View Full Version : I'd like to start a new story.

Aug 15, 2002, 04:26 AM
Posted Respectfully.
I have desided to start a story based on Lord of the Rings.
I don't know how to play persons I am not close to, ect. that I don't know you much.

Roles that has been choosed

Evil Roles
Cobra -Nazgul leader, OFCURSE
Scary Sarry -Nazgul (BWAHAHA)
Flash -Nazgul (A flash of dead, whaha ;P)
Defalcon -Nazgul (<strike>weak</strike> evilness besides this person ;))
Flint -Nazgul (The cold guy without feelings :P)
Unknown Rabbit -Nazgul (Do you know the true evilness? *Evil laugh)
GoldBones -Nazgul (Whahaha.He.is.evil.Belive.me)
Electric -Nazgul (You see him, then you don't see him ;P)

Good Roles
Ducky -Froduck ;P
Moonblaze -Sam, the new and better version :P
White Rabbit -Merin/Pippin, the trouble brothers ;P
Black Rabbit -I didn't really knew who could the second of the trouble brothers, so I desided make a special characther for them.
Shadow -Gandalf (The great leader evryone likes <strike> expectelly the females</strike> :P)
Unhit -Aragon (I know he want that role, and he's my leader, I have no choise : P)
Phoenix Wing -Legolas (An other species to take place of elfs ;P)
Batty Buddy -Gimli (Better person couldn't be better :B)

Aug 15, 2002, 04:34 AM


Err,description is in the everyone's characters thread.
And don't tell me you are too lazy to look it up!:D

Aug 15, 2002, 04:56 AM
Originally posted by Piccolo
And don't tell me you are too lazy to look it up!:D I am.
List it up.

Aug 15, 2002, 05:06 AM
*grumpy look*
I'll spam you fer that!

Aug 15, 2002, 05:09 AM
I like to have control over the things, I feel better when the details are here, go post them here, or you won't get in the story :P

Aug 15, 2002, 05:16 AM
Here goes!

Species:uhm,ya know...uh...maybe...kind of a weasel?
Fur:light green
Eyes:brown and shiny
Hair:blue(? )
Appearance:not so tall;he looks quite strange with his long face(you can see it from the side!).
He's actually not very strongly built,but through hard training,he became a strong fighter.
Skills:good reflexes
Special Abilities:Magic tricks
Personality:hard to describe!
He's a calm person,very intelligent,yet clumsy.
He always seems to be doing things wrong.That's because he's always thinking of something else.
He's very friendly and helpful.Nevertheless,he doesn't have many friends.
Often alone,he would do anything for a girlfriend.
Although he's very calm,if he IS angry,nothing had better get into his way!
Occupation:student,often volunteer if it comes to fighting something/someone
Likes:being among friends,drawing
Hates:various people,killing someone
Friends:a few...
Enemies:various people...
Family:altogether and happy!!!
Strongness:strength,magic and an amazingly good defense(his head seems to be of metal!)
Weaknesses:his stamina,and most important,his psyche which dramatically effects his physical state!!!

Batty Buddy
Aug 15, 2002, 07:48 AM
Que Passa!!!!

Well, I always liked Pippin(And Gandalf of course... who DOESN'T like Gandalf.)but I think I'm better suited for Gimli.

Name: Batty Buddy
Age: About 21 in years, but then few toons actually show signs of aging.
Species: Animated Bat
Gender: Male
Personality: Quick to make a joke. A bit of a cravin little coward, but I can usually be talked into doing something I normally wouldn't do if need be. I also like to point out cliches.
Apperances: A cartoon bat with an orange backpack and sunglasses.(My eyes are red under the glasses.) I also have a pair of cute blunt fangs.
Friends: Idolises Spaz(He seems more like a toon then an ordinary rabbit.). Thinks Jazz, Lori, and Eva are ok since they hang out with afformentioned red rabbit. I try to be freinds with practically anyone who has a sense of humor.
Enemies: Owls, and other birds of prey. Those dadgum turtles tend to get my dander up too.
Weapons: Crowbar.(Not as cliche as a mallet and even more useful.) A small blaster for normal stuff, and a huge blaster thats bigger then me for when I get mad. I also can pull practically anything out of my backpack, be it a weapon or something else, but in all fairness, I'm not very good at pulling things out of my backpack(90% of the time, I accidentally grab something useless or dangerous...)
Powers: Aforementioned backpack counts as a power, but anyone who gets their hand in it can also try to pull anything they like out of it(in fact, it seems like everyone else is better at getting what they want from it then I am.). I can also fly and echolocate(of course... I'm a BAT.) and I can pull off a cosmic shift which alters reality(Examples of Cosmic Shift include, causeing a train to drive out of a painted hole in the wall, causeing an entire mountain to fall-except for the little part I'm standing on, and practically anything you've ever seen in a cartoon.) But its an involentary reation that only happens when I'm in danger, or need to use it to accomplish an important goal. And I have to watch out for anyone who might be hurt by a sudden change of reality. Sadly, I also had increadably bad luck- I'm bound by Murpheys law of everything that can go wrong going wrong.
Likes: Alcohol, and LOTS of it.(The only thing funnier then a toon is a drunk toon.) Also, like many other toons, I like joking around.
Dislikes: Owls, Erasers, and the unknown. I also tend to question the reliabilty of Airboards. I also recall hearing something about audience deprevation driving a toon crazy... Never had it happen to me. Might just be an old fairy tale...
Family: Oh, I guess I don't have any anymore. My colony was hypnotised by Devan into going crazy and attacking Jazz and Spaz in Jazz 2.
Catchphrase: "Que Passa!!!!"

