperate this team.

"I have the solution, 4d..." the smaller shadow suggested.

"Ah! Charge the chronological disruptor and modify it to emit several different frequency frozen rays!"

"Those rabbits will be tossed all over the world, but they won't find eachother, never in this time period!"

Apr 17, 2001, 11:03 AM
Hehehe! http://jazz2.nagcentral.com/forum/images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

Continue Continue Continue Continue Continue

Continue Continue Continue Continue Continue

Continue Continue Continue Continue Continue

Apr 17, 2001, 11:52 AM
YaY Kaz!

Very rux0r http://jazz2.nagcentral.com/forum/images/smiles/icon_smile.gif


Kovu aka Alec
Apr 17, 2001, 12:08 PM
Kewlish chapter, Kazoo.

Ax Man
Apr 17, 2001, 05:24 PM
Please Kaz! Do continue! Very coolish! Now don't make me die for another chapter http://jazz2.nagcentral.com/forum/images/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Apr 30, 2001, 03:17 PM
I'll just wait for Ax to die and then I'll post!


Chapter 2

Flux you too!


The heroes drank in the tavern. Aye, it was a good fight, a little easy, but good for the souls. "Turtles are weak," Ax man said. Everyone nodded in agreement.

"It's old age, oldies always talk about how hard they were in the past," Ducky contradicted. She knew about the past. She knew that none of us could survive alone, but it wasn't a fact that liked to be mentioned.

"sammie! Give all of us a pizza!" Bboy commanded.

"New user, authorization code?" A voice out of no where responded. It was the overabused plot whole SAM =D.

"uh, 93203?" Bboy said still hoping for a pizza.

"Incorrect," SAM replied back.

"Very user friendly..." Ax Man said.

"Incorrect," SAM repeated.

"erm..." Kazooie questioned himself.

"Incorrect," SAM repeated once again.

"Quiet!" Ducky yelled.

"Incorrect," SAM didn't want to shut up dangit!

"Well, you haven't built the system well enough?"

"Incorrect," This time it slowed down.

"Diagnostic!" Kaz screamed.

"5 chronological disortion weapons are currently firing," SAM read out.

"WHAT?!" Everyone screamed at once. How predictable, no?




"ACK!" Kaz screamed at everything around him decayed. All the life was falling apart quite literually! Skin, rotting skin! Everything died! Bones, now just dust!

"Aw crap! Not again!" Kaz said wondering if there was anyone else in the tavern. The Tavern still had the same walls, but, burnt, decayed, ruined somewhat! The red bird looked around.

"Hmm, wonder what's outside..." Kazooie pondered to himself and peered out the window just in case. He was unlucky, thousands of turtles!! Most of them had robotic implants. No wait! He studied one of the shapes of an implant. That technology wasn't going to be released for... ... ... .

"Crappo!" he said to himself. He wondered when and where the others were.


"I'm telling you, I saw something crash over there!" One green rabbit complained to the other.

Earlier that day a fallen star shot from the sky. That is what it seemed like... by some kind of fault from protection systems, Ax Man was hurled all the way to Medivo. He survived.

"Whoever fired that is in big trouble..." Ax man got up and looked at his enviorment. Seemed like woods. No wait, this was wrong. He went up to a tree and cut off a branch and studied the rings, the leaves, and the bark. This was all wrong. These kinds of trees are extinct...


Kovu watched them, all being flung off and dissapeared before reaching out of sight range.

"SAM! Make me a pi- uh! Get ready to make a Chrono's Cycle." Kovu yelled out.

"New use-"

"Skip the formalities and get to it!" Kovu lashed out at her.

"Fine, have it your way..." SAM replied back and started charging.

Sue me, it's short.

Apr 30, 2001, 05:07 PM
I c'n join! Don't use my prof. in the Profile Tread, I need to fix it. F'r now I'm grey, with green eyes, black hair and a sword. . .

May 1, 2001, 05:26 AM
Ooh. Happyfulness, this is quite, um...nice http://jazz2.nagcentral.com/forum/images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif



May 1, 2001, 09:54 AM
Boy, I'm sorry, but I'm very confused.... What just happened after I asked for the pizza???

