View Full Version : How can I convert mp3 to s3m without modplug?

Louis K
Mar 9, 2014, 02:25 AM
I'm very sorry to bad grammer (because I'm korean, and I rely on this f***ing google translator!), and post new thread with this silly question(But at least to me, it's very serious problem..), but..

I want to use modplug when I convert mp3 to s3m, but.. it doesn't opened!

when I open it, and after 3 sec, my computer is STOP.
yeah. just stop.

And I wait 7 hours.. but sadly, nothing was changed!(well.. I think this problem may caused my computer is really bad..)

So, on my computer, converting files with using modplug is failed.
Then, how can I convert mp3(or wav,ogg,wma) to JJ2 module music resources(ex:s3m,IT,MOD,MO3)?

(P.S. Don't reply to me very annoying or meaningless answers. such as 'use the modplug.'←I terribly hate it. what is f***ing that mean? I'm very serious.. HELP ME!!:(:()

Louis K
Mar 9, 2014, 02:38 AM
(well.. I think this problem may caused my computer is really bad..)

Ah, also, don't reply to me 'just upgrade your computer.'
my wallet is toooo thin to upgrade it! Sadly!:(

Then, how can I convert mp3(or wav,ogg,wma) to JJ2 module music resources(ex:s3m,IT,MOD,MO3)?

And if possible, please recommend me how to get easy, and free way to let me know.;-)

Mar 9, 2014, 03:04 AM
Basically, you can't.

<a href="/jj2+/">JJ2+</a> however supports MP3 files, so you can just use the original music.

Louis K
Mar 9, 2014, 03:13 AM
Oh my..
then.. I'll use the original one.
Thanks to your help, Sir E!.. although I can't convert it..


Mar 10, 2014, 01:38 AM
Without using OpenMPT for Windows, you would have to use ScreamTracker.

ScreamTracker hasn't been updated since 1994, but you would naturally be able to edit .s3m files there, without going through a .mod export, which OpenMPT does.

ScreamTracker is developed by FutureCrew, but it also doesn't run on PC - it's proprietary software. It probably runs on Commodore 64, though.

Of historical note, FutureCrew made the Unreal demo which later became JJ2 music, and also created the .s3m, which was converted to .psm by Epic, which led to the development of the PC.

The PC came about as an MS-DOS computer programming server, which was later converted to have the ability to open a GUI, or graphic user interface - this led to the development of Windows 3.1, an advancement for monochromatic Windows 2, which had no sound driver or color graphics card. However, Windows 3.1 was unable to play JJ1, which forced Microsoft to stop selling MS-DOS and create Windows 95, which allowed JJ2 to run, and later JJ1 became playable on Windows 98, which re-incorporated the command prompt of MS-DOS.

Louis K
Mar 10, 2014, 02:58 AM
Without using OpenMPT for Windows, you would have to use ScreamTracker.

Nice suggestion, but I tried that way 3 month ago.(it's also failed. because Scream tracker can't read the mp3 files..:()

Mar 10, 2014, 05:12 AM
Nice suggestion, but I tried that way 3 month ago.(it's also failed. because Scream tracker can't read the mp3 files..:()

Well, ok .

Try converting the .MP3 file into a .WAV file using an audio decompression program such as Audacity .

That way the .S3M file can load the sample .

Louis K
Mar 10, 2014, 05:27 AM
Oh really?
I'll try it now! (ㅇㅂㅇ)

Mar 10, 2014, 05:57 AM
You could do that, convert a song to .wav then use it as a sample in an s3m file. But the resulting file will be *huge*, like over 150 MB (wav is uncompressed and results in huge files). Just use JJ2+ and use the mp3 file itself as background music.

Louis K
Mar 10, 2014, 06:19 AM

I installed JJ2+ and convert mp3 to wav.



yeap. failed.(MP3 also can't..)
I think it just my computer's problem..



Mar 10, 2014, 06:51 AM
Hmm, that's strange. What did you enter in the "music" field in JCS?

