View Full Version : I know where zieg is

Feb 15, 2002, 01:43 PM
Hello there non-newbie,s these is for jazzers who play jazz over atleast an year.because an year ago zieg my best jj2 frend and of so so SO SO very much bunny,s an good frend;) played jazz.He where clanleader Ld{Legends of Dragoons}.I where prepairing when i would come back from my vacation to see some bunny,s like zieg and saying : long time no see, but zieg didnt because he never couldt :( .Gpw and CC, LD are in war, pgw = an bad clan shadow = evil and he dont care he destoyed an very good frend of so many jazzers:mad: .They attacked zieg so badly and they even HACKED HIM!:mad: :( .......Thats the reason because he didnt left jazz because gpw is in it because if gpw where gone he should come back so gpw hacked him thats the reason why he doesnt come online anymore, he doesnt come online on msn, icq and he doesnt answer on e-mails:( We realy mus tget him back for so many jazzers and gpw are doeing bad things evreyone who joins become bad:mad: .

IF you pay attantion on this REALY ITS VERY IMPORTANT Thankx anywhay

Greetz (unhappy} bunnyElmerTbt :lol: :roll:

Feb 15, 2002, 02:02 PM
Dont clsoe this tread if yo udo that you wil be so so so so very weak what abaut it THE www.jazz2online.com DOWNLOAD YOU TOLD ABAUT jj2new server tool WEL......ITS AN VIRUS REALY IT IS I GOT Hi-tec stuff{thats why i am clanleader The Bunny Tec}AND EVEN MORE CLANS ARE GONE BECAUSE OF GPW GALE gone because of gpw an nice jazzer without an reason but with the poll mabey i can find out the weak reason {shadow = dutch so this is an message to him}

Shadow als je deze post sluit dan ben je echt heel erg zwak dan zit je echt op een laag niveau dan ben je zielig triest en echt heel erg erg gemeen tot allie zieg lovers dat bestand jj2new server tool bevat een virus :mad: Ook zo zwak van je om het een van je members {geloof ik} te laten uploaden zodat hij de shuld krijgt maar dat kan je helemaal niets schelen he? :o neeeeee.............. Kijk als dit niet genoeg is dan haal ik bisnes erbij zoals msn Zelda, Final fantasy zaken erbij dan ga ik gewoon ook ff laf doen met de algemene leiders van epic megagames die kennen me namelijk ik heb trouwens meerdere epic spelen zoals unreal toernament en op quake 3 Arena en bid for power heb ik nog nooit zon gpw loser gezien helaas wel op jazz

Wat moet je hier mee aan?

Tip: laat deze tread met rust.....:mad: :mad:

Bobby aka Dizzy
Feb 15, 2002, 02:06 PM
You will be removed from this board if you do not stop the personal attacks.