View Full Version : Difference between Cycle Battle and Rocket Arena

Jul 28, 2002, 05:55 PM
For anyone who got confused (like me):

<u>Cycle Battle</u>

The players are given a playing order upon entering the server.

When the game starts, the first two players enter the arena and duke it out, while the others wait for their chance to get in.

When one of the battling players dies, they move to the back of the order, and the next person in line enters the arena.

The winner stays in the arena and fights off as many players as possible, until they are roasted.

No carrots, powerups, or sheilds allowed.

Scoring: For the first two consecutive roasts, you get 1 point. For each roast after that (before dying), you score 5 points.

<u>Rocket Arena</u> <- we are playing tonight

The players are given a playing order upon entering the server.

When the game starts, the arenas are filled with 2 players each, taken in order, while the others wait for their chance to get in.

Arena players get to collect ammo in a separate room before they begin.

At the signal, battle commences in the arenas.

When one of the battling players dies, they move to the back of the order, and the next person in line enters the arena they died in.

The winner stays in the arena and fights off as many players as possible, until they are roasted.

After every roast, the winner gets a full energy carrot before he faces his new opponent. No sheilds allowed.

Scoring: 1 point per roast.