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Batty Buddy
Jan 19, 2004, 12:14 PM
Que Passa!!!!

Sorry, the whole rhyme didn't fit. It was a song called "Friends are there" that is the themesong to the cartoon show "Garfield and Friends"(Well, it WAS for a while but they changed it for some reason.)

I just got one comic this time, but it's kind of a rant about Hollywoods obsession of making live action movies based on comics and cartoons. It's always been my opinion that if you're making a movie based on a cartoon, it NEEDS to be a cartoon.
Anyway, the victum this time is none other then the famous fat cat whos been gracing comic pages for about 3 1/2 decades: Garfield. (Also, this is the first comic where I ever drew up the Snooze and Mat Logo I came up with umtysom years ago. The os in Snooze are his eyes, and the A in Mat was always supposed to look like a telivision, since Mat is a bit of a cartoon/comic/videogame junkie.)

Jan 19, 2004, 12:42 PM
Heh, funny. And well made. My one complaint is that the text boxes in the last panel are easy to read in the wrong order. I think most people naturally read text in order from the upper left to lower right corner of the panel, which is why narration boxes are usually in the upper left and "afterthought" type things are near the bottom right.

Batty Buddy
Jan 19, 2004, 12:47 PM
Que Passa!!!!

Heh, funny. And well made. My one complaint is that the text boxes in the last panel are easy to read in the wrong order. I think most people naturally read text in order from the upper left to lower right corner of the panel, which is why narration boxes are usually in the upper left and "afterthought" type things are near the bottom right.

Yeah, I noticed that mistake too. Unfortunatly, the "too" was followed by "late"

Jan 19, 2004, 10:38 PM
I'd agree with your opinion, Matt, and so I do.

I first heard about the Garfield movie back when I visited Universal Studios and junk when I was at California. Seeing both the Cat in the Hat, and the Garfield movie in the production list was a bit odd. O_o;

I personally hate how hollywood thinks their little 3DCG escipades look good. I saw some posters at the movie theater, and I'd say that they did a rather accurate job of making garfield look more like a real cat... But... -.- *sigh* my goodness, what is John Arbuckle going to look like? And what on earth are they going to do as a plot? The old alien invasion gig, perhaps? I'll bet you anything (that isn't worth anything) that there's going to be a fast moving chase scene with upbeat music -.- *sigh*. There's a lot to be sceptical about, considering Hollywood's track record. But as one final note, I hate plastic looking 3D. I'd rather see cell shaded 3D than poorly lit plastic 3D. Now cell shaded 3D isn't so bad... if only it was animated to look like it is moving organically, instead of something that looks like it would fit right in with the crapimation they feed us in the majority of video games.

Batty Buddy
Jan 20, 2004, 03:13 PM
Que Passa!!!!

I'd agree with your opinion, Matt, and so I do.

I first heard about the Garfield movie back when I visited Universal Studios and junk when I was at California. Seeing both the Cat in the Hat, and the Garfield movie in the production list was a bit odd. O_o;

I personally hate how hollywood thinks their little 3DCG escipades look good. I saw some posters at the movie theater, and I'd say that they did a rather accurate job of making garfield look more like a real cat... But... -.- *sigh* my goodness, what is John Arbuckle going to look like? And what on earth are they going to do as a plot? The old alien invasion gig, perhaps? I'll bet you anything (that isn't worth anything) that there's going to be a fast moving chase scene with upbeat music -.- *sigh*. There's a lot to be sceptical about, considering Hollywood's track record. But as one final note, I hate plastic looking 3D. I'd rather see cell shaded 3D than poorly lit plastic 3D. Now cell shaded 3D isn't so bad... if only it was animated to look like it is moving organically, instead of something that looks like it would fit right in with the crapimation they feed us in the majority of video games.

A friend of mine pointed out the trailer at Garfield.com (http://www.apple.com/trailers/fox/garfield/). Actually, the character you HAVE to worry about is ODIE. They turned him into a beagle-like dog that looks NOTHING like the yellow long-eared drool-faucet we know and love. Heck- he doesn't even have a SPOT on his side like he used to.
(Thats another thing I dislike. They went all out to make sure Garfield looks as close to his cartoon self as possible, and then they skimp on Odie. They did the same thing with Brain and Penny in the Inspector Gadget movie... Well, they also made Dr. Claw look entirely different from how I imagined him but thats different..)

Finally, I noticed that most of the CRAPPY movies come out around my BIRTHDAY... Why is that? Am I a jinx?

....(Oh, and just for the record, one 'T' in 'Mat'. It's short for 'Mateoin'.)

Jan 20, 2004, 05:29 PM
Eugh. Just eugh.

Jan 20, 2004, 06:25 PM
Yeah... I was a bit worried what odie may look like :(

Darn Hollywood.

