View Full Version : Devon's Return

Apr 13, 2001, 03:11 AM
Chapter 1: Devons Return

Years ago the rabbits had defeated Devon Shell and he was never seen for a long time.............

Years Later

Like all badguys, they always return. And Devon was one of them. (at the end of lvls it always says something like ‘I’ll return!’ or somthing like that.http://jazz2.nagcentral.com/forum/images/smiles/icon_smile.gif) He was hiding in the rabbit’s own home planet, Carrotus. He found a cave that the rabbits never went into.

Carrot palace

MoonShadow paced restlessly in front of the door that led to the meeting room. Jazz told him that he would meet him there. “Sorry I’m late.”

MoonShadow jumped as the voice of Jazz startled him. “Good.” He said. “Meet me at my room at 1:00 sharp. I’ve got some secret news.”

“I’ll be there!” Jazz said.

C/p 1:00

MoonShadow opened the door as Jazz walked in.

“What’s the secret news?” Jazz asked.

“West fringe of the Carrot forest,” said MoonShadow. “Devon Shell sighted.”

“Why didn’t you tell it in the public?” asked Jazz.

“Jack Jazzrabbit would’ve got all his army and attacked them. He has a huge army and it would be murder to the rabbits.”

Jazz nodded. “Okay, so what do we do?”

“Meet me at the base of the Orange Tower with Alpha and Omega tomorrow.”

Orange Tower, Next day

Jazz met MoonShadow at 8:00 a.m. next day with Alpha and Omega.

“Okay,” said MoonShadow. “Devon is sighted. Lets get a plan and destroy him.

“Lets get going.”

All four headed out.

*Next Chapter ahead*

+ more later

Apr 13, 2001, 06:35 AM
Pretty nifty http://jazz2.nagcentral.com/forum/images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

I drew a picture of a horse called MoonShadow once..but thats beside the subject. Nice http://jazz2.nagcentral.com/forum/images/smiles/icon_smile.gif

`Du--oh, um, its Devan http://jazz2.nagcentral.com/forum/images/smiles/icon_smile.gif Sorry.


Apr 24, 2001, 02:42 PM
Chapter 2: Devan superpower

West fringe

The Carrot Forest was a messy place, with fallen carrots and hanging vines from trees. Hard work, too. Omega took the lead with her sword and cleared the way for the others. MoonShadow stopped. “West fringe. We’re here. Don’t light any fire cause the badguys could see it.”

Jazz said, “I’ll take watch.”

“Me too.” said Alpha.

MoonShadow nodded. “You both.”

It was near sunset when The two returned.

“You’ve got to see this!” Jazz whispered

When they got there, MoonShadow gasped.

“Wow! Where did he get all those turtles?”

“I dunno. From different planets probably.” Said Jazz

“If we want a plan, we better start now.” said Omega

Orange Tower

Fazz Mazzrabbit (changed ‘Jack Jazzrabbit’ to that) peered out the small slit window as a scout approached. “Sire, MoonShadow, Omega, Alpha, and Jazz are sighted in Carrot Forest.”

“Good,” said Mazzrabbit, “Gathom, alert Devan ammedeatly.”

“Yes(-)r!” The scout saluted and dashed down the tower.

Carrot Forest

Jazz was watching as the scout Gathom reported to Devan. He dropped from the tree and slipped to MoonShadow. “Here’s our chance. We’ll capture Gathom.”

“Great idea, Jazz. Let’s hit it!”

North Fringe, C/f

Gathom pulled out his blaster. “Did I hear something?” He said to himself.

“Yes, you did!” Jazz stepped out of a bush and pulled out his stungun, pulling the trigger. “Gotcha! No more reporting to or for Devan and Mazzrabbit. Mission 1 complete. We got an advantage!” He gave a signal and MoonShadow stepped out.

“Good Job!”

“How’ll we use him?” Omega asked.

“Gota think about it.” said MoonShadow.

Wild Angel
Apr 24, 2001, 03:21 PM
Um, are you taking joiners?

Apr 27, 2001, 04:11 PM
Sure, I wouldn't mind joiners.

Apr 27, 2001, 04:13 PM
Chapter 3: A dangerous mission

A week later...

“I was traveling and I got word of some secret weapon arsenals of Devans’” said Jazz

“That’s mission 2. Find and destroy these arsenals.” said MoonShadow

“Three can search that area. Who’ll guard the scout?”

“Can cover.” said Omega

Arsenal status


Hard job.

90% fool proof

10% chance.

Arsenal 1

Jazz stood in cover of trees as he watched the coming and going of weapons, looking for a weak spot. as he watched a truck carrying weapons and a launcher, he got an idea. He had to get the weapons from the truck, or destroy a truck near the arsenal. Most likely to steal the weapons. He started walking. He moved on till he got next to the road that led through the woods. The truck was approaching. He pulled out his blaster. The truck was right in front of him. He aimed...

Arsenal 2

“Tight security.” said Alpha as she crept by one turret guard. A truck drove by, carrying big weapons. “Oh great!” A row of scan troops marched in a row toward her. “Musta spotted me or something. Only one way to get past.” Alpha pulled out her blaster. “Take this!”

The truck burst into blue flame and got the scan troops, including a turret nearby.

Turrets started shooting. Another truck went by with more coution.

“Better hitch a ride.” Alpha grabbed the rail of the back of the truck. The truck entered the arsenal hanger.

Arsenal 3

“Fool proof security, eh? Ha ha ha!” MoonShadow stepped inside the door. There was a security door. In a computer voice it said, “Type in password.”

MoonShadow stepped out. “Can’t get through there. I’ll use the hanger. A truck was entering the hanger and the door opened. He slipped in.

It’s good to end at an exiting part!http://jazz2.nagcentral.com/forum/images/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Will you ever find out what happens next?

read the next chapter: ?!?!?!What will the name be?!?!?!?

Stay tuned for:

Chapter 3: Arsenal attack (Or something different)

Apr 28, 2001, 05:50 AM
Woot YaY!

Nifty http://jazz2.nagcentral.com/forum/images/smiles/icon_smile.gif


Apr 28, 2001, 04:28 PM
Man, the map thing didn't work.

May 31, 2001, 02:46 AM
I haven't ben working on this story for a while so You'll have to wait if you want the next chapter.
