View Full Version : New Story: Lithius

May 4, 2002, 08:46 AM
A new story. I sorta got stuck with the old one. I need character submissions again, in case I don't have permission anymore.

A story based in the Jazz Jackrabbit Universe
By defalcon

“Oh lord, help!” Two cloaked figures ran through the dark alleyway. It was downtown, and past midnight. Not a good place to be.
“Jeez, they’re still there!” One stumbled over some trash and fell, a loud thud echoing across the street.
“Come on, get up!” The second rabbit stopped and yanked his arm, trying to haul him back up. Instead they both fell and landed on a pile of garbage bags.
“No place to run now, is there.” A menacing growl came from around the corner, and a large, black figure stepped into view. It had a shaggy coat of fur, and sabre-like teeth lacerated with spit were brought to bear as he looked upon his two victims. It was neither rabbit nor turtle, but some unknown beast of the night. He shook his head in mock pity, long hair flying around his face. “Looks like I have dinner tonight.” He started towards them.
“Not quite.” The first rabbit sprang up and ripped the old cloak aside, revealing a tall rabbit of blue fur. The second rabbit leapt forward and smashed the beast in the face, before reaching under his cloak. “Here, catch!”
The beast staggered backwards and clutching his jaw, swung a beefy arm at his assailant. Not fast enough; he caught a kick to the mid-section and bounced off the alley wall. The blue-furred rabbit, fumbling with the caught sword, finally brought it to bear. Just as the creature was about to try another attack, he found a sword-point at his jugular.
“Now, you tell us what we need to know.”

To be Continued...

Kovu aka Alec
May 5, 2002, 04:22 AM
Looks spiffular, Def. Charachter submissions you say?
I haven't done one of these in ages...
Name: Kovu (or Kove, Kovery, etc)
Age: Unkown, Mid-twentieish I guess
Sex: Male
Personality: Uses joviality to disguise a much more brooding inner self. Easily-depressed, though attempts to see the good in any situation.
Clothes: #1: Black long-sleeve shirt with a blood-red undershirt, black pants & boots, cape, black on the outside, red on the inside. Silver necklace. #2: White long-sleeve shirt withe a red undershirt, white pants & boots, cape, white on the outside, red on the inside. Gold necklace.
Weapons: Small blaster rifle, medium to low power. Sword.
Special Powers: Pre-cognition(aka the Force)

Violet CLM
May 5, 2002, 01:47 PM
Ahhhh... why not.

Name: I'm not telling! I am the Unknown Rabbit.. mwahahahaha.
Age: I wouldn't believe you if you told me.
Sex: Male.
Fur: Darkish Purple.
Personality: Partially mysterious, not paticularly brave, though moderately ingenuitive.
Clothes: A yellow headband, a pair of hawian boxers, two shoulder pads with smiley faces on them, and high heels.
Weapons: I get weapons?
Likes: Making bad puns.
Dislikes: When everyone glares at him because the pun was bad.
Special Powers: I get special powers?
Accessories: Assuming time period allows it, a laptop which allows him to read previous parts of the story.
Physical Fitness: Not paticularly, and not all that strong either.

May 5, 2002, 02:57 PM
Wow Defalc. i haven't seen a joining story in ages ^_^

I might as well, cause I'm not going to be on for a while. Just keep myself alive! He heh..

Name: Ducky
Age: somewhere around 19
sex: Female. I'm angered if you all STILL don't know.
Personality: Ratehr hyper and neurotic. Is the sort that does spur-of-the-moment things that terrify her after. Gets extremely close to people if she lets herself get close at all. Doesn't trust anyone. Makes weird faces for every occasion.
Appearance: Short, thin grey lop-eared rabbit with long black hair and ears that are darker at the tips and adorned with small silver hoops and one teardrop shaped glass earring. Pale Green eyes and long fingers.
Clothing:Short sleeved black tunic thing with a long sleeved tshirt underneath belted with a green cord over baggy grey pants and soft leather boots. Dark grey cloak with a silver clasp annd a hood.
Stuff: Carries a long black staff and a LFG-1000 blaster and a letter to mail incase she dies.
Other stuff: Yeah.

eee! that was so fun.

(Don't forget I'm not here)


May 5, 2002, 07:36 PM
Well, I sorta suck at making up characters. ;P And names. ;P And personalities. ;P

Nyarb, Ducky, you're gonna be gone for a while? How come?

