-=stripe's race pack=- (sorry, no fancy ascii art this time) -levels are: elmddash.j2l -Diamond DASH elmspeed.j2l -SpeedsVille elmornge.j2l -Orange Shift which requires: -mrwsd.it -Welcome Self Destruction by Mick Rippon (someday I will ask your permission, I promise) -Space Race.j2t -I designed it and did the gfx but Wisey made it a .j2t! thanks muchly!! -thanks go out to lots of people, who I am to sleezy to name. -go play the levels already -or read my contact info: stripe/ben *icq 11681718 (only add me if you're fun to talk to, please! ;) *email benjam.nm@gte.net (for a while, anyway) this has been an ELM production. run fast.