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JCF Éminence Grise

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Apr 20, 2024, 09:40 AM
Violet CLM is offline
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This is neat! But I think it's mostly a showcase of how fast tiles are. I tried to adapt it more generally and it seems to be slower than TrueColor, not to mention it relies on a specific palette and I don't think the math works for alpha channel.

Compare a TrueColor version with this addition to Cottage.j2as to draw as sprites instead of tiles:
uint cottageFrameID;
void onLevelLoad() {
	cottageFrameID = jjAnimations[jjAnimSets[ANIM::CUSTOM[0]]];
	for (int i = 5; i <= 7; ++i) {
		jjLayerHasTiles[i] = false;
		jjPIXELMAP(0,0, 640,480, jjLayers[i]).save(jjAnimFrames[cottageFrameID + i - 5]);
void onDrawLayer8(jjPLAYER@, jjCANVAS@ canvas) {
	canvas.drawSpriteFromCurFrame(0,0, cottageFrameID);
	canvas.drawSpriteFromCurFrame(0,0, cottageFrameID + 1, mode: SPRITE::BLEND_MULTIPLY, param:255);
	canvas.drawSpriteFromCurFrame(0,0, cottageFrameID + 2, mode: SPRITE::BLEND_MULTIPLY, param:255);
(I did also compare to BLEND_DARKEN and BLEND_BURN, but MULTIPLY seems to be the fastest of those.)