Sun Fun Dude
Jan 20, 2004, 06:29 PM
Hehe cool comic. But why didn't Derby put a warning like he did with my comic? You used the same word in yours :lol:

Batty Buddy
Jan 21, 2004, 05:55 PM
Que Passa!!!!

Hehe cool comic. But why didn't Derby put a warning like he did with my comic? You used the same word in yours :lol:

Derby works in mysterious ways...

(Personally, I don't think of that word as a swear word really. I mean, Gary Larson used it in the Far Side a lot, and the alturnative: Darn is a word NOBODY in this generation uses.)

Sun Fun Dude
Jan 21, 2004, 06:00 PM
Que Passa!!!!

Derby works in mysterious ways...

(Personally, I don't think of that word as a swear word really. I mean, Gary Larson used it in the Far Side a lot, and the alturnative: Darn is a word NOBODY in this generation uses.)

I don't think its a swear word either but Derby seems to have something against it.

Jan 22, 2004, 09:14 AM
Darn? I say Dang. :)

Jan 22, 2004, 09:16 AM
*grins* Nifty...
"We're cruel, we're nasty, we're ugly and we're mean!"! XD
Absolutely groovy.

Batty Buddy
Jan 22, 2004, 12:15 PM
Que Passa!!!!

Darn? I say Dang. :)

Further proving my point. /\:D/\

Jan 22, 2004, 12:21 PM
I prefer to clench my fists and yell "curses!"

Jan 22, 2004, 12:28 PM
I prefer to go into a mad frenzy destroying everything around me for no absolute reason. Whee argh.

Batty Buddy
Jan 22, 2004, 04:35 PM
Que Passa!!!!

I prefer to clench my fists and yell "curses!"

Heh... for some reason, I couldn't help but imagine you desguised as Mojo Jojo muttering "Curses..."

Jan 23, 2004, 12:51 AM
Movie looks like it sucks. If it's not funny when a non-3d-generated character does it, it's not funny when a 3dg'd character does it.

Sun Fun Dude
Jan 23, 2004, 01:01 AM
Yeah the movie looks bad. And Odie looks :r How could they do that to Garfield :mad:

Captain Spam
Jan 28, 2004, 09:37 PM
Oh, hey. Sorry I'm late.

See, I live a bit of a sheltered life. I rarely watch TV, I don't download trailers for movies, and I don't go to movies to see said trailers. So I consider myself lucky that I wasn't attacked with an ungodly obsession to download the trailers for each Matrix and LotR movie, I don't see commercials blasted at me from here to eternity, and, most lucky of all it seems, I haven't seen the trailer for this upcoming abomination. Makes me feel good inside. :-)

I don't see why they feel every cartoon or comic book has to be made into a real-life mockery of itself. I'm certain Theodore Giesel is rolling over in his grave over The Grinch and The Cat In The Hat. George of the Jungle, anyone? You mention the Flintstones in your comic (I'm getting to that in a sec), another good example. Thank God they haven't tried the Jetsons yet. Why do they HAVE to try to make it look real? Part of cartoons and comics is the ability to ESCAPE real life for a while. Not to CG the dignity out of real life to make it match. It's sad, really.

I'm wondering if what Hollywood's really trying to tell us is that most folk have lost any concept of imagination and need everything dealt to them in real-life terms. Which, honestly, I think is true...

But enough of that nonsense, it's another impressive comic from ya, Batty. You said just about all I wanted to in the first place. :-)

Jan 28, 2004, 10:01 PM
I haven't watched that trailer until just now...

*shudders* I knew it... I knew they'd make his personality like that @.x *twitches*. So... Unoriginal... So... So... Clich'e... *twitches*... Why do they have to fit family movie characters into a single mold. Its the same personality every time. *twitch* That annoying "I'm better than you" "I'm outgoing and will do anyhting I want" "I think I'm witty" personality... every time...

Now Garfield just doesn't start dancing around and shaking his bootay o.O... he doesn't ... He's supposed to be lazy. Yes, he's supposed to be a bit of a grump, but ... well, we all saw it... It sucked. o.O


Jan 29, 2004, 03:54 AM
Why do they have to fit family movie characters into a single mold.
Eventually, I plan on making a family movie where the main character is a deadly ninja assassin who does drugs and slowly discovers the true meaning of the term "enemy".

Batty Buddy
Jan 29, 2004, 10:13 AM
Que Passa!!!!

I don't see why they feel every cartoon or comic book has to be made into a real-life mockery of itself. I'm certain Theodore Giesel is rolling over in his grave over The Grinch and The Cat In The Hat. George of the Jungle, anyone? You mention the Flintstones in your comic (I'm getting to that in a sec), another good example. Thank God they haven't tried the Jetsons yet. Why do they HAVE to try to make it look real?

