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Metsys is doing well so far

Jan 15, 2015, 08:47 PM
Metsys is offline
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I like the simplified, less "dirty" look of Dean's work more, but that's just preference (same reason why some people think John K's stuff is really appealing but others abhor it). I like it more towards the simplified style but I think Dean took it a little too far, not for the animation though; pencil mileage is important. The higher pencil mileage on Nick's characters makes the fur look matted. Slightly better understand of dominate and subordinate mass on Dean's work, but that probably is rooted in his animation background. I like Nick's hands more. One thing that Dean hasn't gotten down yet is use of color and light. It's kind of hard to tell in the limited VGA palette, but you can tell Nick understands light more. Also I think my nitpickings on Dust are influencing my opinion on that.

I'm going to say Noogy just because I like it slightly better, but really I think the perfect Jazz would be a mix of the two styles.

I've been toying around the idea of doing a Jazz redesign, just for fun and to flex my character designer muscles.

On an unrelated note, Dean will always be my hero of productivity.