View Full Version : Jazz has <sniff> become an old game <sniff>

Jun 4, 2002, 04:18 AM
Did you know (i'll wait till after you stop crying :) ) that JJ2 and JJ2 TSF has begom, what some games would like to call it, abandonware.

What is Abandonware:
Abandonware is another type of 'ware' (we have: software (duh!), hardware, shareware, freeware, post-cardware, trialware, demoware, loveware (you get the picture ;) )). Anyway abandonware is a type of ware that means: "The company that made and/or published the game has abandoned it (hence the name). This also includes the company going bankupt, moving on, no support, ect.".

As you see this goes for jazz...
- EPIC dosn't support it
- Logicware is dead
- God Games dosn't support it
- P2I died, nad has been refound under P3I :)
- Orange dons't support it

So as you can see, Jazz is now abandonware.

NOW, this (well it's suposed to, anyway) makes the game, in a manner of speaking, free!

Now this may be shocking news to some ("Oh, darn, I paid for it!"), but please don't take my word for it. I could be wrong!

If anyone else knows about the legal side of abandonware please tell me!

Have fun,

Jun 4, 2002, 05:13 AM

Jun 4, 2002, 06:15 AM
I guess it is abandonwar for a longer time already...

Jun 4, 2002, 09:24 AM
The game was abandoned a long time ago. This community is all that's keeping it alive right now ;-P

Jun 4, 2002, 10:34 AM
This community rules, btw :D.

Jun 4, 2002, 11:13 AM
A more common definiton of Abandonware is: software that is *older than five years* and is *not being sold anymore*. None of two premises is true for Jazz Jackrabbit (we just celebrated the 4th birthday and you can still buy the game at least in the NL and here in Germany).
Wait one more year, and we can discuss it again. As for now, what you ask for, is a lame warez link :-)

And besides, why the heck do you post stuff like this in this weird Misc forum? It is so Jazz2 related!!

Jun 4, 2002, 01:39 PM
Even if it was so, I get the picture that "abondonware" isn't a real legal thing.


Copyright law states that a copyright lasts for the life of the holder plus fifty years after his\her death, or until the holder specifically states that it isn't copyright anymore.

Jazz 2 says: © 1998 Epic Megagames

Epic is still around. Even if it died say...tomorrow, we would still need to wait fifty years.

4I Falcon
Jun 4, 2002, 01:59 PM
that's what i like to hear!

jj2 will never be abandonware, while it has supporters like us fans. as long as the game is still being played somewhere, it's not totally abandoned.

besides that, who would want to abandon this game! JJ2 RÜLZ YO!

Derby: Subtle content edit.

4IF: Wharr? *is confused*

Jun 4, 2002, 09:35 PM
Sorry to burst your bubble, but "abandonware" is not free. All it means is that it's no longer supported and therefor becomes what I'd call 'rare' (or how about "rareware").

Jun 4, 2002, 10:23 PM
If you like it or not, abadonware still is illegal to download.

Jun 5, 2002, 06:01 AM
Yes. I don't care anyway if it's free or not. The people who want it free can always get it somewhere (e-mail a friend, get CD from friend, search internet for warez, etc.) so it doesn't realy matter. For people interested in abandonware: (URL)

Derby: URL removal. Abandonware is gray-area content. Do not post links to it.

Jun 5, 2002, 01:26 PM
This is the greatest game community *sniffle* EVER!!! I LOVE YOU EVERYONE!!! *sob*

....*cough* umm...yeah