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4I Falcon

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Oct 15, 2003, 01:20 PM
4I Falcon is offline
“Is it just me, or is it suddenly getting easier to move in here?”
Blaze nodded. “You’re right. I’ve noticed it too. It’s like all the lizards have just disappeared.”
Jack frowned. “It’s not making me any less nervous about this place…”
Firefox snickered through the headset, which Jack had forgotten was still perched on his ears, and the shaken rabbit had to take a few seconds for his heart to stop racing. “Come on, Jack. Fewer targets means fewer things making you a target.”
Jack snarled into the mic. “I don’t suppose it’s occurred to you that we could be wandering into a trap, has it?”
There was no response from Firefox’s end.

“The MEW is almost fully charged, sir, and the Megalith reactor is running.”
“Excellent. That is the kind of news I like to hear.”
“However, all of the rabbit teams, save for the rabbit following the traitor Gecko, are within two hundred meters of their respective targets.”
“That, on the other hand, is not. At least tell me the sentries are online.”
“They are, sir.”
“Well, at least we have a shot at stopping them, then.”

Jack and Blaze were faced with a long corridor, and the latter halted the former, quickly scanning the walls and ceiling for potential traps. Once assured that it was safe to proceed, he dropped behind Jack, and was close in tow as they moved forward.
Roughly halfway down the corridor was a doorway with a window through it. Jack peered through the window, flattening his ears to the back of his head. When he was assured that there was no threat on the other side of the door, he ducked down, and crept past silently.
Blaze was compelled to take a look through the small window for himself, and so he did. As he had expected, it was naught but yet another metallic hallway, with pipes and wires lining the walls and ceiling.
As he turned to look away, something dark went by the window. When Blaze looked back through the window to see what it was, it was gone.
The black rabbit’s mouth formed the words “What the…?” as the door slid open silently. Without a word, he stepped through, leaving Jack behind.

“The spy is onto Rager, and he’s broken off from the white one to track it down.”
“Hm… Kill him off. With any luck, it’ll draw the leader to Rager. If nothing else, it’ll weaken their forces by that much.”

Jack peered around the corner at the end of the hallway, and sighted a lone lizard, looking somewhat lost. He took out the unfortunate straggler with one well-placed shot. As the reptile fell to the ground, the rabbit couldn’t help but notice that his hand was shaking slightly, and he consciously stopped it, grinning awkwardly. “Well, that’s not something that happens often, now is it, Blaze?”
His grin quickly faded as he failed to receive an answer from his comrade, and he turned around, looking about uneasily. “Blaze?!”
Blaze’s frantic voice suddenly burst through on Jack’s headset. “Jack! Help me!”
Jack veritably flew back to the door, left open since Blaze had quietly disappeared through it, and darted through. He didn’t even have time to gasp in horror at the sight of the robot holding the struggling Blaze by his long ears and pressing the barrel of his silenced pistol to his forehead, before there was a dulled bang. Blaze stopped struggling. The robot dropped the dead rabbit to the floor silently, and the lifeless body of Jack’s friend crumbled into a black, furry heap.
Time seemed to freeze as Jack stared at Blaze’s crumpled body. He could feel his blood boiling, and his hands began to shake again, more violently than before. His eyes shone red as he glared up at Rager.
The robot’s hand went to a holster on its waist to draw out a short gun, but Jack needed no time to decimate Rager with his twin cannons. Even as it fell to the ground, Jack kept blasting away at it, screaming at the top of his lungs, and didn’t stop until it exploded, sending jagged plates of armour and debris flying in all directions.
With another outcry of boundless rage, Jack flew back out the door, now on the hunt not for the Moebius reactor, but for vengeance upon the one who had become the sole cause for his agony.
Buster Tank’s time had come, and nothing was going to stop Jack this time.

This chapter is a bit longer than the rest of them, 3½ pages as compared to the 3 pages of all the others, so it was considerably more difficult to get it within the 10000-character limit range, which I didn't even bother doing this time anyway.
Character limits suck. >(.


"I like driving an automatic, because I can do this." *revs engine* "You like driving a manual?" "What did I say?" "Automatic." "I like my... automatic, uh, arm... it changes the shift-gear on my, uh, manual." - 4IF vs Ken

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