View Full Version : Sureal III: Sands Of Time -by Kovu aka Alec

Jan 19, 2001, 03:53 PM
Kovu aka Alec

Member posted December 20, 2000 12:57 AM

Sureal III: Sands Of Time

by Kovu Aka Alec

Author's Notes:The series, as I'm sure you know, is not popular, but it has a few loyal fans.

This, I made for them. It ends the series once and for all, and though it's short length

does not present it as a fit sequel to the 18 chapter long Aldan, I belive quality makes up

for it. The story is designed to awnser all the unawnsered questions from Sureal.

And, though I set out to make a happy end to the trilogy, it's probably the saddest of

of the three. So, grab you're hankys, and enjoy!

Note:You should defintly read Sureal I and II to understand this, as it's a direct

continuation, taking place three months

after Aldan's epilouge.

Chapter 1:A Call to Arms

The hull groaned as the tiny shuttle flew across the waters of the Matahas sea. The

skys where black and rain fell harshly, leaving a rythmic pattern as they hit the roof.

Vision was poor but the pilot could see his target more clearly than ever. A tall, rectangle

bulding with elaborate pathways connecting various parts. It was dim in the rain, best described as a detailed shadow, but the mind's eye has a better sense of direction than any other.

The only docks in this small town where for boats, so he had to park his spacecraft in the

water inundated beach. Putting the hood of his cloak over his head and grabbing his staff,

the figure stepped out and began running down the streets.

He was strange, especially in this place. Underneath his tan cloak, he had orange pants and

black boots, with a red shirt and cape. Not Ontrnaught approved, I'm sure. And his fur was

a brownish color, his eyes green and his spiky hair black. However, if his life where swept

away after what he was about to do, it would be well worth it, a thousand over.

"No time." From underneath his red cape, a energy roared to life, and soon the figure

was propelled forward, with a yellow flame behind him. Zipping though the streets, he saw

the metal door that was the entrance to New Ontranaught H.Q. and the sickly illuminated

keypad beside it. He nearly smacked into the latter, and was just barely able to stop, quickly

becoming aware he lost his staff along the way.

"Oh well, there are better staffs to be had." He said as he punched in a series of numbers

in the pad, and the door slid open with a frisssh.

Leaving a trail of water behind him, the rabbit ran to the nearest teleporter.

"Please input floor."

"Four, NOW!"

"Sorry, fournow does not compute." Mentally slapping himself, the rabbit tried again.


"Four, and have a nice day." His body dissapeared in a flash of green energy.


"A7." Tyio said, a wry smile on his face.

"Bah! You sunk my battleship!" Ducky sat back in her chair, looking dispondent.

"If you ask me, this game is purely random, you have no way of telling where you're

opponents ships are, a winner is random!" Tyio said, standing up and going over to the

window overlooking the rain drenched city.

"Then why have you beat her twelve times?" Aldan asked, sipping on a bottle of carrot-juice.

"It's...very...random, it's so random it's lost it's mind! That's it!" Tyio said, trying to

control the flow of the conversation.

"Hey, Tyio, could you go get my staff? I sense a evil presence." Ducky asked.

"Since when do you have super-senses...oh wait I feel that too...evil, I better make sure

something really bad isn't on t.v. That'll do it, you know." Kayle said, going over to the

hologram projector.

"Please Tyio?"

"B-but it's all the way in the,"does freaky hand signs,"Super Ultra Level Nine Security Gate!

I'll have to get the Giant Laser of Life to get it out!"

"How about for one Vinegar Potato Chip, no tw-"

"DONE!" Tyio entusiastically snatched the chip from Ducky and ran away.

"Look at that boy go."Defalcon said, and almost immediatley a puff of blue energy entered the

room, teleporter myst.

"Hey, Kove! What are you doing here? Group hug!" Aldan said, and the five there huged Kovu

in union.

"Guys, I have something important to tell you!"The newly appeared Kovu said.

"What?" Dazz asked.

"Well, I was on the way here to meet you all, when I saw this huge space force ammased in

Matak orbit, something is not good." Kovu said, out of breath.

"A huge fleet? Who would they want to attack?" Kayle asked.