Louis K
Mar 10, 2014, 07:19 AM
you that mean This? (http://mods.jazz2online.com/)
I don't thing so..

Well actually, I want to use this music (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gg290v572Zw)

maybe.. tracking it using the tracker is much better than finding resource..(but.. as you know, it required a lot of times and really boring..:()


I give up.

I don't want waste my time to argue with my computer..



these photos are just for my 'Idiot' computer. Not for you.
so never mind, just ignore it :)

Mar 10, 2014, 07:22 AM
The best option would be to get the MP3 of that song, then put it in the same folder as your level, and put the mp3 file name (skrillex.mp3 or something) in the music field in the JCS level settings. If you run the level with JJ2+, the music should play.

But you would not be allowed to upload the music to Jazz2Online if you want to publish your level, because it is a commercial song and you don't own the copyright for it.

Mar 10, 2014, 07:23 AM
Sounds like you didn't install plus properly, or you're trying to open it from JCS which opens vanilla JJ2 by default. Don't bother wasting time converting it to S3m, it's a waste of time and space.. If you don't use a tracker like the way it's meant to (reusing samples), you're basically using it like a WAV. So it becomes huge.

Installing plus isn't just about creating a Jazz2+.exe with plusifier. I had done that before when I was new to plus when I didn't know what I was exactly doing. What was the problem? I didn't paste all the plus file contents into the specified jazz2 folder. Ctrl + A all the plus file contents and paste into the jazz2 folder, *then* use plusifer.

However, jj2+ is naturally named jazz2+.exe. When you open Jazz2 from JCS, it opens jazz2.exe. To make JCS open plus, rename jazz2.exe to something like jazz2-.exe. Then you need to rename jazz2+.exe to jazz2.exe.

My best advice for finding music for jj2 levels however, is to look for videogame music or just take a lucky dip (aka just downloading random music) on free music sides like the mod archive.

Love & Thunder
Mar 10, 2014, 07:26 AM
If Plus isn't supporting an MP3(Do what Treylina and Stijn are saying in the above posts first, before concluding that it's Plus, though!), that's possibly a bug with Plus -- take it up with the Plus devs(But again, only if you're 100% sure it's Plus that's broken).

As for the conversion, not sure why that's not working... Also, Stijn's right, converting to a WAV for conversion will create HUGE files. Try as many different formats as you can, though. Maybe you'll find one that works.

Louis K
Mar 10, 2014, 07:27 AM
This is my LAST ATTEMPT!
If it doesn't, I'll blow up this f***ing computer like this! UGH!!


Good bye. buddy.

Mar 10, 2014, 07:29 AM
At 1411 kilobytes per second, a 1 minute, 26 second .WAV file is 14.5 megabytes.

If you apply the .WAV sample to an .S3M file, its size should be just above 14.6 megabytes, regardless of how many times it's played.

Shrinking the size of the .WAV file would probably necessitate adjusting to a lower bit rate - what that means in terms of relative audio quality is practically meaningless until you get to about the bitrate of an .MP3 file.

In other words, .MP3 files are smaller because the bitrate is compressed to a maximum of 320 kbps.

The point of discussion becomes at what point is it noteworthy to compress an audio file? For a 1-second sample, leaving it in .WAV is fine - that will work for module music.

For a 5-minute sample, converting it to .OGG saves disc space - it has higher audio quality, but can't be read by most pre-modernist module trackers.

For general tracking, I suggest using Renoise - you can't apply the instrumental effects that you can in OpenMPT, but you can use a wider range of audio sample formats.

I don't have experience in other trackers, but Renoise uses a modified version of OpenMPT.

Louis K
Mar 10, 2014, 08:04 AM
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FailedFailedFailedFailedFailedFailedFailedFailedFa iledFailedFailedFailedFailedFailedFailedFailed

I tried all of it,
but only answer is just 'Failed'.



OK! That's enough!

I'll never ever trying the using customized music resources to JJ2!

I'm waste my time too many about this, and I'm so tired of this problem..

I don't want saying about this anymore. A N Y M O R E !