May 6, 2002, 09:21 AM
YaY! A joing story! (jes like the good ol' days :))

OK this is just a quick-for this story profile.

Weapons:2 Swords keeps one in his back.
Wears A black T-shirt and denim jeans, and silver pendant.
Personality:If you aproach me you better have good news ;)

May 9, 2002, 12:15 AM
Originally posted by Kovu aka Alec
Looks spiffular, Def. Charachter submissions you say?
I haven't done one of these in ages...
Name: Kovu (or Kove, Kovery, etc)
Age: Unkown, Mid-twentieish I guess
Sex: Male
Personality: Uses joviality to disguise a much more brooding inner self. Easily-depressed, though attempts to see the good in any situation.
Clothes: #1: Black long-sleeve shirt with a blood-red undershirt, black pants & boots, cape, black on the outside, red on the inside. Silver necklace. #2: White long-sleeve shirt withe a red undershirt, white pants & boots, cape, white on the outside, red on the inside. Gold necklace.
Weapons: Small blaster rifle, medium to low power. Sword.
Special Powers: Pre-cognition(aka the Force)
Erm, all well and good, care to tell me your fur-colour? ;)

May 11, 2002, 06:42 AM
Name: CelL.
Age: Somewhere between 138 and 273. Or not. You decide.
Sex: No thanks.
Gender: Male.
Personality: Caunning and smart. Has a not too nice, evil personality. Not verry fast to anger, but considered dangerous when angry. Should be one of the main villians ;-P
Appearance: Is a litle thing and has dark grey fur, with a green-blueish glow. Look at the fur of my charecter in JJ2. Wears a black cloak and a red bandana. Mostly seen carieing a tall staff, but not always, as it isn't used for suport while walking. Not a, kangaroo.
Weapons: The above mentioned staff, a small D-88 Blaster rifle, and a long light sword.
Special Powers: Can use variopus types of energy beams to attack, and has the ability to teleport himself.
Physical Fitness: Not verry strong or something, but still well able to defend himself, because of his above-normal special power.
Food: Yeah.

4I Falcon
May 17, 2002, 03:21 PM
okies. i've got lotsa characters for you to play with.

Character Number 1:

Name: Jack Flash
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Personality: Friendly, but also trigger-happy. He will fire at any living (shelled!) thing that moves. He's an extremely worthy ally... unless you happen to be a turtle...!
Appearance: Medium-built, white fur, with red eyes. Bears a slight resemblance to Jazz, despite the fur colour.
Weapons: Twin red blasters, similar to Jazz's. He also keeps a white metal rod handy in case he loses his aforementioned guns.
Special powers: His amazing marksmanship. He can hit a target accurately from as much as fifty metres away.

Character Number 2:

Name: Captain J. Firefox
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Personality: Fiery, and, like Jack, trigger-happy. He's a Captain in the Royal Order of Armed Rabbits (thx Haze!), and is therefore the ranking officer to his cohorts in R.O.A.R.'s operations.
Appearance: Well-built and muscular, red fur, with green eyes. Wears a small, stylized F mark on his left shoulder. Has a black cloak, and only wears it when he's not fighting.
Weapons: Green, one-handed double blastgun.
Special Powers: He can become temporarily invincible, but it tires him out relatively quickly.

Character Number 3:

Name: Blaze Blackrabbit
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Personality: Very mysterious. He lurks in the shadows, and you wouldn't notice him being there unless he wanted you to.
Appearance: Medium-built, black fur, with yellow eyes. He also wears sunglasses to protect his eyes, and to prevent anyone from seeing them if he's hiding somewhere.
Weapons: Small black Dhareinger. With a silencer, of course.
Special Powers: None, except for his excellent mastery of the art of camouflage and hiding.

