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Jul 17, 2014, 10:15 PM
Louis K is offline
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Exclamation What should I do if I banned by the server?


I tried to join 'Irish Beatdown' server today, and this just happened.
who is banned me before? I didn't any cheat or spamming on there but why?

Actually I don't know when was I banned exactly because I was checked it today.
is there any idea how to solve it? and why should I was banned? Am I really doing something wrong before?(actually, I was busy these days and so I just played it again about couple days ago. fortunately, other servers are fine.)


Sometimes, I was kicked by cheating&spamming even I don't have any cheat programs and never trying to do it.(in that case, other players were kicked as a same reason like me at the same time.) is it also one of reason?
1.Please understand my 'Stupid' english. I always sorry about that..어쩌면 재즈 잭 래빗을 즐기는 유일한 한국인..?
2.Well.. it just my opinion.

Or if you won't, then I'll kill you with this COOL weapon.