I think..this answer will be helpful to my mental.

Mar 10, 2014, 09:25 AM
Failed what? Seriously if you're still trying to convert a mp3 to s3m..stop. There's like 3 people who think this is a bad idea. Not only that, you're using commercial music which you wouldn't be able to upload on j2o. It's also stupidly large just for someone who can't install plus properly.

And... enough with the image macro spam. I'm fine having it for some moments, though after a while it gets obnoxious by filling up the page and having images for the sake of having them. A lot of them are irrevelant anyway.

I wouldn't of made this slightly aggressive post, if you actually explained clearly what happened, and listened to me by trying to make plus work. Is it LK avalon TSF?

Louis K
Mar 10, 2014, 02:23 PM

I'm not trying mp3 to s3m converting anymore!!!!
I was trying mp3 or wav files to on jazz2+!! Not LK avalon! AS YOU SAYING!!!(I know that what are your means very clearly!)

But it just doesn't work!
I really tried all of ways above them! :(

And it only just for playing in my computer, not for share(because Copyright is very important!)

Enough! It just meaningless!
Now I realized that using original musics are best choice.

Mar 10, 2014, 02:47 PM
Again: forget about converting it. You don't need to convert. You can just use the mp3 file as background music, if you run the level in Jazz2+.exe. Rename Jazz2+.exe to Jazz2.exe so it also works when using Save and Run in JCS.

Louis K
Mar 10, 2014, 02:54 PM
if you run the level in Jazz2+.exe. Rename Jazz2+.exe to Jazz2.exe so it also works when using Save and Run in JCS.

Renamed? Where can I renamed the filed? Is it in the JCS or jazz2+.exe(←well actually, I don't thing so..)?
If it is in JCS, where is the filed about that? level properties? or just properties?
One more failed, then I'll show you how am I tried and how to failed.. 'one by one'.

Mar 10, 2014, 02:57 PM
1. Go to your Jazz Jackrabbit 2 folder
2. Rename "Jazz2.exe" to "Jazz2old.exe"
3. Rename "Jazz2+.exe" to "Jazz2.exe"
4. Open your level in JCS
5. Use the mp3 file as background music:
6. Save and Run the level from JCS

Louis K
Mar 11, 2014, 01:27 AM
First, I uninstalled all of JJ2 series, and reinstalled.
and.. follow the suggestion..



Jazz2s(-).exe is old one, and Jazz2.exe is plus.


I tried the way that stijn and Treylina's saying.

the file size is only 21MB.
Well ok..

Let's play it..



Wow.. is the plus version support the beautiful colors like that?
Oh, and also, background is skipped. cool.
(colors are seems just reversaled, but it just screenshot. I never changed the setting.)

Oh, the music?

I'm just hear the only one sound : Beeeeeeeeeeeeee...eeeep - I never hear that horrible sounds in my life..


This screenshot is run with s3m files. musics are perfectly supported, and colors are very fine.
So, It's not a system's problem.

Well anyway.. 'wav'file is failed. Perfectly.
then.. Let's play with mp3..


Oh shit.. not again!..

Is the 'Basical' problem may caused by am I Korean? or what?
I think that.. JCF members are just kidding me :( even admin..


Mar 11, 2014, 01:44 AM
Huh. That's weird. Treylina, do you have any idea?

wogh180, could you use less "funny images" in your posts please? They're distracting..

Mar 11, 2014, 08:19 AM
I have a hard time believing you installed plus properly..or something just went horribly wrong. Did you let all the plus files replace the existing ones when you installed plus? You didn't just cherry-pick certain files in plus.zip? You have to take out all the files from the zip, then put into jj2, not put the zip in the jj2 folder (and no, you do not make a folder for it either). Another guess is you just put bass.dll in, but not much else.

Open plus from your desktop (not jcs). And check at the bottom left corner of the menu. If it just says "1.24" or "1.23" then it's not working. If it says "JJ2 Beta v4.3 (10-30-2013)" then plus should be up. If you tried to patch a version (god knows how) other than 1.23 or 1.24, that may explain why. Plus also gives a different intro image (splash) screen.

