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The SlaYeR

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The SlaYeR is doing well so far

Jul 15, 2004, 06:28 AM
The SlaYeR is offline
We will continue in the order of which we have written the chapters.
Not everyone is done yet, so we can not make an order yet. But everyone that has already posted in this round (The introduction chapters) can't write anymore.

Wait, let me put that nicer.
Please do not write another chapter if you have already written.
Contact me trough pm or on mIRC Velkie.

I will post a grid if everyone is finished with his/her chapter.
So far, Ax, Cobra and Velkasha still have to post a chapter.
And i guess we can continue this afterwards. Thanks for your patience and Kazooie, thanks for editing.
I guess you could post it if is of importance to your character, since you only posted a small chapter, i think the rest of us are pretty much finished.
Kaz, make sure not to call it chapter nine because that could get confusing, just call it 'A continuation of my previous chapter.' Thanks for helping out.