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Mar 18, 2007, 10:26 PM
NovaStar is offline
JJV Series : Vempyres

Ok, so I finally decided to type up what I did finish of what was supposed to be the Jazz Jackrabbit V series. I only wrote it for a few days and then kinda got bored of it, a terrible habit of mine! It's only a few chapters but I might write more, depending on whether I have much free time or not. Note that this story does use a few characters of other people, as I wasn't planning to put it on here that soon. I'd probaly have edited a zillion things in it, but I'll be nice and leave it for you unedited ;D. However, the unedited version does have some flaws in it, such as leaving descriptions of some characters out and not explaining things thouroughly enough, so I've only made a few touch-ups to it.


Chapter 1: Lori Central
Doctor Jones was a calm, blue rabbit - if nobody got his girlfriend what she wanted for a present before him. His girlfriend was Lori Jackrabbit, long lost siter of Jazz Jackrabbit. THE Jazz Jackrabbit, whom saved the Galactic Rabbits from the maniacal schemes of the Turtle Terrorist Devan Shell. Lori now lived with DrJones, and he managed Lori's site, Lori Central. DrJones was updating Lori Central when an IM popped up:

[quarterx137m]: Hello Jones.
[quarterx137m]: How's the site?
[DJones]: Hi. Good thanks, but who are you?
[quarterx137m]: Someone concerned for yours and Loris safety.
[DJones]: ?
[quarterx137m]: You may want to keep an eye on her, Jones. There's trouble brewing, and you're both in danger.
[DJones]: But who are you??
[quarterx137m]: I can't say. I'm also in danger.
[DJones]: What do you mean?
[quarterx137m]: This is Jackrabbit business.
[quarterx137m]: Jazz Jackrabbit business.
//quarterx137m has signed off//

DrJones was shocked. Who was after Lori? Devan? He had to tell the others. He got up to go to the castle.

[quarterx137m]: This is Jackrabbit business.
[quarterx137m]: Jazz Jackrabbit business.


The next chapters will be up ASAP.