Aug 15, 2002, 08:04 AM
Okay Batty, I'll change a bit on your characther (the weapons *cough*) for get him fit perfect : P
About Piccolo, I talked with him and he accepted the role change, his characther used sword and didn't fit at all, sorry :(
It dosen't matter what gender your characther is, as told, this will be different. : P

Aug 15, 2002, 10:39 AM
Okay, I took the most important things from my character description. I never saw the movie and I don't really know what a road wraith is, so feel free to change my details like you need them.

<b>Name:</b> Unknown, calls herself Scary Sarry.
<b>Age:</b> Nobody knows her age, but she's definitely not old.
<b>Gender:</b> Female
<b>Species:</b> Cat
<b>Fur:</b> White
<b>Hairstyle:</b> Long black hair
<b>Clothes:</b> A chain coming out of her cloak and sliding on the ground, a chain wound round her belly, (a black hat deep in her face - <i>I dunno if that's possible as a road wraith</i>), a strange necklace and lots of rings and other finger-things.
At her left ear she wears a silver ring.
<b>Eyes:</b> Normally you can't see them, because her hat is too deep in her face, but they're brown/green, with thin black rings around them (kinda goth, but it looks like she didn't have enough sleep...;)).
<b>Appearance:</b> Slim, quite tall and wiry.
<b>Weapons:</b> Dunno if weapons are allowed, but <i>IF</i> they are allowed, Sarry still carries her knife.
<b>Personality:</b> She's a silent person and can be quite friendly, but she gets mad very fast. Then she usually beats up her enemies. :rolleyes:
<b>Likes:</b> Fire, metal, Metal (the music) and everything that's dark or mysterious.
<b>Family:</b> Unknown.

Tell me what you need and what I shall add.

<b>Edit:</b> What about the wings, btw? You can leave them out, if it fits better.

Aug 15, 2002, 10:59 AM

Violet CLM
Aug 15, 2002, 12:29 PM
I want to be the gatekeeper. You know, that gatekeeper.

Flint LP
Aug 15, 2002, 02:10 PM
I'll be Legolas. It appeared Pic took him, but I think hes got Boromir. If not I'll be Pippin)

appearance: rabbit with elve ears and long blond hair.
Weapons: a long bow with lots of arrows.
fur color:sort of rocky gray
spec. powers:can shoot lots of arrows really quickly. Also always hits dead on.
gender: male
enemies: none living.:p
If you need any oher details tell me.;)


Aug 15, 2002, 06:50 PM
I like my charactor mentioned...

Name: Puffie

Nickname: Puffie40

Age: Unknown.

Gender: Male.

Species: Rabbit

Fur: Brown

Eyes: Green

Appearance: Built like a warrior and looks like jazz

Skills: Swimming, Running, Hiding.

Special abilities: Can go ballistic and fry anything in his path with his gun.

Personality: Smart, yet mean, somtimes likes to joke a lot...

Occupation: Warrior of RabbitEarth

Likes: Fighting.

Dislikes: Anyone or anything that actullaly HURTS him

Friends: None, but keeps reffering to a friend named Peter Rabbit...

Enemies: None, if any...

Family: Living on RabbitEarth

Lives: RabbitEarth, But right now in Carrotus...

Symbol: Running Jackrabbit


RabbitEarth is a planet I made up when I was a kid.

Puffie was the name of a stuffed rabbit I had

Puffie40 is my E-Mail address (Puffie40@hotmail.com)

Rabbitearth is inhabited with rabbits :rolleyes: and is pristine. They have no empire except for Rabbitearth's binery moons and the system they are in.

The RabbitEarth legion (The band of Warriors that Puffie is in) where exploring newly found systems, and found the carrotus planet.......

I'll get a pic as soon...

Aug 15, 2002, 11:35 PM
Originally posted by $kúlg
What about the wings, btw? You can leave them out, if it fits better. Hidden under your clothes ;P
@ Puffie
You did not choose a role that did fit, please do that or you won't get in the story.
@ Unknown Rabbit
What gate? ;P

Aug 16, 2002, 11:55 AM
Originally posted by Flint LP
If not I'll be Pippin)Legolas has been reserved by the day I started this, sorru. ;P
Merin and Pippin will be brothers, the brothers that always makes troubles. :P
And please do find a responability name for your characthers, like ''puffie'' or ''flint'' isen't normal names for a normal little rabbit village.
But I'd like to just make you up as a head role that isen't based on Lord of the Rings.
For god's safe, I want Unknown Rabbit and White Rabbit as choose brothers, see that could be intresting :P
Please do respect that if I don't know you, I have hard place you as a head role, sinice I don't know how I should play you, and how you act normally, it just takes my nerves on.