Character Number 4:

Name: Headcheese
Age: 11
Gender: Female
Personality: R.O.A.R.'s answer to Spaz Jackrabbit. She's mildly insane, and was only accepted into R.O.A.R. because she was Jack's younger sister. There's a rumour that she was born early, and didn't have enough time to develop. Despite her slight defect, it's a good idea to have her on your side. Otherwise, you just might get roastificated.
Appearance: Blue fur, yellow chest fur. She has the same kind of "lazy-eye" as Spaz... but unlike Spaz, she has a tail.
Weapons: Green blast pistol. She can also be seen occasionally with a small mallet.
Special Powers: She can be disconcerting to even look at sometimes. Whether or not that's a special power, I'm not sure. :D

Character Number 5:

Name: Wizard of Odds
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Personality: The brains of the outfit. Although he doesn't look like your run-of the-mill brainiac, he is. He plans the strategies for a generous portion of R.O.A.R.'s operations, or at least has a hand in planning them. He also creates schematics for some of R.O.A.R.'s machines.
Appearance: He has purple (?!) fur, and wears a small set of glasses (not huge, Poindexter-esque ones; as I said, he's not quite your run-of-the-mill genius). He also totes a small green backpack. No one has ever seen what he carries around in his pack, though.
Weapons: A pair of yellow blaster pistols.
Special Powers: None. Other than his incredible intelligence, of course.

Have fun. :lol: Please... don't kill any of them off... I'm going to need them later! :)

May 18, 2002, 03:44 PM
I'll join........................... this story might end up with possibly too many characters into one room.

May 24, 2002, 01:26 AM
NEVER done one of these... Guess I will.

Name: Me
Sex: Malien (Male Alien)
Age: IO (Around 55, for you humans)
Friends: Unknown Rabbit.
Weapons: One of those guns from "Mars Attacks"
Fur color: I'm an ALIEN! I don't have fur! But my
scales are blue.
Like: Playing Monopoly, and being peaceful.
(I am very frienly)
Dislike: The magazine, MUSE.
Special Abilities: I can jump from a 100-feet building, and not get hurt.
Favorite Sports: AlienBall (the same of BaseBall, but you use an alien for the ball:P)

Guess that's all.... Oh, wait.

Brithplace: Zeus (an un-discovered planet)
Stuff: A tranalator for the planet Carrotous. (So, when I'm on ant other planet, I can't understand anyone that's there, and they can't understand me):(

May 24, 2002, 06:57 AM
Chachacha! Prologue part 2, then the chapters start. :) I found time to write. Go me. ;)
Noe: I'll be introducing characters slowly, where I see fit. Can't just thrust them in where I want to. :)

The beast snarled at the two rabbits. Unemotionally wiping the specks of spit from his face, the blue rabbit spoke.
“Lets start with this. What retched place did you crawl out of, hellspawn?”
The second rabbit nodded in agreement. “You sure as heck don’t look like a rabbit, or even a turtle.
“Don’t expect me to answer at the whims of you low-class creatures. I am beyond your comprehension, I-oof!” The second rabbit stepped back and gave him a hard kick. In this motion, the hood fell off, revealing a pretty, grey-furred female rabbit. Her long, black hair was tied back, and her green eyes were screwed up in an expression of large annoyance.
“Lower-class? Well, you just got handed to yourself on a plate.” She glanced to the side at her comrade’s sword. “If he doesn’t answer soon I’ll be tempted to use that thing.”
The rabbit shrugged. “You heard the lady. Tell us what you are.”
The beast stared at the blade. “Not likely.” The beast then let out a shattering wail that caused the two to drop to the ground. Knowing it’d last mere moments; the beast scampered out of the alleyway and leaped onto a nearby ladder, before climbing away to safety.
“Oo…” the disoriented rabbits climbed to their feet.
“Dang, we lost him.” The blue rabbit turned back to his female partner. “Want this sword back?”
“Sure, why not. Got it from some little store selling weapons for cheap.” She took the weapon back and twirling it fancily in her hand, thrust it under her cloak.
“Not a bad blade Ducky, a little rusty, but nothing polish can’t fix.” He looked towards the ladder where the creature had fled. “Think we can catch him?”
“Not likely defalcon, that thing moves pretty quickly. Our best bet is to track another down and lure him into a trap like this one.” She kicked the wall, causing dust to fall from its cracks. “But at least we know to wear earplugs next time, or something.”
“Yeah,” defalcon pressed his ears back gingerly. “A sonic soundwave of some sort, painful.”
“But obviously he didn’t think he’d be able to take us both anyway, so it’s not that useful for keeping us down for long.” Ducky bit her lip lightly. “Lets head down to one of the local inns and see if we can find anything out.”
“Alright then,” defalcon retrieved his cloak and with Ducky, set off towards the more seedier parts of the city.

