View Full Version : CAve in hospital

Jun 26, 2002, 11:06 PM
I have bad news.

CAve, a jj2 player and a member of my clan TF, is in hospital now. When he was walking through Amsterdam with some friends, and they met some guys hanging around who were in a bad mood. They got a fight and some of the "enemy's" ad a knive. He pulled it between CAves ribs. The ambulance took him to hospital and the doctors don't know if he'll stay alive yet.

I don't get it! Why injure, er even kill someone without ANY reason?

I got al this info from JoJo, maybe he knows more about it...

Jun 26, 2002, 11:15 PM
How sad :(. <strike>I bet Shadow dosen't respect your members much.</strike>

Jun 26, 2002, 11:20 PM

That's all I know...I hope I'll get more info about his situation soon..
but..shouldn't this be in misc?

Jun 26, 2002, 11:21 PM
No. It's about a JJ2 player.

Jun 27, 2002, 02:56 AM
I hate this, I can't do anything for Cave...:(

Super Saiyan
Jun 27, 2002, 04:10 AM
Man :(

Jun 27, 2002, 04:20 AM
I don't know what to say... :(

Something like this once happened to the cousin of my friend. They pushed a knife between his ribs, <i>VERY</i> near to his heart. But he survived.
Maybe that will give us a little hope.

Originally posted by Fl@$h
I don't get it! Why injure, er even kill someone without ANY reason?
I don't know. I don't know why some people are so cruel.
Maybe they think "Hey, I am da best, everyone fears me 'coz I injure innocent kids!".
I HATE such "people". They come with all their friends, then they only dare to attack persons who are weaker or younger than them.

I hope CAve will get well.
I'm SURE he will.

Jun 27, 2002, 04:40 AM
This indeed sucks
i feel sorry for him

and how are the Enemys of him did they get sumtin??

Elias FF
Jun 27, 2002, 05:01 AM
I don't get it! Why injure, er even kill someone without ANY reason?

Pardon the language, but I may have a reason: Because they're nothing but (--) (-) who have no respect for others whatsoever. If they come across someone they don't like, they hurt them, and they feel no regret. Instead, they feel power, because they hurt someone who was supposedly 'weaker' than they are. The worst part? Most of the victims, like you said, are completely innocent!

It's a sad world we live in nowadays....

I sure hope, though, that CAve makes it through all right. It would be a shame to lose a fellow JJ2 player because of a random act of violence. :(

Elias FF-- A rabbit who knows the meaning of Respect!

Derby: Filter bypass edit.

Trafton AT
Jun 28, 2002, 10:36 AM
Oh, god. I'm so sorry.:(

Jun 28, 2002, 11:55 AM
Originally posted by $kúlg
They come with all their friends, then they only dare to attack persons who are weaker or younger than them.

Well he is a 17 years old and pretty strong..but yeah maybe yer right..dun know what kind of ppl they were, I mean age etc.

Anyway..Today I had a phone call his life was out of danger but just a few mins ago another call to say that at the moment he's out of danger the first moment but a few secs later he gets really bad again..so we'll have to wait..