I also believe plus dropped support for WAV (or Blur just failed at doing that). Also, the music file may be so big, that jj2 has trouble supporting it. Or it's just bass.dll..I've had an IT file play like that.

I don't ever remember JJ2 getting messed up colours, unless I used 8-bit mode on fullscreen. Also, when you open from JCS, forget putting in the MP3 for now, exit from the level, and check the menu for the same things as the above paragraph.

Also, in single player, if you have no background put in, you get sprite trails like that.

Mar 11, 2014, 11:03 AM
wogh180, could you use less "funny images" in your posts please? They're distracting..No! I love them.big postThis is correct.

Please reinstall JJ2+ correctly. If your Jazz2+.exe crashes on a MP3 file, it can only mean it doesn't run the extra code and is a vanilla exe.

Louis K
Mar 11, 2014, 08:39 PM
I have a hard time believing you installed plus properly..or something just went horribly wrong. Did you let all the plus files replace the existing ones when you installed plus? You didn't just cherry-pick certain files in plus.zip? You have to take out all the files from the zip, then put into jj2, not put the zip in the jj2 folder (and no, you do not make a folder for it either). Another guess is you just put bass.dll in, but not much else.

Open plus from your desktop (not jcs). And check at the bottom left corner of the menu. If it just says "1.24" or "1.23" then it's not working. If it says "JJ2 Beta v4.3 (10-30-2013)" then plus should be up. If you tried to patch a version (god knows how) other than 1.23 or 1.24, that may explain why. Plus also gives a different intro image (splash) screen.

I also believe plus dropped support for WAV (or Blur just failed at doing that). Also, the music file may be so big, that jj2 has trouble supporting it. Or it's just bass.dll..I've had an IT file play like that.

I don't ever remember JJ2 getting messed up colours, unless I used 8-bit mode on fullscreen. Also, when you open from JCS, forget putting in the MP3 for now, exit from the level, and check the menu for the same things as the above paragraph.

Also, in single player, if you have no background put in, you get sprite trails like that.

I know I know I know!
I check that all of it every times but I can't find any errors!(I checked the titles,versions are very different. Jazz is stand on the right side, and Spaz is shooting to Devan on the left. right?)

And, the problem is much bigger..


now, JJ2+ is not opened.
there is no problem to open the JJ2+ yesterday, but.. not today..
what happend to me??
I tried the uninstalling and reinstalling several times, turn off the computer and turn it on again, but it's not solved!
I really open it on the yesterday! but why not today?:confused:

Louis K
Mar 11, 2014, 10:33 PM

And also, I checked that DirectX is prefectly installed and have no problem. beside, other JJ2 series are still working well. 'ONLY' JJ2+ have a problem.

Can you explain what happend to me, and how to I solve it?

Mar 12, 2014, 04:57 AM
And also, I checked that DirectX is prefectly installed and have no problem. beside, other JJ2 series are still working well. 'ONLY' JJ2+ have a problem.

Can you explain what happend to me, and how to I solve it?

That error is actually a legit bug in JJ2+ that happens when JJ2+ was last shut down in fullscreen mode. As a fullscreen player myself, the best workaround that I could find was starting JJ2+ with the -menu flag to skip the intro videos. Oh, and the good news is that it's also proof that you are running JJ2+!

So try editing the JJ2+ shortcut to include the -menu flag and then run it. Put in the -menu flag like this:


Also, if .mp3 files still don't run. Double check if bass.dll resides in the same directory as Jazz2.exe, plus.exe, and plus.dll.

Hope this helps! :)

Love & Thunder
Mar 12, 2014, 05:26 AM
EDIT: Make a shortcut.

Mar 12, 2014, 05:28 AM
Yeah.. I can't..
There is 'no' filed on my computer.. Sadly..:(He's not editing properties of his Jazz2.exe, but of a shortcut to Jazz2.exe. Notice how he's got five tabs to choose from and you only have four.

