View Full Version : A Jazz Jackrabbit 2 Song? Dude!

Dec 28, 2001, 06:30 PM
It's only the first 30 seconds but enjoy!

(note: you have to copy and paste the URL into the address input box or the download will not work.
Now some may remember I said I started the song a LOOOOONG time ago, and that's true but let me explain meself:
I didn't have a metronome, so drums weren't there. I had to ask for a metronome for Christmas and I have received it.

Jan 1, 2002, 02:04 PM
what? hey what's up. Check out song and post comments!

Jan 1, 2002, 08:55 PM
It's great. Some of your timing seems a wee bit off, (like just by split seconds, probably due to the fact that you have to actually 'play' the music) but I think it sounds very cool and afaik you've got the notes down right. Reminds me of the Minibosses (http://www.minibosses.com).

Keep at it, the final song should be awesome.


Jan 7, 2002, 05:57 PM
wow a comment. Finally! Yeah I noticed the time thing, and thanks for the optimism!