May 1, 2001, 03:59 PM
Aye, I'll continue it... I'll see what I can do for you copper )=D (duhhh, which way did he go george? which way did he go?!)

May 1, 2001, 04:36 PM

could you pop me in, late I know? :P I want to be really normal heh

nothing special

I'm just a friendly blue wabbit

May 8, 2001, 06:13 PM
ack, this'll be complicated...

well anywayyy


The So called Goddess of Thunder


Ducky finnally moved and woke up. Her surroundings a dark gloomified cave. She reached for her staff, sparif would light the place up a bit. Her paw grabbed the staff and she attempted to make it glow.

"CHING!" the staff chinged(?) and lit up like the sun. She was thankful. The cave was vacant for the moment, she checked herself to make sure nothing was missing.

"At least I wasn't mugged," she commented to herself. "Tunic, shirt, blaster, hood, staff, am..." Ducky stopped and looked at an amber necklace with a butterfly inside of it. "Hi little butterfly," she said. Then the grey striped rabbit noticed it was getting hot. Her staff was now emitting an even stronger glow! She stopped the flow of light and got up. "Ow!" the silver bunny yelled and rubbed herself on the head. She now crawled outside as the cave was smaller then expected. Still crawling, wise Ducky inspected the ground. Dirt... more dirt... a little grass... a gem? Diamondus!!! Oh how she missed thee! She kissed the ground. Then she noticed a tinier rabbit, about half her height but a little older mimicking her.

"Stop that!" Greyrabbit said. The migit rabbit imitated "Stop thit." Ducky had been mocked. She got up and pointed her gun at the little guy.

"Meant nothing!!!" the blue little rabbit screamed and ran off. Ducky scratched her head confused. This was diamondus, but what era? She looked at the gem again... it was huge! In fact... she had seen only one this huge before, at the museum with a lizard trapped in it, but this had none. Still looking at it, she noticed the blue migit returning with many more blue short migits, they bowed and chanted at her...


May 8, 2001, 06:20 PM
Maybe I should start writing in word so it looks longer =P

May 9, 2001, 01:17 PM
K, I fixed my prof in the thread. Use the latest one, pleez. . .

Awesomeness! The story is great! http://jazz2.nagcentral.com/forum/images/smiles/icon_smile.gif

May 10, 2001, 06:09 AM
Me! Thats ME! Oohyah. YaY, Kaz, spiffy, continue, rux0r, j00 r00l or whatever I'm supposed to say. You get my drift :P


May 10, 2001, 01:30 PM
This story roOlz! More!

(I'm about to faint from lack of story)

May 11, 2001, 12:50 PM
Neat, Kaz, please continue.

May 11, 2001, 06:39 PM
Hold on please, must wait for CT to faint, jk, I'll work on it...

May 11, 2001, 09:09 PM
<Nothing here, try again.>


This is a block of text that can be added to posts you make. 255 characters max!

May 15, 2001, 03:10 PM
Ha ha. Very funny, Piz.

May 15, 2001, 06:57 PM
<Maybe I will Piz, maybe I will...>

May 17, 2001, 02:47 PM
*exasperated* You guys, this is not "Something's missing". If you want to send "secret" messages, go over there.

<Now, on with the story! Heheh>

May 27, 2001, 05:09 PM

you sure?- Tobias

May 27, 2001, 07:52 PM
HEh, now I find the file


May 28, 2001, 10:14 AM
write <STRIKE>later</STRIKE> now! right now!

yes <STRIKE>later</STRIKE>now!

<STRIKE>die!</STRIKE> Please?

Grath AR
May 28, 2001, 11:01 AM
Can I please join?


Name: Grath

Magic/Robotics(wichever you choose): Can run right up a wall & can fire off all diffrent kinds of Acid.

Gun: LFG 2,000,000

LFG 2,000,000's ammo: JJ1 Tnt, all the JJ2 ammo & The ultimate weapon (all the weapons combined)





Jun 2, 2001, 02:41 PM
I already claimed it! *sticks tongue out at Grath*

Grath AR
Jun 2, 2001, 02:56 PM
I did! you have to say it IN WRITING that you claimed it or it doesnt count.

Jun 2, 2001, 05:31 PM
Hmm, I should continue...

Jun 6, 2001, 05:15 PM

Jun 6, 2001, 07:58 PM
Oh fine, cheers for short chapters...