"I don't know, but I do know is they had a incomplete Ringworld there!"

Aldan, who had been taking a sip of his Carrot-Juice at the time, spit it out and almost


"A Ringworld! But that's one of the Gerenpfpssh signs of Doomsday, how could they possibly

learned how to make one, the Gerenpfpssh scrolls where destroyed 1000 years ago!"Aldan said,


"I don't know, but what I do know is that we have to check it out." Kovu said.


"The stars...they are so tiny...so...insignifigant." An eye blinked behind a panel of glass,

and the noise of breathing regulated under a white, metal mask.

"I-i've trained in the ancient ways of the Gerenpfpssh, I have learned..." The figure thinking

was in full body armor, standing on the side of a large spacecraft, the Ringworld.

"Haha! The plan was correct! The Ringworld will channel the energy of lost souls...the same

as that boy did half a year ago." The rabbit cringed.

"But this time, the very power will smite New Ontranaught once and for all. I will rule the

world!" She let out in arcane laughter, and the space-suit's engines flickered to life, and she

flew to the other side of the Ring. She looked out. What a mighty fleet she had ammased.

"The teachings of lord Zygot will not be forgotten." The suited rabbit filed into a EVA bay.

"Never forgotten."


"Yeeeeehaaaaaaa!" Kayle said as she gripped the controls of the tiny space-fighter.

"I guess that means you like them?" Aldan's voice came scratch over the comm.

"Man! How'd you make things this fast?" Defalcon asked, as the six tiny spacecraft wove in

and out between each other.

"Well...do you really want to know."Aldan.

"Yes!"Defalcon returned.

"Well, each one of them uses a tiny bit of Sparif crystal, that's why I only had ten made!"

Everyone's faces turned blank with fear, except Tyio, who laughed and said.

"Good call, bro!"

"Okay, now get serious everyone, I have something on SPCAR." Aldan said.

"What cordiantes?" Kayle asked, looking down at the green screen.

"Dead ahead!" Aldan's voice transmitted, and Kayle slowly looked up, shocked to see the paly

illuminated outline of the Ringworld.

"How in'a? Who could make something that BIG?!"Dazz asked

"It's because they didn't make most of it." Tyio said.

"They taught us this in history class in Akael.*"

"The Ringworld was made 10000 years ago by the ancient Gerenpfpssh, who channeled the energy

from souls into it."

"It was destroyed when all the souls left it, but if someone read the proper scroll, it could

be brought back...this is what they must have done." Tyio explained as the image grew clearer.

"What's it do?"Kovu asked.

"No one knows." They flew onward, until a burst of blue energy appeared and carreaned torward


"New Ontranaught, I persume." The image of a black furred rabbit came on the comm. channel.

"Who are you?"Aldan asked.

"My name is Thersay, and I will kill you, once and for all."

"I suppose you are responsible for the Ringworld?" Tyio said.

"Silence! You heathen! If you must know, yes, I am part of the revolutionaries of Muar/Matak."

"What?!"Kayle shouted.

"The people of the moons are tired of living as second class citizens." Thersay said as the

armoured space-suit she was in came closer.

"This has been going on long?" Defalcon asked.

"No, a friend of mine, and yours, helped them along, before he was silenced." Her voice



"Lord Zygot...he planned to liberate the Muar/Matakians in case his Human force failed."

"So...you don't intend to help them at all eh? This is just a front for the rebirth of Old Ontrnaught, so you can replant you're seeds of evil." Aldan said with a hiss.

"A crude way of putting it, but yes. And now..."The space suit stopped infront of the spacecraft."Come out and fight me-mano eh mano."

"I'll take her." Aldan stepped outside of the fighter, unseathing his sword.

"What! How can you be alive without a space-suit on!" Thersay was shocked.

"If you served under Zygot...well he never told anyone his secrets. If you are powerful enough, you can channel energy to keep yourself from exploding and provide energy to you're blood and cells from your own ki!" Aldan said.

"A...ah...n-no matter! I'll destroy you all!" Thersay flew forward, and Aldan punched her

in the stomach and knocked her of to the side, causing her to bounce off the hull of his fighter.

