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Jan 3, 2016, 08:54 AM
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Originally Posted by SAMI View Post
"even though it's just a bunny and there are no boobs in a bunny "
Shes know, like Eva. >_> Jazz and Spaz are actually humanoid too, just to a lesser degree. If they stand on hind legs, live like a human, and can talk - chances are, the females are going to have breasts.

"She isn't even naked like the other characters-"
Bullshit. Heck, even some male background characters wear clothes. And I'm not convinced they are naked. Rather that many of the males just don't like to wear traditional pants/trousers/whocareswhatyoucallthem. Fur coloured pants/costumes are actually pretty common in the world of toony animal guys.

"Why she looks low detailed compared to any other sprites in the game? "
Other than being done over with a different artist. Her sprites were created differently. They were resized and pixelled over by someone who didn't know how to pixelart (it was actually not Dean, but I think he lacked experience in that medium too) hence me wanting to overhaul. I still can't get over how awful her standing shooting sprite looks.

PS: Jazz and Spaz have outlines in their sprites too. All of the sprites do.

Still...nice hyperbole.

Jazz Jackrabbit group:

Last edited by Treylina; Jan 3, 2016 at 10:19 AM. Reason: someones meaning of "shading" differs from mine.