Thread: Bye Bye Jazz!
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GuMmYBeAr! is doing well so far

Mar 29, 2002, 07:49 AM
GuMmYBeAr! is offline
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Things about Shadow[GpW].

Since you guys do not seem to act mature enough, I'll point out what you probably try to ignore within Shad's personnality. I do not wish to insult CC in any way possible, it's a great clan as well, and I know it takes guts to start a clan and manage to make it stand long enough. The things that seems to be missing though is discipline. A good clan cannot do such things to a dead clan, they should respect it as now it is standing out of the way. You guys are pityful... I can't believe you're allowed to go out on the street. I'd probably hit you while i'm (okay.. attempting to >.>) driving. *cough*... it starts here.

Note, --(- /) if you don't believe me. That's because you had never tried to see them within his personnality and you're (-) LAME or too immature to see such things. Why don't you go and play pokemon.--

Shadow is the greatest Leader I've ever had, on every game I've played. I used to be in a clan on D2XP, Oby leaded it. He could honestly control everything happening and if there was something wrong, he would meet his clanmates, interrogate, find the problem and resolve it in less than three days max. It seemed like he was everywhere at the same time. Unfortunately, the guy was nearly heartless and he didn't give (/ -) if something bad happened to his members/or if they couldn't show up at an appointment. Shad cares. He does all the best gaming stuff I've ever seen. He takes care of his members, talks with them, can have fun. If something bad happens, he will be worried. He wasn't only a leader for me, but a great friend as well. Keep in mind that JJ2 is only a game. It doesn't seem tough for you to see us go, but we've got way more experience than you as I played since the game is out. So did Shad. So did many [GpW]ers. We saw all the big events happening in JJ2. This is no biggie.

Shadow is a friend, he always understands. (/) him off and he will simply ignore you. Not clone or diss or whatever. This is more like you guys would do. The immature way. Shadow has 'lots of brain n' he thinks before acting. I'm glad he didn't apologize to you guys. It would've been childish. You would've probably "partied" and blasted him 'till he cussed you out again and you would take it as an insult and ask for MORE apologize. That's simply (- /). Oh well. You should be happy now that [GpW]'s dead. You can "rule" over JJ2.. or simply let (- /) get kicked hard enough. I count on DM to do that.

Shadow is also respectful. He have been here since the beginning of all. If he wasn't here, who knows what JJ2 would be like. Did you ever think about it? ..Of course not. You must think something like "Oh.. IT WULD BE SO GRET!!!11111".. Well Whatever. Do you even know what Shadow did for the community? He improved it. He did everything to make it better. Now (- /), he's gone now. He's not here to resolve your little problems anymore. Just don't blame it on the dead clan. That's the easiest (//) to do.

Shadow is a respectful friend who cares, can love, has a life, is busy (but not busy enough not to give (/ -) about his members which will probably always be friends to him.), is funny, all the things you guys aren't. I do not see why Shad would be "evil". I, personnally, love him, and it will stay that way, no matter what you do. He's a great friend of mine and i'll stand no matter why, no matter what happens. Even if he's not here anymore. If you count on ditching him, bring it on to me. Or simply (-- /).

~Tyff out

Derby: Content/Context/Filter Bypass edit.

Last edited by Derby; Mar 29, 2002 at 04:23 PM.