View Full Version : Inspired by FoD...

Jun 7, 2001, 01:33 PM

*cough* Well, um.. on May 14, 2001.. I er.. well, I beat Jazz Jackrabbit 2 single player on hard difficulty. *cough* Er.. I did it in one hour and twenty-eight minutes.. and Dreama has a screenshot.. just thought I'd let you know."

That's your siggeh. (:

I decided to see how fast *I* could do it. Despite about five goes at that annoying red spinny boss, and three at Devon himself, I was able to beat it in exactly one hour, ten minutes. (: My score was something tiny like 32,000, seeing as I was just trying to get through the levels as fast as I could. So...I'm not happy with my performance, and I'm going to try again. But I challenge the rest of you to do it (:

Remember, Hard difficulty.


Jun 7, 2001, 01:35 PM
Oh, and...no saving. (:

I didn't :P

And for anyone who thinks "Bad Pitt" is easy, try it with no weapons besides blaster..and no saving :P

Jun 7, 2001, 08:33 PM
That's like.. easy? :P

I'm suprised that you got down that far, I might get faster too, but I prolly won't try.

Bad Pitt is easy, man!

Jun 7, 2001, 09:58 PM
This is General Jazz2 talk :P

You guys are so used by posting in Misc. You should head over more to the general forums. That's why this board is here ..

Jun 7, 2001, 10:55 PM
i beat it faster...

forgot how fast its long ago

but i was faster


Jun 8, 2001, 04:45 AM
Good point, Newspaz.

Jun 8, 2001, 04:55 AM
I just finished it, it took me 47 seconds! =D

<small>No-one said no cheating!</small>

Jun 8, 2001, 05:15 AM
Jazz jackrabbit is always easy, but then again RACING through it might be worth the challenge.

However I think you will get about 2 people who will actually take the trouble of recording the time.

Jun 9, 2001, 04:25 AM

righto fear :P