EDIT: What Robo said.

Louis K
Mar 12, 2014, 06:35 AM
Well.. now I'm just understand..

But.. It's still have a problem - too slow and musics are skipped, sometimes suddenly paused. for example..


at first time, it seems really working well.
but it just only one second.. after that..


screens are a bit dark, musics are skipped, and doesn't react at all even I press enter and any keys.

and just a moment, Demo is activated, it seems like this.



Wow.. Demo is paused.
is it possible on JJ2+? really? I can't belive it!



Why are always Icons moving like that after quit the game?
It wasn't moved when I quit JJ2 and TSF..ever..

Perfectly I think, my computer is just shit!!

Louis K
Mar 12, 2014, 06:46 AM
Wait.. ↑Do you think is it on the topic?
When topic are changed to 'wogh180's trobles about JJ2+' is?←It seems very very offtopic!

whatever, JJ2+ is still doesn't working properly on my computer..

Mar 12, 2014, 07:30 AM
Well.. now I'm just understand..

But.. It's still have a problem - too slow and musics are skipped, sometimes suddenly paused. for example..


at first time, it seems really working well.
but it just only one second.. after that..


screens are a bit dark, musics are skipped, and doesn't react at all even I press enter and any keys.

and just a moment, Demo is activated, it seems like this.



Wow.. Demo is paused.
is it possible on JJ2+? really? I can't belive it!



Why are always Icons moving like that after quit the game?
It wasn't moved when I quit JJ2 and TSF..ever..

Perfectly I think, my computer is just shit!!

This is not a bug. This happens when you click on the desktop background during windowed JJ2, plus or not. I just did this myself...just click once on the JJ2 window again to activate. Or try fullscreen. You also appear to have 8-bit mode on, and I'd recommend switching to 16-bit (most levels look better with it, and 8-bit mode has been known to mess up colours).

Oh, and that fullscreen bug happens to everyone. It's a plus bug, but I guess the devs aren't so bothered about fixing it, because of the fairly easy workaround. I make it skip to menu in the settings (right click icon, Properties which is at bottom, then shortcut next to furthest left at top) like Slaz did.

And uhhhm...Jazz2.exe(2) looks like you didn't do the renaming correctly. Like you renamed Jazz2+.exe to Jazz2.exe, (but when windows realises you have 2 of the same filename, it usually adds a (2) at the end), but you didn't rename the original Jazz2.exe first. No wonder it's not working on JCS >_>. From previous screenshots it looks like you renamed the original Jazz2.exe, so all you need to do is rename Jazz2.exe(2) to jazz2.exe in the JJ2 folder.

Don't blame your computer for everything wrong that happens. Most of the time, it's just the user or the program.

Louis K
Mar 12, 2014, 08:23 AM
Err.. that's not a correct answer what I want ,but I understand what are you mean.
(I think It seems very ridiculous. because we play the game for joy or take some rest. not for uncomfortable or stressed.:()

P.S. Treylina, I'm very sorry, but if I run it fullscreen, It's perfectly stopped.
No sounds, No reacts, Only black screen.:(

Mar 12, 2014, 09:40 AM
Err.. that's not a correct answer what I want ,but I understand what are you mean.

I'm sure I answered at least something, you know, about the screen going dark and muting the music:

This is not a bug. This happens when you click on the desktop background during windowed JJ2, plus or not. I just did this myself...just click once on the JJ2 window again to activate. You also appear to have 8-bit mode on, and I'd recommend switching to 16-bit (most levels look better with it, and 8-bit mode has been known to mess up colours. Like those inverted colours may have been caused by 8-bit)

I have vista, so JJ2 might behave a little differently on XP. Try clicking on the jj2 window more if nothing comes back to normal (you only said about pressing keyboard buttons, which isn't supposed to do anything during pause mode).

Louis K
Mar 12, 2014, 09:00 PM
I really don't know why, but today.. It's working properly!
even it doesn't errored when I use the wav or mp3 files and any work!

