View Full Version : The Real World.

Violet CLM
Dec 6, 2001, 01:05 PM

Jazz, as always controlled by the player on the other side of the monitor, jumped across a pit of thorns, while shooting off RFs for no reason. His current Controller used little but Blaster, and thus had few qualms about wasting ammo. Fortunately, Jazz thought, it was a custom level. No Labrat, Colonius, Psych, Beach or anything after this. Soon he could get a break.

From the unusual multitasking the Controller, who called himself Unknown Rabbit often used, Jazz had learned of a large message board, dedicated mostly to him, Spaz, Lori, Eva and everyone else on Carrotus and other places. Rather odd, really, as in the periods where the Controllers could see them, they could only do what the Controllers made them do. A message board dedicated to the Controllers would make more sense.

Unknown Rabbit's brother, Me, walked up to the desk, where Unknown Rabbit was crazily pounding buttons in order to defeat Bilsy inside the small room allocated. (Level mentioned here is shameless plug for "The whole Freaking Fauna", a level posted on J2O semi recently by myself)
"You really shouldn't play games with the CD Rom drive open, you know." said Me, in a scrutinizing way. Unknown Rabbit looked up, and got Jazz fried by a fireball.
"There's no danger to it. It's not like someone's going to use it as a drink holder!"
"No, but something might escape out of your computer."
"Like a virus? Get real, Me. That's just not how computers work."
Me walked off, humming "Snoopy and the Red Baron", while Unknown Rabbit pressed Alt+F4 in a bored fashion, and checked for new reviews.

Unknown Rabbit's own personal Jazz, now no longer needed for a game, was transported back to Computer Game Character Central. Wandering around, as is the fashion, Jazz bumped into a few Sonics, on break from fighting Robotnik on the computers of various Sonic players. Several sprites from home made games walked around as well. It was just so cursed Boring to live the life of a computer game character. If only something would happen.

In Computer Game Character Central's (CGCC) alter area, Computer Game Villain HQ, something was beginning to happen. The evil plot the four most brilliant of the Arch Baddies had been working on non stop (not counting intervals when they would be whisked away to be fought on the final level of some game or another) was complete. As soon as Lachross, a home made villain returned, they would be able to launch their plot. It was at this point that Lachross returned. A Devan Shell, project leader stood up and addressed all the villains in the entire Computer Game Villain HQ.(CGVHQ)
"Now, I'm sure you all know what to do, but just in case, I will run over it one more time. Each of you, using these handy monitors we have constructed, must wait until your own computer's CD Rom drive is open. At this point, press the gleaming red button. If everything goes to plan, as of course it will, every single computer hero shall be sucked out of their computer's CD Rom drive, and out into the outside world of the Controllers. Once done, no more computer games shall be able to be played. We shall no longer be called upon to be defeated at random intervals, and shall have time to direct ourselves to more rewarding tasks, like tending gardens. Any questions?"
There were none. Several, having seen the signal on their monitor, pressed the nice gleaming red button and cackled with delight as the goody goodies they had had to fight so many times were swept from the Computer plane, and out to the world of the Controllers. Unknown Rabbit's personal Devan Shell was one of these.

Jazz, Spaz and Lori were sucked through various wires, cables and even the CPU before they shot out the CD Rom drive into the real world. The Frog and Bird followed soon after, along with all the other heroes to be found on Unknown Rabbit's computer. Watkins made odd Penguin noises as he landed on top of Sonic. Stupid Man and Igor, almost the same size, fell inside a open bag of M&Ms with none left that had yet to be thrown away. Hocus Pocus landed inside the cockpit of the Red Hovercraft from Hover, while Chip found himself inside a LEGO artic sled. It was all most confusing, thought Pepper Roni, as Snarf landed on his head, followed closely by the Hero and the Heroine from MESH. Luke Skywalker and The Pie Eater did a nose dive onto a vacumn cleaner, which fortunately was off at the time. While more and more heroes poured from the CD Rom drive, a seemingly huge Tabby Cat walked up to investigate.


Dec 6, 2001, 03:42 PM
Cool. :)