"Grr!" The large claws on her forearms opened and she let loose with a volley of tiny yellow energy balls, Aldan batted them away easily, catching the last one and hurdling it back at Thersay, leaving a scar on her suit.

"Curse you! Attack them now!" As she said this a swarm of ships flew from the Ringworld at blazing speeds, firing blasters.

"Uh oh!"Aldan said bouncing around his ship, avoiding blasts.

"Why can't we just use a ki blast to destroy them?" Kayle asked.

"At our position, anything we could shoot would destroy Matak too!"

From behind, a large purple blast struck on of the Starships.

"What?"Dazz asked.

"Hah! I knew they'd get here in time!" Aldan said, looking at the small fleet of NO cruisers.

"Awaiting orders-sir!"A captian aboard the frontmost ship asked Aldan.

"Stop the progression of that fleet, hold them of for atleast three hours."


"Tyio!"Aldan shouted, still evading blasts.


"I want you, Ducky,Kovu and Defalcon to head back to Carrotous, find a way to stop the


"Aye!" The four's fighters turned around and headed back, torward the planet.

"It won't save you." Thersay said from behind Aldan, standing amid the rain of bullets.


"You're doomed, and Carrotous will be held by me-the rightful heir!"

"Rightful heir? You're just one of Zygot's lackeys, he trusted no one!"

"Not even his wife?"


*Akael:The capital city of Gerenpfpssh, incase you forgot

Haha...we have a sequel! Comments? Questions? Hate me? Want to give me money? Reply.

Yep. Well, just as promised, here's chapter two, in which, needless to say, bad stuff happens.

Chapter 2: The Tears of the Gerenpfpssh

"You!?" Aldan asked, kicking Thersay in her stomach. The latter rolls back, then awnseres.

"Yes!"Firing a volley of energy blasts. Aldan bobbed left and right then flew up and slashed

her armcannon in half.

"Then you are a fool!" Aldan kneed Thersay in the stomach and then punched her in the head,

knocking her away.

"Zygot lied to everyone! He did that just so you could bring back his glory in the event of

his death!" Aldan flew up and kicked Thersay in the throat, bringing her to the edge of


"Focous you're energy..." Thersay heard a voice...Zygot's voice.

"The power of Easgi is within you!"The voice spoke again. Thersay was certain she had died, for

she saw a strange, blonde haired rabbit floating infront of her.

"W-wha?" She managed as the rabbit put her palm on her forehead. She felt a burst of energy

as her body transformed and her space-suit melted away.

"No-oh no!" Aldan said, powering up. Thersay had done what Tyio did, merged with Easgi and

become a super-being--but how? Easgi was in an entirely diffrent universe by now.

"I am Easay!"


"So...tell me you're plan." Kovu said to Tyio.


"About how to find out HOW to destroy that thing?"

"I don't have a plan, because the ancient scrolls that detailed such stuff where destroyed

with the original Akael." Tyio said from his fighter.

"But how did they learn how to build it then? They couldn't have been destroyed, they must

exist somewhere."

"I wish Fureyell was here." Tyio said, thinking as his tiny fighter entered the atmosphere.

"Done."A voice said.

"Fureyell?" Tyio asked then turned around to see him standing behind him.

"In the fur."

"W-what are you doing here? The vortex to this universe was destroyed!"

"Well, I never left, and I can tell you that the scrolls are somewhere on the Great Plateau."

"But wait-Fureyell, we need you help!"

"Bye."As soon as he appeared, Fureyell teleported away.

"Uh...Tyio, who are you talking to?"Ducky asked.

"Fureyell, didn't you see him?"


"...uhm, well...we need to go to the Great Plateau, adjust course."

"Adjusting course."



"I've heard that one before...get some new material."

"Oh I know you have...remember I'm Easgi too." The room seemed a bit darker.

"They why are you evil?"

"Mind over matter? Prehaps." The sound of footsteps cascaded through the room.

Aldan squirmed, but to no avail. He was bound in steel and hanging over the energy core of

the Ringworld.

"What do you want, huh? What to you really want, Easay?"

"I want that pointy eared friend of yours, and you're going to bring him to me or you and

everyone who has seen you will DIE!" Aldan thought of a way out.

