View Full Version : Drawing monsters rules. Yay!

May 21, 2003, 12:11 PM
Alpine Monsters Attack! (http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/1960496)


I'll post the desc. since nobody is gonna look at the LINK anyways:

Aaaand the colored version... yay!
This is my first attempt at serious computer coloring, and the first time I used more than two layers. =b
Got the background photo from [link] . Yay.
Well, that's all there is to this, actually... I'll just post the descriptions again, this time with their attacks.

Avisect: A hybrid monster, both bird and insect. It possesses a horn that forms the upper part of its beak which is very powerful. It has both an inner and an outer chitin skeleton, giving it a very high defense. Not much known about these guys since they're very wild and will attack anyone who dares come too close. o_o;
Beak breaker: Attack with the beak that may break defense.
Gnaw: Simple attack by gnawing ons head while holding them with the wings.
Grabneck: If there's a wall near, this attack will grab a character by their neck with the fangs and smash them against it.

Edgenog: GET THE PUN??? *cough* ...anyways... this beauty eats eggs, using its forelegs to hold them up with the round nails and cracking them open with the sharp claw. The sharp and extremely powerful bone sticking out at the end of its tail is not only an effective weapon, but may also be used by the Edgenog to stick it into the ground as above to stand upright.
The Swing: Strong whipping attack with the tail. Throws the attacked character into anther place on the battlefield.
Egghead: An attack with much power that may cause confusion, but it doesn't hit often. This move is executed by standing upright and punching a character's head with a foreleg.

Liquid Crab: A slime-like parasite that preferably dwells in the shells of crabs that are deformed by it so they look like in the picture above after some time. It moves by letting parts of its semi-liquid body flow out the 6 holes in its shell and moving them in circles, giving it the nickname "Slime Tank" due to the appearance of that.
The Liquid Crab consumes nutrients by dissolving its prey with its very own body and absorbing everything useful for it.
Absorb: Absorbs a character's Life by catching him in its body.
Acidic Thought: A character's mental defense is lowered.
Dissolver: Using its "legs" to smash a cahracter.

Well, hope you enjoyed the picture.. comments, faves, tips and stuff are welcome. Flames are ignored. The safety exits are to your left and your right.

There. Drawing monsters rules. You do so, too! Very fun. And you don't need to do a whoopee-great job. And nobody can come along and go "Uugh, bad anatomy, uuugh, that doesn't look like that, uuugh...."... ^_^

Batty Buddy
May 21, 2003, 12:12 PM
Que Passa!!!!

I love you, Noggy.

... DOWN BOY!!!

(Noggy slobbers all over Batty.)

May 21, 2003, 12:14 PM
Wow. You did a great job drawing<haha> the background.

May 21, 2003, 12:16 PM
Rad, I'll get you for that.

Batty, time to post your pic! =D

Batty Buddy
May 21, 2003, 12:20 PM
Que Passa!!!!

Very well.
First- Story time:

When I saw the edgenog, I mentioned something about it making a good pet. Then BOTH Piccolo and Me agreed that it would make a cool picture soooo:

<img src="http://images.deviantart.com/large/indyart/indymisc/Me_and_my_Noggy.png" border="0" alt="Fullsize Image">
Kind of reminded me of Scooby Doo when Scooby steals Shaggy's sandwich.
(Please note: I did the picture BEFORE I saw the colors of a Edgenog, but I thought that these colors were cool-looking.)

May 22, 2003, 10:25 AM
I feel so unloved.

*hides under blanket*

Batty Buddy
May 22, 2003, 10:36 AM
Que Passa!!!!

*Offers Piccolo hot cocoa if he comes out.*

May 22, 2003, 10:40 AM
I feel so loved! :D

*slurps down the cocoa*^.^