Thread: What If
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ambesoftware is doing well so far

Jan 6, 2007, 07:56 PM
ambesoftware is offline
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A wise man once said the difficult is done at once the impossible just takes a bit longer. I'm sure you all are interested in seeing a good game here, and it will be. We're using the story form the old game (kidnapped family) but We're be adding alot of stuff like cutscenes and dialog between the characters and people in the game.

I tought if we could play the game with just jazz that it would give us the opportunity to meet the other charaters (spaz and lori ) and interact with them in the game.

I've also wanted to add the chapters in, with parodies of other : games ,films etc like jazz2.

The game play will be like in jazz2 with the left hook and the spining ears when you jump in mid air, and of course the air board.

But this is all open for discustion since we're still in the startup fase.

My staff, most of them are a mercenaries, they do what they're payed to and moves on.

As for the engine we're using the 3DGS A6 - Pro, its a realy good engine and cheap 899USD for the pro edition. A good game made with this engine would be for example "Axys - The battle agains the lies", "Sunset Down " "Glider" "Days of sail" "Stromberg" Google them, oh yeah and KABUS 22

We have the concept art for Jazz ready, and the main movement is down(running, superRunning, shooting and jumping aswell as a cammera script that is much better than the one the old game had .) and the Modeler and animator is just waiting for my go to make Jazz.

Radium, I'm not asking for any money form the community, But Is there anyone that knows what the rights for the game would cost ? let me know.

As for other company projects, as I said It's an Indie Gamedevelopment company, but the rate of company projects have been low. We have mostly done work for other companys and made our money that way with no real care for the projects at hand, as long as I get my money for the scripting I do I'm happy, right? But this doesn't mean We don't know how to put together a great game.

I will give you a demo of the scripting and the gameplay when I get done with the movement code, so you can see for yourselfs.

I hope this awnsers some of you questions, keep asking.

Erlend - ambesoftware
- Jazz -

Last edited by ambesoftware; Mar 13, 2007 at 05:19 PM.