"You mean Tyio? Why, because he killed Zygot? Zygot was a purity of evil! He would settle

at nothing to see the universe leveled at his feet! He cared for no one! You're just

deluding yourself and I don't know WHY you'd want to!" Aldan shouted. There was a loud thwack

and Aldan felt a tinge of pain.

"You're wrong!"

"I knew Zygot before I was born!" Aldan said wickedly, trying to scare the bizzare merge.

"You won't frighten me! I know all about Dext, that pathetic droid! Just for that I'm going

to drop you into the core in ten seconds if you don't tell me where that brat Tyio is!"

Easay hissed.









"Two, speak up or die!"


"Zero." Aldan himself said as he fell down to the core. Gloating, Easay looked down into the

swirling eneries.

"What?" A explosion formed down in the core, and Easay staggered back as a collumn of teal energy flew up and blasted a hole three meters wide, leading up into space.

"What?!!" Easay's ki flared up in order to control the oxygen.


The engines of the four fighters died as the touched on the orange soil surrounded by


"Please watch your step, and have a nice day:Zephlom tu wa kaa, gruo no." The too-cheerful

computer said as the cockpit screens of the fighters opened and the warriors stepped out.

"Okay Tyio...what's the plan?" Defalcon said after getting down.

"Remember Fureyell?"

"Heck yeah! He was one of the four dimensional mystics who created the Vortex and helped us

kill Zygot."

"Right. Then he left this universe through the mini-vortex with the other humans, right?"

"Well, right."

"Wrong! He didn't go through the vortex, somehow he's still here, although I don't know why."

"I still don't see you're point." Kovu said, a bit confused.

"He told me that the ancient Gerenpfpssh scrolls where here, on the Great Plateau, then

teleported away."

"The only place they could be is...Castle Carrotous. Cool, let's go!" Ducky said cheerfully

as she walked torward the tan colored building about a mile away.

"Wa-wa-wait, stop, rewind, fssfssfss, play! We're supposed to infiltrate Castle Carrotous?"

"That's the general gist of it." Tyio said, standing cross-armed.

"But it's a HUUUGE fort! They have alarms on the alarms for crying out loud!" Kovu shouted.

Tyio and Ducky walked away.

"Wait! You guys, come back! We need a 'plan'! You can't just," Defalcon transformed into a

Falcon and grabbed Kovu's shirt, flying him over to the others.

"Eeek! I'm afraid of hights!"

"Coward! I can't belive I'm part of you!" Tyio shouted up.

"I-I'm NOT a coward, I-I just think that this whole mission is impossible!"

"Mission Impossible?" Defalcon said through his beak as the two touched down.

Dum bu da dum ba dum, dooo dooo dooo, dooo dooo dooo, da dum.


Kayle walked down the shiny, spacestation walkway in high, green pants and a off-white shirt.

"I swear, I'm going to KILL whoever designed Zygot's uniforms." Kayle, noting no one

was watching, slunked to the side of a wall, tapping a device on he temple, said.

"Dazz? Do you read?"

"Kinda-fz-mess-kkjjjzz-but can-xzz-understand." Dazz said through the comm.

"Good, what have you found? Where are you?"

"Zzzfkkk-command deck-zf-I found out something interesting-zzzfffzz-there ships-fssp-

are roboti-zzf-they are controled f-sszzz-flight deck."

"They are? Okay, meet me there in ten minutes, and forget stealth, they'll find out we're

here soon enough.

"Sir, -fzzz-uhm, ma'm."

"Kayle out." The latter once again tapped the device on her temple and cocked her gun.


"Send him up." Thersay said heartlessly, standing in a large control room with a window out

into space.

"Yes sir." A purple rabbit said, entering something into a keypad.

"You're on."

"Hello, rabbits, Hisect, Grnome, and other esteemed members of the Non-allyeds." Thersay began,

"I am Aldan Easgi, as I'm sure you know, the second of New Ontranaught and person who lead

the Cathrine clan and Non-allyed's Hisect, Grnome, and our newest member, Gerenpfpssh, to

victory aginst Zygot, and his alien army of humans. I come to you now, in a state of revolution,

as I'm sure you can see, a large ring like shape in the heavens, and, as I'm sure you know,

the moons of Matak and Muar, have rebeled aginst the Rabbit Empire, and the Non-allyeds.