George of the jungle was particularly attrocious(sp?) they even changed the themesong; It's "Away he'll step on his elephant Shep while Fella and Ursala stay in step", NOT "And his elephant Shep can fetch a log, he's mans best freind he's George's dog.", and why didn't they include Tiger and Weevil... Or the District Commissioner... Or Dr. Chicago?

... Yeah, I'm a GOTJ fan. The fact that his hair always looks perfect and the fact that Shep is NOT an elephant but a doggie(George thinks he's a dog, Shep thinks he's a dog, I think he's a dog- what are YOU? Some kind of TROUBLEMAKER?!?) will always remain in my heart.

They DID make a Jetsons movie, but thankfully it was an animation that actually LOOKED like the origional cartoon.

And as for the Flintstones: Viva Rock Vegas was written by someone who hadn't watched much of the series. Dino was NOT hatched by Fred: He was a Snarkasaurus that Fred and Barney were hunting one time, and he charmed the wives into making the husbands spare him, and he ended up being a pet... Of course, he WAS able to talk at first but then I figure he still can, he just doesn't.
(And Great Gazoo was the reason why the last season of the Flintstones WAS the last season in my opinion, if yaknowwhaddamean.)

Now Garfield just doesn't start dancing around and shaking his bootay o.O... he doesn't ... He's supposed to be lazy. Yes, he's supposed to be a bit of a grump, but ... well, we all saw it... It sucked. o.O


Well, maybe- just maybe, he exibits slight signs of happy-go-luckyness... But I only imagine those signs being exibited in certain cercumstances...

... Like Nermal leaving...

... Or a diet ending...

... Or the 100th time Odie gets kicked off the table...

... Or at midnight after Monday...

Eventually, I plan on making a family movie where the main character is a deadly ninja assassin who does drugs and slowly discovers the true meaning of the term "enemy".

Radium- are you a clone of me? I'm just wondering because I drew up stuff like that when I was in some of the schools I got stuck in...
Except replace Ninja with Gun-toting psyco.

"We take little-used shortcut to treehouse..."
"George- That shortcut almost KILLED us!"
"Yeah, that why it so little-used..."
-George and District Commisioner

Jan 29, 2004, 05:15 PM
*chuckles* you do know your cartoons, Mr. B. ^_^

And actually, there was the older Garfield cartoons where Garfield would dance at the opening song... er.. oh wait, he'd also dance in the Garfield and friends opening too... but not in the shaketh thine booty way. 8P More of a tap dancing like dance with a rediculous grin on his face. 8D

... and I'm ... debating? ... about cartoons? o.O Oy... How geeky of me.

Batty Buddy
Jan 30, 2004, 09:07 AM
Que Passa!!!!

... and I'm ... debating? ... about cartoons? o.O Oy... How geeky of me.

(Evil Bart Simpson impression) Come Hare, get in the car...
(Evil Lisa Simpson impression) Yeah, there's room for one more...


Captain Spam
Jan 31, 2004, 01:33 AM
(Evil Bart Simpson impression) Come Hare, get in the car...
(Evil Lisa Simpson impression) Yeah, there's room for one more...

Funny, I'm remembering that as Bart and Homer saying it to Lisa... :-)

I have seen the Jetsons movie. That was a bit relieving, to say the least, compared to what we have to put up with nowadays...


Batty Buddy
Jan 31, 2004, 11:09 AM
Que Passa!!!!

It was the eposode where Homer was envying the Flander's family togetherness(Not the Cable TV eposode)

I'm not going to do a whole nother comic about it, buuuuut....

They also made a second Scooby Doo movie. I already wrote a song last time so here it is as an encore:

Scooby Dooby Doo
I liked you
Till Warner Bro's desided
That you were too groovy
For TV,
I feel you've been derided

Come on Scooby Doo
I knew you,
Your hunger was a riot
But now everwhere I go
To and fro
You're face is in my sight

You know, you once were cute and funny but now Scooby Doo, you're nothing but a pest
It's a mess
And Scooby Doo, if I were you, I'd give my influance a great big rest
That'd be best

Scooby Dooby Doo
I liked you
Until they made that movie
Now then Scooby Doo
I'm sick of you,
You just don't seem that groovy...

Jan 31, 2004, 12:19 PM
If they make a live acion movie about Homestar Runner and have Orlando Bloom acting as Strongbad, I will personally go to the producers house and impale him on a blunt object.

On the other hand, I can kind of see Tom Cruise as Strongbad...

Captain Spam
Jan 31, 2004, 12:55 PM
Actually, Batty, I was thinking of the episode where Lisa thinks she's doomed to stupidity due to the Simpson gene. I guess they use that line a lot more often than I thought. :-)

Batty Buddy
Jan 31, 2004, 08:45 PM
Que Passa!!!!

"I personally think a show SHOULD quit before it gets too repetitive..."

-Excerpt from the Simpsons

/\ :lol: /\