Conversation of DEATH!


"Sire! We're are detecting three new interference rabbits! They appear to be the back-ups from Starlet!" the tactical office ran in.

"<STRIKE>Main screen turn on</STRIKE> Let me see the fools," the leader of shadows almost said but quite didn't. A holographic two-dimensional window opened right in front of him (geez I'd love this technology). A tall slim gray rabbit appeared. She was a girl, green eyes and her black hair held back by a copper colored ribbon. "Coppertop…" the leader said. "Next," he commanded and waved his hand, or what appeared to be some kind of hand. The screen flicked black then white and faded to see a blue rabbit, just a plain blue rabbit. Tall and bossy smiled at him, a smile of laughter," Oh dear! A blue rabbit! Great joke, next!"

"Sire… this is no joke, this rabbit has the highest probability of stopping us from our mission!" Midget man contradicted. Tall and quick-tempered laughed at him and once again commanded for the next rabbit.

Meanwhile, the Chrono's Cycle was almost complete. It was blue with 3 Class D jets in the back, very slim leaned back wings with an air-board each in back. The front arched for more stability and structural integrity, the arch still followed through with a digital windshield. The final touch was a leather chair. Tobias, in his form of a normal rabbit that was also conveniently completely blue, messed around with the controls. Kovu looked up noticing the Cycle was slightly humming while he was beneath it, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Kovu yelled and jerked himself out from under there.

"We're being scanned, it's rude to spy," Tobias replied back and pushed one last button. Kovu hit himself on the head when he looked up. The garage of the tavern's doors flew open and Coppertop was standing there.

"Why didn't you tell me we had a garage?" Coppertop looked around. The place was filled with gizmos and gadgets of all sorts, most of them shiny and long pointed.

"Oh unworthy idols! Get me an item 39," Paul was following her commanded as some rabbits ran and rolled out a red carpet as well as an inflatable chair. They all bowed to monotonously chanting: All for Paul, Paul for none. A smaller rabbit got him carrot cola, the requested item 39. It would've been beer but the writer is only a minor. Tobias hit the last switch proving the contraption worked… also proving that spying is very rude indeed.

"Sire, a feedback surge is originating, it will hit back in-" The tactics officer was interrupted as wherever they were in shook with violence. The com. Screen blinked on with a picture of Jazz eating a carrot and imitating, "What are yooouuuuu doing?" The leader shook with fury, not only had his station been hit, it had been hit with an old joke.

"What in the <Can I say hell?>hell is this?!" Lantous (yes, I came up with a name for him…) yelled at his fellow officers.

"Sir I'm locked out of my console," everyone cried out in one way or another. Nobody had ever stood up to Lantous, nonetheless insulted him in front of his whole crew… they were going to pay.

"I have killed millions of worlds… I have kills trillions of life forms… I've wiped out species… AND THESE RABBITS WON'T EVEN GIVE ME A DECENT RESPECT OF WAR?!" he screamed out in fury and opened up a console with a key and password. All the options on the console were marked in crimson, the top read 'Doomsday'.

"Sir! I must advise you NOT to push anything on there!" one of the crowd said. Lantous shot at him with a gun. One of the button's he used was a deep probing nuke to reach the core of a planet and then explode. The other was a nerve gas that would torture the victim in agony and at last kill him by eating him. The next one was the forbidden one… the one that was the most amusing, the one he would pick to watch them suffer and struggle. It was labeled: The Omega Portal. He hit it with rage.

Sometimes the hole would be a black hole, sometimes it would be a simple explosion, and sometimes it would keep playing techno music, but… this time it would make an wrong that could never be righted. Well actually it would be righted because Kaz and the gang would kick- butt in the end… but… it would never be righted.

"Sah! ARE YOU NUTS?!" another crewman yelled out in fear as he was only shot down with a killing phaser. The very presence of a dormant portal was hazardous, the atomic structure was very unstable. PFF! One of the station's conduits blew and the ship shook violently… whatever was out there was attacking them.

