View Full Version : Poll Problems!

Aug 29, 2002, 02:10 PM
It seems after a while or short while of browsing on the JCF this problem comes up when I try to answer a poll.

vBulletin Message
The action you have attempted could not be performed as your session appears to be invalid. Click the below link to attempt this action again with a new session.
Try this action again! <---- = URL to retry poll

But when I click Try this action again! the same message comes up. Hmm, I can't understand why this happens please help me! BTW, I am using my browser's internet which is called WalMart Connect, created on an AOL engine.

Trafton AT
Aug 29, 2002, 03:05 PM
I don't have this problem, but if you're browser is based on AOL, it is also based on Internet Explorer. I use IE with no problems. How long has this been going on?

Aug 29, 2002, 04:34 PM
It's been going on for quite a while now I'd say about 4-5 months but I thought it would go away but it didn't.

Aug 31, 2002, 04:15 AM
The issue may be fixed now.

Trafton AT
Aug 31, 2002, 02:20 PM
The new vBulliten update mentioned something about repairing poll errors, so I agree with FQuist that it may be fixed now.

Sep 1, 2002, 12:56 PM
Yay thanks Quist, wow the board is very slow today.

Trafton AT
Sep 1, 2002, 12:56 PM
Really? It's above average speed for me. Maybe it's because you are in Europe?