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Lem_Gambino is doing well so far

Feb 24, 2004, 06:46 AM
Lem_Gambino is offline
L_G smirked. "Riiiight. Since you're adept at plane warping, perhaps you could assist me in-"
"OMG IT'S GIANT RABBIT WHO'S COME TO KILL US ALL!!!11" screams Bulla. "MOMMMEEEEE!!!!!!" She runs down the street in direction Vegeta and Bulma want, screaming like the screaming person that she is.
"Don't mind her," grunts Trunks, "She has an IQ of about 5 or so, give or take a few points."
L_G sweatdrops. "Like I was saying, perhaps you could give us a hand in getting me back home. That is, if you're not in the middle of something else. And no, I'm coming to YOUR plane, but then again, you exist and EVERY plane, so I guess it's impossible to escape you." L_G laughs. "If you want to know, my home dimension is Animenia."

Progress on Interceptor II: 2%
Time until Kamikura and Tracy finish tanning: ~2 hours
Time until Archie arrives: ~one day
Time until Jeanie's Hot Pockets are done: 2 minutes.

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