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JCF Éminence Grise

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Jun 28, 2007, 02:00 PM
Radium is offline
Sorry, had some art award and class planning things to go to.

Something about being cold, scared and alone (yeah... I'm not counting the rest of my party as people anymore) evidently causes you to take stock of your possessions a lot. I had:

-My katana, which was about three feet long, steel, and was starting to look like a piece of sticky bloody schrapnel; I'd need to swing by Ninja Depot and pick up a new one after this "adventure".
-My "awesome ninja pants", which were secretly just a pair of one-size-too-large black jeans. From Wal*Mart.
-My armor, which was sleeveless, only came down to the bottom of my ribcage, and entirely made of metal. In retrospect, I really should've worn something under it.
-Some paper and a pen I stole from Faw and used to write down our weights. You know, so after this was all over we could give health talks about how we lost 30 pounds fighting an evil dreadlord that lived in an ice cave.

All things considered, homeless people that push around shopping cards had it better than us. "Follow," I yelled over the wind, walking back along the pipe, turning right towards the river, then right again to the last rock I'd seen.
"U., want to get the rock?" I asked, gesturing towards it.
"Nah, I'm cool. My current rock is better," he explained, holding it out.
I looked at the rock on the ground, then at his. "They look exactly the same."
"They are exactly the same, but mine's slightly larger. That makes it better for most things rocks are used for."
I wished he'd just pick up the (-) rock. "Not everything, though," I said, "Like throwing, and with two you can stack them up."
"I don't usually plan that far ahead," Uberbob admitted, "so far it's worked, and I don't want to stop now."
I felt a hand on my soulder and snapped around. Fawriel was there. "It's okay if you want to pick up the rock, Shuri. We won't make fun of you or anythin-"
Araches interrupted. "Yes we will. I will, anyway."
I sighed. I hated this adventure. "For the love of God." I knelt down and snached up the rock.
"Shuri!!" Uberbob exclained, "you picked up a rock!"
Araches laughed darkly. "Is this what you've become, Shur?"
Me: "We can't tell what might come in handy. And, I mean it wasn't nailed down or anything."
Uberbob clapped his hands together with glee. "You get it! You really get it!"
Me: "Regret."
Fawriel frowned. "Guys! Don't make fun of her! She's just trying to help us-"
"How long did you carry that First Aid kit for, Faw?" Araches asked.
"That SAVED us!"
"STONE saved us!"
"Okay, all of you shut up," I ordered, "we need to weigh these rocks." We quickly moved back to the last valve, turned it and continued to the scale. I grabbed Uberbob's rock from him (much to his discontent) and ran ahead to the scale.

(Radium note: it's been half a year. I forget what position the valve by the scale was in. Let's presume Shuri turned it towards the scale if it wasn't)
I dropped the my rock on the scale with a CLANG. The needle flickered from the impact, then settled on "3". So far so good. Without bothering to take mine off, I dropped Uberbob's on. "7".
"I believe I see our solution..." Fooruman said speculatively, startling me.
I turned around. "How'd you beat everyone else here?"
"I have a vehicle, in case you haven't noticed, Senyor Ken." I decided to not pursue this topic any further.

Last edited by Radium; Jun 28, 2007 at 07:06 PM.