Tell me what you think, please. :)
And Skulg, I can see you replying, get on ICQ!!! ;)

May 24, 2002, 07:34 AM
Awwww I wanna be in that story too! :D

Ewww... this will be long:

<b>Name:</b> Unknown, calls herself Scary Sarry.
<b>Nicknames:</b> Skulg
<b>Age:</b> Nobody knows her age, but she's definitely not old.
<b>Gender:</b> Female
<b>Species:</b> Well, she's a cat. Does that matter?
<b>Fur:</b> White
<b>Hairstyle:</b> Long black hair
<b>Clothes:</b> A long black cloak (with a chain coming out of it and sliding on the ground), a chain wound round her belly, a black hat deep in her face. You can also see her (black:D) t-shirt.
She always wears things that look like metal, like a strange necklace and lots of rings and other finger-things.
At her left ear she wears a silver ring, at the other one a spider-earring.
<b>Eyes:</b> Normally you can't see them, because her hat is too deep in her face, but they're brown/green, with thin black rings around them (kinda goth).
<b>Appearance:</b> Slim, quite tall and wiry.
<b>Skills:</b> Fighting.
<b>Weapons:</b> She usually carries a knife, but she also likes to use her chains. She mostly likes using her fists... :D
<b>Personality:</b> She's a silent person and can be quite friendly, but she gets mad very fast. Then she usually beats up her enemies. :rolleyes:
<b>Likes:</b> Food, fire, metal, Metal (the music) and dark things.
<b>Dislikes:</b> Water (she's a cat, man!), giggling girls that wear pink clothes. This is no offense to anybody here :)
<b>Friends:</b> She has an unknown lover... :D
Well, and she especially likes hanging around with CelL and Tyf :)
<b>Enemies:</b> She has an arch enemy, but doesn't talk very much about her.
<b>Family:</b> Unknown.

Well, this is all that came into my mind at the moment.
Maybe I'll <s>bother you with</s> write more soon :)

****, this took so long to write that defalcon already posted prologue part 2... :D

May 24, 2002, 12:19 PM
Can I post more then one sideview, like 4I Falcon?

Violet CLM
May 24, 2002, 12:26 PM
I have to admit, I burst out laughing there.. although it was because Me said "side view" instead of "profile". Literally accurate, but contectually wrong.

Oh, right. This is a story topic..
Very.. promising there, defalcon. It promises that you'll figure out what's going on if you stick around. Fun.

May 24, 2002, 12:50 PM
Well, UnkRab, you call it your way, and I'll call it my way, and I'll get famous before ye! (not)

May 25, 2002, 07:33 AM
Originally posted by Unknown Rabbit
I have to admit, I burst out laughing there.. although it was because Me said "side view" instead of "profile". Literally accurate, but contectually wrong.

Oh, right. This is a story topic..
Very.. promising there, defalcon. It promises that you'll figure out what's going on if you stick around. Fun.
Lol Unknown, you keep track of the number of posts and replies in all the forums and whatnot...but you can't follow a story? Heheh. ;)

Violet CLM
May 25, 2002, 05:50 PM
No, I mean, you'll figure out (as an example) what the creature is and all that.

May 25, 2002, 06:55 PM
When are ya going to start the story, defalcon?:Z And WHEN are you going to reply to me about the posting more then one sideview?:Z

May 25, 2002, 08:42 PM
Originally posted by Me
When are ya going to start the story, defalcon?:Z And WHEN are you going to reply to me about the posting more then one sideview?:Z
Start the story? The prologue is part of the story. ;P And more than one character is alright, but no guarantee I'll use both of em, I'm picking characters I think'll fit in.

May 25, 2002, 09:56 PM
Name: Em
Sex: Falien (Female Alien)
Age: OI (Around 44, for you humans)
Friends: Me.
Weapons: None
Fur color: Purple
Like: Being in love with Me.
Dislike: When Me doesn't like me, which is all the time.
Special Abilities: I can make anyone I see love me.
Favorite Sports: Kissing
Brithplace: Jupiter
In my spare time, I: Look for Me.

Name: Jasa
Sex: Male
Age: 2000
Friends: Em, my niece.
Weapons: My enchanted Staff.
Fur color: Gray
Like: Going hiking.
Dislike: When it's raining.
Special Abilities: I can see the past.
Favorite Sports: Mind-reading
Brithplace: Jupiter
In my spare time, I: Look for things for the next time I go hiking.

