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JCF Éminence Grise

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Aug 19, 2005, 04:29 PM
Violet CLM is offline
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They've done with the Jazz part, and I'm assuming it won't be returned to in the next half hour or so. Here's a summary of what was said:

- CliffyB gets an e-mail every two weeks asking where the JJ2 source code is. He does not know where it is. He will ask Arjan about it the next time they see each other, but in the meantime, there is really no point in emailing Cliffy for the source code.
- That said, he does not know if the source code will be released. His answer was "Maybe".
- Going into his pitch a little more, instead of describing Jazz as a super-uber-pimp, he's more like Batman. He has a dayjob and a night job fighting crime in the capital city of Carrotus (name not given).
- About a year and a half ago CliffyB went to Hollywood with this idea trying to get a TV show made out of Jazz to strike up some interest before they actually made the next game. He found a producer and stuff, but then interest eventually fizzled for some reason not given. He didn't say anything about future attempts.
- Apparently Jazz looks like a Warner Brothers character (Animaniacs?) - this really has nothing to do with anything but I thought I'd mention it anyway.
- DJ Wheat gave a big plug to, praising the community, the stuff we have for download, the online servers and stuff. Apparently he even got online and played a few games, no idea what name he used.