"Sir! A chronological flux of 0.083!" Another tactical officer yelled out. There was only one thing that could emit something that large. Naolix. A burning ball of flames screeched out into space attacking the ship with large rocks, acid, and beams of unstable energy. "Shields are down!" The station now lost gravity control and then lost one system after another. This was the end! He had made the fatal mistake and now he was going to pay. No, Naolix only wanted suffering, it was something in it's mind, a tortured mind… it left them with only emergency life support, it left them to die one by one, cell by cell, painfully. The tactics officer coughed with the poisonous fumes and fell over his body being consumed by acid. "He's escaping… a time portal…" he coughed and fell over, at least half of him fell over. Naolix laughed and screeched somehow at the same time. He then opened up a swirl of black… he was going into the past, but for what purpose.

Okay, a bit gruesome.

Kovu aka Alec
Jun 7, 2001, 05:26 AM
yayish! Mooooore, Kazoo

Jun 7, 2001, 05:54 AM
Gooo, Kazzy.

Sigh. Nice.


Jun 7, 2001, 07:06 AM
YAY! You continued!!


great chap chap!

Jun 25, 2001, 07:28 AM
i forbid ye to die oh topic!



Grath AR
Jun 25, 2001, 11:11 AM
My color: a very very dark blue

Continue PlzlP eunitnoC

Jun 25, 2001, 11:26 AM
HEY! I'm busy! The story kinda corrupted... ... (does anyone know why it does that?) and I have to write a chapter for Tobias.

Jun 25, 2001, 02:21 PM
HEY! Quit throwing those tomatoes at me! Fine! Here's a new chapter!

A long awaited chapter.


It didn't take long for Ax to find out his fur was soaking and cold. He walked on taking the rain as a casual event. He kept walking still soaking wondering where all the others were. At last, what he was searching for; a dry cave. Ax pulled out Govalan, his sword, incase anyone wanted to pick a fight with him and also for the fact that it was a convenient light source. He also gathered some sticks for a decent fire, which failed because everything was very wet. So instead, he used the sword's light to help dry it off, which proved to be unbelievably futile. The air around him kept dropping it's heat and the rain only increased. Starting to sneeze, he resorted to magic, Ax Man pulled out his wand, he knew he could only cast heal with it, and even so a very low heal with it, but he'd try anyway. He tapped the pile of sticks… to prove a waste of energy… he laid his wand on it concentrating really hard. "CRACK!" The sound came out of no where, and not even hopefully from the pile of twigs. Quickly he looked outside careful not to become soaked even more. He noticed his wand somewhat glowing with a blue aura and the sticks dry. "Great, gee… these sticks are so hot I'll need some water…" he sarcastically said. The wand, seeming a bit offending shot out a half-foot flame. The pile of seemingly useless junk burst into flames. "Hmm?" Ax man inspected his wand, making sure it hadn't been tweaked with, whatever it was he was thankful for now.

"I told you!" the green rabbit said to the other one. Both of them seemed green, identical, but nothing representing jazz.

"He is a demon! We must tell the others and set up a plan to kill him off immediately." They both ran off plotting his death.

Meanwhile, in the former Diamondus land…

"Bring me more grapes please!" Ducky commanded. The little people ran off searching for even more grapes. The little blue rabbits ran off considering something. In their native language they spoke.

"Do you think she knows what she's doing?"

"Not a chance, she seems too happy,"

"We had better keep her that way if she's going to win,"

"When do you plan on giving her the mission?"

"Tomorrow morning, that should be when the next attack occurs,"

"Do you truly think she's powerful enough?"

"She must be, Yacha said she had the power of the skies,"

"Then she must be, Yacha never was impressed by magic…"

Ducky kept eating pleasantly, while being fanned. Then it hit her, why were they being so nice if they didn't want to do something horrible to her such as sacrifice her to a volcano? Because I'm cutest thing that ever lived. But even this thought couldn't comfort her fear. "I need to- I must get some fresh air," she said to her servants. They looked at each other still puzzled because they didn't understand all of her language and just fanned faster. She got up instead and they followed her trying to fan her. "Please move, " she demanded sort of, and aimed her stick at a clear spot. "Please get out of here, I want to try something dangerous."

