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Jan 28, 2005, 10:49 AM
Cobra is offline
Part x34298208.4


It was still with her. Stars, those blazing masses of burning gas, so distant that they were like flecks, distant reflections cast by some miraculous diamond. Even through the rapidly-curling corners of her sight where the stars were being consumed by inwardly-folding explosions of purple and orange, it was beautiful. The haze of her mind was trying to blend it into the cloud of other nearly-forgotten memories, but it was if they were burned into whatever remained of her eyes.
But those stars! She had seen them before, had she not? They didn’t move, but when was she able to see them? Common sense would suggest that she had seen them, but she could not remember. Perhaps she was thinking too much, perhaps she should instead try to catch one of the fleeting memories. But they escaped her so easily.
Her brain had been slowed by the Jade Dawn, no doubt. She could think clearer than this once. It hit her that she had been sitting in the place they left her for quite some time. It just had not registered in her brain to get up.
Perhaps this mental haze was how she and her siblings were enslaved. With addled brains from the poisoned water, they were encouraged to bury all thoughts deep within the poison. Once it became habit, then they would only drift deeper and deeper into the haze until their bodies were mindless vegetables. But who wanted vegetables? Who wanted worthless bodies that consumed resources?
Of balance and long-suffering they had been taught; noble goals indeed, but also an underhand way of making slaves. How foolish had she been! Running to them to flee from herself, only to find that her comforter had been using her. She cursed herself for letting herself fall for such a ploy, and tried to rise. Her feet felt like they were smoldering with streaks of pain linking the places where her damp knees had came in contact with the green-powdered ground. Staggering against the wall, the open wounds on her paws grated against the rough surface, causing her eyes to burn with tears, literally. She shrieked and fell, trying to keep her paws from sinking into her sockets. Was there still some Jade Dawn in her eyes?
They had poured a fluid on her. That’s what she needed to find. One arm was forced away from her eyes and she started feeling around her robe in hopes of finding some hidden concentration of it. Panic was breaking through her normally deathly calm mind. She had to find it, somewhere! Somewhere somehow before it burned clear through her head, or before her self-possessed limbs killed her.
The hem of her robes! It seemed that the fluid had traveled down (as fluids often do) and had collected in the worn hem of her robes. She forced her other hand down and breathed a sigh of relief as she heard the rippling snap of fabric tearing. Before it was all completely separated she was already pressing it deep into her eyes. It hurt with a dull pain, but it the fire was gone.
Rising painfully to her feet, she tried to take a few steps but proceeded to walk into a wall. After regaining her bearings, she tied the fabric around her head. Hands were necessary for finding her way. Keeping one paw on the wall, the other stretched out in front of herself, she went straight ahead at a leery pace. It was no easy task trying to maneuver. Maybe if she crawled? No, she couldn’t let herself do that. She would be too vulnerable. She tried to concentrate on her feet, namely feeling the ground beneath her as she walked to see when pavement turned to grass or gravel. It was far from fast as she grazed her nails on the ground so less uniform than the crystal floors she once knew.
When the wall ended, she stopped and contemplated. It took quite some time for her brain to realize that she had been just standing there stupidly, just thinking about what to do next. With no other options, she just continued ahead.
Where did she want to go? While she was lying on her back as her vision faded, the clear stars had brought back a memory. They had been that clear ages ago, at the Pneum Arlik. Finally her mind registered a place! She could not remember where she grew up, but that place had been significant. Somehow. She was there once, was she not?
As time ebbed in a fashion she could not sense in the slightest, she made progress into a town of sorts, as far as she could tell. The other creatures were invisible to her, but far from silent as she heard whispers of soft, fading steps away from her. Soon the soft steps became more of a clatter, and there were people talking. It was a language that she knew, but she could not hear more than gasps and someone telling another not to stare. Not that it mattered, not like she would ever catch anyone ever staring at her again.
If she had emotions, she would have cried.
For the most part, the creatures avoided her, running away or holding still, thinking they could hide but she could still hear their breathing. Her aching fingers grazed one of the hiders once, and it inhaled sharply but stayed still. As much as she wanted to cry out about the injustice, she remained silent.
The loyal ground revealed to her that she was in a town, for the surface became more polished and there were fewer clumps of grass. The walls were sandstone though, she could tell from the roughness, especially after she ran into one, bashing her knee and chin into it. Facing defeat and with no logic to help her, she sat with her back to the wall and listlessly felt the wind caressing her lips.
“For the love of…what are you?” she heard. Who was the speaker? To her left, about a yard away, somewhat feminine yet rougher than a woman’s wont. “I...I am lost. Tell me, how can I get to the Pneum Arlik?” she didn’t know what else to say. She pulled at the wallet, debating with herself. If she offered this person money, she’d never know if she had enough, or if was robbed, and there was no way she could put her fate in the hands of a stranger.
Paws tentatively reached for her arms, trying not to touch the open sores. She recoiled, but the touch was gentle. “I am not going to hurt you. Please, I only want to help you. My name is Erditine.” She could feel retracted claws on her rescuer’s paws, and fur rougher than her own, yet not completely ragged. The jerk upwards revealed Erditine was not too strong.
“I need to get to the Pneum Arlik, please. I-I will pay you for your trouble if you do no harm to me.” She raised the wallet, but kept her fingers clenched about it incase they tried to take it from her. “There is nothing to worry about, my friend. My path takes me there, and you will be no burden. We are not far.” They linked arms, and started off with a pace so much more confident than she had been in ages.
“Thank you.” She uttered silently. “I would have been alone in the dark if you had not stopped for me.”
“Think nothing of it. Who would I be, to leave someone wandering alone? It is for this reason that our society has fallen to war and left our souls desolate and searching.” Then there was a silence that she hardly noticed. While her reality was still dawning upon her, Erditine broke the silence. “What is your name, my friend?”
She did not know what to say. Her school had given no one a name, to unify them. They had been encouraged to call the others siblings to show no favoritism. Was there a name for her before her siblings took her in? “I do not have a name.”
“Every being has a name, and every name has a meaning. Even if you do not have one to tell me, there must be one that only you know. Until you reveal it to yourself, I shall call you Neoma, for I know that you have traveled far.”
“How do you know this?”
“I am a seer. It was revealed to me the moment I saw you.” She, Neoma for now, remembered how amongst her siblings there were supposed seers who divined in the waters. Already she had distrust for Erditine.
“This is no ordinary time. There is a new era for this age, and all the beings of Magic are being drawn to this area. Each race has a different reason and a different legend that pulls them, but they are all being called. Even the ones who have forsaken the old ways are feeling the calling on their souls.” As Erditine spoke, she felt something radiate heat next to her right shoulder, and a slight ruffle of her fur. “A fire pixie! See, they are coming! Ah…I am sorry. I forgot.”
“Think nothing of it, and do not let my affliction affect your method of speech.”
Erditine shifted slightly, then regained her composure and they started walking at a faster pace. “But as I was saying, even the creatures who deny the magic inside them are arriving. Even vile creatures in which there is no hope and nothing truly alive about them are regrowing their souls. Something important is happening.”
Then silence. Erditine hummed some epic to herself as they crunched though the undergrowth, and she tripped a couple times over some hidden branches. Something pulled at her mind for a moment, asking if this was an uncomfortable silence, but it faded into the haze.
please leave the satanic fish alone