May 26, 2002, 11:16 AM
Oh, I forgot to add this (I'm not sure if it's neccessary):

<b>Occupation: </b>Singer (she has a (for a woman) quite deep and scratchy voice, kinda like... uhm... maybe Alannah Myles) and guitarist in a Metal band :D
(*sees MoonBlaze running away*;))
<b>Skills: </b>Throwing knives, climbing (yes, she's still a cat!)
<b>Clothes: </b>Well, of course she wears spikey bracelets! :D

Jul 1, 2002, 07:58 PM
Wootiness, first chapter. A rather short one at that, but still. :) Comments? :p

Thanks for the copies of Surreal Kovu, my how your writing has improved. :) Although it has made me realise how much I missed Aldan in Apokalypsis. ;)

“…Welh, ah…ah knew isth wash the besht shtime to shtry…”
“…Two ales, dry, no ice…”
It was a night of good occasion – the start of the first celestial’s eve holiday, and around the bar flowed drinks and chatter as the various people toasted their mugs and gave a hearty laugh.
The bartender, wiping down the glass mugs with his white cloth, looked up. “Happy hour boys, ‘th drinks are free.”
“Not thirsty, thanks.” defalcon, having just entered the pub, sat himself down on a stool. Ducky inclined herself to a frosty mug of ale and quietly discussed the night’s events.
“Hm…an ugly little thing, that beast. Looks like a mop crossed with a lawnmower, pretty big too, a good two or three heads above us.”
“Oh? What was that?” Ducky looked up from the foamy beverage the size of a small bathtub and shuffled her feet.
“I said that it was…never mind.” Ducky again buried her face in the mountain of froth, but a loud crash interrupted her. A drunken brawl had broken out on one side of the bar, with a disgruntled customer shattering a bottle over the bartender’s head. A bunch of burley rabbits had begun to swing punches left, right and centre.
“Better leave. Don’t wanna get caught up in that.” Ducky pulled herself up and gulping the last of her drink, pulled defalcon through the door.

“Hm…rather nasty fight,” defalcon looked back at the tavern, where the rowdy shouts and shattering of glass made the golden glow emanating through the door seem somewhat less appealing.
“Yeah. Pity I hadn’t brought my crowd tazer, would’ve been lots of fun.”
“You own a crowd tazer???”
Ducky didn’t reply. Instead she gave a sly grin before, spinning on her heel around the street corner.
WHAM! Right into another rabbit.
“Ouch, that had to hurt.” An amused defalcon watched as Ducky rubbed her forehead. The other rabbit, tall and built like a truck, sprang up onto his feet. “Watch where you’re going.” He growled and took a menacing step forward. Ducky, still clambering out of the gutter, was shoved backwards onto her back by his foot.
“Hey pal, you watch it yourself. Slam my friend again and I’ll deck you so hard you’ll be in intensive care for a year.” defalcon lent Ducky his hand, and the two stared the bruiser of a rabbit down.
“You tiny people are of no concern.” He shoved past them, knocking defalcon aside with his arm.
Ducky glowered at the figure as it disappeared into the fog. “What was that about?”

“Graaawwwlllnnnnnnn,” The beast hissed as he was stubbornly marched into the large underground chamber. The two beasts holding him were nearly twice his size, so he made no attempt to struggle.
“Narlyakishpf, again?” A giant beast sitting upon a throne stared down at the dismal beast shoved before him. “You disobey orders and go above ground? You fool, jeopardising everything for a lark.”
“Fsss masters, I was only above ground for under an hour. If it weren’t for those two ‘hrargrn rabbits, I would’ve been back.”
“What?! You let yourself be spotted?! Did they follow you?!” One of the beasts nearly leapt at Narlyakishpf, eyes blazing red.
“They tried. I dealt with them though, used my screech to lose them.” He puffed his chest out ever so slightly.
“You dealt with them, you say? You’re just lucky your screech was strong enough; you’re only a child, not even an adolescent yet. They could have skinned you alive, the two.”
“I’m easily stronger than most of those hptlash’ fur-brains, why-“
“I don’t care if you’re stronger! Strength is not everything, why I’m betting you used your screech because two rabbits were too much for you.” The eyes of the large beast flared, and he emitted a low growl.
“Well, I…they were…I mean…” Narlyakishpf stammered, looking down at his feet.
“Enough. You are confined to the dungeon for a week. Then see if you’re mature enough to grow up and forget your foolish games.” He settled back into his chair as the guard-beasts dragged the child away.

Jul 2, 2002, 01:03 AM
hooked, continue plz.