It is because of there vision of peace! I say to you, put down you're weapons, and allow there control. If you will not belive you're greatest champion, who will you? Who will you?" She


"Went off without a hitch."The same purple rabbit said.

This is, ofcourse, what really happened, but everyone else saw the image of Aldan, and Aldan's voice.

"Like a charm.


"What? Aldan want's us to stop fighting?" Dazz thought as he knocked a guard across the head, and fired a blast through another.

"No, he wouldn't do that, it must be some form of magic or image manipulation, something!" He jump kicked at a nearby lizard.

"And if I'm going to stop this whole thing, I have to get to the flight deck!" He fired a huge blast through a wall and flew straight into the large room, seeing lazer fire from Kayles gun on the other side of the steel room.

"Kayle! You heard it too?" He said, as the two flew to the large computer that undoubtedly controled the ships.

"Yeah! I don't belive it, Aldan wouldn't do something like that."

"He most certaintly wouldn't." Kayle felt herself being put in a energy coil faster than she could fight back, and a blaster put in her back.

"It's you!" Dazz said through his teeth, he too had been captured.

"Righto." Thersay said.

"And with Aldan...out of the way..."

"What did you do to him?!" Kayle snapped.

"He flew the coup' if you'll spare a pun, he ran away, to who knows there.

"You're lying." Dazz said.

"Right again, I do know where he went, by know he should be everywhere, each of his vaporized particles drifting on there own adventure through space! He was killed by the Matak orbital defense."

"And as for you're other allies, take a look at this..." A hologram appeared infront of them, one of the burning port city where New Ontranaught was settled. Not just the base, which was a total wreck, but the church had a huge hole through the side and several of the pillars had falled. Graves where overturned, civillan houses where incinerated, obviously individually targeted, the pier had sunk into the sea, which had a crimson shade to it, of blood. And bodies drifted in the tide. The two where in a state of shock.

"Let's see, three thousand people live in that city, I told my men to 'let not a scorched stone stand and let not a breath of life be felt' so, three thousand people should be dead.

Kayle enetered a unholy rage.

"You (insert favorite explenitive)!" She threw her fist at him, but a forcefeild of pink energy surrounded him, and shocked her hand. It fell limp.

"Kayle! Quicky, put pressure on it, it'll keep it from spreading!" Kayle did so, her forearm quickly withering.

"Poision shields, don't you love them, now if you'll excuse me," She walked away,"I have a planet to decimate in five minutes, tata."


"Aw man! Good call, Tyio!" Ducky said as she filed through various files and scrolls in the Castle library.


"Taking care of those guards, and feeling bad about it! Look at this, it says that the revolutionaries are getting funding and materials from the council!"

"What the?" Kovu, who had been standing guard, was interested.

"But why?" Tyio asked.

"Apparently, the weak government, left so by the Civil War and the Zygot wars, is so afraid for there lives that they are seeking militaristic protection from clans!"

"So? Why not offically sanction it?" Tyio asked.

"Because the senate, not the council, voted aginst it, there breaking countless laws by going aginst them."

"So, where does the destruction of New Ontranaught come in?"

"Apparently, Zygot was the first person they hired to do just that! That's why he he became leader of Ontranaught, even though his, uhm, colorful background didn't give him enough votes!"

"So everything we've done up to now," Tyio rose, fist clenched in rage," all the battles we've fought, have been a sheer waste of time!"

"It get better, apparently, Sparif was in control of Carrotous all the time, they used it to power the containment feilds during the Civil War."

"So..."Tyio was trying very hard to control his anger,"That's why Zygot went after the Castle first when he gained control of the Hisect fleet! He was angry because there denying his acess to Sparif lead to there defeat!"

"That's when Zygot went off the handle. After his death, they payed the moons to rebel, but Thersay and a group of people still loyal to Zygot, must have taken control, planning to use the power of the Ringworld to get there revenge aginst you and the council."

"Those lying, stealing bunch of cowards!" Tyio shouted.

"What else can you expect from politicans?"