Violet CLM
Aug 16, 2002, 02:11 PM
The one who gets the gate kicked in and then trampled by the Nazguls.

Aug 16, 2002, 02:13 PM
Where is it, and what book is it in? ;P

Aug 16, 2002, 02:26 PM
Froduckah ... *waves*

Okay..profile then.

Name: Ducky
Gender: female*you should all know*
Age: About 19..
Species: Lopeared rabbit
Fur: Grey, with darker eartips
Hair:Very dark auburn, about hip length, with long strandy bangs that's always in my face.
Eyes: V. pale green.
Appearance: Quite short and thin, but with a roundish face. Slightly but uncaringly ...oblivious expression. Always looks a little nervous or worried. Has scar on upper left arm,
Personality: Calm, but quite untrusting. *HAS SECRET CRUSH ON BOROMIR yay he's so cool*
Kind of nervous. Tends to panic but usually ends up okay.
Clothes: Wears knee high leather boots and black pants, dark grey tunic with bell sleeves, a silver belt and a dark purple cloak with a hood.
Weapons: Carries a...sword. A thin one. With a dragon on the handle.


Violet CLM
Aug 16, 2002, 03:19 PM
I forget where, and I'm not sure if it's in the book, but you say you just watched the DVD.. do I detect a lack of memory here?

Aug 17, 2002, 03:27 AM
I do not remember one single gate, except for that one where a monster attacks from the sea.
Flint, be a Nazgul ;P

Aug 17, 2002, 03:34 AM

I'm evil. I carry a big knife, and I have sharp teeth. I like to torture people and then laugh when they're crying. Or am I turning TOO evil now? Whatever.

Aug 17, 2002, 06:05 PM
Am I the only 'Evil' participant everyone forgets? ;P

Aug 17, 2002, 09:50 PM
Are you planing on a role as Nazgul then? ;P

Flint LP
Aug 18, 2002, 09:18 PM
Originally posted by Moonblaze
I do not remember one single gate, except for that one where a monster attacks from the sea.
Flint, be a Nazgul ;P

Ohh, i'll be nazgul number 4!

Or wait, could I be Elrond, the elf.

appearance:rabbit that looks elvish(tall,rigid face, and odd ears)
weapons:longsword and longbow
spec. powers:a good healer
role:leader(?) of that elvish citadel(for some reason I cannot remember the name)

This good?

Aug 18, 2002, 09:33 PM
Exactelly I could give you a role like that, but it won't be such big as a Nazgul, you sure on that?

Flint LP
Aug 19, 2002, 08:48 AM
Yeah, I'm fine. Also I think that the gate unknown is talking about is near the beggining. The hobbits have just left the shire and are (supposedly) meeting Gandalf in some inn. There is a gatekeeper outside the small town who gets run over by the Nazgul who wer following Froduckah

PS if you cannot incorporate Elrond into your story, then I'll be Nazgul #4. OK?


Aug 19, 2002, 08:53 AM
Oh Unknown Rabbit, that's a little hopeless role for one line, are you sure on you don't want to be Nazgul too? ;P

Violet CLM
Aug 19, 2002, 12:20 PM
Oh, all right. I'll be Mount Doom then.

Aug 19, 2002, 12:27 PM
You wanna be gate keeper at mount doom (Which is a hopeless role too ;p) or a cool Nazgul that just goes for being plain evil all the time?
And is that your final anwser? *dumdroll*

Flint LP
Aug 19, 2002, 08:57 PM
I think unknown actually wants to be mount doom, which could be funny.


Aug 19, 2002, 09:29 PM
A talking mountain? ;-.-

Batty Buddy
Aug 19, 2002, 09:39 PM
Que Passa!!!!


"Don't you DARE even THINK about throwing that ring into me... I mean it... Stop scaling my crags- Or I'll... um... I'll... um... Please? Ok! Thats it. I'm going AVALANCHE on your sorry hinny!"

Aug 20, 2002, 12:14 AM
I'll do Unknown Rabbit and Flint to Nazguls (No Unknown Rabbit, not gonna be a talking mountain ;-.-).
I need Nazguls for begin the story. :B

Violet CLM
Aug 20, 2002, 09:07 PM

Aug 20, 2002, 11:45 PM

Aug 21, 2002, 05:14 AM
I have no longer need for anymore charathers, I will now begin on the story.

Aug 23, 2002, 10:14 AM
No! Stop!

Name: Taz
Fur: light-Brown
Hairstyle: Brown fuzzy hair
Gender: Boy
Thing: Tazmanian Devil
Thingies: &!&%%_#"(_'&!)(_%#)&$!&%

Aug 23, 2002, 01:01 PM
Too late Taz. =p