View Full Version : the good, the bad, and the pork rinds in my underwear drawer

Black Ninja
Dec 29, 2001, 07:23 PM
i am about to tell you a tale. a tale about a tale involving a tale about pork rinds in Jazz's underwear drawer. You may be thinking "but jazz doesn't wear undies!". And you're right. and the reason is because of the PORK RINDS!
it all started one night. i don't know if it was stormy or not, but we'll just say it was so that it's more dramatic.
anyway, jazz was having a horrible dream about a needle in his pants. he didnt realise that the dream was created by Devan! Devan used his new telepathic transmission machine to give jazz a never-ending nightmare. after years of jazz dreaming of himself in excrutiating pain, spaz accidentally belched in his face. He woke right up. No-one knows how this next part happened, but when jazz was asleep, someone put pork rinds in his underwear drawer!
i might make a part 2. it depends if i decide i care. i probably won't. dont get excited like you just did. i dont know if this belongs in comedy cafe or here, but this is where i put it. dont change it. =p