"Atleast they don't want a recount." Badum ping.


"I have no idea, I said it without even thinking it."

"Hhhm, well I guess you'll go take care of them, right? Wait!"


"I've found it! It says here that the Ringworld can only be destroyed if someone syphons the energy into there own body."

"Great, just great, who can withstand that much energy?


"Fire." Thersay said



Uh oh, how can the good guys possibly win? I mean, the very goverment has turned on them,

Aldan is apparently DEAD, Kayle and Dazz are captured, and the whole of the planet

Carrotous is about to be taken over by the

evil Thersay? How can all this be rectified with ONLY ONE CHAPTER LEFT! Can it be rectified, at all?

Stay tuned and find out, for Sureal III: Chapter 3 of 3: Let It Be

Merry Christmas everyone!

SE is done, and sorry all that's in it is

SE's for I, II, and III, but I was really

rushed for time, hope everyone is okay

with that. It's uploaded at J2O, in the Other Stuff category. Though it may take a while to appear. Stuff in this chapter

will make refrences to modifications in the

SE version, so if you don't have it, go with the flow.

I'd like, also, to warn everyone who reads this chapter that it is EXTREAMLY SAD!

So, like I said in the prolouge, grab you're hankies and enjoy!

Chapter 3: Let It Be

There was a deep rumbling sound as huge chunks of stone fell from the Castle.

"What's going on?" Defalcon asked. As a large stone fell away, the cornerstone, the whole castle fell down around them. They saw the reason, a large ball of energy, coming straight from the Ringworld.

"No!!!" Tyio charged up, and fired a blast to push the blast back. It wasn't enough.

"We're not-gonna-make-it!" Tyio strained under the energy.

"Tyio! The song! It'll let you transform!"

"Ducky, I don't think..."

"Do it! It's our only chance!" Tyio, heeding her advice, focused on the words. After a

few moments, his body was aflame with white energy, and a pair of golden wings streched

from his back. But the beam was close, too close.

"Tyio, NOOOOOOOWWWWWW!!!" Kovu screamed, and, under some difficulty, Tyio fired a mass of

chaotic energy at the red beam.

"I...can't...control it!" Tyio thought.


"AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Thersay cackled in a unholy manner. Standing up from the command chair of her Ringworld, she walked over to the beaten and battered Kayle and Dazz.

"Ha! Victory is mine! Why don't you submit now, and I'll let you die painlessly." Kayle, who's entire right arm was withered, black and lifeless, and her fur wet from tears, spat at her. Ofcourse, the field of energy containing her absorbed it, but the sentiment was enough. Thersay clenched her teeth and drew up the same barrier of pink energy.

"Would you care to loose some more limbs!? You'll die soon enough, why not make it as pleasant as possible for yourself, hm?"

"You're a demon! Zygot wasn't half as cruel as you!" Kayle screamed.

"I don't know if I should take that as a complement or an insult, hehe." Thersay said, pretending to be more interested in her fingernails.

"He could never care for you, or anything, expect Zo or those abominations of life, the Simptar."

"The Simptar where mere experiments of his, a stepping stone to greater things."

"Uh huh, and I suppose enciting a war between the Hisect and Grnome where too?"

"Well, they all turned out all right, didn't they? The Simptar where trapped on Harksca, and the Hisect and Grnome learned the truth, so what are you mad about?"

"I'm mad at how such beings as youreself exist without being carried away first class to the Underworld!"

Thersay swelled with rage, using her forcefeild to cut Kayle across her face, leaving a inscription in blood.

"Such words for such a young one!" Thersay hissed.

"Well, I'm nineteen, I don't imagine you to be much older."

"I'm sixhundred and three, soon sixhundred and four, and you should listen to your elders, ha!" Kayle could take is no more, and swung yet again at Thersay, causing her other hand to be shocked and wither.

"Why don't you give up, and spare yourself all that pain?" Kayle chouged weakly, with a river of blood flowing down her face.

"Oh yeah, well there's something you need to learn about us good guys." She stuck her face in the sheild matrix, lightining bounching off her wiht gall force.

"Is that we can take more pain than you can imagine!" Through sheer will, she stuck her withered hand through the sheild, snatching Thersay's face.

