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Haze is doing well so far

Apr 12, 2003, 03:49 AM
Haze is offline
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Originally posted by Batty Buddy
Que Passa!!!!

One thing I have against a 3D Jazz(Even though it WOULD be a cool idea.) is that, for the same amount of memory, 3D games tend not to be as (Pardon the accedental pun) epicly long as 2D games. Especially 2D-to-3D conversion games.

But, what the heck. Even I can't wait to see the cool new moves and graphics Jazz will have in a 3D word. And lets hope Eva is in it somewhere as well(The Bandana has returned as that one graphic proves, hopefully Eva will to.).
Pure-platforming is indeed kinda "dead". And keeping in mind that most likely a Jazz3D game would be Unreal-engine based you can bet for sure there'll be some shooter elements. Add to that the RPG-elements Noogy is fond of (as he's most likely in on it) and you've got yourself a great concept.
And I do mean "concept" because we'll have to wait and see what comes out of this.

IIRC the previously developed and cancelled Jazz3D wasn't a pure-platformer either. I seem to remember it being slightly non-lineair and had the option to increase your (weapon-)powers?