View Full Version : Ehhmmm...

Sep 10, 2002, 06:32 AM
I was just wondering, how do you make things like keys in JCS? I know you use a trigger zone, but how do you make the key disappear if the trigger zone is on top of the key, and you can't have events on top of each other?

I have seen people do this, so I know it's possible.

Super Saiyan
Sep 10, 2002, 07:15 AM
Uhm, Key?? Do you mean a picture tile of a key in a tileset? Well, they are orginally not included in JCS, you really should use a Tileset which has a key picture.

Sep 10, 2002, 07:49 AM
Normally you put the trigger scenery right next to the key ;)

Sep 10, 2002, 07:53 AM
<a href=http://www.jazz2online.com/articles/view.php?id=32>Article about Triggers,</a>

Like you go stand on the Key so a door Opens?/Locks?

Check that link its about triggers if that is what you mean?

Violet CLM
Sep 10, 2002, 10:50 AM
As none of you seem to have explained this rather simple process, I guess I shall have to.

Put trigger zones all around the key tile, and make the key itself a trigger scenery with the same ID. The key should vanish when the trigger is activated. The stuff the key opens should be the same triggerID.

Feel free to get fancy, though. Like having the lock only open when you bring the key to it.

Super Saiyan
Sep 10, 2002, 12:52 PM
Ah Now I got the question :D

Sep 10, 2002, 04:36 PM
I did that in my heaven level on j20, download it and see, no password, rate it first!!!

Trafton AT
Sep 10, 2002, 05:27 PM
Originally posted by Unknown Rabbit
As none of you seem to have explained this rather simple process, I guess I shall have to.

Put trigger zones all around the key tile, and make the key itself a trigger scenery with the same ID. The key should vanish when the trigger is activated. The stuff the key opens should be the same triggerID.

Feel free to get fancy, though. Like having the lock only open when you bring the key to it.

I think this is what acid meant. It is used in a Foo Races level, in fact.

Sep 11, 2002, 05:46 AM
Oh, and acid, don't forget to make the key an animated tile. it should look like this:
Key - Nothing - Key
Then with a trigger scenery ontop of it, and a trigger zone with on/off turned to 1(or 0 if you are turning it off), and the ID's set to the same, then when you go to get the key it should disappear. If you also want it to open a door, make a similar animated tile (Only with the door/blocks instead of the key) and place trigger scenery with the same ID on it. TOOODAAAA:-D

Violet CLM
Sep 11, 2002, 11:14 AM
Note that for trigger scenery, the third frame is not necessary, though it does make the animated tile destruct/stomp/collapse scenery compatible.

Sep 11, 2002, 04:21 PM
Actually, there has to be the third frame, just it can be anything. This is because if you are using trigger zone, for some reason it stops one frame before the last frame.

Trafton AT
Sep 11, 2002, 04:31 PM
Usually, a third animation frame is preferable, if not required.