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Jul 7, 2010, 05:14 PM
blurredd is offline
Originally Posted by J96 View Post
How about an event what would hide player's name, sprite and possible flag? Could be used in JCS to create new possibilities in levels, like hidden turrets or ninja tubes.
Maybe one day.

Originally Posted by J96 View Post
Oh, and make the chatlog's bar to stay at it's place if someone says something. It's annoying to search for something while an active server, as someone always is saying something.
Boy, I wish. In case you haven't noticed, the chatlogger is just Notepad converted to log text. It needed to be replaced ages ago. Someone else is going to have to write a new chatlogger because I don't consider it a high enough priority to do it myself.

Originally Posted by Hunter View Post
I'd like to ask BlurredD some questions, since I've been curious for a while.
How many lines of code was JJ2+ approximately written in?

How much time have you spent creating the patch?
Since early 2006 (with Carrotade).

Have you ever been tempted release JJ2+ as a commercial product, either shareware or fully paid?
Not really.

Plus is beta (yet it fixes many bugs in JJ2 and adds a VERY large number of features). When will you call it a finished product?
Some time after automatic updates are implemented among other things.

Is it possible for you to implement into JJ2+ everything you can think of/has there been something you really wanted JJ2 to have but never managed to work out?
There's always going to be something I can't implement right away, though that doesn't mean I can't implement it a few months or a year later.

If the game's source code is released, wouldn't you feel bad for adding tons of new features the hard way?
At this point, no. JJ2 has a lot of broken code, misplaced code, and structure issues, so it's not like JJ2+ would be replaced overnight.
Extra. No CTO v0.75
Animating Tiles Properties.
ATB Contest. Scripting Language.
Gameplay Theories.
1UP. Pitfall. Desolation.