View Full Version : Found some old comics of mine, and I'm planning on starting the hobby again.

Jun 18, 2003, 03:40 PM
Hiya, I just got some of my old CDs out of storage (found my copy of Holiday Hare '98, too *SCORE!*), anyways, I found some old CDs of my work. At one time, I was doing a comic called Fuzzville Heaven, and it didn't last too long before I stopped creating it. So, here they are.


I also plan on starting up a web comic based on Ghost Blade, and I'm kinda excited about that. I hope to make the boss battles animated gif files, but I give no promises that I'll actually do it like that.

And I deny all charges of owning power puff girl bedsheets and bunny breifs.

Jun 18, 2003, 03:47 PM
Your room is very low-poly. That's good, as it much run much faster than my room. The comics look pretty good too. And about the animated gif thing, if you're going to the trouble of animating, why not just make it an avi or mpg so you can use 15999744 more colors and sound?

Jun 18, 2003, 03:57 PM
Animated...Gif??? Ah, whew, I thought you were talking about another animated gif. One that I haven't posted online yet.

I want the file to be small in file size (Quick to download). Making a 2 color animated gif would work fine for that, and I'd not have to wory about adding color. I could work faster at animating that way.

The room is low polly 'cause I hate working too long, and it is made in a game studio program. It'll probably look good when shrunk down to a small comic frame.

Jun 19, 2003, 12:59 AM
I'm thinking of making all my backgrounds in 3D like the one in that page, but I wonder if low polly level screen shots will subtract from some of the seriousness of the issues in the Ghost Blade comic. (Ghost Blade will have its humor, but on occasion it will get on the serious side, but hopefully not all too much.) Also, making backgrounds in 3D takes a LOT of time. First positioning the geometry, then creating the textures means double duty to get those backgrounds done, perhaps 4 times as long if not more. However, if I wanted to make a game of Ghost Blade, I'd have the maps that much closer to completion. (Ghost Blade was originally a game idea anyways). Having the backgrounds made up in 3D does have it's advantages though, like I won't have to redraw them over and over, and I could come back any time I need them and take screen shots from any angle I need. Also textures are highly reusable. The first comic of Ghost blade needs shots of a city from a couple locations, then some shots inside a specific house. Lots of work, and that is only what needs to be done to make the backgrounds. Darn I hate using up so much time, though.

Bless you, comic #2, 'cause all I need is some empty wilderness :)... Oh wait, darn it, I guess I'll have to build another city for that one too. :roll:

Captain Spam
Jun 19, 2003, 06:25 AM
Using rendered 3D images for backgrounds has been done in other webcomics before, to varying degrees of success (Sadly, none spring to mind, but I've seen it before). Basically, low-poly isn't a problem so long as you shuffle up the camera angles once in a while. Don't want it to get bland.

Another technique is to use photographs for backgrounds... I know <a href="http://hammerspace.fojar.com">Hammerspace</a> uses photos for its backgrounds, and that works fairly well. Of course, Hammerspace is kinda a sprite comic, so it only needs one angle. :-)

Webcomics are fun to do, <a href="http://dementia.keenspace.com">trust me</a>. :-) Just make sure you've got solid enough ideas to go with, you don't wanna run into a creative block down the line. Though it looks like you've got fairly good starter ideas. Should be interesting, just gotta develop stuff more.

And always remember, a large chunk of webcomiccing is the community aspect of it... If'n you want help on starting up a webcomic, you can ask me if you want.

Batty Buddy
Jun 19, 2003, 09:26 AM
Que Passa!!!!

(Sings the Powerpuff girl themesong)
Da Da dadadadaaaada
Da Da dadadadaaaada...
(Hare looks at him angrily. He stops.)

Cool comics. Really funny. /\:lol:/\

Jun 19, 2003, 10:33 AM
My sister is a Powerpuff Girl fan.
The scary thing is, she's 18. o_o

Really nice comics... they made me laugh seriously. XD
The bedroom is very well done, too. ^^

Jun 19, 2003, 11:02 AM
Hey, I just noticed that the Jazz Jackrabbit poster in the background is mirrored.

Jun 19, 2003, 06:58 PM
True true. When I'm in the level editor I can't tell which way the sprite is facing. Never fixed it, I guess.

Sun Fun Dude
Jun 20, 2003, 02:38 AM
Wow yeah they are pretty funny especily the powerpuff girls thing XD