Thread: The Conquistar
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Coppertop is doing well so far

Mar 24, 2003, 11:27 AM
Coppertop is offline
I'm not really supposed to get on on the weekends. Sorry.
But! There is some now.

Four hours of both hyperspeed and hyper Kaz, the hyperdrive cut out and the sublight engines came on. They came out into realspace with a slight lurch, and the Rialli system lay before them.
Tec was the fourth planet in a ten planet system. It had three moons, one small and quick, one middle-sized and erratic, and the largest, ponderous and slow.
The largest one was the only one that was tidally locked with Tec, so it presented the same face all the time for Teken inspection. Obviously the Kiyrenin would be hidden on the dark side.
Well, close to it. Situated so that it was eternally dusk, the Kiyrenin facility was well disguised. KRSplat saw them and pointed them out.
"Those are buildings," he said wearily. Copper didn't blame him. Four ambushes - no, five. KRSplat had gone through less, but if she was tired, what must he and Acid be feeling like? "I worked in one as a guard," he continued. "At Ikann'a. They're quite clever. They'll have minimum sensor arrays - too much power and they risk being found. Probably just life support and whatever small needs they have."
"Good job," she said cheerily. "See, that's why you're here."
"Thanks. And all along I thought it was my charming, magnetic personality."
"Or lack of it," she teased. Then, "Claw, cut power to everything except for engines, life-support and the comm."
"Good. Shinyso - blast. Sorry, guys. I forget sometimes."
"I do, too," Claw admitted. "Flight path takes us to just beyond sensor range. Shields stable. Artificial gravity has been cut."
"I think you read my mind," she accused. Claw shrugged noncommitally.
"Maybe I did."
The Assassin glided in lower and lower. No lights showed on their exterior.
"Ten meters," Claw said. "Repulsorlifts engaged. Engine power at half."
"Just a bit further ..."
"Three meters. Engine power cut to one eighth. One meter - at designated landing coordinates. Engine power cut to nothing. Repulsorlifts at half. Forward momentum ceased."
"Good job. How high are we?"
"Two meters, according to this."
"Cur repusorlifts to a quarter. Evaluator, I'd like to tell you to stay here, but we'll probably need you."
- My presence is not necessary. -
"Okay. Mind explaining?"
- It is self-explanatory. - The scanners brightened, and the schematics for a Protector-class, hyperdrive-enabled starfighter lit up a spare screen.
"One Protector coming in," Claw said quietly. "Identified as Fire Chaser."
"It's Shonar. If I didn't know better I'd think he has this ability to know when I need his skills. I wondered why you were so quiet during the flight, Eval, but you weren't even there."
- Good guess. I wondered when you'd figure it out. -
"It took me a bit. You're blasted lucky that I'm used to flying alone."
- Nevertheless. I don't have to come along now, right? I can stay here, for your ... getaway. -
"Good thinking, though I'd have like to leave Shonar out of this."
- Too late, - Evaluator said sardonically. - He's already in this up to his little bronze-furred ears. -
"Yeah, but they don't know that. Oh, well." She turned on the comm.
"Fire Chaser, this is the Gryheli 72. Land and cut power to minimum. We will explain then."
"Gryheli, Fire Chaser acknowledges. Following orders." A moment later, "Copper, what's going on? Eval never really explained."
"Then Eval can tell you," Copper said in gleeful satisfaction. "Since he called you here."
A silence. Then, "interesting. I can help, too. Well."
"Good. Let's go."

Shonar "borrowed" Claw's wrist computer for about ten minutes, and handed it back with an almost complete map of the installation on it. Claw only blinked when he saw it. Clearly he knew what his computer could do.
The installation map bore the name of Serinnik on it. Shonar (being the security expert he was) had also downloaded a pile of passwords on it. He was a very handy person to have around. So was Claw, for that matter.
"They're probably being held where the security cameras aren't," Shonar reasoned. "Just in case someone does decide to slice in ... like I have. They wouldn't want someone seeing who they've brainwashed, or how."
"Good thinking," she congratulated. "So somewhere in these back rooms. I can't use Shale, they'll sense it. Radium can't come, unless he gets caught. Crystal, I want you to stay here under cover and pick those guards off. The less we have to contend with, the better. Defalcon, Kaz, you're backup. Acid, KRSplat, Claw, come with me. Shonar, you too. Evaluator is, of course, staying here. Ready?"
Unanimous agreement at her descisions was expressed. She grinned in anticipation.
"Excellent. Let's go, shall we?"

Neh, nastiness in the next chappie.