View Full Version : Hellp Møønblaze!

Dec 10, 2002, 04:30 AM
:confused: Hi Møønblaze! I hope you haven't been affected by Niclas and Emil's bad sense of humor(talking 'bout the little Sweden episode today)

p.s Im glad you didn't mean all that swede-hating crab §:)

p.p.s Is there a better way to comunicate than forums?

Dec 10, 2002, 04:48 AM
No, I'm afraid that only communication known to mankind these days are forums. My friend, you are screwed.

Oh wait, there's always IRC, PMs, ICQ, MSN, AIM, Yahoo, E-mail, and the telephone.

Dec 10, 2002, 05:02 AM
:mad: Thanks for the information, but I was wrote the message for Møønblaze so (PA) :mad:

PiZZa: Personal attack/Filter bypass edit.

Dec 10, 2002, 05:18 AM
Then maybe you should have given him a Private Message, eh, my Swedish friend?

By the way, "(/)" is going down in my list of strange insults foreigners have given me. THX BUDDY =))))))DDD))D)D)DD)D))D)))))DD)DD)D))))D)DDD)D)))D )D

PiZZa: Quotation edit.