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The Trasher

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The Trasher is doing well so far

Oct 7, 2002, 05:51 AM
The Trasher is offline
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What has my old stomping grounds come to?

Oooookay. What is this? JJCF? Or the freegin' INA forums, where people beech on about the new Translocator being blue? Or the textures looking strange on their outdated 3d card? Or because UT2003 ISN'T UT. Just like JAZZ GBA WON'T BE JAZZ 2.

At least the game has a steady style to it, not jumping between cartoony and semi-realistic. Devan's remix kinda reminds me of Lord Helmet in SPACEBALLS, kinda. "I was right... I AM SURROUNDED BY (-)!"

Face it folks. The reason that Jazz GBA doesn't look like Jazz 2 is because... well... it's a completely different game. And that's good, as a direct port of Jazz 2 would result in absolutely NO sales (Admit it). And as someone else said earlier (Couldn't be bothered checking who) it's been a long time since a GLIMMER OF HOPE FOR a new Jazz game. And when one's announced, you all (-) (/) (/).

And OF COURSE it's meant to be like a Starwars rip-off. Starwars is pretty much a parody of itself nowadays, a barely-moving target. So why not let the Jazz team take a few pot-shots?

Geeez, some people... *bangs head on desk*

Derby: Content/Context/Filter bypass edit. Stop with the offenses.

Last edited by Derby; Oct 7, 2002 at 12:21 PM.