Thread: The Conquistar
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Coppertop is doing well so far

Mar 26, 2003, 11:45 AM
Coppertop is offline
Hey, Rad actually replied
Just because I'm not supposed to get on during weekends doesn't mean I don't. And Kaz: None of the above. Lessee ... infiltration, escapees, and betrayal. You know what I mean.

The Kiyrenin Serinnik was impressive. Sterile, gleaming with white tile and steel, it was not haunted like the Venomstrike's equally sterile interior had been. It was functional, but not decorative. Copper approved.
Very few creatures were in the halls. Those who were fell prey to KRSplat, Claw or Shonar, who were all excellent with blasters. Copper would have helped, but she dealt with Shonar's map. Shonar himself often called a brief halt while he jammed the security measures that were in place. Doors opened silently before him; cameras turned a blind eye. Their passage was unnoticed.
The final door that stood between them and their target would not open. Shonar growled under his breath, stood back, and motioned for Acid to use his RF launcher, which the green-furred scientist did with a will. When the dust cleared, the door was nonexistant, and a confused, dazed Electrik was on the other side.
"Acid? Quite the entrance, huh?" he said, shaking his head dizzily. "The colors they used on these walls are really fantastic."
"Uh, sure. C'mon, Electrik, we gotta get out of here."
"Sure. Any time."
Panicked voices in the hall, and the sound of running feet. Copper also shook her head in confusement. Where was Shinyso?
"Right here. Turn around ... slowly."
"I see," she said coldly, sensing without seeing that the black rabbit had his saber at the ready. She did not turn.
"I wondered when you were coming," Shinyso continued quietly. "I see that the Kiyrenin still underestimate your determination."
"Willpower solves a lot of problems."
"Even so."
Now Copper turned to face him. She was relaxed, and ignored the fact that her sword was not ready. He was only slightly tensed, ready for any attack. The voices and sounds in the background receded in the face of a very real, and present, danger.
"If you go peacefully, leaving behind the Chaos Mage and any magical artifacts you possess," he continued casually, "we probably won't kill you. You have my word on that - the Kiyrenin's word."
"At the moment," she said slowly, "the Kiyrenin's word, and yours, mean spit. With the state you're in, I wouldn't believe you if you told me that space was vacuum."
"Ah. So."
"Yeah. So, you can put away that pigsticker and come along, or stay here and ultimately die."
"Quite the choice. Unfortunately, it is neither yours to present nor mine to make. You see, the Kiyrenin have convinced me. We will have the Chaos Mage, by force or not."
"That's not you speaking. You know - or knew - that the 'Chaos Mage' does have a name. And he's his own man, not some tool to be possessed."
"None of that matters. Electrik, come here."
Electrik backed away. His normally charged fur was like any other rabbit's at the moment.
"Oh no you don't. That thing may have worked on you, my wayward friend, but it hasn't affected my thinking yet. Copper's right. You're demented."
"Just convinced. You will be too, if you listen to them."
"Man, I don't want to be convinced. I want to be Electrik, myself, not Electrik, Kiyrenin. I like the way I think right now. You are not messing with my mind, buddy."
"As you will," Shinyso said, his voice calm and even. He lowered his sword slightly, fixing his gaze on the would-be convert.
Electrik hesitated, stepped forward slightly. Then he caught himself. Acid grabbed his arm to keep him in place. Shonar and Claw were hesitant to attack their one-time companion.
Suddenly Acid spun and fired at the white-tiled wall behind them. A terrific crash resulted, and the wall collapsed. He turned and began backing through the hole, pulling Electrik with him.
Shinyso paced gracefully forward, through the dust and debris. He was perfectly calm and reserved, no anger or emotion on his face. Copper fell back uncertainly.
"Come on! Let's move it here!" Defalcon yelled at her, from beyond the opening. Her backup had arrived just in time. Kaz had already grabbed Electrik and was laborously flying back to the Assassin. Shinyso shook his head sadly.
"Running won't help now, my friend," he informed Coppertop. "When he wants something, the master gets it. Right now, he wants your Mage, Radium." He said Radium's name as if it was something foul. She understood. Faithful Kiyrenin, even prospective Kiyrenin, weren't supposed to have unique names or personalities, just powers. Tools.
"Your master will have to work a bit harder, my friend," she spat back. "Maybe when you've come to your senses, you'll realize that. Cause we're not giving Radium up without a fight. He'll die before he becomes Kiyrenin."
Now Shinyso showed emotion; his eyes blazed with an unnatural fury that was not his. He raised his sword and advanced.
My master will not be denied, mercenary fool, his voice echoed in her head. You are stupid to oppose him. He gave you a chance at life, and you have thrown it away in favor of death. Listen to this then; even now, Kiyrenin assemble. Those you knew will join them; Ducky and Wild Angel, any with artifacts of power, even the Faders. Sharrakamov will be ensnared; Pirelann will be persuaded, and they will join us willingly.
Faders like Sharrakamov and Pirelann were incorruptible. The old Shinyso knew this. Therefore, this was not Shinyso speaking.
He lunged forward, and Shale scraped out of the sheath, blade blazing with brilliant white light. His saber clanged on her sword, sending a vibration up her arms. She held steady as Shonar and Claw slipped out past her. Defalcon waited impatiently.
"Now you die," Shinyso rasped. She shrugged as if it did not matter to her. She met his next attack easily, but her slashed leg was hampering her movements. She gasped as she took a wrong step and it screamed in protest.
Steadily he drove her back. She had seen this before, with the striped Captain whose name she did not know, who Radium had slain. But Shinyso did not drive her back with brute force, but rather with dazzling skill. His mind-voice taunted her all the while.
The twilight of the land outside was a haven. She twisted her blade around suddenly, catching his and sending it out of line. He paused to recover, and she seized her chance. Sheathing her sword, she spun and ran, favoring her injured and newly reawakened leg. The rough terrain caused her to stumble, but she did not fall. Halfway to her ship, she turned and drew her blaster, snapping off a shot to slow the warrior who pursued her. Then she turned and sought safety in the Assassin, in space, with her friends, far away from one of her closest friends, who had turned traitor to all he had believed in.

THIS is a long chapter.