Operation Cleanup: Turtle Terror Revisited

Date uploaded:
11 May 2018 at 22:11 (Minor update on 12 May 2018)

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happygreenfrog (More uploads by happygreenfrog)
Single player
Scripting help from Violet CLM and Sir Ementaler, Jazz Jackrabbit 1 enemy script by Violet CLM, Tilesets from Jazz 1 (Tubelectric and Diamondus conversions by NOKA, Medivo conversion by >CelL<), songs from Jazz Jackrabbit 1, episode select graphics (font included) from Jazz Jackrabbit 1
TSF+ (This file requires JJ2+)

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File contents

hgfBrokenCircuit.j2l Broken Circuit 7.88 kB 11 May 2018
hgfDiamondusColosseum.j2l Diamondus Colosseum 1.38 kB 11 May 2018
hgfMedivoTimes.j2l Medivo Times 3.88 kB 11 May 2018
hgfOperationCleanupBoss.j2l The Showdown 0.70 kB 11 May 2018
hgfRabbitsDontStink.j2l Rabbits Don't Stink 4.25 kB 11 May 2018
j1Medivo.j2t Jazz 1: Medivo 55.88 kB 07 May 2018
JJ1 Diamondus -NOKA.j2t JJ1: Diamondus -NOKA 141.81 kB 08 May 2018
JJ1 Tubelectric NOKA.j2t JJ1 Tubelectric NOKA 124.72 kB 08 May 2018
Jazz1Enemies v03.j2a 42.34 kB 08 May 2018
JJ1BOSS.it 87.36 kB 10 May 2018
Diamondus.s3m 77.06 kB 08 May 2018
Medivo.s3m 113.91 kB 09 Mar 2018
Tubelectric.s3m 96.98 kB 08 May 2018
hgfBrokenCircuit.j2as 2.65 kB 11 May 2018
hgfDiamondusColosseum.j2as 3.16 kB 11 May 2018
hgfMedivoTimes.j2as 2.06 kB 11 May 2018
hgfOperationCleanupBoss.j2as 6.21 kB 11 May 2018
hgfRabbitsDontStink.j2as 1.82 kB 11 May 2018
Jazz1Enemies v04.asc 62.83 kB 08 May 2018
Resize v10.asc 23.90 kB 08 May 2018
TrueColor v12.asc 31.59 kB 08 May 2018
hgfoperationcleanup.j2ep 13.50 kB 11 May 2018
Jazz1Enemies_Diamondus_BumblingBee.bmp 4.37 kB 08 May 2018
Jazz1Enemies_Diamondus_TurtleGoon.bmp 57.47 kB 08 May 2018
Jazz1Enemies_Medivo_GhostRapierVertical.bmp 10.25 kB 08 May 2018
Jazz1Enemies_Medivo_Helmut.bmp 13.76 kB 08 May 2018
Jazz1Enemies_Tubelectric_BlasterHorizontal.bmp 6.24 kB 08 May 2018
Jazz1Enemies_Tubelectric_BlasterVertical.bmp 5.44 kB 08 May 2018
Jazz1Enemies_Tubelectric_Spark.bmp 8.17 kB 08 May 2018
MLLE-Include-1.4.asc 9.55 kB 11 May 2018


Ever wondered what it would be like if your level objectives weren’t the same in every level? In this level pack, the objective changes every level. The objective is explained by a sign at the start of each level.

The level pack ends with a new custom boss for you to battle, which is set up to be easier or harder depending on the difficulty setting you chose.

On top of that, there’s also a secret level with a new objective not found in any other levels in the pack. See if you can find it!

This level pack isn’t intended to really have a story, but if you really want one: Jazz is returning to Diamondus, Tubelectric, and Medivo to tie some loose ends. What loose ends? I have no clue.

Have fun!

NOTE: Download the new version, please! The old version was missing a few necessary files.

Thanks to Violet CLM for notifying me!


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Quick Reviews Average: 8.2

SmokeNC rated 8.2

Fun levels, JJ1 tilesets and enemies give it a nice theme. Though I expected a second phase for the boss.

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Review by Violet CLM

17 May 2018, 23:02
I might as well work here (539 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings280 Featured reviews26 Average helpfulness90%

These are perfectly fine levels. They set out what they seek to accomplish with no unnecessary frills along the way. The eyecandy is little more than it takes to distinguish wall from non-wall, with occasional tile bugs but no great level of detail. The code is slightly buggy (strange number display in the secret level; arrows point toward gems while they’re still being collected in Medivo) but generally works and is sufficient for a set of quick experiments. Level design makes a good effort at not just being straight lines, and there’s a respectable variety in enemy/obstacle choice. The different levels’ objectives are similar enough to make the pack coherent yet different enough to keep things interesting. All in all a successful outing.

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