"Yes." The first blue rabbit said and they marched away. Ducky charged up her staff… she wanted to be ready, and ready meant practice. Instead she aimed her stick at a very large fallen log. She charged up her staff. She concentrated and attempted to fire. Nothing. "Sparif doesn't work here?" She asked herself. She started walking back to the colonization. "ZzZzT!" She looked behind herself, a small, somewhat weak bolt, hit the log and split it in half with little flames… but it was very weak. Well, she thought, I still have it.

And on the normal part of the universe, Carrotus was falling apart. Strange lamps were appearing, they cast a dark glow… spikes on the top, protecting the black core inside… thousands of them. Protected by dark shields. That makes over 5,000 the Queen of Carrotus said to herself in despair. They had already launched an all out attack on them, not even one was damaged. "Creeeak," The castle walls went… the emergency radio flickered on. "News of 5 more larger towers has spread! Scientists calculate the next one appearing right at the Royal Castle…" the news report said. A sudden scream of everyone evacuating the castle drowned out the radio. The door opened as Lori stepped in. "Aren't you going?" She asked.

"I can't," Queen Carrotus said, she turned to face Lori as Eva, Jazz, and Spaz came in. "I've been ruling in this castle for about… forever… it's like the captain and the ship. Other than that I'd never be queen again if I were to abandon my home for my fear. I must take care of my children in this land." They nodded their heads in agreement. Then an idea struck them.

"We could stop that last larger tower if we tried…" Jazz commented hopefully.

"The force field generators are still online." Eva commented,

"And with every rabbit in here, I'm sure we could pull it off, a sanctuary almost!" Spaz yelled.

"Then let's try, gather up the rabbits," the queen said.

Every rabbit or person on Carrotus had been welcomed inside the castle and the castle expanded as a sanctuary. The crops were taken in replanted inside internal green houses. Carrotus was undersiege, and only a bit remained as a good. The planet grew with a dark aura, almost non-visible to a person on the moon. Evil began to flood across, however having no affect on the rabbits inside the castle as pure light marble pillars had been placed around it. Protecting it from every evil. Meanwhile inside the castle, things weren't crowded at all and things continued normally. Adm<S>e</S>ael kept casting light spells to reinforce the pillars of light. Everyone did what they could. They knew doom was approaching, but they tried to ignore it, just like the last meal you get before you're executed. Talk was appreciated though, it was a gloomy site, it was broad daylight, but it looked like night because of the Naolix Towers someone was sure they were called that by looking it up in a new found book. "Carrotus is being changed by time," Some unknown rabbit realized.

Jun 25, 2001, 06:29 PM
Yahoo! Wants MORE!!!!!

Jun 26, 2001, 05:37 AM
Yahoo! reads this?

Wow, your story is getting around, Kaz http://jazz2.nagcentral.com/forum/images/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Carry on..


Jul 9, 2001, 10:04 AM
KAZ WRITE RIGHT NOW!!!!!!(please)

Jul 9, 2001, 06:57 PM
Ughh.. just hold on a few days/weeks

Jul 9, 2001, 07:47 PM
Can I join?

Weapon: RF MISLE

Types a commbination of upper and lower case text

intrest: Jazz Jackrabbit, computers, making new frinds, saving the world, Killing Deaven Shll

FavroteFood: Turnup Ice Cream

EyE Color: Brown

Red and blue and purple fur


Has a strong hope for Jazz Jackrabbit3 to be 3D and come out

Good At: Making tilesets but does not understand enough about masking and removing those big blue or whaterver you call them, purple blocks from around my lvl, the only empty part left is the tile in the top left cornener. Has had almost 2 years for lonleness and were very horible years..I am in the midle of IT still now.

Wish I had more friends.

Other intrienss: animals, but not house cats

Jul 10, 2001, 07:51 PM
Hey there ol' buddy! Let me know if I can join. Im always online... you know how to reach me!

Ta Ta!

Jul 11, 2001, 08:14 PM
*cries* No MORE? No! MORE!

Jul 15, 2001, 07:47 PM
there i edited it now its ur fault ;p

Jul 20, 2001, 10:27 PM
Of all the people Calie... I go on a vacation and come back to see you spamming a scroll bar in my story... which will be contiuned mind you! (eventually)

Grath AR
Jul 21, 2001, 12:24 PM
Spammed scrollbar! don't continue until the next page for that

Jul 21, 2001, 12:44 PM
Well you took to long .. sorry