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Batty Buddy
Mar 26, 2003, 01:08 PM
Que P-p-p-p-passa!!!!

Both an art submission AND a blatent advertisment:



(Welcome back, Roger Rabbit.)

Seriously folk, I'm a huge fan of this guy. I have one of his two novels, and I've been designing a Toon world for him(Toon, the cartoon RPG I always mention) The least I could do to welcome him back to home theaters was with a piece of fanart.

And finally, for those who say the title doesn't rhyme: It's based on a song that goes "Won't you please, please help me"

Mar 26, 2003, 01:26 PM
Whee! it's Roger Rabbit!^^

nice pic, Batty ^^ meehe...yes, I do like Roger Rabbit too..the movie made me crack up a lot..and I watched it about 9 times..^^...once again, nice pic , Batty..and..he's breaking the dishes, right?O_o or..are those CDs..?

Batty Buddy
Mar 26, 2003, 01:29 PM
Que Passa!!!!

They're supposed to be dishes... alas, I had no previous experience drawing dishes seen from the side...

Captain Spam
Mar 29, 2003, 03:25 AM
Ah, Roger smashing dishes over his head. Real dishes, too. Not Toon dishes. Yet another part of the pure magic of Who Framed Roger Rabbit?, I say. Nice pic. :-)

Mar 30, 2003, 10:54 PM
Hey cool. Batty, you know that animation instruction book I told you about? The guy who wrote that worked on the animation for Roger Rabbit, the book even has some behind the scenes information on it. :)

Mar 31, 2003, 04:42 AM
Jazz is better :P

Batty Buddy
Mar 31, 2003, 06:05 PM
Que Passa!!!!

Hey cool. Batty, you know that animation instruction book I told you about? The guy who wrote that worked on the animation for Roger Rabbit, the book even has some behind the scenes information on it.

Really? WOW! Now I just GOTTA get that book. (On a side note I shall now reveil something to you all. Roger Rabbit was origionally a book. Although the story with the book had nothing to do with the story of the movie, both were really great works of art, and in fact, Gary Wolf, the writer of the book, was so pleased with all that they had done with his characters of Roger, Jessica and the rest of them, he actually sent in fanmail to the Roger Rabbit comic book. He also created a second RR book, following the continueum of the movie rather than his origional book since Roger dies halfway through that story. In the second book Roger actually turns human, and G.W. talked about plans for a THIRD book...
... Sadly, I have no knowlege as to if that third book was ever published, or even finished... I still hope, though, that I will someday read it, and find further adventures of Maroon Cartoon's star actor.)

Jazz is better :P

True, but Roger still has a special place in our hearts... Hmm... A Roger Rabbit, Jazz Jackrabbit crossover...(Naw- probably will never work.)

"Ahh, Memories... If it wern't for them, I'd forget everything..."
-Roger Rabbit
Who framed Rick Flint(A RR comicbook story)

Mar 31, 2003, 11:49 PM
Nice history lesson :).

I never knew that about Roger Rabbit. It wasn't mentioned in the book. The book just covers a few of the animator's experiences in making the movie.

In other news, if you have the original lazer disk of Who Framed Roger Rabbit, and got it before the disks were recalled, there is a naughty frame of Jessica in one of the scenes. Yes, that would be why they were recalled. On a positive note, when people found out about this, the lazer disks sold like hotcakes. I forgot the name of the book I read about this in. The book was about Disney secrets, I think.

Another secret of Who Framed Roger Rabbit is that when the train runs through the factory in the final scene, in each of the windows, if you pause the movie or slow it down, you can see different murder scenes taking place. I never tried it out, myself, but it was in the book.

Yeah, Who Framed Roger Rabbit was a nice experience in my childhood. It is nice, because if I look back to remember the movie from when it first came out, a lot of nice memories of times past also surface. Heh, the NES days.