"DIIIIEEEEEEE!" She screamed, then a massive burst of energy surged through the field, and she was thrown back.

Thersay growled, her face glistening with the blood drawn by Kayle's final attack.

Raising her arm, a pink energy spike came up through the ground, and Kayle's blackened and lifeless body floated in the anti-grav.

"You--you killed her!" Dazz shouted, tears streaming down his face.

"And with Aldan dead, there'll be no Sparif to resurrect her like last time." He thought.

"A bit obvious, isn't it?" Thersay laughed deeply. Dazz transformed into a Super Saiyan, and charged up a huge energy-ball, hurling it at the force-fieled. The energy refracted, and all that could be seen of Dazz was a mighty scream and a light shadow.



The whole of the plateau was decimated. Luckily, the only people on it where our heros, and the trecherous Council. But trees, rocks, everything, was leveled.

The sheer might of the Ringworld had been brought to bear, and that might would be used to destroy the whole of Carrotous.

"Hhhn." Tyio groaned...Tyio groaned? He stood at the center of the plateau, his wings spread around something, there backs scorched. In his arms he was cradling something...a form. Unmistakable, under the sheild of his wings where Ducky, Kovu and Defalcon.

"T-tyio, you did it." Ducky said weakly. Tyio tryed to smile.

"I guess." Then his wings dissapated, and he collapsed.

"We...survived, now we have to get back to the Ringworld." Kovu said.

"I guess you do." A mechanical voice said. Behind them was a whole legion of Thersay's soldiers in full armor. Defalcon powered up and charged at them, but a sheild stopped him.

"I wouldn't do that if I where you, now you will come with us."


"Sparif...I know you are here." Aldan said, standing on the side of the Ringworld.

"You're preceptive." The Mystic returned coldly.

"What are you still doing here?"

"Fureyell, Easgi, and myself, stayed behind."


"Who's to say, but you're glad I'm here, no?"


"Because you where dead, and Kayle IS dead." He said as if he was conveying the weather. Aldan's eyes widened, and he swung around to see the Mystic.


"Mmmhm." Sparif smiled.

"Oh, man, Sparif, I need to borrow you're power again, this is the last time, I promise!"

"Y'know, that would be breaking the cardinal rule of life and death...again."


"I guess you're right." Sparif gathered his energies, and zipped into the purple warrior.

"Ha! This will finish Thersay!" Aldan laughed, basking in power.


"It's time to take the King." Thersay laughed, talking to the surviving prisoners, Dazz, Tyio, Ducky, Kovu and Defalcon.

"What evil plan do you have?!" Tyio shouted.

"Quite simple, with the whole planet fearing me, all I have to do is send my warriors down to the planet and voila! Insant dictatorship!"

"You're plan is flawed, Thersay." A voice said in a soothing, but firm tone.

"What the?" Thersay turned around to see a purple rabbit. Aldan.

"I said you're plan is flawed, I have new Ontranaught battleships on the way here, and Sparif has offered to focous the energy from the Ringworld. Face it, you've lost." Aldan explained.

"But how...you're dead!"

"Sparif has healing properties, and I will heal Kayle." Too shocked to move, Thersay just stood there as Aldan walked over to Kayle and put his hand on her, trying to focous Sparif's energy. But nothing happened.

"Sparif? What's going on."

"Sorry kid, you're going to have to take care of this snafu on you're own." The disembodied voice said. Then Tyio said,

"Aldan! If you channel the Ringworld's energy through Kayle, it might bring her back to life, and conquer the energy firing ability of the ship!" Tyio said. Aldan, not bothering to reply, began to focus, a space-battle raging outside.

"O-oh no you don't!" Thersay walked up to him, but before she could lay a hand on him white energy poured through the ship, and the shields holding the warriors dissapated.

"A-aldan?" After a moment, Kayle weakly returned to the land of the living.

"Kayle!" Aldan hugged her."

"This-this can't be! Fire the main cannon!" Thersay shouted into the comm.

"We can't explain it, ma'm but all power reserves are gone, and we are falling into Carrotous orbit!" The ensign returned shakily.

"NO! It's all falling apart!" Thersay cringed.