Perfect! YAY!
but.. I'll use the original musics instead when I upload this levels... I'm afraid about copyrights. :)

Anyway, Thanks to your help Everyone!
(well.. I still have only one question : why are they working sucks before? anyone who knows?)

P.S. Umm.. will this thread be closed? IDK..

Louis K
Mar 14, 2014, 02:03 AM
P.S. Hello everyone, I have one more silly question : May I use the JJ3's music to JJ2+ when I upload files? I loved it!

Please answer to me yes or not.:) (because I'm afraid of the copyrights..)

Mar 14, 2014, 02:48 AM
Yes, that is no problem.

Louis K
Mar 14, 2014, 02:55 AM
Yes, that is no problem.

Good to hear that! Thanks! :)
(oh, and new pages!)

Louis K
Mar 24, 2014, 05:21 AM
I'm very sorry to with the bad&offtopic news when I always upload new posts..



I bought a new computer few weeks ago(I post about it other thread : Attention everyone) So, my new OS is Windows 8 now.(and with 4GB RAM 8D)

I think it'll be much(nope, VERY) more propely working JJ2+ rather than former computer.
'Yeah, It's a new computer! maybe I can enjoy JJ2+ with fullscreen very propely!'
With a happiness feeling, I install JJ2 and convert JJ2+ properly yesterday.
It seems no problems to run JJ2+ at the first time..

But when I play it.. it still.. working on the windows..
Well.. that's ok. it'll be solved by change the settings. So I changed fullscreen mode.

Then the result?..

Running very Sloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooowly.


yeah.. much more slower than before.. wait.. what?! why is it 'slower'?
It's Windows 8! but why is it much more slower than when run it on XP?(at least, the former computer is NOT slow like this!! NEVER!! Really 'at least'!)
And so sadly, TSF, JJ2 are also.. slow on fullscreen mode..

I can not understand.

Is JJ2+ not supported on Windows 8 properly? or what's the problem exactly?
I just want to know the reasons of this slow.
(Fortunately, it does working properly on windows screen. only troubled on fullscreen mode..)

Somebody Help me Please!! I don't want to stress about it anymore!!

P.S. OpenMPT is now working very properly on my computer :D (fucking XP..)
Oh, and I'm never use the joystick. Don't get me wrong. XD

Mar 24, 2014, 05:51 AM
Yeah, Windows 8 has been known to have problems with JJ2. It's to do with the new direct X incompatibility, iirc. If I were you would not of gotten it. It's one the main reasons I'm not upgrading to 8. The plus team had been trying to fix it lately but it was more difficult than they previously thought.

Mar 24, 2014, 09:02 AM
Every Windows 8 (and 8.1) user will have the same problem. It's due to an issue with the way Windows 8 handles 'DirectDraw' fullscreen mode in combination with either a double or triple video buffer. DirectDraw is considered outdated, and it's mostly just old games that are affected. That may be why Microsoft hasn't ever bothered to fix it..

Anyway, I found this workaround about a year ago, and posted it in the Windows 8 thread (http://www.jazz2online.com/jcf/showthread.php?t=19369). It goes like this:

1: Go to the DirectX Settings. Appears to be hidden in Windows8, download this cpl component shortcut: directx.cpl (http://www.sendspace.com/file/61ai7t)
2: Make sure you open this applet with admin rights, proceed if you have.
3: Go to the DirectDraw tab and untick the checkbox Use Hardware Acceleration.
4: Make sure you do this on DirectDraw only, as disabling hardware accel on Direct3D will likely break modern games. Just don't casually tick anything else.
5: Press OK to apply settings. If you have JJ2 open, restart it to take effect.


Just make sure you right-click directx.cpl and open as administrator. Also, if the applet doesn't work at all, you may need to download the DirectX 9.0c package (http://www.directxupdate.com/) as Windows 8 doesn't come with the full DirectX set.

Louis K
Mar 24, 2014, 02:36 PM
So perfectly solved! Thanks Slaz!
(I hope this is my last question.. :()