"Thersay, if you surrender now, you may be able to join New Ontranaught, and all will be forgiven." Thersay's frown morphed into a smile.

"No...never...don't you realise that a falling rock of this magnitude could permantly affect Carrotous? Causing a huge cloud of dust to block out the sun, the birth of a new Ice Age." Thersay laughed grotesuley.

"What are you tryng to prove, huh? We've proven we're tactically stronger, more powerful? What are you trying to prove?" Tyio asked.


"Forfilling Zygot's wish won't bring him back, you realise that, hm?" Tyio asked. Thersay's face twisted, and she attempted to punch at Tyio, but she lost her nerve and collapsed."

"Ma'm, we've breached the atmosphere." The ensign called again.

"What! We've got to blow this thing up!" Aldan jumped to fly, but fell to the ground uncermoniously.

"W-what happened?"

"Don't you know? The four mystics left, finally, it was them giving us the power to manipulate ki on such a grand scale. I felt the begging of that back at the battle with Zygot, when Sara had already left." Tyio said, explaining.

"But, if that's the case, how are we going to get off this thing, how are we going to save Carrotous?"

"You may use that teleporter." Thersay said coldly.

"Thersay...what are you doing?" Ducky asked.

"I realise now how wrong I was.. tell everyone else on this station to get off, and I will press the self-destruct button." She said, fighting back tears.

"But...there's no way to get off in time."

"I know, but suicide is a sin, and it will send me to **** in the afterlife, where I can finally be with Zygot."

"Thersay, listen to yourself..."

"Get off, now!" Thersay shouted, raising a fist. Aldan, befuddled as all of them, lead them torward the teleported. Tyio, who was last in line, took one last glance at the stalwart Thersay, appearing so innocent, holding a detonator.

He chuckled and thought as he went through the teleporter.

"Doesn't she realise, this deed is too noble to condemn her, and I think she knows that in her heart, too."


There was an airy breeze in the tiny town where New Ontranaught was based. Thersay wasn't as cruel as she thought she was, as the whole destruction of the town was a bluff.

Tyio stood on the side of the top of the New Ontranaught building, after a party for his birthday, nineteenth, was being held there, waiting for his transport. Holding his favorite drink, and watching the shooting stars, fragments of the Ringworld fall, he felt as though he should purr. It had been three months since the defeat of Thersay, and nine since the death of Zygot. It was winter, but the Matahas sea was always warm.

"Tyio, what are you doing, you're missing your own party!" Ducky came up behind him. He smiled at her.

"Did you tell the others?" He asked.


"That we plan to leave New Ontranaught, me, you, Aldan, Kovu and Kayle!"

"Oh, that, yeah."

"How'd they respond?"

"Well, they had been expecting it for a while." The two stared into the orange sky for a long time, until it faded into night, each reminded of the time they did the same in Skops. Tyio broke the silence.

"So, now that this is all over, you'll be going back to live near the War Tavern?"


"Aldan will be going back to the northern jungle to train, Kayle will move back to Diamondus, Kovu will return to Muar."

"Yep, what about you."

"I never had a home, beyond Akael, but I intend to study the Gerenpfpssh on Matak. I don't really see I have a choice." Ducky, trying desparatly not to let her face be seen by Tyio, said,

"So...I guess this is goodbye...forever." She choked.

"I guess." Tyio choked as well, and began to walk away, to the transport that lead to the spaceport at Shimmen. He walked about five feet, until he turned around and ran back to Ducky, she doing the same.


"Look at them, hm." Aldan said, standing beside the grinding noise of the transport.

"I really can't blame them, this is the last time we'll see each other for a long time, by then we'll probably have forgotten each other...this is the end." Kayle said.

"Remind me why we are leaving each other."

"We all agreed that moving together would be a hinderance to our own intrests."

"Right...I guess..."

"I don't know...no, you're right, it is for the better."

"Kayle..." Aldan said.

"Hm?" Kayle turned to see Aldan's iron clad expression he wore most of the time melt away.

"I-I'm going to miss you."

"Me too...Aldan. Me too."




Welp, this time it is really over, I hope you all had fun, see you with my next story, which I'm already making, it will be cool.
